A/N: Like I said before, I've mostly moved across to Archive of our under the same name
I am also rewriting this story to clean it up but I figured it would make sense to finish post what I already had here.
Also, In case anybody asks again, all plans for a pairing have been halted. I started this story when I was young and as I've grown up I discovered that I cannot write romance and I'd rather write about found family and close friendships. Please respect this decision.
Minato drifted to consciousness lazily, fairly sure that what awaited him was not anything pleasant. Sure enough, the minute he became aware of his body, he winced. He hadn't gotten that trashed for years and he was not enjoying it. His mind was nearly silent except for Orpheus's faint strumming, low and soothing. He would've drifted back to sleep under the lullaby if he didn't suddenly notice that his bed was much, much more comfortable than usual. That sudden realization brought him suddenly awake, eyes snapping open in slight panic.
Calm! Calm down! Orpheus soothed, using the gentle tones that he had often used in Minato's childhood when he was frightened and injured. That's it, take a breath. Relax. We are here and we're not going anywhere. You're in a safe place.
Under the calming flow of the musician's voice he gradually relaxed. Unfortunately, his injuries chose that moment to protest quite loudly against moving. He choked on his breath as the ache soared and an unbidden whimper left his throat. He felt utterly pulverized. Like if every organ in his lower body was removed and stuffed back in with no order or sense.
Minato had been impaled before. Quite severely too. But this magnitude of ache was the worst he had ever suffered. And for some odd reason he couldn't remember why his shoulder hurt so much.
Post-Dark hour mornings were akin to waking up with a hangover -not that he would know- full of pain and unpleasant for all involved. Minato never drank alcohol for a few reasons. The first, was that he was underage. He flat out ignored the law most of the time, so it wasn't the deciding factor. The second reason was that it tasted bad. His life sucked enough without tasting bad things.
The final reason was that, he was a teenager with supernatural powers who had to fight for survival every night. Who in their right mind would give a kid like that alcohol? Losing control of his own mind could let his magic go out of control or get him killed. Personally, Minato liked living. So, he was very much inclined to leave the stuff alone.
Point being, Minato had no idea how he left the battle field last night and had no idea where he woke up. He was having a wonderful experience of waking up after getting blackout drunk without the getting drunk part.
In a wonderful change of pace, your lungs, are alright. You mostly have external damage, a heck of a lot of bruising and then there's the wonderful mush that was your intestines.
…Do you know where we are?
Sorry, Suzaku took you to the most protected place in the city.
Which is…?
The shrine. The priest was very helpful.
A lazy and tired silver eye opened to survey the traditional wood ceiling. Now he had a name to the place, he realized the calm caress of energy was familiar. The air carried weight and power, bolstering his drained reserves. He sighed in satisfaction and snuggled deeper into the futon.
You were out for eight hours. You missed school.
I care very little right now. I feel like I was repeatedly hit with a truck and I'm in a nice, comfortable nest. I don't want to care for another twelve hours at least.
Orpheus sighed. Go back to sleep you narcoleptic twat.
Minato smiled lightly and let the darkness sweep over his consciousness once more.
The second time Minato awoke, he felt the presence of a Persona user in the room. With his eyes closed and breath even, he cautiously sniffed the air. The unknown didn't possess much in terms of magical strength but radiated a wild physical strength that outstripped Minato's own-even when reinforced-by miles. The man smelt heavily of metal and rust.
A rough hand touched his forehead without warning and Minato startled badly, eyes snapping open and body convulsing as he instinctually tried to move away and promptly regretted it. He still disregarded it and tried his best to scramble up and away.
"Woah! WOAH! Calm down kid!"
Tangled in quilt and in quite a bit of pain, Minato snarled ineffectively. The Persona User in question just stared wide eyed as the wounded teenager hissed warningly at him, looking like a small puffed up kitten buried in blankets. Completely harmless looking.
"Calm down kid! I ain't gonna hurt ya!"
A single visible silver eye fixed him in a baleful glare. The summoner shifting uncomfortably as his injuries ached harshly and his vision swam in pain.
"Shinjiro, we met before. Don't you remember?"
Minato blinked several times to clear his wavering vision, properly taking in the other teenager.
"…oh." He said faintly, finally registering the face before him.
The much larger teenager looked very much out of place in traditional Japanese clothes, dressed in a priest's uniform. He looked very odd.
Convinced that Shinjiro meant no harm, Minato allowed himself to crumple and sprawl back on the futon limply. His injuries pulsed and he bit back another cry. Gentle hands helped him rearrange his flimsy body into a position that didn't hurt as much.
"…Your fever broke." The brunet commented.
The gruff man looked bemused. "Tch. You were collapsed on the front yard and bleeding all over the place. What else was I supposed to do?"
"Take me to the hospital, maybe?"
"I had no idea how to explain shadow injuries." He said bluntly. "You know any healing spells? Cause I ain't know shit."
"I know a little…"
"Good enough." Shinjiro barked. "You need to sit up or something?"
Orpheus, should I…?
…Your leg has pretty serious damage, the mush of your insides is patching up fine but a Diarama might be best. It's still bleeding out.
In response, he raised his lesser injured hand and a blue temperance card appeared. He crushed it and Suzaku appeared again in a blaze of velvet blue. An impressive corona of gold and scarlet filled the room, the phoenix nearly not fitting in the space. The bird crooned softly at him and cast its strongest healing magics over him, focusing on the missing chunk of his leg and the stab in his shoulder. Minato bit his lip harshly as a massive case of pins and needles raced up his bad leg. Job done, the phoenix elegantly bowed out of reality.
Minato lay limp for a few more seconds, reveling in the significant, but not total, drop in his pain levels. The world looked so much wider and brighter and wonderful when there wasn't a chunk missing from your leg.
"Your persona doesn't suit you."
A sliver of mercury cracked open.
"How do you know? Behind this mask of indifference, I could be a flaming and flamboyant diva."
Shinjiro gave that remark the utterly flat look it deserved.
With a tired sigh, the Fool acquiesced. "Suzaku isn't my persona. It's just the best healer I have."
"You have more than one?"
He floppily waved his hand. "A few."
"…Do you have schizophrenia?"
The summoner snorted a laugh. "No. And oddly enough, you're the first person to make that connection."
"It's too long to explain. Can you…Help me sit up?"
The physical powerhouse easily lifted him upright and helped him move the comforter at his insistent tugging. The summoner blinked.
"Why….am I in a yukata? Where's my clothes?"
"I washed 'em. They're over there."
"Ah. Thanks Aragaki-san."
Gingerly, and with help from Shinji, Minato started to probe at his bandaged leg. To his great relief, his calf muscle seemed to be whole and more forceful prodding only caused a slight ache instead of a spurt of blood.
"Well my leg's walkable now." Minato declared. "I can probably be outta your hair now."
Shinjiro snorted. "I don't think so kid." And he poked the summoner-lightly- in his side to prove his point, ignoring his yelp. "I'm pretty sure you were impaled last night. Give it a few more hours. From what I've seen, you should be able to walk back to your place by then. You need to call anybody?"
It's not like I can call Mitsuru or something. I don't have her number.
"Alright." The shrine custodian said briskly. "I'll be back with some food. Don't pass out."
The bulkier teenager helped him to lie back down without much fuss and stalked swiftly out of the room without another word. Minato returned to staring at the ceiling in slight bemusement.
Well, he's something.
I like him. Suzaku cheeped. He's very nice.
He's strong. Orpheus admitted. His persona is heavily physical based and over spiritual level thirty.
Minato whistled. Physical based were the strongest of Persona users out of Dark Hour as they didn't use external magic at all. The Dark Hour allowed Personas to manifest and for novice users, the ability to use magic. Outside the magic saturated hour though, summoning Personas and using magic were all but impossible for people who did not have a firm and thorough grasp of self and purpose. Or a lot of experience. External magic was more restricted outside the hour for those used to the hour because of the difficulty adjusting to the less magic-rich atmosphere.
However, all of a physical user's 'magic' condenses into their summoner's bodies. There is no need for external manifestation as all of their spells are focused internally or channeled through physical means which, while more physically draining, are able to work outside the Dark Hour. Simply put, with all their 'magic' focused inward, they permanently internally reinforced and were built to take and dish out immense physical abuse. Their physical limits were on the inhuman scale. For a mage type like Minato, who had absolutely zero physical power unenhanced, Shinjiro was a complete antithesis.
His persona is very wild and uncontrolled. But since it is physical, I believe Aragaki-san doesn't need to summon his Persona to fight shadows.
Thanatos stirred slightly. I heard violence….?
No you didn't. Orpheus sighed. Go back to sleep bonehead.
The deity grumbled, but settled back into his mental nest.
It's a pity we can't fight with this guy instead of SEES.
He wasn't at all interested in recruiting this guy for the still dubious organization. They guy knew way too much about Personae and shadows to not have run into the group before. If he wasn't with them, it was for a good reason. From watching his strength, none of them could've stopped him from doing what he wanted even if they tried.
I agree. This guy is a seasoned veteran. Much better than those children.
Even Souji is better than those guys. He at least wants to learn. The other two just want to jump to combat magic, which may be necessary considering how they want to throw them headfirst into exploring Tartarus, but they're so…incurious.
At least we have one willing student.
Minato grinned. Sou-chan is going to be a devastating force in a year or two.
I cannot deny that I am sadistically pleased that we get to throw another player into spiritual matters. The Kuzanoha will hate our guts. The King of demons will probably be really amused though.
That guy is always so maniacally happy when a solo player hits the board. Like that Hotsuin kid? And that Kuze kid? Those two were quite a handful by themselves and then they went and teamed up. That did cause quite a ruckus. I've never seen the demon crime rate go down so fast.
I suppose it's a problem of being too powerful, so I guess the King enjoys having people who are strong enough to…well, give him a good fight.
Considering how I keep scraping myself off of floors, I doubt we're anywhere near those ridiculously overpowered people. If we ever survive that long and get strong enough…I want to fight that guy. I want to fight any of them
"Oi, kid. Food."
"Arf! Arf!"
"Ah, Koro-chan." Minato smiled gently at the excitable and adorable dog that had nosed the sliding door open. The Shiba Inu instantly bounded into the room and nuzzled close to his side, begging to be patted. The summoner obliged him gladly, giggling awkwardly when the dog poked at ticklish parts of his side.
"Ah!" Minato looked up, startled, to meet worried silver eyes.
Souji Seta, apprentice summoner, was standing in the doorway of Minato's temporary shrine room. The fourteen-year old's eyes were wide as he took in the sight of his injured teacher. The blue haired boy was reclining weakly on a stack of pillows. Bandages were visible where ever there was skin, peeking out of his collar, traveling around his arms and wrapped around his head. He looked like a nightmare. Deep bags lay under his eyes like deep bruises and his frame was listing ever so slightly in exhaustion. He looked washed out, dressed in a white sleeping yukata rather than the customary bulky and dark coat Souji was used to. He looked small.
"Sou-chan." Minato smiled weakly at his student. "What are you doing here?"
"Koromaru dragged me here." He said, full of disbelief. "What happened?"
"It's nothing," The elder summoner brushed off. "Just a bit of an accident with a monster."
"A monster?!" The kohai yelped and scurried forward to frantically check over his teacher.
"Meh. I got it in the end. There's nothing to worry about."
Silver eyes narrowed. "That's why you left early yesterday."
"Yeah. Sorry 'bout that. Something big and dark was dancing on the edge of my senses all day. We can always finish the lesson now….?"
Souji looked at him wryly. "You look like you went through a blender, shouldn't you be sleeping or something?"
"Nah, I've been sleeping all day anyway."
The door slammed open suddenly and a wave of harsh and terrifying killing intent raged through the room. Souji choked as the intent paralyzed him in fear. Minato remained wholly unaffected, the roaring intent to murder and defend going straight over his head. Abruptly as it came it was gone, revealing Shinjiro looming in the doorway, maroon overcoat and beanie shadowed over his glaring eyes causing him to look even more frightening.
"Who are you? How'd you get in here?!" He snapped, his eyes burning with restrained killing intent at the intrusion into his domain and perceived threat to the injured summoner under his care.
"It's okay Aragaki-san!" Minato placated quickly. "He's my student! It's fine!"
The brunette just scowled at him before turning back to glare at Souji with suspicion. "Yeah, but why is he in here?"
Koromaru chose that moment to yip and paw at the air, like he was raising his hand. Shinjiro sighed, full of longsuffering and exasperation.
"Should've figured the dog would be involved…." He grumbled. "And for the last time, I ain't no –san, kid."
"Well, I'm not a kid either." Minato shot back. "Aragaki-san."
The brawler's eye twitched. "Tch, brat."
The summoner smiled pleasantly at him.
"…Minato." He relented.
"Well now that's cleared up Shinjiro, would you like to stay? I have to finish teaching Sou-chan."
Another eyebrow rose.
"I'm teaching him about magic and demons." He added. "I don't know if you have any education on demon summoning and such, even if you're the priest."
"I ain't the priest. I'm just the regent." The teenager admitted as he shuffled into the room.
"Oh good, another student."
Shinjiro just scowled at him and made himself comfortable. Minato ignored him and turned to Souji.
"Right, list what I told you last time for the benefit of the new student."
The apprentice pulled out a small notebook enthusiastically and started to read from his notes.
"Ok, so people's magic potential depends on the amount of 'Magnetite' in their body. There are four great summoning clans in Japan but the two most dangerous are the Kuzonoha and the Hotsuin. The Kuzanoha deal with rouge summoners and demons threatening to disturb the peace. The Hotsuin run a massive demon defense force and maintain the spiritual barriers around Japan. They're really old families whose members are really powerful."
"Right," Minato nodded. "Don't piss any of those families off. Kuzanohas are terribly hard to spot since they don't have any defining characteristics but Hotsuins have naturally gray-white hair. I've never met a Kuzanoha but I've heard of them, they have old traditional contracts with several deities. The Hotsuin summon using a fully digitized method and summoning program. Which will be the one we'll be using for you."
"Digital?" Shinjiro sounded startled.
Minato couldn't blame him, the idea sounded completely ridiculous.
"Yeah, some programmer a few years ago managed to digitize summoning rituals into a program. The Hotsuin were quick to convert to the system as it was much simpler than traditional summoning and offers greater protection to summoners."
Souji wrinkled his brows in thought. "Where would you get the digital thing though, it must be hard to get one if summoners are as closed off as you say."
Minato grimaced. "I will have to put myself under great debt to the Hotsuin."
"Tch, moron."
"Why?" Souji protested. "I mean, isn't there any oth-"
"There isn't."
"You could just have him summon the traditional way." Shinjiro pointed out.
"Unless you know any rituals, that isn't an option. Besides, the clans are quite secretive, I'd have to swear my life and soul to them for them to give me any information about rituals."
"And you're sure the Hotsuin won't?"
"I'm positive. They recruit regular people to their organization and teach them to use the program. Even if I can only barter for a simple and low leveled program, that will be enough. I just need for Sou-chan to be able to defend himself."
The look Shinjiro sent him spoke words.
Minato shrugged. "Actually if I only have to deal with the Hotsuin head, I would've probably been forced into servitude. I'm not stronger than him right now. Thankfully, he has a…second in command that was not clan-born who should be more forgiving in negotiations."
"How do you know all this?" Shinjiro demanded. "I've been living at the shrine for years among the supernatural and I don't know any of this. Heck, I know for sure Kirijo knows nothing about demons!"
"Ah." Minato said bluntly. "I have a demon sealed in me. I forgot to mention it."
"Good god kid," Shinjiro groaned, running a hand over his face is exasperation. "These kinds of things are important."
"So," Souji's eyes sparkled. "What's its name? Is it nice? Is it strong? Can you summon it? Can it talk?"
Minato laughed, silver eyes bright with rare mirth.
"His name is Thanatos. Yes, he's very strong. I can summon him but it takes a lot out of me. He can talk but he's asleep right now."
"Thanatos…" Souji wondered. "That's Greek isn't it?"
"Yes," Minato admitted easily. "Thanatos the god of peaceful Death. He's not very peaceful though. He's bloodthirsty and hot blooded and likes collecting weapons."
"He taught you demon stuff?"
"Yeah, the basics. I had to hunt down demon gossip to find out who the big players in the spiritual world was and if there was any authorities or rules keeping us in line on my own."
"Are there any?" Shinjiro frowned. "I never heard of any. The old priest never reported to anyone, and no one's come sniffing around after he died either."
"There are no rules." Minato smirked. "Except don't get caught."
"I'm serious. You can do whatever you want with your powers once you don't bring it to the attention of the general public. Serial killings and murder are frowned upon for that reason."
"So," Shinjiro said slowly, a sickened kind of horror rising in his eyes. "If you set a building on fire using magic…."
"Something like that is easily 'explainable' and cannot be tied to magic in anyway. Perfect crime. However, if you have a rash of serial murders with puncture marks on their necks and all the blood drained from their bodies. That is not explicable by mundane means."
"That's horrible…"
Minato shrugged.
"Listen, Sou-chan, the supernatural tends to cross into the regular world and cause trouble and incidents no matter what. Demons will always be trying to cross over and rouge summoners will always be mad with power. These incidents will affect everything around them, it doesn't matter if you know of the supernatural or not. And let's just say, if you weren't involved beforehand survival rate is quite low. Knowledge is power. That's why I'm teaching you. Ignorance will not protect you from demons seeking you out for your high energy levels."
"…You say I have magic, but I've never felt anything of the sort."
"Ah, yeah, that's another issue." Minato cringed slightly. "Magic is usually woken up when its host is in life or death circumstance. That's why it's usually so dangerous. You still okay with this Sou-chan?"
The teenager's silver eyes glinted with steel. "What am I gonna hafta do?"
"There are several methods we could use but all of them will affect you at a core level. Near death experiences can change people. Awakening magic can change you."
"Senpai…. I…"
"Before my own awakening, from what little I can remember, I was an energetic and cheerful child with not a care in the world. My awakening was very, very harsh though so I doubt anything we use will scar you that badly but are you sure?"
Minato bowed his head in resignation. "So be it."
"We will not be awakening your magic for a while. You need to be familiar with energy first. When you are surrounded by high energy environments, like this shrine or around me, it will encourage your own energy to be more active and grow to meet the environment. I will teach you magic theory and try to reduce the risk as much as possible. On the bright side, having a circulating magic system will make you immune to the Apathy Syndrome that's being caused by supernatural means."
"Minato…What are you going to do to him…?"
"Well, considering his aptitude, We're probably going to have to electrocute him."
"Don't worry," Minato deadpanned, giving them a thumbs up. "If anything bad happens, I know how to hide a body."
"And what's with this 'we'?!"
"Why electrocution senpaaaaaaaaai?!"
"Well you're electric based so after the, pardon my pun, shock to your system, your magic should wake up to absorb the threat."
"…And if it doesn't, I die?"
"Well, I'll try and stop it before it reaches that point."
"But how do you know he's electricity? If you electrocute him and he's not…that would be bad."
"Oh that's easy." Minato said casually. "He smells of it."
The two stared at him blankly. "Smell…?"
"Oh yes. My magic is heavy combat type. I can't sense the broad side of a barn. But I can smell magic."
"…That's the weirdest power."
Minato sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "And don't I know it. I had to compensate to survive somehow. I can smell strong energy signatures and get a basic reading off of what I smell. Sou-chan smells like ozone and sunlight. Which means strong electricity and slight holy. Shinjiro smells like metal, which means he's a strong physical combatant."
The two of them simultaneously raised their sleeves to take a sniff at themselves. The apprentice turned to Shinji and raised an eyebrow. The gruff man just huffed at the skeptical look and nodded.
"…Don't look at me me like that, did ya think I was some squishy mage?"
"As a squishy mage, I take offense at that." Minato drawled blankly.
Shinjiro shot him a withering look. "You can't be offended at the truth."
"…So magic users are…squishy?" Souji ventured.
"Ah," Minato looked faintly embarrassed. "No. Most aren't, even at a low level. Magic users can take far more damage than a regular person. I can take it too but I'm, well…frailer than most of them."
Souji and Shinjiro exchanged startled and concerned glances.
Minato caught the look and his gaze sharpened and burnt. "There's no need for that. I'm not that flimsy. My defense may be shit, yes, but my offense is parallel to none. I'm fast and my magic is geared for mass destruction, it's rare that I actually get hit."
"Like last night? If you're as good as you say, what the hell were you hunting last night that left you in this state? And is it still around?" Shinjiro demanded.
Minato waved him off. "I killed it but it was the strongest monster I've ever faced; I've never seen anything like it before. It was the hardest fight I've had in years. It's unlikely that it would affect you."
"You're okay though?" Souji poked at Minato's shoulder, eyeing the numerous bandages warily.
"Well I'm not dead and my intestines are back where I can't see them so I suppose I'm okay."
The younger teenager's complexion tinged green. "I did not need that image."
"You're welcome."
"Will you be okay to leave?"
"Yeah, do you need me to leave anytime soon?"
Souji bristled with indignation and glared at the shrine regent. Before he could open his mouth to protest at the injustice of his clearly injured and battered teacher being kicked out, Minato wacked him lightly on the head.
"Hush, you. I'm well enough to return to my dorm."
Shinjiro grimaced. "Kid, you look like you got went a few rounds with a train and lost all of them. If I had my way you wouldn't be going anywhere until tomorrow, but we really don't have that kind of luxury. A Demon tamer is going to attempt a contract with a Bai ze Demon in about an hour. You two need to get outta here."
Souji didn't know whether to be excited or frightened. Because, I mean, the chance of seeing a real, live supernatural being! But on the other hand, a real, inhuman demon, capable of casual murder at the slightest provocation. A few days ago, perhaps he would've been more frightened. But listening to Minato casually talk about the weakness of monsters in the dark had desensitized him. There was still a bright spark of fear, but it was quickly being overtaken by curiosity.
"Someone's summoning a demon right here?!"
"Yeah." Shinjiro said grimly. "So you need to go. It's an old fashioned contracting so if something goes wrong both of you are sitting ducks."
"Understandable." Minato nodded and shoved back the covers.
Instantly, there was a scramble as the two lurched forward to offer support. It took several seconds of confusion before they sorted out their elbows. By that time, Minato was already standing, arm clutched reflexively around his stomach and swaying slightly.
"Kid, walk him home. Make sure he doesn't pass out or something." Shinjiro instructed strictly.
"He can't." Minato pointed out, shuffling to his cleaned clothes. "Kirijo can't know about him."
"Then walk him to the street." The elder Persona user unflinchingly stared him down.
Minato huffed and turned away, stiffly bending to sort through his clothes.
"I tried to patch up your coat but sorry. Your shirt wasn't salvageable either. I put one of mine there."
The Summoner frowned and shook out his coat. The cloth had obvious dried bloodstains, smelling of rust and death. The shoulder where he was damaged was torn, the sleeve barely hanging on. Blood soaked the front, ragged fabric ruining the coat beyond repair. Some of the huge holes were awkwardly patched up. If it was possible, Souji paled more at the tangible evidence of his teacher's bloody fight, swallowing harshly at the physical proof of the toll the supernatural lifestyle wrought.
Minato exhaled and brought it to his face. With the scent of copper heavy in his nose and closed eyes, he chased the blue pinprick in his head that was his connection to the Velvet Room. The connection glowed softly and followed his gentle coaxing to his coat. Blue energy rippled down the fabric, mending, cleaning and regenerating the armour.
Minato huffed in pleasure, shaking it out again. Then he turned to his gaping audience and pointed to the door.
"Out. I'm not gonna change if you two are staring."
A/N: Thank you. I think I only have enough material for one more chapter after this one. After that, I'll see where it goes. I may cut back scenes or only do fights or just drop all the notes I have on the planned plot in a final chapter.
I love this story, It saw me through some rough years but I simply cannot write fast enough.