This is my first fanfic so please be kind.

Sorry, I just had to add a few things to this first chapter, I don't think I made Naruto's childhood harsh enough.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

Chapter 1 – The Tenant

Once again Naruto found himself stuck on the streets of Konoha after dark. The carers at the orphanage had seen him running for the gates, trying to get back in before closing them. They were too fast for him this time as they had gotten every other child in before him and closed the gates as he got there.

Normally, Naruto wouldn't mind sleeping on the streets, it would mean he was safe from the violent wake-up call he usually gets from the other kids and carers even if it meant braving the streets. Whenever he went out on the streets at night, if he was found by some drunks or angry ninja, he would get beaten and if he was unlucky they would stab him in the shoulder or somewhere else non lethal. After that they would leave him.

Thing is, this night was different, it was the night of his birthday. It was this day that the whole village mourned the death of the 4th Hokage during the day and then celebrate his victory against the Kyuubi at night. Although for Naruto it was what he liked to call the 'Hate-Naruto-More-Than-Normal day'.

The past 3 years it just kept getting worse every birthday. He would always be left on the streets at night and when found, would get beaten and stabbed or cut with broken bottles or kunai, it was a sure thing on this day. He knew they were holding back on him because he was still only a child, tonight though he was more fearful for it was his 6th birthday and he had grown taller which made him look older and he knew the villagers wouldn't hold back as much.

Sure enough while dumpster diving for some food, a group of drunks found him and started beating him senseless. After a while they started using some broken sake bottles to stab and cut his back. As he was losing consciousness, he saw an ANBU with a dog mask jump down from the rooftops and knock-out a few of the drunks, later on he would find out this ANBU had saved his life.

Naruto opened his eyes slowly expecting to see hospital lights or the afterlife, instead he was met with a very dim light source he could not identify and the sound of a steady drip of water in the distance. 'Where in the name of Kami am I now' thought Naruto as he got up and looked at his surroundings.

'Guess I may as well have a look around, seeing as I probably won't be leaving for some time' Naruto thought as he started walking in the direction of the dripping sound.

After walking for a while Naruto noticed that the floor he was walking on was submerged in water. 'Why didn't I feel the water?' Thought Naruto as he checked his clothes and found them completely dry 'This is just getting creepy, I'm sure I was lying down when I woke up... so why aren't my clothes wet?'

After what felt like hours of walking Naruto came up to a dead end with bars blocking off the last hundred feet of the corridor. About halfway up the center of the bars there was a piece of parchment with the kanji for seal on it. Stepping closer to the bars Naruto peered inside, not sure what he was going to see.


Without warning a pair of large red eyes, with slits for pupils, snapped open, making Naruto jump back a few feet. Naruto could have sworn it sounded like someone had just drawn a sword.

"So Kit you finally made it here? Wish it could have been under other circumstances though." Said the faceless being

"Huh!? Who...what are you and where am I?" Blurted out Naruto panic evident on his face.

"To answer your questions in order, I am the Kyuubi and this is your mind or rather your subconscious mind to be precise" Answered the faceless being, now known as the Kyuubi

"What the hell are you doing here? Your supposed to be dead, the 4th killed you! Come to think of it why am I here?" Asked Naruto a little calmer.

"You ask a lot of questions Kit. But I guess I might as well answer you. First off I wasn't killed 6 years ago by the Yondaime, for one it would be impossible for a human to truly kill a demon and he just couldn't kill me because it went against his morals. As to-"

"What do you mean he couldn't kill you?" Naruto cut in.

"DAMMIT! Let me finish your other questions first will you!" Bellowed the Kyuubi. Causing Naruto to fall back in shock.

"Uuh-uhm, s-s-sorry K-Kyuubi-san. Please continue." Naruto said hurriedly.

"(Cough) Good... now where was I? Oh right! As to why I'm here, it's because Yondaime sealed my in you to save the village 6 years ago." A look of understanding suddenly came over Naruto's face.

'This kid's not as stupid as I thought.'The Kyuubi continued, "Yes Kit, that's why almost everyone hates you and treats you badly. The reason why the Yondaime couldn't kill me is because if he dealt a finishing blow my chakra would disperse and I would have simply reappeared somewhere else, also he was a friend of mine and he had always promised to protect his friends and loved ones. Which leads to me being here, sealed in you."

"But why where you sealed in me and not someone else?" Asked Naruto.

"I was sealed in you because you had just been born and your chakra system was still growing and shaping itself, which meant you where the best chance I had to survive inside a human without killing myself and my host. In the process of sealing me in you though the Yondaime killed himself with the jutsu he used. Guess I should tell you that he didn't mean for your life to be hell, in fact his last request was for you to be viewed as a hero but most of Konoha wanted to blame someone for their loss and pain and seeing as I was in you, they saw you as me and they had their target." Explained the Kyuubi.

"Wait, you said 'most of Konoha' and 'almost everyone' hates me, I mean the Hokage is nice to me whenever he sees me but who else is there?" Asked Naruto, surprising Kyuubi a little with his analysis, even though he didn't let it show.

"I got one answer for you question Kit. Why do you think that ANBU saved you?" Answered Kyuubi.

"Oh yeah! He was wearing that dog mask!" Exclaimed Naruto.

"That's right. Anyway before you leave, the reason your here is because you have just come close to death. Don't worry though I'm healing you as we speak, your going to be fine. There is another reason though, I have become sick of seeing how the villagers treat you so I'm going to teach you how to defend yourself and train you to be stronger. I am also going to teach you about your parents what they gave you." Explained Kyuubi.

"Wait just one second! You knew my parents as well!?" Shouted Naruto.

"Yes I did know them. But your going to have to wait for now Kit, it seems our time in here is coming to an end." Answered Kyuubi.

"What areeeee yyyyooooouuuu tt-" All of a sudden everything slowed down and came to a stop for Naruto even his voice. Then all he saw was darkness.

"Whu-where am I?" Asked Naruto groggily with his eyes still closed.

"You're in the hospital Naruto" Came an all too familiar voice. It was the best thing Naruto could have heard at that moment.

"OJII-SAN!" Cried Naruto as he sat up quickly and his eyes snapped open looking for the Hokage. His eyes rested on his right side where the Hokage was sitting in a visitors chair, before he rested his eyes though he saw that the ANBU who saved him was also in the room, standing in the corner.

"It's good to see that your feeling better Naruto but from what the Doctors told me you should not have woken up after at least another day of rest" Naruto gave him the usual foxy grin that he used around the Hokage.

"What do doctors know huh Ojii-san?" Replied Naruto scratching the back of his head with his right hand. "Oh and thank you ANBU-san for saving me." Said Naruto looking over at the ANBU in the corner. Now that he looked at him properly the first thing he noticed was the ANBU's hair. It was silvery-gray and looked like someone had used a huge static charge to make the hair stand up and stick out to the ANBU's left side.

"No problem." Replied the ANBU calmly from behind his mask. "You took quite a beating from those guys, you were lucky that I was passing by. I have to say though, I'm surprised at how fast you heal, maybe you should become a shinobi with that talent, it should also help you defend yourself."

"That isn't a bad idea Hatake-san." Said the Hokage. "So what do you say Naruto? Do you want to enter the Ninja Academy?" Asked the Hokage.

'Aww, man that sounds like good idea but what about the Kyuubi he said he would train me so that I could defend myself.' Thought Naruto.

'Actually Kit it would be a good idea to take the old man up on this offer. I mean it would be a little suspicious if you suddenly knew how to fight' Said a voice in Naruto's head.

'What? Who said that!?' Naruto thought. 'Kit you really are slow sometimes you know that?' Said the voice again.

'Wait a second Kyuubi is that you? I thought I wouldn't be able to talk to you unless I was in my subconscious?'

'Well surprise Kit! While I was talking to you I managed to set up a mental link to your conscious mind, this way I can train you easier.' Explained the Kyuubi.

"Alright that's great!" Exclaimed Naruto, surprising the Hokage and ANBU there.

"I'll take that as a yes then Naruto!" Said the Hokage.

"What? Oh yeah! That's great Ojii-san when can I start?" Answered Naruto, while scratching the back of his head again. 'Damn! That was awkward' Thought Naruto.

'God damn it Kit! You don't have to talk out loud, just think what you want to say to me!" Barked the Kyuubi.

'Sorry Kyuubi-san.' Thought Naruto.

"Well... it's the weekend now so how does this Monday sound?" Asked the Hokage.

"That's great Ojii-san!" Exclaimed Naruto. "But what about school stuff, you know backpacks and stuff like that?"

"Don't worry we'll make sure you've got what you need." Explained the ANBU. "Hokage-sama maybe we should also move him into an apartment and out of the orphanage?"

At the mention of moving out of the orphanage Naruto just jumped up and pleaded the Hokage, "Yeah! Please Ojii-san can I move out of the orphanage?"

Seeing this the Hokage simply sighed and said, "Very well. We'll need to find you an apartment fairly close to the academy then. Hatake-san, could you please go out and find him an apartment? As soon as you find one give me the address and I'll take care of the rest." After this the ANBU simply disappeared in a swirl of leaves with a simple, "As you wish Hokage-sama."

"Right then why don't you stay here for tonight Naruto? I'll send Hatake-san to get you when we get that apartment for you. Don't worry about money for food either I'll send you a small allowance every week to pay for food and such. I'll also have Hatake-san get you what you need for the academy." At this Naruto simply jumped from the bed and hugged the Hokage.

"Thanks Ojii-san!" Exclaimed Naruto.'Hey Kyuubi-san? Should I tell Ojii-san about you?'

'Actually he already knows I'm sealed in you, but I guess it would be a good idea to tell him that you know about me. Just don't tell him that I can speak to you okay?' Answered Kyuubi.

'Alright.' Naruto took a breath and asked, "Ojii-san?"

"Yes Naruto?" Asked the Hokage.

"I know why the people of the village hate me now." Said Naruto in a somber voice.

The Hokage simply raised an eyebrow at this and asked, "Oh? And why do you think they hate you?"

"It's because of the Kyuubi sealed inside me, isn't it?" Upon hearing this the Hokage's face fell.

"I suppose you would have found out sooner or later anyway Naruto but yes that is why they look down on you.." Was all the Hokage said.

"Thanks for being honest Ojii-san. And thanks for not looking down on me like everyone else." said Naruto.

"It's alright Naruto. I know your just the container not the demon. If anything I have great respect for you Naruto you must shoulder this burden all on your own and you have never struck back at the village for this." Said the Hokage.

Naruto just looked up at the Hokage and said, "I've never had to carry this alone Ojii-san. You've been there and acknowledged me, that's lifted my spirits enough for me to survive." The Hokage smiled at this.

"That's good to hear Naruto! You should get some sleep now though you've got some busy days ahead of yourself tomorrow." Said the Hokage while picking up Naruto and putting him in the bed. "Remember, Hatake-san will be here tomorrow to take you to your apartment. Good night Naruto." The Hokage reminded Naruto as he walked out the door and switched the lights off.

"Good night Ojii-San." Yawned Naruto as he fell asleep.

Well that was an interesting first chapter, Ne?

Plz read and review.