Disclaimer: I do not own Glee

And Then He Kissed Me

Summary: Something weird is happening at McKinley High School. In fact, the situation is just downright disturbing at times. "Kurt?" Rachel asked finding the boy hiding under the piano, "What's wrong?" Staring up at her in a mixture of confusion and fright, Kurt says, "Boys keep kissing me."

Not really any plot or character development to be found here. Just Kurt getting randomly kissed by boys.

Chapter 1 – Breakfast with Finn

Waking up, Kurt yawned and stretched assuming the day would be as normal as any other. It didn't take him too long to figure out that 'normal' had decided to take a vacation. In fact, it was at breakfast that Kurt experienced his first weirdness of the day.

Burt and Carole were behaving as normal as ever as they hurried about getting ready for work. Finn trudged downstairs still in his pyjamas with messy hair and shovelled food down his mouth just as he always did. But today, he was definitely staring at Kurt an awful lot.

To begin with, Kurt just thought perhaps he had something on his face and Finn was too polite to say so. Excusing himself from the table, Kurt headed to the mirror in the hallway to check his reflection. He turned his head from side to side but he couldn't see anything. He checked his hair but that was perfect too. He surveyed his outfit, wondering if it might be too flamboyant even by his standards.

Personally, he thought his outfit was fabulous but he couldn't come up with any other explanation as to why Finn was staring. So Kurt decided it must be his outfit and feeling self-conscious, he went upstairs and made a relatively quick change of clothing. He thought he would tone things down considerably and dressed in a pair of tight black jeans with a plain white button-up shirt with a black vest top underneath. His fingers itched to add something extra to the outfit, a fashionable scarf perhaps, but he forced himself to restrain.

Heading back downstairs, he discovered that his dad and Carole had already left and Finn was still stuffing his face with pancakes.

"Ok, Finn, what's wrong?" Kurt asked with a sigh realising that his step-brother was still gawking at him. "There's nothing wrong with my hair and there isn't anything on my face, I checked. So what is it?"

"I dunno," Finn shrugged and he looked as confused as Kurt felt. "Um, Kurt, I'm feeling kinda funny."

"Do you think you have a fever or something?" Kurt asked looking at Finn critically trying to see if he looked ill.

"I'm not sure," Finn answered. "I just feel weird like I really wanna…"

"Like you want to what?" Kurt queried looking at Finn blankly.

His step-brother stood up and moved round the table. He stood over Kurt, the height difference more pronounced when Kurt was seated.

"I really wanna… do this," Finn announced before leaning down and smashing his lips against Kurt's.

"Mmphf," Kurt yelped against Finn's mouth, taken completely by surprise. He opened his mouth to ask Finn what the hell he was doing. That turned out to be a poor decision because Finn took the opportunity to invade Kurt's mouth with his tongue, passing on the taste of syrup from his pancakes as he did so. "Finn!" Kurt shouted forcing the other boy away and standing up to glare at him. "What is wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry," Finn apologised looking shocked by his own actions. "I don't know why I did that. I just… I felt like… I wanted. I'm sorry I… I…" he was leaning in again, going for another kiss.

"No, no, no!" Kurt shouted ducking away, snatching up his messenger bag and running out of the house without a backwards glance at Finn. "Weird, weird morning," Kurt commented to himself as he pulled in to the parking lot of McKinley High.

He shuddered at the memory of his step-brothers lips upon his own and vowed to keep it a secret and take it to his grave. Clearly Finn was drunk, insane, ill or had simply had one pancake too many.

Stepping out of the car, Kurt began his walk up to the school building trying to put the events of breakfast with Finn out of his mind. But as he walked up the steps to the entrance doors, he felt as though a lot of the guys were staring at him, looking at him in a similar way to Finn's peculiar looks.

"No," Kurt told himself shaking his head. "It's just your imagination. Finn was a one-off. Everyone else is just staring at you because you're the gay kid. Just calm down."

"Hey Kurt," a voice greeted and Kurt jumped and cowered against the wall shielding his face. "That's just rude, white boy," Mercedes said.

"Mercedes," Kurt sighed in relief straightening up and offering her a sheepish grin. "I thought… I thought you were going to try and kiss me," he admitted.

"Baby, are you feeling ok?" Mercedes asked concernedly placing a hand to his forehead. "Are you ill, drunk?"

"No, I'm fine," Kurt assured her. "I just had a weird morning."

"So naturally you thought I was trying to kiss you," Mercedes teased.

"I'm sorry, I'm being crazy, just ignore me," Kurt told her offering his arm. "Allow me to take you to class."

As they walked towards their classroom, Kurt still felt like the guys were giving him strange looks but he forced himself to calm down and ignore it. If they really were staring more than usual then Mercedes would have noticed and said something about it. Together, they reached their classroom, nodding a hello to Miss Stevens as they entered and took their seats.

Every time someone would walk through the door, Kurt couldn't help but tense up a bit, but so far all the students had been girls and they didn't glance his way at all. He just wanted another boy to walk in and not look at him, that would put his mind at rest. Just as the thought crossed his mind, Kurt sensed somebody staring at him and somehow he just knew that another male student had entered the classroom. Nervously, he lifted his head to look up.

So… anyone want to read more?

Please Review

Love and Hugs, IceQueenRia xox