Disclaimer: Glee belongs to FOX, Ryan Murphy, Ian Brennan, and Brad Falchuk.

AN: I realized I haven't updated this fic in months. Pretty sad. So I wrote this little piece in hopes of getting my creative juices flowing again.

A few hours after the phone call, Kurt felt someone shaking his shoulder. He opened his eyes and saw Carole standing over him; her brow was furrowed in concern.

"Are you feeling okay, honey?" she asked.

He nodded.

"I was just a bit tired."

"Okay..." Carole said softly. "Well, Finn and Sam are in the kitchen. Why don't you go eat with them?"

Kurt sat up and stretched. What was he going to tell them, and would they even believe him? He racked his brain for answers as he followed Carole out of his room and made his way to join Finn and Sam.

Sam was the first to speak.

"So what happened between you and that guy?"

Finn glared at him at first, but then he turned his attention to Kurt.

"Nothing," Kurt replied. "I did give him my number, but we were just texting."

Finn scrunched up his face.

"How is that cheating?" he asked. "Not that we think you cheated on Blaine! But Rachel made us think you were talking to him face to face."

"Did he send you naked pictures?" Sam asked.

"No!" Kurt exclaimed. "Well, the texts were really flirty on his part, but that's innocent compared to Blaine and Sebastian, right?"

Finn stared blankly at first, but then glared at his dinner.

"How could Blaine accuse you of cheating if he basically did the same thing?" he asked.

"Well, that was 'family-friendly.'" Kurt added air-quotes for effect.

Sam shook his head. "But didn't they talk long enough for Blaine to-"

"Give him our setlist?" Kurt finished. "Yep. And Sebastian invited him to Scandals, and they met up for coffee."

"Okay, that's more like cheating than what you did," Sam said.

Kurt finally went to heat up some food. As he waited for the microwave's ding, he began to mull over what Sam had just said. Between his words and Quinn's, they began to paint a particularly picture of Blaine's performance. Was he just being a hypocrite with his song choice? Did he honestly believe that Kurt's 'offense' was worse than his own?

He sighed as he finally got his food out of the microwave. What was he going to do now?

After he ate, Kurt went back to his room and began to do his homework for the weekend. Before he spent too much time on it, his phone began to ring again.

He knew it wasn't Blaine; the generic ringtone was blaring out right now. With a sigh, Kurt picked up the phone and hit 'answer'.


"Hi... did something happen when you got home?" Quinn asked him.

Right. I said I'd call her.

"Yeah. Blaine called me."

"Oh... what did he say?"

"Well, he accused me of meeting up with Chandler after I left school, and he didn't believe me when I said I went to the Lima Bean with you."

Quinn was silent, so he took a deep breath and continued.

"I took your advice, but to me, it meant taking a break from our relationship. He didn't take it well."

"Wow. Are you sure that's what you wanted?" she asked.

Kurt pursed his lips. It had indeed been a rash decision; Blaine's words had made him so angry at the time. However, he knew he was right. Their relationship had been going sour for quite some time, and Kurt leaving for New York next year, he wasn't sure it would be strong enough to withstand the long distance.

Finally, he sighed.

"Kurt?" Now Quinn's voice was tinged with concern.

"Yes. It's what I want in the long run. I have to know if Blaine and I can survive this road block."

"Okay. Just so you know, I'm with you, no matter what you do," she said. "And I'm going to talk to Brittany and Santana over the weekend, too."

Kurt smiled.

"Thank you, Quinn."

They said their goodbyes, and Kurt hung up. He changed into his pajamas and went back to his homework for a few more hours before deciding to return to bed. This time, he was glad to realize that he had people in his corner of the ring, no matter what happened on Monday.