![]() Author has written 5 stories for Soul Eater, Bleach, and Hunger Games. Hiya theree. I just wanna say that i'm not specialized in writing but i do enjoy writing when inspiration hits me in the face. I really hope that you--whoever stumbled upon my page--will enjoy what i have to offer. And honestly, ima ameatur at writing, inexperianced. So hope you'll excuse that? Hopefully as the years pass, i'll gain experiance and whoop up a decent story to entertain you guys. c: Inspirational Quotes i acknowledged: "Don't worry about money. Best things in life are free." -Fortune Cookie "Only unimaginative people get bored!" - Dad in a TAKS passage "At some point in the world, someone will have your hair. As much as you hate it, someone would, they may not have the exact image of yours but the basics are the same. Even if the barber gives you another style, you'll probably end up copying someone else and end up where yoyou started;look the same as someone else. But there's a loophole, to where you're different, and that's your personality. No barber can charge you 12 bucks and give you a brand new personality. No one can. That's why, it's a loophole on being different. " --Random though of mine The HitsuHina Multiplication Problem Welcome to the HitsuHina Multiplication Problem, made by Merciless Ruby! Are you a major HitsuHina fan? Alternatively, do you at least believe the couple is cute and can happen in the anime/manga? If you are, then copy/paste this and the multiplication problem on your profile so everyone can see it and join. Write your name after mine. XD PM me (Merciless Ruby) also when you copy/paste this so I can add your names after mine... so it can look like a big multiplication problem! Toushiro Hitsugaya X Momo Hinamori = Merciless Ruby, Momo Hitsugaya, unformidable trust, Momo21, SunsetRainbow, MimoriFanForever, Full Shadow Alchemist, Snowy Peach Tsubasa, Fourpeg, killer-bunny195, xToki, shirochanxmomo1220, Raidon Phantom, Sam King, Koo2Koo1Ka2choo1, KanaYume13,Princess Annika, Rhessa-chan,Crashgirl, miss.dramatikkkk, ceyago, HitsuHina143, momoxtoshiro, PuppiesAreAdorable,-loverBLEACHlover-, XxSasukeSakuraxX, Lizziielala, blackwitchkarma, animelover24271, CallmeNicole, Tyreal777, Your Beautiful Regret, halliegirl , Bikini Wearing Porpoises, Amiru-Chan, MightWrite2Night, Razoraider, Nanannacyy,Atsu-chi, kubathewolf123218, maili-chan |