So, this is my first ever fanfiction. Exciting, yes? xD I hope you all enjoy it, I'll be updating as soon as possible. I've already got a few chapters written, but I'd like some reviews before I post up some more. Thanks everyone and I hope you enjoy it!

Unfortunately, Soul Eater does not belong to me. It belongs to Atsushi Okubo and Bones.

Maka sighed, flipping the pages of her book with a bored expression on her face. She had already read it over, twice, but she didn't have anything better to do. School had ended about an hour ago yet she was still stuck here. Soul was off playing basketball in the gym with the rest of the group.

Maka could have played, sure, but she didn't know how. No one ever explained the rules to her, and she always ended up losing so it was never much fun.

Still, though, she wished that she could be in there playing with them. She wished that she understood the game, like Tsubaki did, and she wished that she was good at it like Patty. She couldn't help but envy them. But, she was neither of those things, which was why she was sitting outside the gym, reading a book. Well, she wasn't really reading - more so glancing over the pages. It was all things she had read before, so she was more so staring at the page than reading the words on it.

Maka let out another sigh. She stood up, dusting off her clothes. It wasn't doing her any good sitting here feeling like this, so she decided to head home and get a head-start on supper. It was her turn to cook after all. So she headed down the halls, towards the exit of the school.

It was pouring rain outside, which was why she had waited this long. She was going to share her umbrella was Soul, since he didn't carry one (He always insisted that if it was going to rain, it would do it in the morning, the idiot). But she didn't want to stick around any longer; she would rather walk home alone with her thoughts.

Maka grabbed her bag, slung it over her shoulder, and headed outside. It was raining pretty heavily, but her umbrella blocked the rain perfectly. Maka sighed; without the book to distract her, her mind began to wander... And she wondered if Soul would want to be more than just friends with her if she had things that other girls had.

Maybe if she was as strong as Patty, or as patient as Tsubaki. Maybe he wouldn't laugh at her if she looked more like Blaire. It was frustrating. She felt envious whenever he smiled at another girl - she wanted him to smile at her, and only her. She was being selfish but it was what she wanted.

"Gah, Soul, you bastard!" She shouted at Soul, even though he was still back at school. It was all his fault; he was the reason she was feeling so down. She didn't want to like him, but she did. The least he could do was like her back, or put her out of her misery. Maka arrived at home, putting her bag down in its usual spot next to the bench. She was only a little bit wet, but it wasn't too bad. She took off her shoes and headed into the kitchen, to see what she could make for dinner. Nothing was popping out at her. Maka was extremely tempted to just make something for herself, but she couldn't. Soul did need to eat after all.

She began to prepare some food, and turned on the television. Maka didn't watch a whole lot of tv, when she did it was usually the news, which she chose to watch now. She listened to the chatter of the news anchor while she prepared dinner, letting the noise fill her head and stop her from thinking about everything. And it worked, up until dinner was just about ready and Soul came home.

He was soaked. To the bone. He had an annoyed look on his face, and Maka could tell right away that he'd lost his game. "Hello, Soul," Maka mumbled as she turned down the stove. He grumbled and headed to his room, flinging off his shirt in the process. He emerged from his room ten minutes later, wearing fresh dry clothes and rubbing his hair to get out as much water as possible.

"Where did you go?"

His voice surprised Maka, who was so used to just hearing the news anchor's voice. "What do you mean? I'm here, obviously I went home."

"I know, but why?" Soul asked, sitting himself down at his seat. He was still rubbing his hair when Maka turned to look at him.

"Because sitting in the hallway reading the same book over was pointless, when I could be here making dinner." Maka turned away from him, biting down on her lip. All the thoughts from before came rushing back.

"But you always wait for me... Well, whatever, I guess. What's for dinner?" He asked, placing his elbows on the table and his chin in his hands. Usually, Maka would have swatted at his hands and told him to get his elbows off the table, but today she couldn't be bothered. Instead of answering him, she placed a plate in front of him along with a fork and knife, and then sat at her own spot.

"Are you okay, Maka?" Soul asked, glancing over at her. He couldn't tell what she was feeling - it looked like a mixture between anger and sadness that he couldn't quite describe. He hated it when he felt so clueless as to her emotions.

Maka ignored him, knowing that if she opened her mouth, everything that she was thinking would just pour right out. She stuffed a piece of chicken in her mouth instead.

"Ignoring me? How uncool." Soul grumbled, taking a bite of his own meal. That was the last straw, and Maka lost her cool.

"How uncool? You're the one who's uncool, Soul!" She shouted angrily, putting down her fork. She had so much to say, and no idea where to begin even.

"What the hell, Maka?" Soul asked grumpily.

"All you do is yammer on about being cool and blah blah blah. Well you know what? You're uncool! A real cool guy isn't such an asshole," She began, feeling all of those feelings of jealousy and envy bubbling down to anger that she didn't have any of the attributes Soul seemed to like. "A real cool guy isn't so oblivious to people who actually care about him. And stupid things like a small chest don't bother him! He certainly would not ignore me just because of my cup size." Maka closed her eyes, trying to bite back the ugly feelings. She was afraid that they would turn into sadness, and she'd start crying, but they emerged again as anger.

"You're so oblivious. A cool guy actually realizes that when his partner says something, she doesn't always mean it how she says.." Maka was out of breath from yelling, and instead pushed back her chair and got up. She wasn't going to show such ugly emotions in front of Soul. He was probably going to laugh at her. As she started to turn away, Soul stopped her.

"Maka, wait a minute! What the hell are you saying?" His voice was laced with anger, but also concern and a bit of surprise. Was she really saying what he thought that she was?

"You heard me, Soul. I'm sick of sitting around and wishing that I was more like other people so that you might like me the way that I like you - I can't do it anymore! It's eating me up inside. It can't be healthy." She growled, still not turning to face Soul. If she had, she would have seen his face - and he looked genuinely hurt.

"You think that I don't like you because you have tiny tits?" He asked, rising from his seat. Maka felt her face flush red. "That's clearly true!" She shouted, turning to look at him. Seeing his face, she froze. What the hell? He didn't look mad, he just looked dumbfounded.

"You're the idiot, Maka. I don't want you to be like anyone else - you're Maka, and you're fine just the way that you are."

"Wow, Soul - you really are charming..." She paused, fighting back tears. She wouldn't cry in front of him, not over a stupid argument like this... He didn't even seem to realize that she'd shouted all of her insecurities at him, and confessed her feelings. He answered her like it was nothing!

Soul sighed, "Sorry, Maka. I'm not the perfect guy."

"I know that. I don't care - have I ever? Yeah, I yell at you when you make a mess, or when you put your feet up on the coffee table, but I don't expect you to change. And I don't want you to."

"I feel the same way about you, Maka. If you didn't yell at me for all of those things then it wouldn't be fun to do them."

Maka sighed, "You don't get it, Soul..." She paused, looking for the right words. She had confessed to him already, in her rant. She couldn't possibly say it again.

"No, I do get it. You like me, right? As more than a partner?"

Maka's cheeks flushed red again, and she looked away, humiliated. He was going to laugh at her, she just knew it. She knew him.

"You are really such an idiot, Maka. I only annoy you so that you'll talk to me - otherwise how much would we interact? I'm not smart like you, we can't talk about anything like that. I've liked you since we started living together. I risk my life for you everyday - and I do it gladly. I really like you, Maka." He didn't dare to say more, instead examining her face with his crimson eyes.

"Really, Soul?" She asked, taking a deep breath and stifling back tears. So far, so good; no waterworks.

"Yes, really. There's something I've wanted to do for a really long time, too - can I do it now?

"Do what?"

"...Really? Idiot." He smirked, grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. He pressed his lips against hers in a soft kiss, nothing too serious. It was their first kiss after all.

"I love you Maka. You really didn't know?" Soul pulled away from the kiss slowly, looking at Maka's face as to see how she felt about his saying that.

"Thanks, Soul... I really needed to hear that." She smiled and leaned in for another kiss, but Soul stopped her. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He asked, peering at her.

"Oh, yeah. I love you too, duh," She smirked as they kissed again.