This is officially the last chapter of Opposites Attract. I just had to finish it. I'm sorry for the late update. I had the hugest writer's block in the history of hugest writer's blocks. Really, sorry.

Hopefully you'll enjoy this one last chapter I have to offer you (:

And idk if I'm going to make a sequel. With Shugo Chara ending and all, it seems like a downpour to me. I lost inspiration for so long, I was afraid I'd never right this chapter and so I'd probably do the same to the sequel.

Please enjoy the last chapter of Opposites Attract…

Chapter 21: Finals…and Goodbyes?

"Right now, I am passing out the essays that were turned in last week." Amu's language arts teacher got up from her chair with a stack of white papers. As she walked past each chair her teacher set down an essay. There was either a squeal from the nerds, a satisfied smile from the cool nerds, a slam on the desk, or nothing from the under-achievers.

"I would be a bit worried about the finals next week if I were you, Hinamori-san." The teacher set Amu's test on her desk. And as usual the grade was an F.

"Come on, can't you give me a better grade?" Amu rolled her eyes. "At least I actually tried."

"No, you didn't." The teacher put her hands on her hips. "I asked you to write an essay on the Shakespeare literature piece Romeo and Juliet. You wrote an essay on the anime Romeo X Juliet."

"Which I totally deserved an A on!" Amu exclaimed on her defense, but the teacher had already moved on.

"Ugh…stupid old lady." Amu sighed and leaned back in her chair.


Amu ignored the sound from behind her.


Amu squinted her eyes forward.

"PSST!PSST!" A pencil dug into her neck.

"WHAT?!" She spun around, annoyed and knocked the pencil out of the guy's hand.

"Hi. Nya." Yoru's eyes glinted with its usual never-bored shine.



The bell rung before Amu could let out another word. She got up rigidly and threw loose papers into her bag. After that, she ran away as far as she could from Yoru.

"Wait right there, Hinamori-san." Her teacher stopped her from going any further. "I'd like to have a little talk with you."

Letting out a sharp sigh, Amu stiffly turned back around a walked up to her teacher. "What?"

"I'm a bit worried about you, you're going to fail this class."

"Yeah, that's what all my teachers are saying." Amu brushed the words off her.

"This is serious, Hinamori-san. Finals are going to be next week. They decide your final grade, and you do understand that you can repeat the eleventh grade if you fail right?"

"I'll just go to summer school. Like every year." Amu rolled her eyes.

"Actually, I don't think summer school is enough. You need to repeat the grade, because you're never listening in class, always not doing homework, and you guess on all your test questions." The teacher said sternly, rubbing the side of her glasses together with two fingers.

"And I'm still doing pretty fine, right?" Amu put both her hands in mid-way up.

"Let me just make my point clear, if you get lower than an eighty percent on next week's final, I will make sure you repeat this grade." Her teacher glared down at Amu.

Amu's jaw dropped to the floor. "W-What?! Eighty percent? That's not the-"

"Well I'm a teacher so I have the power to repeat you right? And because I'm sure you will not get over an eighty, you'll be repeating this grade!"

"That's not fair!"

"Well you should've thought about that before the school year started." The teacher adjusted her glasses. "You can go now, the bell will ring soon."

Amu clenched her fists. "You…stupid teacher!" She closed her eyes and punched her teacher.

A few minutes later…

"Damn." Amu dropped her head onto the desk, in the detention room.

"Punching a teacher? That's pretty bold." Utau said, amused by how Amu got detention.

"Ugh. She told me if I didn't get over eighty percent on my English finals I'm going to repeat the eleventh grade!" Amu leaned back, against the wall. They were at work, but almost done because Amu had come late of her detention.

"Really? Wow, that's harsh." Utau widened her eyes. "So you're going to like study then right?"

"Study what?" Amu asked.

"For the finals! You can't repeat the eleventh grade!"

"I shouldn't even bother. I have no fucking idea on what that class is about anyways." Amu closed her eyes, and tried to get some stress out of her. Then Amu opened her eyes again. "Now that I think about it, all of my teachers told me the same exact thing. Well except PE."

"What?! That means you have to get higher than eighty on all subjects?!" Utau exclaimed. "Wow. If you can do that I'll give you a million dollars."

"Why bother trying? I'm probably going to fail all of them anyways." Amu put her arms behind her head.

"I think it's possible. With a tutor." Utau said, giving a half-smile.

"Where would I even find-" Amu started, but then remembered. Oh yeah. She remembered her last tutor.

"I'm going to…find my tutor…"

"Back here."

"Once again."

Ikuto and Amu stood in front of her messy room, just like old times.

"Your room still smells and looks disgusting…" Ikuto squinted her eyes, looking around Amu's room.

"What? But I cleaned up yesterday." Amu said.

"What exactly did you clean?" Ikuto asked. Every inch of the floor was covered with something.

"Well I started cleaning until I got bored and started watching anime." Amu replied, scratching her head.

"Ok, let's start with language arts then." Ikuto sighed and grabbed Amu's English book off of the floor.

One hour later…

"I…hate…literature…" Amu said, her body lying on the ground.

"Well I'm the one who has to teach you this! It's harder for me because you can never understand anything!" Ikuto told Amu. "This is even harder for you than math!"

"I don't even remember anything I learned." Amu puffed her cheeks together.

"Well, I'm not leaving until you memorize the whole damn book!"

Seven hours later…

"Ok. Now I really, really hate literature…" Amu had her body flopped on her bed.

"Well at least you memorized everything right?"

"Nope. Don't remember a thing." Amu turned to him.

"You stupid idiot! You better have memorized the whole damn book by tomorrow, because we're moving on to science!"

"This is going to be a long week…"

Ikuto yawned. He was in his first period class, PE. And he was also tired as hell, since he barely got any sleep last night.

Everybody was just talking instead of running around the track anyways. He decided to walk today.

This week's been so busy, having to teach Amu everything she was supposed to learn this year. On top of that, he didn't even start studying for his finals, not that he really needed to though.

Another yawn escaped from Ikuto's mouth. He was so tired he could just fall asleep right now…

"W-What are you doing? Ikuto!" A voice rang through his ears and a small arm grabbed onto him before he could fall onto the ground. "Ugh, you're so heavy…"

"Huh?" He widened his eyes and realized he fell asleep for a second there.

"We're you sleeping?" Amu asked him, letting go of his arm once he balanced himself again.

"No…just, uh, daydreaming." He replied back, and started running ahead of Amu.

"That stupid…what was he really doing? And why did he run away from me?!" Amu exclaimed.

"Hey, uh, Yoru?" Amu turned around to face Yoru awkwardly in her language arts class later that day.

"Ah, I knew the day would come where you'd talk to me, nya…"

Amu gave out a sharp sigh of annoyance. "Do you know what's up with Ikuto?"

"I'll answer you if you give me a kiss, nya." He smirked, under Amu's stare, just like a mini Ikuto. Normally, Amu would've thought that was cute, but this was Yoru.

"Don't be stupid!" Amu wacked kicked him in the shin. "I'm serious."

"O-OW!" Yoru yelped. "Um, that HURT!"

"So are you going to tell me or what?"

"Ok, fine, but it's sort of a secret, so you can't tell anybody." Yoru washed his eyes from side to side and put a hand over one side of his mouth like people do when they're telling a secret.

"W-What?" Amu suddenly wondered if it was something serious.

"He's…" Yoru said slowly, "…been going to your house everyday to tutor you." He whispered.

"Really-I mean, I know that!" Amu exclaimed. "That's why?!"

"Man, I can't believe how stupid you are, nya!" Yoru chuckled and put his hands behind his hand and his feet on the table.

Amu squinted her eyes. She used one finger to poke his chin, hard.

"W-Whoa…!" The poke set Yoru off balance in his chair and he fell out of his seat.


"Thanks Yoru!" Amu smiled, and got up.

"No, thank you." Yoru quickly lashed out a hand to make Amu trip onto the floor.

His hand accidentally reached for one of the hoops on her jeans instead, and pulled them down. The top-half of her cotton white panties were revealed to the class.

Amu widened her eyes with her mouth in a wide O. Her cheeks slowly turned bright, bright red. "Y-Y-YOU…FUCKING PERVERT!" She closed her eyes and kicked Yoru in his delicate spot as hard as she could.


Everybody was getting ready to leave work, at the mall.

Amu stretched out her arms, tired from scrubbing so many tables.

"Are you ready…?" Ikuto asked her.

"Oh, uh, actually, I don't think I need any tutoring today!" Amu smiled. "History, is like my best subject. So I'll just study on my own tonight."

"You sure?" Ikuto raised an eyebrow.

"Yup." Amu replied, and got her skateboard. "Well I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Uh…ok." Ikuto walked off first. Amu gave out a sigh when he was gone.

"You're failing history terribly." Rima murmured from behind Amu.

"R-Rima! Since when were you there?!" Amu jumped up and turned around.

"Why didn't you want Ikuto to tutor you today?" Rima ignored Amu's question.

"What are you talking about? I don't need tutoring." Amu lied, looking the other way.

"I'm in your history class, Amu. History's your worst subject."

Amu frowned, and looked down. "But…Ikuto's trying so hard to tutor me. He doesn't even get enough sleep because of me. And I don't think he's even started studying for himself."

"So…you're just going to fail your exams?"

"The truth is, I'd rather repeat the eleventh grade than drag Ikuto's grade and sleep down because of me." Amu said.

"But no worries!" Amu suddenly exclaimed. "I'm going to study myself, so I can try passing my exams without Ikuto's help!"

"Well good luck with that." Rima chuckled and walked ahead of her.

"W-What's that supposed to m-mean?!" Amu chased after her.

"Ok…so it was in the 1600s when he became prince…" Amu muttered to herself, taking notes. She glanced at the clock quickly before concentrating back on studying. It was 2:00 A.M.

"I need to get through the book before I go to sleep!" Amu shook her head from side to side and patted her cheeks together. She was only half done though.

5:00 A.M.

Amu lay asleep with her rested on her table. Around her were flash cards, notes, and her history book. She had only fallen asleep a few minutes ago though. But she did, at least get through the whole book.

"W-We're so proud of Amu-chan!"

"She's finally studying!"

Her parents were peeking through her door, beaming with tears in their eyes.

6:30 A.M.

"Aw, crap…School…" Amu scratched her head. She changed from yesterday's clothes to new ones. After that she threw her messenger bag over her shoulder.

"Oh, wait." She walked back to her desk and picked up some flash cards, stuffing them in her pockets. "I should probably study at school or something."

"I want more push-ups!" The gym teacher clapped her hands together. "Come on!"

Amu didn't even bother to try doing more. She lay asleep on the gym floor.

"Wake up!" The teacher slapped the ground next to Amu's ear.

"I'm awake!" Amu yelled and shot her eyes open.

"What were you doing last night? Watching anime?" Ikuto smirked from above her, already done with doing 50 push-ups.

"Yeah, I guess so." Amu gave out a little laugh.

"Oh, Ikuto-kun!" A few girls squealed and waddled to them. Well in Amu's view, they waddled. "We need help with our push-ups, can you help us?"

Amu squinted at their P.E. shorts that they've turned into short-shorts. She turned back to Ikuto, who was practically drooling.

"You pervert!" Amu sighed, and focused on doing her push-ups, even though she only had two done.

"Actually, I think I'll just stay here." Ikuto replied back to the girls.

"H-He looked at me!"

"Well he smiled at me!"

"That was not a smile! Our Ikuto only smirks!"

"He smirked at me!"

"What are you doing?" Amu asked him. "Go away…"

"Aww…you're so cold Amu-koi." He sat down, criss-crossed next to Amu's push-up position and put a hand under his chin.

"S-Stop staring at me!" Amu turned red and looked away from Ikuto's eyes.

"I'll stop once you're done with all fifty push-ups…" He smirked, with his long blue strands falling sexily over his eyes. Amu blushed into an even darker shade. But someone was bothering her.

"Uhh…Yoru, what are you doing…?" Amu and Ikuto asked Yoru, who was behind Amu with his head on the floor.

"It's a nice view from here, nya."

"What view-" Amu froze and turned her head around. Her gym shorts were basketball pants, which were of course going downward which gave Yoru a full view of her…

"WHAT IS WITH YOU AND MY UNDERWEAR?!" Amu got one of her feet and pushed it back, and since Yoru's head was so close to her feet, her foot went directly against his face.

"Gosh…" Amu turned away from Yoru, just as the bell rang. Well at least that woke her up a bit more.

Later that day…

"I hope you students are all studying for your finals next week." Amu's English teacher said. While Amu, was sleeping with her head on her desk. A light snore escaped from her mouth every other second.

"Hinamori-san!" The teacher slammed Amu's desk. "Pay attention! You have the lowest grade yet you still choose not to listen one week before the finals?"

"H-Huh? Where am I?" Amu was still half-asleep. The whole class giggled.

"I'm not even going to bother." The teacher put her hands on her hips. "Lazy people like you will get nowhere in life. You're going to repeat this grade for sure. At least you know you deserved to. You should be ashamed of yourself, Hinamori-san."

"Yeah, I should be, but I'm not." Amu looked up to glare at the teacher. Who did she think she was anyways?

"Guess that's another detention for you, then…" The teacher shook her head from side to side and walked back to the front of the classroom.

As the teacher continued to explain more about what was going to be on the exams next week, Amu dozed off, once again.

"I hate science…" Amu muttered, in her room that night. She has made up another excuse for Ikuto so he wouldn't have to come over and tutor her.

"I don't get this crap at all…!" She crumpled up the sheet of paper she had been writing on and threw it across the room.

"But I can't stop now…Science is the last subject I have to study for…" Amu sighed, and ripped out a piece of paper from her notebook.

A knock coming from her balcony door jolted Amu up. "H-Huh?" She turned slowly to her balcony. Tip-toeing slowly to the door, she cautiously grabbed a Haruhi Suzumiya figure, in case it was a burglar and so she had something to whack the asshole with. Then she swiped the curtains covering her door to the side. There was someone there!

"Ahhh!" Amu held up her poor anime figure and wacked it against the glass. Oh yeah, how was she supposed to hit the guy if there was a door in front of her?

Wait, this guy had navy blue hair!

"Ikuto?!" Amu exclaimed, and pulled her door open. "What are you doing here at…" She glanced at the clock on her computer. "…10:00 PM?!"

"I can't visit you?" He purposely pouted.

"Amu-chan? What are you doing in there? I heard a shout." Amu's mom's voice sounded near as she walked towards Amu's door.

Amu's eyes widened in panic. She pushed Ikuto back outside harshly. "Stay hidden!"

Pushing the door and curtain back, Amu turned forward just as her mom opened her door up.

"Amu-chan, are you ok?"

"Y-Yeah. I just s-saw a spider." Amu lied, smiling at her mother.

"Oh, ok. Well make sure to go to sleep soon ok?"

"Mhm!" Amu replied and waited ten seconds after her mom left her room to let Ikuto in again.

"You don't just climb up peoples' houses in the middle of the night? How did you even get up here? Why are you here? What the hell-MMPH!" Amu 's eyes widened when her lips were sealed by Ikuto's mouth.

After he let go she twitched an eye at him. "Why again did you do that?"

"It was a more entertaining way to make you shut up."

"So what? Why are you here?" Amu crossed her arms.

"Because you've been purposely trying to avoid me tutoring you." Ikuto went right to the point.

"I-I-I haven't b-been purposely avoiding y-you just to l-like study alone, c-cause I noticed y-you were getting more t-tired. Pfff!" Amu lied.

Ikuto twitched. "Uhuh…"

"Well I have to go stu-I mean sleep now! Later!" Amu pushed Ikuto back outside. Too bad his feet were practically glued to the floor.

"Aww, how cute. Amu-koi was worried about me." Ikuto smirked, and Amu turned bright red.

"I'm! Not! Worried!" Amu yelled as she trying pushing Ikuto harder. "Why would I even be worried that I'm the reason you're tired every day and why you haven't started studying for the tests?! I'm not worried at all! AT ALL!"

Ikuto turned around to face Amu. He grabbed her arms and pinned them together and above her head before pushing her against a Lucky Star poster pinned to her bedroom wall.(A/N: Amu's arms look like this above her head :O)

He leaned into her face, so close, that the tips of their noses were touching. Amu responded by squirming lower. She shook her hands, trying to break free.

"Let go Ikuto…" She muttered, half-looking into his eyes, half-looking on the ground.

"Tell me the truth. And then I will."

Amu stomped her foot in frustration. As she did all the flash cards stuffed inside her pockets dropped and swished to the ground. All of the tiny cards flew around their feet.

Ikuto looked on the ground and let go of Amu's wrists. Amu took this chance to swap her hands back down to her sides. Ikuto bent down and picked up one of the cards.

"Queen Elizabeth?" He read it, and turned the card around to see the definition and dates of the person.

Born on September 7 1533 and died on March 26 1603, England, daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, Amu thought inside her head when she heard the name. Wow, maybe flash cards do help out…

"Y-You studied?" Ikuto wondered if this was the real Amu, as he had a dumbfounded look upon his face.

"W-What are you trying to say?" Amu twitched. Okay, so maybe this was her first time studying on her own. Was it that surprising?

"Wow…I thought you were just trying to avoid studying." Ikuto said.

"I have some limitations to school, you know." Amu rolled her eyes.

They looked at each other for a few seconds. Then burst out laughing.

"Okay, that was a good one."

"Yeah, I know-I mean hey! I was serious!" But Amu couldn't keep her lips from smiling.

"Well I guess it's fine, then." Ikuto yawned. "I'm going to go back."

"That's all? You thought I wasn't studying?"

"Well it's not that hard to think that." Ikuto replied, opening Amu's balcony door.

"H-Hey!" Amu shouted, but Ikuto had hopped back onto the floor already. Only a small breeze blew through her room. She sighed.

"Geez…" She locked her balcony door and went back to her desk.

"Now…where was I?"

"Okay! Sunday Night! The night before finals!" Amu tightened the old-fashioned white headband around her head. She wrote "GANBATTE :3" on the front messily.

"If I repeat the grade this past week of horror would have wasted all my anime time!" She kept that as her inspiration.

"I'll start with English…" Amu picked up her English notes, going through them and testing herself.

"That's weird…Everything looks familiar…" She had never felt this…feeling before. The feeling of understanding something…educational.

"It's…a miracle!" Amu had sparkles in her eyes and posed in a weird statue figure.

"I can't be late!" Amu woke up late, and was skating as fast as she could to school. Because of finals, PE was canceled for the week. That meant if she was late she would have automatically failed her finals.

"Damn't…!" She stayed up the whole night studying and getting herself ready for today.

Biting her lip Amu jumped off her skateboard, grabbed it with her hand, and made a run to the school.

The early bell rung in the distance.

"Ugh!" Amu threw he skateboard aside and ran faster. Slipping here and there, she hurried to her classroom.

There was the door right there. Amu reached out for it.


The door slammed shut and locked. "You're late Hinamori. That means you'll be repeating the grade."

Voices were heard in her head.

"W-Wait no, I can't repeat the eleventh grade! I studied all night! I can't-"

"It's too late, now."


Amu shot up from her chair. "Huh?"

"Amu-chan? It's time to get ready for school." Her mother appeared at her doorway.

Amu was still breathing hard. "It was all…a dream?" Giving out a sigh of relief, Amu threw her shirt over her head to grab a clean one.

"I need to relax…"

"Remember, if you don't do well on the finals, you're whole grade will be dropped students."

Amu concentrated herself. Ok…Just need to get through these tests and she'll be good to go. No repeating any grades. She patted her cheeks with her hands.

"You may now start."

One week later…

Amu rushed towards the hallway.

"Hold on, Amu…! Are you that anxious to see your test scores?" Rima trailed behind her, regretting not making a slave carry her.

"Yes, my anime time depends on this!" Amu finally reached the crowd of students surrounding the board, which pinned down every student's scores to that homeroom.

"I'm going in!" Amu charged through the pack of "animals".

"Ow, ow, ow!" A few people elbowed her in the stomach. She tripped a few times as well. Her face smashed onto the front of the bored.

"Hm? Oh…it's Ikuto's scores." As usual, he got every single question right. "How the hell does he do that…?"

"Wait, no! Need to find my scores…" Amu slid to the side, mashed between the board and the students. "H…inamori! There it is!"

Focusing her eyes on only her scores Amu read them. "81…90…88…82…"

"YES!" Amu shot an arm up in the air, punching the poor guy next to her accidentally in the jaw. But she was too happy to notice. And if she did notice, she was too happy to care.


The bell signaled the early bell for the start of the school day.

"I can't wait to tell Ikuto…" Amu blushed, rushing to PE.


"Ikuto, I need to talk to you, nya!" Yoru rushed towards Ikuto, trying to catch up with him that morning before school started.

"What, Yoru?" Ikuto rolled his eyes and kept walking.

"Come on, this is serious." Yoru pulled Ikuto's arm back. "It starts next week."

"I know…"

"So when are you going to tell-"

"I'm not going to tell her."

"What? Are you sure, nya?"

"I'm…sure. I'll have Utau tell her when I'm already gone. It's not as if we're never going to see each other. We have cell phones. And I'll visit." Ikuto sighed, and continued walking to first period. "I just…don't want to say goodbye. The idiot will probably overreact or something."

"Ok…nya….whatever you say…" Yoru pouted and followed behind. He walked into the gym, behind Ikuto.

"Guess what I got on my test Ikuto?!" Amu rushed towards him.

"0%?" He joked and Amu got mad, and started shouting at him. After they got over that she smiled proudly after revealing her scores. Ikuto ruffled her hair as she turned red.

Yoru was watching the whole scene. "I might actually get mad at you if you don't return…" Chuckling, he went to join the two.

"So more panty shots for me, nya?"


That's the last chapter of Opposites Attract. Yes, sorry it took so damn long for me to update once again. I think I'm going to make a sequel…idk. Anyways thank you everyone who has stayed with me on this story so much! Appreciate it! TT^TT