Reviews for Away From the Sun
Guest chapter 4 . 12/21/2019
... the writing is nice... everything is nice... I'm sorry, i just wanted to write a review knowing that this was written in 2011 and people were still biased against fashion majors... but i personally felt hurt by this... if the fashion industry didn't exist, do you think you'd be wearing the clothes you are now? studying to become a doctor is all well and good and it has a purpose: to heal people who need healing. just as the fashion industry works to dress people.. whatever its not like anyone's gonna be reading this review fine I respect your opinion... there's good and bad in everything fine I see that. But sometimes being beautiful and wanting to be beautiful and pretty... its not bad. Wearing make up is not bad. Liking dresses is not bad. its such a toxic mentality to think that fashion majors are brainless... do you actually think they make no money? doctors have to work their asses off in school for more than 10 years to get a job... then they have to work another 10 more to get a clinic... they're old by the time they hit their prime... anyway, cheers.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/28/2018
Impressive that you wrote the whole story that fast!
freyja0taku chapter 12 . 3/20/2017
Love it! It's very sweet and as always, greatly written. I love that the other characters mostly featured on this one is Kim, Ox and Jackie. Well, a little more featured than Liz and Tsubaki. It's a nice change from what I've been reading. I'm curious about Tsubaki's relationship though, they still contact each other even if they're not together anymore. Got a little heart broken at that tbh. The ending's awesome as it is but Ill definitely read it if you still add a sequel. x3
Friendly Anon reviews chapter 12 . 1/9/2017
A very sweet story.
delilah chapter 12 . 7/19/2016
i love this story and i would really like it if you can continue the story it was really good
Guest chapter 12 . 1/10/2016
Please a sequel
senasena chapter 11 . 7/26/2015
Years go by and I always find myself completely out of the blue at 3am going back to these stories I read so long ago. It amazes me, how even these fanmade stories can still give me tingles and giggles and rushes of nostalgia. Your writing is just as touching and amazing as I first read it four years ago. Your portrayal of the characters Soul and Maka and their relationship performed through your words is honestly still one of the best writing I've seen in a while. I hope you will forever keep these up online because I know for sure on another day, a month or a year by now I'll remind myself again of how your stories made me feel and decide to read some once again. Thank you for sharing your creations with us!
aleece14 chapter 12 . 7/21/2015
is it finished
Wild Cat.Mao chapter 12 . 10/16/2014
I just loved this one
Awesome! ยก
Guest chapter 12 . 9/27/2014
kleiol chapter 1 . 6/9/2014
Excuse me while I read this for the third time.
waterxeno chapter 6 . 5/16/2014
the ending is so epic :P
Littleotaku chapter 3 . 5/10/2014
It's getting very interesting! 3
Littleotaku chapter 2 . 5/10/2014
it's a small one chapt :(
Littleotaku chapter 1 . 5/10/2014
It's good enough!
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