Reviews for SouLimit! BPM
theDude-abides96 chapter 3 . 2/28
I know that this fic was last updated over 10 years ago, so the chances of this ever being updated is nonexistent, but it’s a bummer because I really loved the concept of this one. Soul would definitely be good at DDR considering its canon that he’s a good dancer. I wish there was more fics like this one, it was written so well.
9YearsOfMaka chapter 3 . 9/20/2017
I know its been what?... 7 years but maybe... You know... Still continue this? The roller coaster of feelings makes me anticipate for more and to tell you the truth this is very original. And I want to see how this thing goes.
AzaleaTea chapter 3 . 1/3/2016
So this is actually really good and surprisingly original. I felt like I was watching a real episode (one where the creator decided to let this ship sail for real). It'd be awesome if you could update.
Mari chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
will you ever update again?
blackblooded1 chapter 3 . 8/22/2013
Oh my ,maka you are so naive
And mean how could you do such an awful thing to soul ,if she keeps going it'll destroy
They're relationship oh stupid teen love
November Ember chapter 3 . 4/27/2013
Aww...I hope it turns out well...
BC chapter 3 . 9/3/2012
2 coins inserted. Plz continue!
Guest chapter 3 . 8/20/2012
The High-Fives For Nothing chapter 3 . 8/11/2012
Awwww :( I'm seriously, like, going to cry. Maybe I'm just a sap, but poor Maka! I know I'd feel that way if something like that happened (though the likelihood of that happening in the first place, even without the magic, is slim to none.)
Anyways, I really really loved this story so far. Update when you can! :)
321BlueBlossoM123 chapter 3 . 7/30/2012
*Throws quarters at you*
coolgirl chapter 1 . 4/27/2012
keep writing
Lisa-chan chapter 3 . 4/10/2012
Ill insert any amount of coins to keep this story going! * fist pump * and that's sayin a lot for me because I'm low on cash. Lolz and I'm only eleven. * giggle, giggle *
Ochibi4me chapter 3 . 2/29/2012
Please update. It's been so long I didn't read a great SoMa fic like yours.

You make an interesting plot on this story. I can't stop screaming "awww" when you describing after sleeping soul greeting maka. It is sooo cuuutee :3

And now I feel desperate becouse you haven't update it. :(

Pleease update! :9
coolgirl chapter 1 . 2/3/2012
keep writing
DiamondintheDark chapter 3 . 11/21/2011
Absouletly beautiful :) Please, do continue on this fanfic soon. I'm definitely enjoying it, and for once, it's a fic about Maka attempting to understand music in a way that's actually fun to read!

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