Summary : (AU) Natsume & Mikan are childhood bestfriends. He constantly flirts with girls and she's used to it… but when it's the other way around, it bothers the hell out of him…and Prom's coming up too… How will things work out? (NXM) Rated T for the Language

Genre: Romance/General


Okay, okay! I know I shouldn't have made another fic since I haven't finished Seven Days of Bad Luck… but hey, I just want to get this out of my system…

Hope you like it!

Anyway, rated T for the language… lots of curses here… I'm warning you.

I only made it short coz I'm just trying this story out… kinda like a trial version…


I just edited a few phrases…haha! I read it again and saw the mess I made… thanks for panda-ppl for pointing it out to me.. Although I don't know if it makes any difference… I tried though… Sorry for the mistakes…

Oh yeah… I'll give you guys a head start… The chapters in the fic are gonna be in POV's… Mikan's POV then Natsume's POV alternately…So next chapter will be in Natsume's POV then back again.. so on and so forth…

DISCLAIMER : I don't own Gakuen Alice or any of the characters. All rights belong to Higuchi Tachibana.




Mikan's POV



'Where the hell is he?!' My mind screamed as I pressed by back against the wall. Students flooded the hallways after the bell rang. I'm supposed to be getting to my next class if it weren't for a certain raven haired boy. He borrowed my book in Calculus and now he's nowhere to be seen. Jinno-sensei's gonna throw a fit if I don't bring my book to class. I glanced at my watch to check the time. Damn… five minutes after the bell.

Students began to enter the rooms one by one. Finally, the hallways were deserted and I felt like an idiot, waiting for that creep to show up. My eyes widened with surprise as my gaze fell upon the couple on the corner. I felt my blood boiled at the sight. Not wasting any time, I stormed at their direction.

"Wow! So the red Ferrari outside is really yours?" The blonde started giggling in an annoying matter. I wondered if Natsume was annoyed too…

"Tsk. I had that for like a month now." He shrugged. How does he manage to snag girls in this manner? This wasn't flirting… this was boasting.

"You're really something."

"I know." Cocky Bastard.

"So are you free tonight?" Her high pitched voice started to hurt my ears.

I felt sick upon hearing them talk. Having those fan girls of his really went to his head. It's really surprising how we even became friends.

"Natsume! Didn't you know how long I waited for you?" I cried out but not too loud since I didn't want to end up in detention. "Where's my book?" He glanced at me and tilted his head towards his bag then continued to talk to the girl, completely ignoring my raged self who stood beside them.

He continued flirting with the blondie in front of him. I took a deep breath hoping to control myself from punching his face. 'To hell with it!' I began to fumble his bag to find where my book was. It would take me hours if I had to argue with him.

Natsume was used to my antics and went on with his so-called conversation with the blonde airhead. That meant he didn't want to be disturbed. Too bad the girl didn't know how to deal with him… since I saw her glaring at me. She should've just ignored me like he did.

"Umm… excuse me? Can you please get you butt out of here? Can't you see we're having a conversation?" The blonde snapped at me. I simply rolled my eyes and continued to fumble his bag. "Hey! Don't you dare ignore me." She continued on. I glanced at Natsume and saw how his mood changed.

"I asked you a question. Well?" Natsume said monotonously. I could sense the change in his tone as he was now staring at the girl with his eyebrow slightly raised. He asked the girl what time she wanted him to pick her up. Making him wait for an answer was a wrong move.

"Sorry. I didn't quite get it. It's just that this annoying bitch-" The girl went on to rant about me disturbing them. Blaming me wasn't a good idea either.

Natsume's eyebrow arched higher. How I hate getting in between situations like this. I finally saw my book under the piles of trash in his bag and pulled it out. Since I didn't want to stay any longer, "I found it. See ya later." I told him as I made a quick getaway. Unfortunately, Natsume grabbed my wrist stopping me from going anywhere. 'Oh, great.' I thought to myself.

"C'mon, I'll walk you to class. I have a free period right now." Natsume turned his back on the girl and dragged me away. I took a quick glimpse at her and saw how dumbfounded she was.

"Natsume! Where are you going?" The girl called out behind his back but he simply ignored her and continued to drag me away. "Damn it!" She cursed and stomped to the other direction.

I pulled my hand away and glared at him. "Great, now I'm sure that girl will hold a grudge against me!" I started to walk to class with him tailing behind me.

"That's stupid."

"No it's not. It's called common sense." I enunciated clearly with a hint of sarcasm. "The girl was aimlessly flirting at you and I pass by-"

"Acting like a complete idiot…" He said before I could finish what I was saying.

"Shut up. Anyway, she thinks I interrupted you both and now probably blames me for everything!" I yelled at him. I took a glance and saw him roll his eyes. How typical.

"Well done, Sherlock. What do you think will happen next? She'll follow you home and attack you at the moment you're most vulnerable?"

"Yeesh. Let's just drop it." I added, "Just do me a favor and give that girl a chance."

"Hell no." He answered bluntly. "Seeing her react like that and call you a bitch? I'd rather not." He shrugged and paced up. I ran up to catch him.

"How come??" I asked. "She seems nice." I scoffed at him, hiding a laugh.

"Whatever." He said and shook his head.

We both stopped our tracks as we saw Jinno-sensei waiting by the door of my classroom. "Nice knowing you." I heard Natsume whisper to me. Some friend. His remark made me even more nervous.

I felt a lump on my throat as Jinno-sensei gazed at me. Beads of sweat began to form on my forehead. Seeing him narrow his eyes, I'm pretty sure he's not in high spirits today.

'It looks like he was waiting for me… Crap!' I cursed under my breath. I instantly wore my innocent girl façade and smiled brightly. "Good Morning, Sir. I'm so sorry I'm a bit late."

"Not gonna work Miss Sakura." Jinno-sensei said as his eyebrow twitched. I glanced up at Natsume, pleading for help and I saw him smirk at me.

"At least she brought her book?" Natsume told Jinno-sensei. I restrained myself from kicking him. He snickered and turned around still wearing that annoying smirk of his. "See you at lunch… Or what's left of you."

'Damn you, Hyuga.' I silently cursed him as he went on his way. This is definitely a bad day. I slowly looked at Jinno-sensei's face and hoped that I'd live to see tomorrow. I sighed heavily. "Let's just get on with it, sir." I said weakly admitting my defeat.


Fortunately, I only got two days worth of detention. I couldn't believe what happened a while ago. I was so scared that he might eat me alive. Seriously, that gaze of his sent chills down my spine… and I still feel it even right now.

I looked around looking for that jerk. 'Don't tell me he's flirting again.' I scanned the room for a certain raven haired boy who is usually followed by a pack of mindless fangirls. 'Where is he?!' I grumbled and went to the lunch line. I decided not to wait for him.

"Hi, Mikan!" Koko greeted as he went behind me on the line. "You look like you're having a bad day. Hyuga managed to get you into trouble?" I smiled at his remark. Koko and I go way back in elementary. You could say he's a close friend of mine.

"I'd be lying if I said no. I was late for Calculus because of him." I complained. My face became a little gloomy. "I got two days worth of detention."

"Jinno-sensei?" He guessed with a smile.

"How'd you know?" Koko had a knack for knowing what's on my mind. Am I really that easy to read? He only replied with a chuckle.

We took our food and sat on an empty table. I noticed how people would always come in pairs. Well, Koko and I aren't exactly a pair as in a couple, but I felt a little jealous. Trying to get the idea out of my mind, I decided to open a conversation with my friend.

"So, how are things going with Nonoko?" I asked. Koko's cheeks flushed at the mention of her name.

"No good. She's too infatuated with Misaki-sensei to even notice me."

"That sucks. How about asking her to the prom?" I suggested. The Prom was in a month from now. Everyone was trying to get dates already.

"What? And experience the pains of rejection? No way!" Koko took a bite from his slice of pizza.

"You won't know if you don't try. You'd better hurry if you don't want someone else to beat you to it."

"Like who?" He mumbled as he chewed on his food. His eyes suddenly looked serious as I was about to mention some guy's name.

"I dunno. Maybe Yuu?" I told him but he only snickered. He found Yuu asking a girl out, funny. "You'll never know." I said as I began to eat my lasagna.

"That's just plain silly. Anyway, if all else fails… wanna be my partner?" I almost choked on what Koko asked me. He gave me a silly smile and went back to his pizza.

"Are you serious?" I asked him in disbelief.

"Yeah. It looks like you'll be having a hard time finding a date-" Koko stopped as he noticed angry look on my face.

"What do you mean by that?" I felt my anger reach a dangerous level. Looks like spending too much time with Natsume made me like this.

"I don't know. You haven't been in a date once…" Koko started. I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off. "You don't know any other guys besides than me, Natsume, Ruka and Yuu… and you can barely act normal around guys!"

"I do so!"

"Do not! You act like a kid and you're too clumsy for your own good."

"Am not!"

"Is too! And you're still wearing those childish pigtails…"

"Natsume thinks it's cute!" I told him. Koko raised his eyebrow. "Fine! He thinks it looks stupid but-"

"Case closed!" Koko stated and took a sip on his cola.

"No it's not!!" I protested. How can Koko tell me that I have zero chances in finding a date or even boyfriend? "Fine, you win… but don't forget that I have a playboy for a best friend. He can help me out anytime!"

Koko began to laugh. He was now annoying the hell out of me. "You forgot one thing. Natsume is a guy."


"He only knows how to deal with girls… which is sadly not your case."

"Great…" I leaned my chin on the table. My stupid classmate had a point. I cracked my head for more ideas but none came out. I give up. "Koko, will you be my partner for the Prom?"

"Sure… but only as a reserve. You know, if we don't find any dates." Koko pointed out with a chuckle.

I felt sick to my stomach. "Am I such a sad case?" I asked him. Koko's eyes were focused on a figure behind me. I had a gut feeling who it was.

"Where were you?? I was looking for you everywhere!" Natsume yelled at me but I managed to cover my ears. I wasn't in the mood to chat after the revelation Koko gave me.

"Leave me alone." I said as I stood up and walked out on them.

"Don't worry Mikan! You still have me!" I heard Koko yell. I waved my hand as a reply. Natsume's face looked confused as he watched me walk away.

I went towards the courtyard and felt a soft breeze gush at me. This was really a bad day. Stupid Koko. Now I feel like hell. I took a glance behind me only to see Natsume heading my way. I felt he was worried. You know how he is, he always had his cold demeanor, and it was unnatural for him to look kind and concerned. His face barely reflected his feelings but I can always tell if he's worried or not.

"I'm fine." I lied to him. I can tell he wasn't buying it.

"You're a bad liar. Just spill it. What's wrong?"

I averted my gaze and sighed. "Natsume, can you help me find a boyfriend?" His eyebrow twitched a bit.

"For what?" His voice sounded surprised. We never did talk about me looking for a guy, let alone a boyfriend.

"I dunno… for the prom?" I walked towards an empty bench under the tree. Natsume followed me and he seemed angry.

"You need a boyfriend for the prom?" He asked disbelievingly. I could sense the irritation in his voice. I wondered what made him so worked up.

"Yes and no. I can't even find a date…" I exhaled heavily and sat down. He sat down beside me and stretched his legs.

"I can be your date if you want." He suggested. I know he's only trying to be nice but I won't be able to find a real date if this keeps up.

"No, it's alright. I know you have tons of girls lining up, wanting to be your date. I can just-"

"Is this what it's all about? They're just girls. You're you. They can wait."

"That won't convince Koko…"

"So it's Koko now? You seriously need to fix your stories, polkadots." I threw a glare at him. He always makes fun of me even if I'm down.

"Shut up with the polkadots. You know I hate it." I punched his shoulder playfully.

"Then why do you wear it?" He turned to me with that annoying smirk on his face. I ignored his remark and looked away showing that I was pissed at him. "Tell me from the beginning." He said softly.

I took a deep breath and looked at him with resolve. "Koko says I have zero chances of finding a date, let alone a boyfriend."

"And…?" Natsume leaned his head closer waiting for me to tell the rest of my story.

"That's it." I told him flatly.

He raised his eyebrow, desperately trying to hold his laughter which he successfully did so. "And you believed Koko?"

"Yeah. He told me I didn't know other men except you guys and I can barely act normal in front of them."


"And he said I act like a kid and I'm clumsy."

"That's true…"

"And he even said I'm still wearing childish pig-tails!"

"That I agree with." He smirked at me.

"I feel so pathetic. I even asked him to be my partner for the pro-"

"You what??" Natsume's mood suddenly changed. The smirk on his face disappeared and he looked so annoyed. I don't even know why…

"But only as a reserved partner… you know, if we both don't get dates." I said looking closely at Natsume who was scratching his head out of frustration.

"And you told this to Koko first before telling me?" Annoyance was definitely evident in his voice. I nodded and made an awkward smile.

"I'm sure you'll be getting a date for the prom… So I didn't bother asking you."

"Fine. Be Koko's date for all I care." He shrugged and stood up. I made a puzzled look but he didn't seem to notice.

"I told you I don't want to be just a reserve. I don't want to be Koko's date." I explained. Maybe he thought that I wanted to be Koko's date.

Natsume let out an exasperated sigh and placed a hand on my shoulder. "If it makes you feel any better… Will you go to the prom with me?"

I slapped his hand away. "What? You think I'm that pathetic?" I never felt so mad at him for taking me lightly. "I don't need your pity!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" He raised his voice. We were practically screaming at each other now. "I was only asking you to the prom… what's the big idea??"

"I don't want to be anyone's second choice…" I told him weakly. "I'm sure you want to go out with some girl…"

"How many times do I have to repeat myself? Those girls can wait." I didn't answer back and turned away. "You are so stubborn." I heard him curse silently. "Alright. If you really don't want to go out with me, maybe I can fix you up with some guy or something."

"Really?" I suddenly faced him with my eyes lit up.

"But I don't approve of this. You can just do what you want. I give up."

"Thanks, Natsume!!" I said happily as I stood up and hugged him dearly. "You're the best!"

"Now will you please get off me?" I pulled away and gave him a big smile. For a minute there, I noticed a faint smile escaped from his lips.

"Thank you Natsume."

"I know I know." He rolled his eyes. "I'll try to talk to some guys… but don't rely too much on me."

"It's okay!" I clasped my hands together. "Wow! I can't believe this… my first date!"

"Oh, right. You haven't gone out with anyone except me."

"Yeah, can you believe that?" I told him as I skipped happily towards the building. I failed to notice that Natsume wasn't all too happy about it.






So how was it? Was it stupid? Haha... I've been dying for a fic like this.. but there were only few, so I decided to write this to satisfy my needs... Just wanna share the thoughts in my brain...

Why not take you time to review my work? That is much appreciated..