Currently in love with vampires ahahhahah :) well I'm always in love with them, they seriously amaze me

Currently in love with vampires ahahhahah :) well I'm always in love with them, they seriously amaze me. Even if it was those really spooky ones like Dracula. Yup, I just love vampires. :D ooo an AU story

I Found You

His sharp eyes scanned through the crowd, his eyes adapted to the dark quite easily, overall he was a night-creature. His handsome features were getting a lot of attention from the ladies. That was something he disliked about being one of them, he didn't like attention.

He was thirsty, this feeling was unbearable, how he hope he could just suck all the blood from one person, but being a smart guy like him, he knew that wasn't possible. If he did that, his true identity would be discovered, and once again he would be isolated, or even hunted. He groaned, this feeling was just too intolerable, he was awfully thirsty, he stood up from the comfy place he liked so much, and walked out to the street nonchalantly, food would come by itself.

"Hey! Are you alone? Want to get a drink with me?" A woman came to him; she was smiling…quite perilously, her eyes filled greedily with lust. He grinned, food just came so easily.


Echizen Ryoma was something so far away he seems so out of reach for anyone, his golden (some say amber) eyes were so irresistible, that people would simply get lost in his eyes (that was what the girls says.) Well, people also said that Ryoma's lips were one of the most attractive parts on his stunning face (that was from the girls too.)

Normally if someone was to write a profile about Ryoma, it would be:

Echizen Ryoma is a mysterious guy that no one knows about his past. He is the most beautiful guy in the world you'll possibly know and there are no more regrets in your life if he smiles at you just once. Yes, you could just drop dead in the spot and there'll be no regrets. He have dark hair with green highlights, he said the green was natural. His academic grades is always the best and no one is ever smarter then him. That is Echizen Ryoma.

It was basically true, if you compare him to humans. If you compare him to his kind… that would be quite realistic too. Echizen Ryoma was a vampire. He was the creature from the dark. He knew he must keep a distant between himself and humans, or else things would get out of hand. So he made a rule for himself. He must not fall in love. That was pretty easy too, like who in the hell would be great enough to make him, the ice prince, fall in love? He was so wrong.


Ryoma went out to the late Tokyo Street; normally there wouldn't be a lot of people, since it was after midnight, but because the next day was a public holiday, many teenagers went out for a good fun. This night couldn't be better. Ryoma already got two appetizers and now he was searching for his main course.

He walked slowly down the street, observing everyone that tried to flirt with him, but to his disappointment none of them was a good option for his meal. He sighed, maybe he should just find some random human and not to be too meticulous. That thought was immediately annulled when he smelt that unusual sweetness. He quickly turned around and searched for that person.

He thought he lost it for a second, but after he focused a bit, he smirked. He found his main course. His delicious meal was a young teenager around sixteen. Female he thought such an easy target. The young girl had huge chocolate brown eyes, and her hair was childishly tied into two braids. Her fringe wrapped around her heart-shaped face perfectly. To normal human eyes, she would be a very attractive girl, but to Ryoma she was a very attractive food.

She spotted him staring at her, and her eyes widened. Ryoma smirked, hoping she would be like all the other women and fall for him. The girl met his eyes and quickly looked away, embarrassed. She never in her life had seen such a beautiful man, and for god sake, he was staring at her. Ryoma blinked, he was surprised that this girl didn't come or even looked at him again. She even went as far as she could to the other side of the street. He rubbed his chin, even he was already over a hundred years old, his appearance was just a young nineteen year-old teenager, oh wait! Was it that he was too obvious and everything he thought had written on his face just too clearly?

His frowned, he must not loose this girl, he hadn't smell anything like her for thousands of years! Sure he had exaggerated a bit, but for as long as he lived, or turned into a vampire, he had never smelt something like her. She smelt seriously sweet.

The girl stole a glance at him again and found that he was still staring at her. She wanted to runaway, but wasn't that quite impolite? It would be too obvious that she was freaked out by this man, even though he was extremely stunning, but his overly pale skin and arrogant expression was freaking her out.

Her eyes widen when she noticed that the guy was walking towards her, his lips was craved into a haughty smirk. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach and the annoying heat that crept onto her face.

Ryoma was walking towards his delicious meal. To be honest he was a bit surprise when the girl's face turned abnormally red, since normally girls who go to him on their own were mostly sluts; so simply, Ryoma hardly seen an innocent girl near him.

"Hey." Ryoma said, his confident smirk was still plastered on his face, but inside he didn't feel much the same. He never tried to flirt with a girl, it always the other way round. He seriously didn't know how to flirt.

"Go…GOMEN!" the girl shouted as she bowed ninety-degree in front of Ryoma and ran away in her quickest speed. That shocked him. Never in his life got so rejected like this. Seriously what was that!? He sighed; maybe he got no fate with sweet bloods.


Ryoma yawned; he wasn't tired of any sort, he was just bored. English, Maths, Science, nothing was a problem. He got too many time for his own good, and having college again and again, it was like a coma-life. Today was when new students coming to their new school, freshmen were all over the place whispering excitedly, and filling all the spaces in the canteen. This pissed Ryoma off, all he wanted was a glass of orange juice and he needed to queue up ten whole minutes. Great.

He sniffed, it was that smell again. He spun around trying to find that girl again, he couldn't believe his luck of finding that delicious food again, and even so near him. Girls started squealing as Ryoma ran through the crowd in the canteen (with his orange juice), pushing the girls gently on the way, loud screams of 'Ryoma-sama touched me!' and 'AH! He's so CUTE!' echoed through the canteen behind him. He swore on his human grave he would not loose her.

He turned around the corner, the smell got stronger, he started to panic, she must be near how come he couldn't find her? Then something soft bumped into him, as an instinct, he turned around and caught it. He found it. The soft 'thing' was his delicious meal, he grinned.

Faint screams were heard on the background while people saw the scene; the new beautiful girl bumped into the ice prince, what was more shocking was the ice prince grinned when he saw her. Daggers of jealousy were battling through the awkward atmosphere between those two, but the daggers failed pitifully not able to pass through that thick ambience.

The young girl eyes widened. Her cherry-blossomed lips parted into an 'o' and her chocolate brown eyes were bigger then usual. Her waist was locked in the senior's strong arm, his handsome face grinning at her, her heart must had stopped for a second when she realized who this person was.

He helped her up and patted her head. "So you're here?" Ryoma asked quietly, still grinning. How god must loved him, letting his delicious meal getting to him on her own.

"Ha….hai…" The girl was confused, what the hell was he asking? But as though there were some magical stuff, or talents from the boy in front of him, she just couldn't ignore him, like she couldn't get him out of her head in the past few days.

Ryoma couldn't help but his grin went wider, it was weird that he was in such a happy mood, but he didn't think about his weird mood swing of the day, it didn't matter. Ryoma walked away, somehow he knew the girl would follow, or stop him, he was proved right in the next second.

"Anou!" the girl chased behind him, ignoring the annoyed looks from the crowd and the admiring look from her new made friends. "Who… are you?" the girl asked softly as she was nearer to him, out of the hearing range of other people.

"Echizen Ryoma." Ryoma answered, then he stared at her hinting her to tell him her own name.

"I'm Ryuzaki Sakuno." The girl smiled, and gave him a light bow. "Thanks for catching me earlier." Ryoma smirked, Ryuzaki Sakuno, her name would be sewed in his brain forever.

Hahaaa, hope you liked it, it's suppose to be a small or short multi-chapter story, so I hope I could keep it short in ten chapters… I tend to drag my stories, I'll try to improve that :D hahaa got inspired by twilight, and blue bloods. Nice books :) lol please read and review :) and sorry about any spelling or grammatical mistakes, I think I'm improving though…