Author's Notes: After a year here in FFN, I learned a lot of things, and I'm still learning. I can't say I'm good at writing, but I improved, if you compare my works now to my works before. So, after rereading my stories, I've decided to edit them and lessen the errors.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice. This should go for the whole story.

Summary: He's popular, she's not. She's responsible, he's not. He's arrogant and proud. She puts herself last. He's irresistible but not to her. She's just a plain student, but not to him. She loves her best friend and her best friend loves her back but he wants to meddle in.


By Acrianz



She glanced around. The cold breeze was supposed to make her feel better, refreshed, but it didn't. Nothing could.

How did they come to this?

Everything was so fine before so why the heck did it become like this? She was a normal, easy-going and cheerful student. He was a happy, great soccer player. And the other one was, well, popular. They were typical teenagers. Did Fate really have to mess everything up? That's just so unfair.

The sun was setting. If she had time, she probably would stop and watch the sunset, amazed at how the sun seems to change color. But time was not hers; it was running away from her. She was chasing it, them. And she should be home by now, her Grandpa would be worried.

She guessed she would just have to deal with that later. She still had important things to do. She ran around the corner, hoping to see one of them. No such luck. Where was she now? She had no clue. She was just running, trying her luck. She was hoping with all heart that they would listen to her. They were both stubborn. They did not want to hear her explanation. If only they would give her a chance, things might get better.

She didn't mean to hurt them and they knew that. Couldn't they understand that she, too, was hurting? Damn it, they were being unfair! And great, just when she needed Hotaru the most, she said, "Go fix your problem. Nogi's waiting for me." She was glad for Ruka, he was finally reaching the Ice Queen. Hotaru was not there, who would help her now? Probably Tsubasa, 'cause he was her best friend or probably Natsume because despite his attitude, he listens. No. Of course they could not help her. After all, they were the ones that she's looking. They were mad at her.

Why was she doing this again? Didn't she have the right to be mad, too? She did, but she was too selfless to think about herself. She just wanted to sort things out. She did not know where they went. Of course they went to different directions. After all, Natsume and Tsubasa were also angry at each other. And there she was, trying to fix the problem all by herself and they wouldn't let her!

"Ugh, where are you guys?" Mikan whispered to the wind. An hour ago, they were at Gakuen Alice enjoying the time of their lives and now she's alone, trying to find two people who did not want to be found. They were like old women having their menopausal period!

As she turned around another corner, she felt another presence behind her. Oh shit, who was it? It was getting dark now, and she was on an unknown place. She didn't know anyone here. She was frozen on her spot, waiting for something- anything. But the person –whoever it was- remained standing behind her. Mikan was too scared to turn around. If only she knew who was it…

And then, her eyes widened as she felt a pair of arms wrapping around her.

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© Copyright 2010 Acrianz (FanFiction ID: 1963681). Posted: 09/22/10. All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of Acrianz.

Plagiarism of any form is stealing. It is punishable by law. I know my works aren't that good, but they are my intellectual property. If you plagiarize my stories however poorly-written, please be informed that I will sue. My brother is a lawyer and since we're oh-so-close, filing a case isn't that hard. Because once you plagiarized, you are guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. Plagiarism is no small matter.
