Dear readers,

I regret to inform you all that I will no longer be writing out Yours and Mine.
I have many reasons as to this very difficult decision.

1. This is the first and primary reason;
Minato and Kushina's true past, as well as the decline of interest in the Naruto series itself.
This fanfiction is a sort of... head-canon, if you will.
I wrote it out on a whim years ago, because we had absolutely no idea how Minato and Kushina met.
I wanted to fill the gap that all of us wished to fill- to put out our own theories and guesses to their past.
But the more I look back... The more I grow to dislike it. The OC's, the "weaboo" dialogue and plot...

Not to mention that Minato and Kushina's real past was revealed.
Thus creating canon scenes that I needed to weave in.
And many more that I just couldn't squeeze into the fanfiction.

The second reason is also the most hurtful.
2. All the hate, the bitching, and the demands.
Pardon my language.
But a lot of you have been sending hurtful words to me over PM during the last couple of months.
A lot have been begging me to continue, calling me hurtful things and just being rude over all.

I'm a very sensitive soul, to be honest. A lot of your words actually hurt me, and only made me shy further away from writing...
Another good chunk of my shying is the demand for smut.
I'm a little uncomfortable writing it, and I was planning on sort of skipping it, just so that I could continue the fic, but...
So much of you demanded it and it made me wonder.
I'm sure a lot of you were in it just for the porn.
I've been getting questions like,
"Why haven't they fucked yet?"
and suggestions like,
"they should do it during a mission in the forest, hehehe"

I'm sorry. But my... head-canon of Minato and Kushina is that of a awkwardly-adorable relationship that blooms into a beautiful one.
Not one that is completely full of lust and sex.

The third reason for my leave.
3. Growing up.
I've graduated.
I've grown up. I'm no longer watching/reading Naruto as avidly as I used to.
(... Or watching anime as avidly at all, really.)

I've transitioned from writing about characters in an anime to writing about characters of my own creation.
And let me tell you, I've grown to love and adore my characters like no other. They're what keeps me sane during these hard times in the economy...
Don't get me wrong.
Minato and Kushina will forever be my favorite couple from Naruto.
They'll forever be in my hearts.
I just grew up.

A lot of you probably saw this coming by now.
I would have written this sooner, announced it earlier, but...
All the potential bashing scared me, really.
But I have to do it eventually, right?
Otherwise you guys will just be left hanging.
Otherwise you guys will just continue sending me hurtful words to try and "encourage me to write."

To those who were kind to me over the times this fanfiction was written.
I sincerely thank you.
Kind words were the one who helped me through the harder times when this fanfiction was actively productive.
Your open-minds to the mistakes that were caused by the canon designs and past were the things that had kept me going.

Thank you all.

Thank you for walking with me on my head-canon of Minato and Kushina's past.
Thank you for making this fanfiction way more successful than it really should have ever been.

This fanfiction will not be deleted.
It will be left behind for those who wish to re-read it.
It will be left behind for those who wish to continue it with their own interpretation of the ending.
(And if anyone does this, I only request that they come forward and tell me, and credit me if anything is borrowed from my head-canon fanfiction.)
... Who am I kidding, hahaha.
But yes, yes. This fanfiction will be left behind.
I won't deny that there are some parts of this fic that I've loved; Some parts that properly captured how beautiful I've found Minato and Kushina's relationship to be.
It would be a shame to erase those forever.

This is farewell, my dear readers.
I thank you all once again for any kind and encouraging words you have given me.
But it's time I've closed this story.

Life, sadly, beckons me.

Spiritual Wolf,