Naughty Beach House

He's just sitting there!

He's just sitting there, or should I say laying on the beach towel while the rest of us where playing in the ocean.

During Summer vacation, Yaya had come up with the idea that we all go to a beach house for the week so we could get out of the city for a little while, we all thought it was a great idea, till Yaya called up Kukai, who then invited Utau and Ikuto.

"Well look at this way, he's older than the rest of us, technically he's our chaperone" Yaya said, once we (and by we, I mean Tadase) finished yelling at her, and of course Ikuto was right there who had to rain on Tadase's parade by saying: "I'm hurt, and after all that candy I bought for you, Yaya" putting on a mock hurt face (Which I've fell for) that Yaya fell for.

So now here we all are, Naghiko splashing at Rima who was yelling at him to stop. Utau and Kukai swimming each other as usual, Yaya in her inflatable ducky wafting around the ocean, Tadase over at some snack cart getting all of us a snack, and me walking up to Ikuto and sitting next to his lazy self.

Where are our chara's you ask? I honestly don't know because Kiseki took them off to find the embryo; again. "Why don't you go into the ocean?" I asked, nudging Ikuto's sleeping body, "Because I'm the chaperone" he stressed the word 'chaperone' out very slowly.

"She only said that so Tadase could stop yelling at her" I told him, laying down and scooting next to him. He put his arm under me and brought me closer to him, his cheek resting on the top of my head; "Whatever you say" he told me before dozing off again.

This summer vacation has been very, interesting for the two of us. No one but our charas know that we've been seeing each other a lot ever since the start of summer vacation. Alright, I'll say it, I've been taken, yes I'll admit it and it was by

Him, Tsukiyomi Ikuto.

But don't get me wrong, I was the one that initiated it, and now I guess you can say we're dating. "Don't you think the rest of them will notice this?" he asked, "They won't if you'll go in the water with me" I said, sitting up and giving him my best puppy dog pout, "Cat" he said, and I sighed.

"Please" I said in my most cutest voice, I grabbed a hold of his hand and said "With a cherry on top" blinking every couple of seconds. He sighed and sat up, "Fine" he said giving in. "Yay!" I yelled as I stood up and took his hand to help him up.

"You know you don't have to rush me, it's not like we're at the beach house or something" he told me, as I ran in front of him to ocean, everybody else was up by the snack cart with Tadase eating their snacks. "I'm excited that's all" I told him, as my feet touched the wet sand. "Whatever" he told me, as we both waded farther into the ocean.

"See this isn't so bad now was it" I said to him as I started swimming around him, his head continued to bob in the water. "How can you be swimming when it's the evening and practically everybody is gone?" he asked me, I then stopped right in front, my head also bobbing just like his above the water. "Because I'm excited" I said breathless.

"I know what can make you excited" he told me swimming so he was closer to me, I wrapped my arms around his neck, pouting at him. "Oh yeah, What?" I said, daring him to tell me. "This" he said and then he kissed me, my eyelids felt very heavy as if I was suddenly tired, and soon I started kissing back.






The rest of them were trying to call the two of us back, I looked over at Ikuto's shoulder and see Utau on Kukai's back yelling at him, Nagihiko arm over Rima's shoulder waving at the two of us, Yaya with her inflatable ducky at her waist, and Tadase in front of them, I could also see our charas with them.

"We should head back" Ikuto said, turned and started swimming towards them, I in turn followed suit. Suddenly, I heard a lot of yelling, and when I looked up, my sight was blinded by Ikuto's chest (I know it very well), he then turned us around, and I felt myself being pushed down into the water.

We were under water, and suddenly I wasn't in Ikuto's arms anymore, I looked up and started swimming to the top of the ocean, "Ah" I breathed when I finally reached the surface, I looked around and saw the rest of them at the beach yelling something at me, I looked around and saw that Ikuto was nowhere to be seen. "Ikuto" I said as I looked around the surface trying to find Ikuto.

"IKUTO!" I yelled, looking around frantically, trying to find him. Suddenly I heard something splash behind me, and when I turned, Ikuto had emerged from the water. "Ikuto!" I yelled as I wrapped my arms around him and started kissing his face, he tasted of sea salt but it had that sweetness to it, "Get on my back" he told me, which I did and soon he started swimming towards the others.

Later that night, after dinner and everything, Utau, Kukai, and the guardians were playing a board game, and Ikuto was nowhere to be found. I then slipped outside, unnoticed by the rest of them and went to the beach with a towel under my arm. Just as I predicted he was standing all by himself on the beach, which I must say looked real pretty.

"I knew I'd find you here" I said as I walked next him, he glanced at me and then looked back at the ocean, while I unfolded the towel and set it down on the beach, I then sat down and looked at what Ikuto was looking. He then sat next to me on the towel and wrapped an arm around my shoulders and brought me into his side.

"Today was…interesting" he said as we continued looking out at the moon which was casting off a beautiful glow on the water. "Yes it was" I said, in trance with Ikuto's scent, he smelled of some type of sweet scent, he then laid down on the towel, his hands behind his head, I looked down at him and then turned and got on top of him, looking at him.

"What?" he asked confused, I continued to stare at his lips, those things can take your breath away, literally. I then bent down and kiss those soft lips of his, he seemed to comply because what seemed like an innocent kiss turned into a full blown makeout.

And after we parted, I felt something hard poking me down there. "Ah" I moaned as I rubbed my lower area up against his hard thing, "I-Ikuto" I whimpered, it had been two days since our last time, now you're probably saying that it wasn't that long, but forty-eight hours without someone as sexy as he is!

Can take a toll on a girl

I soon felt my top loosen, and opened my eyes to see that Ikuto was undoing my top. His eyes had that hunger to them, I suddenly stopped him. A slight growl emerged from his throat, "Even though I would love to do it with you on the beach" I told him redoing my top. "Our friends will start to worry, and I am not going to be killed by your sister" I said.

"Then where do you suppose we release ourselves, Amu" he said, propping his upper body on his arms, "Our room of course, Utau said that the walls were sound proof" which made me wonder why she stressed that out, Oh well. "True, but what about the kiddy king?" Ikuto asked, giving my neck butterfly kisses. "We'll lock it on the inside, I'm just glad it has a bathroom" I whispered, trying not give in,

Because how I wanted to be fucked so badly by him!

"Hmm I see, but how are we going to make it look like that we aren't desperate to get to, you know, bed" he whispered in my ear. "Once you see me go inside, wait about five minutes, and then walk slowly in and say you're going to bed" I told him as I got up and started heading for the beach house, "Ok, but why five minutes?" he asked me as he slightly turned and watched me.

I looked back and gave him a wink and said to him "It's a surprise" and continued toward the beach house. "Man am I beat" I yawned as I walked past the rest of them, "Where were you?" Rima asked, as the rest looked at me from their game, "I was out in the forest, there's a nice spot to look at the stars" I lied, I was to horny to care that I lied to them. "Have you seen Ikuto?" Utau asked, "I think he was at the beach, I'm not sure" I said as I continued my way to my bedroom. "Goodnight" I called out, "Goodnight Hinamori san" Tadase called back out.

Once I got to our room, I quickly closed the door and took my suitcase out, I then dug through it and found what I was looking for. After I brushed my teeth, I then put on a very tantalizing midnight blue silk dress, that went to the mid of my thigh, I also put on a midnight blue thong.

He had to be teased first.

I then let my hair down and tied a midnight blue ribbon in my hair, separating my bangs from the rest of my hair. I then put on long thigh high white stockings. After taking a good look at myself, I found that I was ready, and soon I heard the door open and close.

"Locked it" I heard Ikuto mutter, as I came out of the bathroom. When he turned around, I don't think he was expecting me in what I was wearing, because he backed up against the door. "What's wrong Ikuto kun?" I said, teasingly taking the bow out of my hair, I saw his thing go straight up, and heard him gulp numerous times.


I then was standing right in front of him, my chest up against his, I guess he probably noticed that I wasn't wearing any bra. "Ikuto kun, you're so hard" I told him in a sweet innocent voice, as my hand started rubbing his hard thing, "It shouldn't be restrained like this" I said as I tugged at his shorts and brought them down to show his erect cock.


He then pushed me on the king sized bed (Which was really weird, but I'm not complaining) and kissed me roughly; just like I like it. And suddenly I was stripped of my silk dress and suddenly I was in nothing but my thong and stockings.

I decided to strip Ikuto of everything else, it was only fair. And soon our kiss turned from passionate to hot and needy, and I had gotten the urge to have Ikuto in my mouth. I flipped him so he was under me, I then kissed his soft lips, then moved down where I nipped at his neck, and soon I was right where his crotch was, and it was painfully sticking up.

"Goodness Ikuto, it looks like it needs to have it's release" I teased as I rubbed it, I heard him groan softly and decided it was time I tasted him.

Cause it had been so long since I have.

His cock was in a full blown erection. I then tauntingly licked the base up to the spot where it is most sensitive for Ikuto. I then sucked on that part a little, "A-Amu" he groaned, that sexy groan of his. I pretended not to hear him and continued with what I was doing, I then licked up to his head where I licked around the hole, teasing it anyway possible.

Seeing as how I teased him long enough, it was time for what I wanted to do. I slowly took Ikuto's thing into my mouth, as much as I could take and started the relentless process of pleasing Ikuto.

The soft groans were all that ran through my mind when I played with Ikuto in my mouth, I thought we were going to go all the way, until I heard a knock on the door and Tadase yelling "Hinamori san!" and in that point in time Ikuto came.

Great, Just Great!

Here I am horny and needy, and Tadase chose this time to come and ruin everything. Ikuto, though seemed to have a plan. He put his boxers and a pair of long pj bottoms on, he then took a shirt from his suitcase and threw at me, made me put it on and then rushed me toward the bathroom, whispering that I should pretend I'm using it.

I complied and shut the door. I then heard Ikuto groan as if he was irritated that he had to get out of bed. "What is it that you want Kiddy King?" Ikuto asked irritated, I knew he would be beyond irritated because he was about to give me the time of my life, and got ruined by Tadase. "Where is Hinamori san?" Tadase spat coldly.

As if my cue, I flushed the toilet and proceeded out the bathroom as if I was tired and ready to fall back asleep. I looked up in surprise to see Tadase standing in the doorway and exclaim, "Oh Tadase, I didn't know you were here, did something happen?" I then pretended to yawn, just so he can believe that we were actually tired.

"I heard a loud thumping noise coming from your room, and decided to check it out" Tadase said, sending a glare over at Ikuto who walked back to our bed and sat down saying "You probably heard your brain thumping thinking that I would do something to this kid" he smirked as I blushed and stuck out my tongue at him.

"Well it's getting pretty late, so we'll talk tomorrow Tadase, alright, bye" I didn't even give him time to say whatever he was going to say, because I was far beyond irritated with him, I was straight out pissed. I turn around and see that Ikuto is sticking way up, "You don't have any panties on" he bluntly told me, I blush ten fold and fiddled with the hem of his shirt saying "D-Did T-Tadase s-see?" Ikuto sighed and said "Probably, he was blushing" as he got up and took off his bottoms.

"You still want to do it, even though we were interrupted?" I asked, he looked at me and smirked. He then walked up to me, towering me with his tall height, and then pushed me down onto the bed. He then rubbed my pussy with his long fingers causing me to writhe under him, softly moaning.

He then bent down so he was near my ear, whispering "I plan on giving you the best time you'll ever have at this beach house."

We should come here more often, ne.