FINALLY, finally. I actually wrote the first chapter first than the prologue, but you must post prologue before chapter one eh? Well it's an excuse, it's just because I got a little fed up with the first chapter, which I had start writing around a year ago. No exaggeration. Well. I didn't intend to make it… dirty. But apparently it turned out that way. ;) HAHA. Well, honestly, I think it's still not dirty… compared to what I'm reading now. Really. Hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, except Ven, which I mentioned a little in this prologue :)


A satisfied moaned escaped the girl's mouth under Ryoma, as he pleasured her with his hands, his lips and his tongue. A mischievous smirk spread across his face as he studied the lust building in the girl's face, her parting lips, the flushed cheeks and little droplets of sweats. Her hands swarm around his body, ducking under Ryoma's silk white, ironed uniform, feeling his strong toned muscles, slowly drawing down to his pants, his manhood. Ryoma let out a satisfied low grunt as he wanted to pull down fabric that was forbidding him to continue, a knock rang behind him, stopping the two people in motion.

"I thought I said something about no sex in this room," Tachibana An's voice echoed, her voice was dangerously sweet. Ryoma chuckled, he ran his bony yet elegant fingers through his emerald green hair, all his buttons undone, exposing his well-trained torsos. The girl let out an annoyed huff, as An stomped right in and pulled her up, yet she had no intention to go against one of the elite six of the school, especially not when Tachibana An's mother is the chairman of Seigaku.

Ryoma tidied himself as the girl scurried away from the meeting room of the elite six. He couldn't help to chuckled at the stupid name, which was made for them by the students, but he welcomed it, it gave him unthinkable advantages. Being known as the leader of the elite six, despite that he's the youngest of them all, his power alone was even stronger than the student council and head boy combined, imagine the incredible influence the elites could make to the school. Yet they decided to sit back and let other people to do the job, only holding some mind-blowing parties now and then, or shagging a few girls when they feel like it. Not that anyone minded, much of the contrary, the adults loved the fact they didn't interfere with any of their business.

"What do you want now?" Ryoma grinned as he saw An's fuming face, since the departure of Ven, his female copy as everyone had said, things got a little dull here. Her wild and supercilious nature made everything more spiked up, and more importantly it was no doubt she throw the best parties. Well, An and Momoshiro became his next best entertainment, breaking the rules An had set made his life a little more exciting. He never knew he had the potential to become such a great sadist; yet of course, no one could beat the Fuji Syusuke.

An bit her tongue, trying not to scream at the seventeen-year-old boy in front of her, how could she ever think he was adorable when he was young! Taking a deep breath, her cinnamon brown eyes stared straight at his amber ones. Despite her madness, she couldn't hold down a mischievous smirk. Still remember that she was indeed pissed off, she threw the string envelope towards Ryoma which he caught it casually. An frowned in disappointment, she had hoped he would drop it thus she could laugh at him.

"What's this?" Ryoma raised his perfectly shaped eyebrow; he unwrap the strings and pulled out the papers inside. It was the students that are enrolling into the school for the coming year, unamused by what he found out, he stared at her questionably. An flashed him a big grin.

"Look at it! You idiot," she said as he threw the envelope on the table nearby. Annoyed, Ryoma unwillingly picked it up and looked at the names one by one. Uninterested by the unknown names of the students, and their unimportant parents (who thought they were counted in the elite society) Ryoma seriously thought An was pulling a stupid prank on him, punishing him for having sex in their oh-so-sacred-meeting-room, it's not like it was the first time anyway. He wanted to throw the papers back at her until the next one caught his eye. Unconsciously, he squinted.

The girl look perfectly plain, yet there was a light of intelligence shinning in her deep chocolate orbs, he glanced up at An, who was smirking as he found the exact thing she wanted him to see, her hair was in the shade of latte, braided in two childish pigtails. It wasn't her appearance that caught his eyes; because of course he had seen far more beautiful girls than her; it's the big red stamp that caught his eyes.

"Yes, Ryoma, we got ourselves a scholar this year," An interrupt his thoughts, as the stamp shout out the word: scholarship, Ryoma studied An expecting her to continue, he knew it wasn't that simple, she wouldn't spend all the time just to tell him that there's a student getting a scholarship in the school; although it was rare it wasn't much of an extraordinary news. Like what Ryoma had expected, An continued with a glint in her eyes.

"She's a Ryuzaki, Ryoma. A Ryuzaki!" exclaimed An, as she excitedly fiddled with the papers Ryoma was once holding, he had no idea when she had snatched it. "Look!" She grinned as she kept pointing at the name of the girl's. Ryuzaki Sakuno. Ryoma blinked. "The old hag's granddaughter?" Ryoma asked bewildered by the sudden news. "Yes! Who else do you think I'm talking about?" An laughed, she excitedly stuff back the information into the envelope, "Trust her to be a smart girl! A Ryuzaki winning a scholarship to this school; how ironic," Ryoma chuckled as An keep blabbering about the girl in the photo, her past, her current status.

Ryoma's hand brushed the envelope lightly, feeling the rough surface as if that would magically touch the girl in the photo, Ryuzaki Sakuno huh? He smirk, the coming year may be entertaining.

New multi-chaptered story equals new commitment. Sigh, hope I could finish this within a year? (I highly doubt) It would be a lot longer than Sweet Blood ;) because, high school plots are always the best to write about. Hehee! Well hope you enjoyed it!

Same old! Sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes, hope you like it! Please read and review?

PSS! Sorry if An is like out of character. I have no idea what she's really like, or how she was normally portrayed. It's just my interpretation of her, since I don't want too many OCs.