Author has written 2 stories for Avatar: Last Airbender. So, I'm really excited. I finally finished one of my stories and uploaded to this website. It's the first one (sighs) I feel really good right now. A little bit about me: I live in Springfield, MO. A very nice town except there isn't any where that I can buy great anime. Oh why haven't I moved yet. _ I like to write, read and draw. I'me very good at two of those and it's not the drawing. I just started, anyway... Disclaimers: All the stories that I write are of my own mind. The characters that I use belong to those who created them. I just borrow. I'm writing this here because I know that I'll forget to write it in the stories. My favorite Pairings: So I've been reading everything lately and you know how it works. You read one fic then find another then find a new pairing that you would never think of reading about and before you know it. You have a new favorite pairing. So here is my updated list of pairings. Gundam Wing: Heero x Duo Heero x Wufei Heero x Quatre Heero x Wufei x Duo Heero x Quatre x Duo (sadness, there's not much of them) Avatar: the Last Airbender: Sokka x Zuko Sokka x Toph Aang x Katara Aang x Toph (maybe, I haven't read much) Harry Potter: Neville x Draco Neville x Snape Remus x Arthor Harry x Draco (of course!) Harry x Draco x Ron Draco x Ron Snape x Ron Snape x Harry (of age) Snape x Lupin x Harry Lucius x Harry x Snape Lucius x Ron Snape x Draco x Harry Harry x with any group Harry x with either or both Weasley Twin FMA: Ed x Roy Ed x Envy South Park: Kyle x Cartman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle: Raphael x Donatello Dragon Ball Z: Goku x Vegeta |
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