Reviews for Their Phoenix
Raven chapter 3 . 6/8
I really love the layers of the characters. There isn't just black and white. It's a real pleasure so read this story with these complex, true characters. There is so much going on between them. It's truly amazing to read. Thank you so much.
Raven chapter 1 . 6/8
Glorious start, interesting idea and a stubborn stupid Harry who has yet to face the truth of his actions. It's delightful. :-)
Thank you!
iiijk chapter 22 . 5/28
Trixia Oliver chapter 34 . 5/16
Os três se complementaram de uma maneira tão bonita. Mas o que eu mais gostei, foi da relação emocional, da própria cena de sexo entre Harry e Severus, não sei se profunda seria uma palavra que poderia usar aqui, sem ser duplamente analisada, mas foi... Poética. Vamos com essa palavras. haha;
Luzula-spicata chapter 34 . 12/23/2019
Thank you very much for your fantastic story
Alianna15 chapter 34 . 8/5/2019
Oh Man! I love this story!
Guest chapter 7 . 6/9/2019
This is getting boring. Is anything going to happen, or are they just gonna whine about their feelings?
Guest chapter 5 . 5/10/2019
I hate how entitled Snape and Malfoy act towards Harry's affections, time, and very thoughts.
Oleonetta chapter 34 . 4/10/2019
The story its self was fantastic, I loved the slower paced growth of their bonded relationship, even if there seemed to be a couple of hasty jumps out of nowhere.
The writing, at times, was too complex (for me at least) and therefore took multiple re-reads before I was able to comprehend the paragraph or parts of said chapter.
Kudos on the ideas and creativity that is showen in various parts of this story, and on keeping the characters close to cannon of the book and films. I am so glad I got to read this story and thank you for making that possible. xxx
Oleonetta chapter 23 . 4/8/2019
Roast swan? OMG... that's treason to the queen of England. All swans are basically owned by her. you can arrested for hurting one let alone eating one! Damn! Dark arts of food much lol
Oleonetta chapter 1 . 4/5/2019
I have to say that unless it was intentional, there were two inaccuracies; Harry was the 7th Horcrux and had to die before Voldemort could be killed, and upon dyingthat part of Voldemort would die too and the ability to talk to snakes along with it. Harry could never talk to snakes, it was the horcruxthat part of voldy inside him that could.
What happened before Snape was about to die was confusing, not clear. Maybe because it was Harry's thoughts and feelings perhaps.
Well, apart from that... i will continue reading because this first chapter has me very hooked. I love the idea behind this story, am very intrigued to see what happens next, and like stories with content, depth, and detailsthis story promises that. I very much enjoyed this chapter, and the way Harry left the h-wing made me laugh. it was almost Snape like LOL.
acetwolf94 chapter 34 . 12/2/2018
I LOVE IT! Awesome!
LeoESerpens chapter 34 . 11/25/2018
Wow! Another wonderful fic. I really enjoyed how honestly you treated some of the common struggles with polyamory. Thanks for such a good read
Erimenthe chapter 34 . 11/23/2018
I absolutely loved this story. The way they had to get through the tough stuff, and not the outside stuff either, and how it made the bonds stronger rather than just having everything go great since they bonded. The part about Hermione and her book lists made me laugh. My daughter and I are always saying that to people that ask that question (though we don't actually carry lists).
Undertheskys chapter 4 . 9/12/2018
Man this story is just not my cup of tea
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