I'm writing so many random starts to stories... but this one made me laugh so I thought I would upload it :D

How on earth did you do that?

Merlin awoke with a tremendous headache; his eyes squeezed shut to block out the bright light shining through the window in his bedroom. He went to rub his temples but found that he couldn't move his arms. He tried wiggling he legs but it was the same.

'Oh my God I'm paralysed!' His eyes flew open and he looked down to his feet, breathing a sigh of relief to find that he wasn't paralysed, his ankles were simply tied to his bedposts and he was lying on the bed stark naked.

'Wait WHAT?!' He looked up to find that his wrists were also tied. 'What do I do? If I call for someone they'll come in and see me naked tied to my bed!' He looked around the room hoping to find some way out of the situation. He was mortified to see that the door was wide open, meaning if anyone was to come in searching for Gaius they would see him!

"Merlin!" He could hear Arthur walking down the hall. Oh my God! He looked around to find something, ANYTHING! Out of the corner of his eye he saw a red piece of material hanging off the back of his door. His eyes flashed gold and his neckerchief slid across the floor, up the side of his bed and over his legs to cover his manhood, thankfully, it was big enough to cover most of his stomach and his thighs at the same time. Just in time as Arthur walked through the physicians door and over to Merlin's room.

"Merlin you best be awake else I'm go-" Arthur stopped in his tracks to see a bright red Merlin attached to his bed, covered by nothing other than a neckerchief, small enough for Arthur to see Merlin's blush cover his entire chest, up his neck right the way to his ears.

"Morning Arthur!" He put on his cheeriest voice and grinned, still bright red. "In case you haven't noticed I'm in a bit of a- urm- situation." Arthur simply stared at his manservant, going redder by the second. "Arthur?" He snapped his head up to look at Merlin in the eye.


"Can you help me out?" Arthur furrowed his brow in confusion until he saw the binds around Merlin's wrists and ankles.

"Oh yes sorry of course." He strolled over to the bed and began untying his ankles first, watching intently as the youth shook each foot out after it had been released, unfortunately for him this involved Merlin's legs lifting slightly, still separated and the piece of cloth wasn't big enough for Arthur to miss the hardness it was hiding.

Arthur found himself blushing even harder as he walked to the top of the bed, untying the first of Merlin's wrists, frowning as he crossed his legs. He considered walking around to untie the other, but that would take too long, right? So he leaned over Merlin, one leg resting on the mattress, his knee pressing into Merlin's side. He heard his servant gulp as he loosened the second of the ties, reluctant to remove it but finally pulled it completely loose.

"Thanks." Merlin mumbled as Arthur climbed off the bed and walked over to the cupboard in hope of finding some clothes. The first thing his fingers came across was a thick blue tunic, but he threw it aside to find some breeches. He threw them at Merlin.

"Just put those on, you can find the rest yourself." He turned his back to him and listened to the sound of the material rubbing up what could only be his servant's legs. "How did you get into that situation anyway?" He tilted his head to the side to see if he had finished changing, watching as Merlin tugged his breaches over sharp hip bones and tied them before turning around.

"I have no idea! I just woke up and I was bound to the bed completely stark... you know... Yeah, I don't know." Arthur chuckled as Merlin's blush increased until he literally resembled tomato.

"Was it when you were asleep? What was the last thing you remember?" Merlin looked up from where he had just pulled out a tunic from his cupboard and thought about it.

"I remember the feast, you got drunk and kept offering me drinks," Arthur cringed, "Which I took, I remember you giggling, a lot, then saying something... Then we both left to get you to bed because you looked like you were going to pass out... Then that's it. Do you think it could... never mind." Merlin mumbled and pulled the tunic over his head. "What do you remember?"

Arthur frowned, trying to think back to the night before. "Well yes there was a feast, we both got drunk, I told you that we needed to go because you were making a fool out of yourself, then we went upstairs so I could go to sleep and put you to bed... then..." He paled, "After that I.... don't remember anything." Merlin stared him, obviously not believing him.

"Is that all you remember?"

"Yes Merlin, now hurry up and get ready, we're going hunting today." He quickly stormed out of Merlin's room and out of Gaius' chambers into the hall before leaning heavily against the wall, he remembered exactly what happened last night!

"Merlin... how much of thish have you drunk?" Merlin laughed, the tip of his nose and ears bright red.

"Not as much as you My Lord of pratness"

"What?" Merlin giggled again and went to pour Arthur another drink... well attempted to anyway. "What do you want me to do, suck it off the table?" Arthur hiccupped before dropping his head down to the wood and began lapping the spilt wine. Merlin clutched his sides in hysterics.

"I think you should retire to your chambers Arthur." Merlin threw his hand over his mouth for calling him Arthur, before spluttering; laughing harder than before.

"Father!" Arthur stood up straight and pointed his finger in the air. "I am going to bed!" Merlin laughed from behind him, stumbling over to the door and opening it for Arthur.

"After you sire," Merlin couldn't stop giggling, which of course made Arthur giggle too.

The whole room stared as the two youths fell out of the door, but most were too drunk to really care.

"Up we go!" Merlin laughed, spinning around before trapping his foot behind his ankle and falling hard to the floor.

"Down we go!" Arthur laughed at his manservant who was groaning on the floor before holding out his hand. "Come on you I'll pull you up." Merlin grabbed onto Arthur's hand but instead of Arthur pulling him up, Merlin dragged him to the floor.

Both boys rolled around the floor at the bottom of the stairs clutching their sides. "Merlin you dolt! You really do have a mental affliction."

"Ah yes but Arthur, remember you said that my mental affliction was because I was in love!" He fluttered his eyelashes and covered his heart with his hands.

"That was when I thought you were in love with Gwen." He frowned, rolling onto his back next to Merlin, their arms touching.

"Who says I'm not in love with her now hmm?" Merlin rolled his head to the side to face Arthur, one eyebrow raised.

"You're not." He growled, eyes narrowed at the servant, who simply stared at him.

"Who says?"

"I do." Arthur grabbed the back of Merlin's head and crashed their lips together in a drunken kiss, all teeth and stale breath.

"Arthur!" Merlin gasped as they pulled away. Arthur scrambled to his feet and balanced himself against the wall and held out his hand to Merlin.

"Come on, let's go." Merlin stared at the hand, confused as to what just happened.

"You just kissed me."

"Yes Merlin, now we need to go upstairs before we get caught"

"Get caught doing what?" Merlin questioned but took the offered hand anyway, pulling himself up.

"What do you think?" Arthur pressed a kiss to Merlin's ear before dragging upstairs and...



Arthur shook himself mentally. What did he do next?

How did Merlin end up tied to his bed?


I have no idea where this came from, the idea just made me laugh.

Next chapter up when I next feel a bit mad :P Maybe Merlin will remember....