![]() Author has written 10 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Transformers, Ninja Turtles, and Transformers/Beast Wars. Location: Russian Federation Birthday: March 21 Random stuff about myself: I adore animals, horse-back riding (and show jumping; got a third grade in this kind of sport), music, reading, cars, anything that flies (except for insects), tactics and strategy, weapons, coffie, good humor, dancing (my latest fascination is hip-hop), writing fanfiction, reading good books... If I forgot something, I'll add it later. Favorite movies/shows/cartoons/anime: Transformers, TMNT, Trigun, Babylon-5, Exo-Squad, Sentinel, Firefly, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Due South Links: My Website (I keep my fanfiction there, as well as here) A little information on some of my fanfics that are published here: Resolution (Transformers, Jazz/OC, R) - At the moment, it is my biggest and longest project. First multi-chapter story I have ever dared to write :) So far, there are 9 chapters to it, and I'm working on the 10th chap. Lately I've been slightly distracted from it by my another Jazz-fic "Morning Tea" (see below), but I can assure you, my dear readers, that I'm not giving up on this story, which is going to eventually be real epic (at least in comparison to any other story I've ever written) :) The image gallery of Jazz's holo-form can be found here. Sorry, it's not exactly drawn (I'm an awful artist), but it looks quite satisfactory to me :) Morning Tea (Transformers, Jazz/Maggie, R) - My second attempt at a multi-part fanfiction. It was originally a one-shot, but after a storm of positive reviews (huge thanks to all the reviewers!) I got inspired to continue it. So far there are 5 chapters posted, and the 6th chapter is in progress. I'm afraid though it won't be a quick update, but I'll try and hurry :) Also, check out the awesome illustration/comic Wax On, Wax Off drawn specially for this fic by TK-Productionz! Thank you so much, Victoria :) Also, if you would like to get a visual impression of this pairing, you definitely should watch this beautiful Jazz/Maggie Tribute created by Danisa-chan. I am really proud of the fact that it was inspired by "Morning Tea" :) Mine (Transformers, Ironhide/Will, implied Jazz/Epps, M) - Originally, a semi-long one-shot written for a challenge, but I have epic plans to develop it into something 5-6 parts long. I'm working on it, but it will take me some time... Remote Connection (Transformers, Sam/Bumblebee, M) - I'm plotting a sequel, but right now my attention is occupied by my other works. Someday, I'll write it :) Taken Place (Transformers, Sam, Bumblebee, K) - It's basically a very short humorous one-shot, but I have some ideas on writing a couple of sequel-type drabbles for it. Though, I'll be doing it only after I finish all other projects. Also, on a completely different note, for those who love TMNT and especially 2007 movie score by Klaus Badelt, here is my attempt to create a Piano Version of "I Love Being a Turtle" Theme. Hope to hear your comments, whichever means you use to send them :) And here is the YouTube link to it. |