Life As We Know It

Supernatural does not belong to me, although I wish it did. I am simply playing in Kirpke's sandbox for a bit. All rights and ownership are the property of Kripke and the CW network. I am not making any money from this; it is for my own personal pleasure.

Synopsis: Dean Winchester is a seasoned detective with LAPD homicide. His newest assignment, protect the assistant district attorney, one Sam Wesson after the murder of his fiancé. That would be easier if he didn't find himself attracted to the man on a level wasn't exactly professional. An attempt on Sam's life puts both men in more danger than they'd ever expected…making it difficult to deny their growing attraction to one another… Can they find the man that tried to kill Sam before he can finish the job?

Warnings: This is a complete Alternate Universe…where Sam and Dean are not related and are not hunters. There will be romance in later chapters, along with sex scenes of the M/M variety. If you don't like this type of thing then please do not read.

Will contain hurt/angsty Dean and hurt/ansty Sam throughout the story.

Chapter One

The Meeting

Present Day

Sergeant Dean Winchester was looking at himself in the small beveled mirror inside the public bathroom of the district courthouse. The shiny gold badge, reflecting his rank within police department glinting in the lights; his brilliant green eyes were bloodshot and there were dark circles beneath his tired gaze…all in all…he looked exhausted. His short spikey blonde hair was looking perfectly tousled even though he never tried to do anything with it. His aquiline nose and the high cheekbones making him look more like a celebrity than a gritty homicide detective. His, usually, tanned skin was even looking slightly pale under the incredibly harsh lights of the restroom. He pulled in a deep breath and looked down at his hands; the long thick scar across his left knuckles reflected easily as he reached out and turned on the water. He watched it run into the white basin for a moment before he splashed the cold liquid onto his face, hoping that it would erase some of the damage from his numerous sleepless nights.

Ever since Carmen had left him, he'd been burning the candle at both ends. But this case…the one that he was here in the courthouse to testify for today…well it hit a little too close to home. He hadn't really slept all that well since this had all started more than five months ago…part of that reason being the man that he had been tasked to protect on that night…a man with beautiful blue-green eyes that were simply intoxicating to Dean's soul…and this man had been part of the reason for so many of the detectives sleepless nights.

Dean had lost his mother to a fire when he'd been a little kid…around four he'd been told…and he'd never really recovered from her loss. His father had been long gone before that had happened…in fact, Dean had never even met the man…so, having no living relatives, Dean had been remanded to the custody of the state after her death. He'd lived within the 'system' for eight long and painful years before a woman named Ellen had adopted him. She'd given him a home and a sister…and he'd become the man that he was today as a result of that one act of kindness. His sister Joanna…she preferred Jo, thank you very much, had gone off to school several years ago and now worked for the FBI as an agent in their own version of homicide…she dealt specifically with serial killers. He'd gone a different direction, attending an Ivy League college and graduating top of his class with a degree in criminal justice and then choosing to work for the LAPD. Some days he wished he'd made a different choice….days like today.

At 34 years old he was now a twelve year veteran detective of the LAPD homicide department, and he'd seen just about everything…or thought he had…people in LA were a bit crazy…but this one…well it had been brutal to say the least. The victim had been a twenty-nine year old female, she had been beautiful…emphasis on had been. He'd gotten the call after 2am and he'd already been drinking for a couple of hours at that point…but he'd done his best to try and sober up. And then figure out how to get himself over to the crime scene. His partner, one Jimmy Novak, had picked him up twenty minutes later so that he didn't have to risk damaging his precious 1967 Chevy Impala…the only thing that Carmen had left him in the divorce. It hadn't been nasty…he just hadn't cared enough to argue for any of their possessions…so he'd let her have almost everything.

Once he'd finally gotten to the scene, the smell alone ensured that he'd sobered up immediately. The woman was pinned to the ceiling, that had been an interesting trick, and the fire department had just finished putting out the blaze that had corrupted his crime scene. The soon-to-be husband was an Assistant District Attorney…one Sam Wesson and the victim had been his fiancée, one Jessica Morgan. Dean had learned a lot about the woman over the course of the investigation. She'd been a nurse at a local ER…and probably one of the most squeaky clean and honest people that Dean had ever read about. She volunteered at a local shelter on the weekends and donated her time to a terminally ill ward at the state run hospital…one where people went when they couldn't afford the prices of the normal hospital.

The more that Dean had learned about the woman the less the crime made sense. And then he'd met Sam…and that was where the real trouble in his life had started. The first time that he'd seen the tall lawyer he'd been across the parking lot sitting solemnly with the emergency responders.

Sam had been seated on the back of an ambulance, his face a mask of pain mixed with loss and anguish. Dean watched him carefully as he approached and the first thing that he noticed about this man was that he was big…like really big…well over six feet, probably closer to 6'4 and he was no stranger to the gym either. He had broad shoulders and a flat toned stomach that spoke of his devotion to a healthy life style. Sam also had longer brown hair, that was currently plastered to head from the heat of the fire…set above almond shaped eyes and sharp extremely attractive features…Dean was surprised as his observant eyes caught that…it wasn't that he was generally attracted to men…exactly…but he'd dabbled before he'd married Carmen…and he wasn't afraid to admit that Sam was a very attractive man. A man who was holding his right arm where the fire had burned the flesh as he'd tried to get into the room where he'd known that Jess was trapped by the fire. He hadn't known anything more than that…and he'd tried to burst through the burning door. Unfortunately, all he'd managed to accomplish was a severe deep tissue burn over 60% of his right arm and then he'd passed out from the smoke.

A neighbor had seen the fire and called the fire department…and it was only after that that Sam had regained consciousness that the fire department had realized that there was another victim. Dean had recognized that the man was in severe shock as soon as he'd approached. He knelt down in front of the shell-shocked man, his expensive business suit marred by soot and singed clothing. "Mr. Wesson?" Dean asked. When the other man simply nodded, his bangs falling over his eyes in an almost child-like way, Dean continued. "My name is Sgt. Dean Winchester…and I'm with LAPD homicide." He motioned to his partner. "This is Detective Jimmy Novak and they call us in anytime there's a death that it could be determined that foul play was involved." He watched as the man looked down at him, his gaze the color of the ocean after a storm…and there was definitely a storm brewing behind them. The blue-green color was bright even in the dim soft light of the early morning; and his devastated expression making something snap inside Dean. He stood quickly as he felt something shifting around inside himself as he looked at the broken man in front of him. He so did not need this…not right now. He exhaled loudly and ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

Sam finally spoke and the deep timbre of his voice sent a thrill of something through Dean's stomach…he tamped it down as he reminded himself that this man was a victim and a potential witness if this proved to be a crime. And there was very little chance that this woman managed to pin herself to the ceiling and light herself on fire… "I was finishing a case against a man named Azazel." He whispered.

Dean's eyes snapped up at that. "Azazel? The crime boss?" He'd worked numerous murder cases as a result of that man. He seemed to think that he was outside the law…and so far he'd been successful in keeping his crime scenes clear of DNA evidence that would link him to the crime.

Sam nodded slowly. He finally glanced up and looked at the cop that was talking to him, his eyes eventually focusing past the grief to actually see him. He was a little surprised to notice that this detective was probably the most attractive man that he'd ever seen. Officer Winchester was tall, not as tall as him…but tall…and he looked more like a model than a cop. He was wearing a navy blue sweater beneath a long black leather jacket and dark wash jeans…sturdy work boots finishing his rugged appearance. His eyes were large and the most peculiar shade of forest green that Sam ever seen…outside a crayon box that is. There was a light sprinkle of freckles across the bridge of his nose and extending over the high cheekbones…most of them hidden beneath the tanned skin. He swallowed hard as he realized what he was thinking…and he was thinking it only a few hours after Jess had been murdered. Where is this coming from? He smashed down the inappropriate thoughts and looked away from the law man's mesmerizing face.

"I was supposed to be presenting the case before the district judge on Friday. Azazel had sent several threats…but I assumed that since I was a public figure…we'd be safe." Tears swelled in his eyes, blurring his vision as he realized that this train of thought had cost Jessica her life. "I was wrong."

Dean sighed as he pulled his thoughts back to the present. He heard the bathroom door open and he turned just in time to see Sam walk in. He was dressed in his usual expensive charcoal grey business suit. His hair, although still too long, was styled evenly and he carried himself with an authority that was earned over a lifetime. His expressive eyes narrowed as he saw Dean standing in the corner looking at his own haggard appearance. He walked up next to the man that had become not only his protector, but his friend as they'd pursued the men that had killed Jessica with a ruthless vengeance. "Dean…you okay?" he asked as he planted his feet and turned to look the cop in the eyes. He was always leery of doing that, since it raised something warm and familiar in his gut…but Sam worried about this man, so he asked anyways.

Dean smiled slightly and nodded. "I just hope that this is enough to get that bastard thrown behind bars Sam." His voice was rough and deep…and it did things to Sam that no one else's ever had. He'd felt something more for this cop since the beginning and he'd chosen to thrust it deep inside himself to avoid the pain that would come as he felt like…because it felt like he was betraying Jessica's memory before she was even cold in the ground. He'd never let on to Dean how he felt…the only one that ever suspected anything was Dean's partner Jimmy. The man with the bright blue eyes…that seemed to see everything…but he'd only smiled at the lawyer and looked the other way.

Dean watched as Sam nodded his acceptance of that answer and then wandered back out of the room, walking slowly toward the courtroom. He was just exiting the bathroom after the lawyer when he heard the first shot…it had Dean scrambling over the slick tiles of the hallway toward the actual courtroom. How had someone gotten a gun in here? He thought as he passed the metal detectors…Jimmy fell into stride next to him as he was pulling his service weapon a black sig Sauer pistol from his shoulder holster.

"What the hell happened Dean?" Jim asked as they slowed to more cautious pace just outside the closed doors, his eyes darting around the huge chamber searching for threats.

"I don't know." Dean answered in a stressed voice. His concern for Sam building as he heard the raised and angry voices inside the closed room. Suddenly a man burst through the double doors, holding his shoulder as he fell onto the floor, the blood pouring from the bullet wound. "Sam!" Dean cried as he recognized the tall form of his friend. He darted out from where he and Jimmy were waiting and grabbed under Sam's arms pulling him to safety behind the wooden benches.

Sam was bleeding heavily from the wound…it was soaking into Dean's pants as he tried to staunch the blood flow with his hands. Jimmy handed him a piece of cloth and Dean pulled it tightly around the arm, and then elevating it to allow gravity to do its job. "Novak, call an ambulance. Now!" he called over the din of the noise from inside the courthouse.

"Already did Dean. Dispatch is sending officers too." His partner shouted as the doors were thrown open and two men rushed from the room, one being Azazel and the other…the man that had obviously helped him set up this escape. Azazel looked directly at Sam as he rushed passed…a smile spreading easily over his face as he slowed his flight only long enough to lift his fingers and create a 'gun'…shooting Sam between the eyes with his imaginary bullet.

"See you soon Sammy…." He said evenly as he smiled and then rushed after the retreating form of his rescuer.

Sam's eyes widened as he turned a panicked gaze in the cop's direction. "Oh god…" he said as he felt his grasp on consciousness slipping away.


Dean sat next to the hospital bed, watching Sam as he slept. The room was dim and the sterile smell of the antiseptics made Dean's stomach turn. The doctor's had managed to remove the bullet and repair the damage to the arm…but Sam had lost a lot of blood and being a rare blood type hadn't exactly helped that matter any. Luckily, Dean had actually been a match…well not so much a match as a universal donor…so he'd donated his O Negative to help the lawyer survive the attempt on his life. And now…he was waiting in the hospital ensuring that no one else came after Sam…not while he was this vulnerable. Jimmy had taken up the seat just outside the door acting as another sentry to ensure Sam's safety.

A low moan from the bed alerted Dean to Sam's awakening. He leaned forward and watched as the fine bones of Sam's eyebrows pulled together in pain and his eyelids fluttered open revealing pained and confused eyes.

"Sam?" Dean asked as Sam started to struggle against the anesthesia. "No Sam…stop…you're safe…you're in the hospital." He reached out and placed his hand gently on Sam's forearm. Sam's eyes connected with his worried green gaze and his movements stilled.

"What happened?" The details were fuzzy, he remembered being at the courthouse. He remembered being shot inside the courtroom…and he remembered Dean pulling him to safety…but that was where things got a little fuzzy for him. He looked over at the cop again… "Am I still in danger? Is that why you're here Dean?" His voice was rough but his gaze was steady as he waited for an answer.

Dean swallowed thickly and then nodded. "Yeah…my Lt seems to think that the best thing that we can do for you, is watch you until Azazel's taken back into custody and the man that helped him escape today is found. Jimmy is right outside the door and there are uniformed cops stationed throughout the hospital."

"So what happens when they release me?" He wasn't being obnoxious. He really wasn't…but Sam wasn't exactly sure what this meant for his life from here on out. Dean blew out a breath and then raised his eyebrow at Sam, lifting his hand and then dropping it back onto his lap.

"I guess we'll have surveillance on you at all times. At least that's what Captain Singer told me earlier today….when he came to check on you. The District Attorney also came by…he was worried about his protégé." Dean's voice was deep and gravelly as he answered Sam's questions.

"Alistair was here?" Sam asked quietly. That actually surprised him. His boss wasn't one to put himself out on the line for anyone…not even a trusted protégé…like himself.

Dean nodded and then leaned back in his chair. He lifted his legs up and put them on the end of Sam's bed, crossed at his ankles…looking for wall the world like he didn't have a care in the world. Sam furrowed his eyebrows at the sgt and then sighed as the pain in his shoulder ramped up a notch. "Yeah, Sam he was here. He wants protection on you at all times…so since the doctor is talking about releasing you tomorrow…I guess you and me are gonna get real close."

Sam tilted his head to the side, raising his eyebrows in confusion. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means the captain assigned me and Jimmy to protect you…until further notice." Dean didn't look all that happy about his new assignment. He was a homicide cop…not a babysitter. That was a job for a uniform…not a seasoned detective. But it wasn't exactly his call…and it wasn't that he wanted anything to happen to Sam…far from it. But he couldn't very well track down the men that had done this to the assistant district attorney if he was trying to watch his gorgeous ass all at the same time. He blinked at the thought of this man being 'gorgeous'…yeah, this so isn't going to end well.

Sam looked away as he started to understand the full extent of the actions from yesterday. His eyes flickered to the window and he looked out into the rapidly darkening sky. Dean watched quietly as the lawyer tried to come to grips with what he'd been brought into unwillingly…the moment his boss had assigned him to this particular case…and the sacrifices he'd been forced to make…this was just another one in a long line. Realization dawned in those expressive blue-green orbs and Dean found that all he wanted to do was to protect this man. And the best way that he knew how, was to find the assholes that wanted Sam dead. Fucking mob guys anyway… He thought as he saw Sam's eyes start slipping shut, his body was shutting down…not that Dean blamed him…but still. Now Dean was going to be forced to watch the man sleep…and his mind was going to have far more time to think of things that he shouldn't be thinking about…


"Jimmy…I don't want to move in with the guy…or have him move in with me… Can't you do it?" Dean whined as they sat outside Sam's room drinking the crappy black coffee from the vending machine.

"Nope. Sarah wants me home at night…and we don't exactly have room for another body in that small place. You don't have a family Dean…so the captain said it had to be you." Jimmy's deep blue eyes were resigned as he looked at his partner of four years. He and Dean had been together since he'd been moved from narcotics over into the homicide department…then he and Dean had been assigned to the same case and the rest as they say…is history…and man… had they seen some messed up shit in that time…that was for damn sure. But the case that involved this man…the ADA…well that had been the one that hadn't settled easily with either of them. "Besides, Jordan's starting soccer this year and I promised I wouldn't miss his games…so…sorry buddy. But babysitting detail's all yours."

Dean groaned and wiped his hand down his face as he exhaled loudly. "Isn't there going to be a uniformed unit outside his place at all times? What the hell do they need with a homicide detective on site all the time?"

Jimmy shrugged and downed the last of his coffee as he noticed the doctor making his way in their direction. "Looks like you're up partner." He said as he gestured in that direction. Dean flipped him off and stood up to meet the doctor before he entered the Sam's room.

"You're a real bastard Jimmy…you know that?" Dean said as he glared at his friend. Probably his best friend…but at the moment, Dean didn't really like him very much.

"You love me and you know it." Jimmy shot back as he smiled widely and blew a kiss in Dean's direction.

"Asshole." Dean mumbled quickly as he followed the doctor into the lawyer's room and gently pushed the door shut behind himself.


Sam looked around the apartment with distaste. It was sparsely furnished and there were empty beer bottles strewn across the living room. The only really interesting thing that the cop had in the small two bedroom place was a large flat screen tv complete with a state of the art sound system and two leather recliners…oh and the coffee table. Dean tossed his keys on the table and grabbed the bottles as he headed into the kitchen and chucked them into the trash.

"Sorry…when I left three days ago I wasn't exactly planning on having company over." The cop was picking up stuff as he moved through his home…Sam was standing in the doorway scanning the place that would be his 'home' for a while.

Sam nodded, trying to appear indifferent to the lack of personal belongings in this man's apartment. "Where should I put my stuff?" he asked as he looked around and closed his eyes wondering silently if he clicked his heels together three times…if it would magically transport him home.

Dean pointed at one of the bedrooms across the hallway. "I had Jimmy come over earlier and he let the movers in…the department sprung for a bed and a dresser for you. The room at the end of the hall is mine, the other one with the attached bathroom as all yours…you want a beer?" He asked as Sam narrowed his eyes and held up his sling along with the bag that contained his pain meds. "Right…sorry." The cop said as he flipped on the tv and tuned it to a football game.

Sam rolled his eyes and walked down the hall to the indicated room…he raised his eyebrows as he looked at the full sized bed and the single dresser inside the room. There was a large window off to the left…although there were no blinds or anything, so that would need to be rectified. It was a far cry from his penthouse in downtown…with its walk in closets, french doors, and enormous king sized bed. He sighed and put his bag on the bed and then went to take a look at the bathroom. He groaned when he saw the tiny shower…he'd have to duck if he wanted to get his 6'4 frame beneath the short shower head. "Great…this is just…freaking perfect." He said through clenched teeth. He walked back out of the room and down the hallway toward the kitchen…he was pleasantly surprised to find that the one thing this apartment had to offer was a state of the art kitchen. The range was stainless steel and gas powered, instead of convection…Dean also had a nice marble island in the middle of the kitchen. "Nice…" he whispered. Sam didn't hear Dean step up behind him.

"Yeah…I actually like to cook…so it was the only place I spent any real money." His breath was puffing warmly against Sam's neck as he spun around to face the cop. "Sorry…didn't mean to startle you." Dean said as he moved back so he wasn't so close to Sam.

"No…it's fine Dean. I just didn't expect you be a…cook…that's all." He smiled and Dean couldn't help but smile back as he saw the deep dimples form in the lawyer's handsome face. He blew out a breath and then seemed to realize what he was doing and immediately jerked away from Sam.

"Uh…so how's the room? Will it work for a bit…? At least until we can catch that bastard?" Dean wouldn't look Sam in the eyes now; he was standing away from the larger man as he drained what was left of his beer.

"It's fine, Dean…" he said evenly and then decided to add something quickly, before he lost the other man's interest. "But since it looks like we're going to be 'roommates' for a bit…would it be okay if I had some furniture delivered?" He saw the look of confusion flicker across Dean's green eyes before he wiped his face of all emotions. No one should be able to do that. Sam thought in surprise. "Not that I don't appreciate what the department did…but…I'd really like to have some of my own things around me…that's all." He hoped that he hadn't just thrown a barrier up between himself and the cop…Sam really did like and respect the detective…but he was used to a certain level of comfort…and he didn't want to give that up for any longer than necessary.

Dean smiled and Sam found himself drawn into the beautiful face of the other man…he turned quickly to cover his obvious reaction to Dean. "Of course that's okay Sam. Hopefully we can get this guy quickly and you can go back to your apple-pie life." This place was Dean's sanctuary and the addition of another person to his space was not exactly playing into his 'solitary' lifestyle. He'd been trying to get his feet back under him since Carmen had left…and he didn't seem to be doing all that well at it.

Something about Dean's comment bothered Sam. Did he really think that Sam's life was all that easy? He'd been obsessed since Jessica's death…his family didn't even call him anymore because he'd been dodging them for months. His brother Adam was the only one that was still making any effort to see him…he supposed that was what little brother's did…they followed their older brother's around. "Dean?" The other man turned bright green eyes in his direction as he raised his right eyebrow in answer to his name. "Thank you….Uh…for what you're doing here…thanks."

Dean looked away, suddenly embarrassed as he looked up at the other man. "It's my job Sam."

That comment hurt a little more than Sam had thought that it would…he was also a little surprised to find that he actually cared what this man thought of him…and the fact that he seemed to think that Sam looked down on him…well, it bothered Sam. "Okay…well…I think I'm gonna go to bed if you don't mind. The pain meds are kinda kicking my ass here."

"No…you should get some sleep. I'll see what I can do about having some of your things moved over here tomorrow." He wandered out of the kitchen back into the living room, sinking into one of the black leather recliners.

Sam drew his eyebrows together as he tried to read between the lines and found that this man was a complete enigma to him. He couldn't anticipate what Dean would say or do…and that was unusual…since he'd made a living off of knowing what other people thought. He turned and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge before heading to his room. "Night Dean." He said as he passed the living room. Dean lifted his beer bottle over his head and waved it at Sam.

Dean heard Sam close his door and he sank deeper into the chair, trying to clear his nose of the scent of the other man…there was something about him that was getting under Dean's skin…in a major way. And now he was being forced to be around the man 24/7 and that was probably going to give Dean a case of the 'crazies'. He stared dumbly at the tv…the game that was on not even one that he gave a shit about. He heard his cell phone ringing from the other room and he jumped up to answer it, since it could be about the case or his partner.


"Dean…hey how's it going with your new roomy?" Jimmy's voice floated through the speaker and Dean groaned into the phone.

"Oh it's just fucking peachy…thanks for asking buddy." He said through his gritted teeth. He wanted to slap Jimmy when he snickered…the bastard actually snickered…at Dean. "What's up partner….and I use that term loosely at the moment."

"Oh come on Dean…I didn't have any say in this and you know it. Jordan's first game is this Thursday and Sarah and I were wondering if you wanted to come…that's all. He asked for you specifically…for some reason my son thinks you're awesome." Jimmy finished. His voice deep and rough as he waited for his partner to come up with an excuse as to why he couldn't attend Jordan's game.

"That's because I am awesome asshat." Dean shot back at Jimmy. He knew that he shouldn't go…that he should come up with a reason why he couldn't. But for some reason he really wanted to go…besides it would be something that he could actually take Sam to. That way the ADA wasn't stuck in his apartment for the next…god knows how long. "Mind if I haul our 'guest' with me?"

Jimmy snorted. "Not at all. It'll get the kid out of that barren thing you call an apartment."

"Hey! That's my home you're talking about…whatever… I'll see you at the game." Dean said as he clicked his phone closed and turned…he was surprised to see Sam standing in the doorway staring at him, a blank expression plastered across his face.

"Sam? What's wrong?" Dean asked as he hauled himself out of the chair and walked the few feet separating them.

Sam's breathing was rapid and his eyes were panicked as he seemed to be looking through Dean. His hands were shaking as he held up his phone. Dean was a bit confused until he realized that there was a picture on Sam's phone…he looked closer and then wished he hadn't as he made out what the picture was…it was Sam's dead fiancée…before she was Sam's dead fiancée. And she was being pinned to their ceiling… Son-of-a-bitch!

"Oh God Sammy…I'm sorry. Let me have that." Dean took the phone and clicked it closed before turning and gently placing his hands on the large shaking shoulders of the bigger man. "Come sit down and I'll get you some water." He led the other man to one of the chairs and watched as he sank into the leather. Dean came back a moment later and handed the lawyer a bottle of water as he sat in the other chair. "Want to talk about it?" He asked quietly. Sam shook his head and stared blank-faced at the television. Dean inhaled deeply as his eyes kept shifting from the tv to the man seated next to him. Sam looked so broken that Dean wanted to do something…anything to erase that look from the man's expressive face.

"I just thought that whole business with…Jess…that it was all behind me….that's all. This…just…caught me off guard." Sam mumbled as he turned a weary gaze in the cop's direction. His long fingers were twisting his jeans into knots as he continued to stare down at his knees.

Dean pulled himself to his feet and then closed the small distance between them…he squatted down and blew out a breath of air before he spoke. "Sam…" he took a chance and placed his palm on Sam's knee. "We'll catch those bastards…and they'll pay. I promise you…Jimmy and I…we won't let this go until the bastards responsible are behind bars…or dead." Dean's voice was low and steady as he looked up into the worried face of his 'charge'. Sam's eyes widened as he looked down at the determined green gaze of the detective; something inside him made him lean down…his warm breath passing easily over Dean's tanned skin…his eyes darting to the pouty pink lips of the other man.

Dean shifted uncomfortably and Sam pulled back almost violently, as he realized just how close he'd come to kissing the other man. What was it about Dean Winchester that set all his moral compasses twisting in new directions…ones that that they'd never spun in before…he didn't know…but he was damned sure going to find out. One thing was for sure…the life that he'd known…it was over and somehow he and this man were heading into uncharted territory.

Dean watched as Sam pulled away from him…taking his minty warm breath with him…and honestly, Dean was grateful. Because if that man had stayed that close to his mouth any longer…Dean was pretty sure that he would have kissed those delectable lips…and then life as he knew it…would definitely be over.


Author's Note: I wanted to start a new story and this one has been circulating for a while. So here is the beginning to a new AU involving an unrelated Dean and Sam. There will be romance and intrigue…please let me know what you think. I will be updating this story once a week...on Sunday's most likely.

Please Review: I would like to know if people are interested in this story.