A/N: SO firstly I want to apologise for this, I thought it would be up sooner BUT I have actually been unable to write. I have injured my wrist, I am in a brace being told it will take 2-3 weeks if not longer to heal, so it actually has hurt me to do this, but I wanted to finish it for you all... I need to say special thanks to everyone whose read this and taken the time to like, review, respond etc... it's weird it's coming to an end, and I wish I could type more to give you more to this, I hope this doesn't disappoint anyone but yes it has hurt me and so mistakes are all mine, and well honestly pain has stopped me so sorry.

9 months later

Oliver sat there his leg bouncing up and down, his thumb instantly rubbing against his finger tips at a mad pace. He was sat in a builder's trailer in the Glades; he was opening a section of the renovation, awaiting the rest of his team.

"They're late." Oliver said glancing up at Diggle.

"Oliver, they're both fine." He said with a shake of his head.

"I know but it's going to be a busy day."

"Nervous?" Dig asked crossing his arms over his chest.


"Nerves are a good thing man." He nodded.

"I know, but-" Just then the door flew open, Tommy rushing inside.

"I am so sorry I'm late!" He said glancing at himself, then groaning in frustration as he rebuttoned his shirt.

"Understandable." Oliver said jumping to his feet. He glimpsed at Tommy, he looked tired with dark circles under his eyes but he had a sparkle in them, a little fire of happiness he'd never seen in him before. "How is your family?" He smiled in response, his whole face lighting up.

"Great, Laurel is on maternity leave. She's finally in a sleep routine, and hence I overlay because well we all did." He shook his head rubbing a hand at the back of his neck.

"Felicity's been showing me all the photos and videos." Oliver added.

"Yeh well seeing as you two live together and she's practically glued to her phone..." He shrugged as he teased him.

"Haha, your daughter is gorgeous though Tommy."

"Thank you." Tommy said straightening out his jacket. "I'm glad we all finally figured it out." He patted Oliver on the shoulder. "Maybe it'll be you next." Tommy teased.

"Or maybe you'll have another." Oliver countered and Tommy's eyes widened.

"Ones enough right now." The group laughed a little. "Where is Felicity?" Oliver shrugged glancing at Dig.

"She's on her way; Harper says she couldn't decide on what to wear."

"Wait so you came separately?" Tommy asked with a concerned frown.

"Yes I had some... Last minute plans I needed to take care of." Diggle smiled knowingly as Tommy stared at him.

"Nothing wrong with the project I hope?"

"Oh no! Nothing like that, I just want today to be perfect."

"Why-" Once more the door flew open.

"I am so sorry I'm late." Felicity said rushing in. "Roy told me I needed to be ready, and then the dress I was going to wear was dirty, and then the makeup didn't match and then I had to find the right shoes-" Olivers hand on her arm stopped her as she stared up into his eyes. Her heart beat wildly as it always did, even after all these months, after living together, after seeing each other every day.

"You look gorgeous." Oliver said softly as he took in her purple dress, and heels. She blushed slightly before looking back to the group.

"I guess we shouldn't keep the press waiting any longer." She turned on her heels walking away.

Oliver stood there in front of the newly renovated building watching Felicity speak to the press. He couldn't help but smile at how far they'd actually come. Then suddenly the press turned to him, Felicity and Tommy on either side, all holding a giant pair of gold scissors about to cut the ribbon.

"I just wanted to thank my whole team, that's at QC, Merlyn Global, the builders, the people of the city, everyone for their patience and understanding with our Glades transformation and although we are still months away from completion with the super malls building to finish, I felt this place deserved its own recognition. It's thanks to my lovely partner," He glanced at Felicity smiling brightly. "That I knew this place existed and so I am happy to see that it's been completely taken care of... So anyway without further ado I officially announce the CHidlren of Starling Orphanage is reopened." Cheers irrupted as the 3 cut through the ribbon. A variety of flashes happened as Jane stepped forward kissing each of them on the cheek.

"Thank you Oliver, Tommy, Felicity." She smiled softly staring at them all.

"Honestly Jane, it's the least we could all do." Felicity said with a smile. "But I can't wait to see the finished look!"

"Well you're having lunch aren't you?" Jane asked. Felicity looked up at Oliver who nodded enthusiastically.

"Of course, the press has been asked to leave and I hope all the food arrived?" Oliver rushed out.

"Yes, you didn't have to."

"Honestly it was nothing all these kids deserved something, plus with all the old residents here too, I wanted to make it special."

"Well thank you Oliver. Will Laurel and your daughter be joining us?" She turned to Tommy then.

"Of course they're on their way now." Tommy smiled.

"I do love babies and yours is a stunner." Jane smiled taking his arm as they walked into the building chatting.

"See look, you've come a long way Oliver." Felicity said linking her arm with his.

"That's all thanks to you, this place... It means a lot..." The press continued to take photos as Felicity leant up placing a tender kiss to his cheek.

The place was full of guests, of staff, of the children in care; no press was welcome as the lunch had turned into a mini party. Felicity had been given the grand tour. The whole place was updated, doubled in size, more staff hired and Olivers continuous funding. They had met new residents, and been reacquainted with old ones. Roy was stood watching the group, a soft smile on his face and Felicity looked over at Oliver. It was he who had changed his life; she had come to learn that since she had brought him here, he had done a lot. He mentored Roy, who turned his life around but didn't wish to go to college instead being taken under Digs wing. She also learnt Oliver had come and fixed the place up several times, often managed to send family friends here to adopt children. He even found baby Amy a home with one of his old school friends.

Now here she was helping Jane bring out more party food at the quiet end of the large space, as she watched the man she loved playing with a blonde haired little girl in a pretty dress. Her heart melted as she watched him twirl her around, thinking of their possible future.

"Hey." Tommy said softly as he stood beside her.

"Hi." Felicity glanced to see him stood beside Laurel. She was carrying their baby in her arms as he had his hand around her waist.

"Do you want to hold Becca?" Laurel asked.

"Of course!" Felicity said cradling her arms. Slowly Laurel lowered the baby into her arms. "Oh guys she's gorgeous, stunning... Though I mean with parents like you two how could she not be?!" Tommy chuckled pulling Laurel closer.

"I wanted to thank you Felicity." Laurel said softly.

"For what?" She asked looking up.

"Your forgiveness, Oliver and I, it was a mess and things could have been messier when you guys got back yet somehow you both forgave us... He's different with you, he's always been better with you." Laurel replied as she gently stroked her daughters head.

"I know it's only been a few weeks but I think motherhood suits you laurel." Felicity replied with a soft smile.

Oliver's heart beat wildly in his chest, the image of Felicity holding a baby permanently seared in his mind and on his heart. He'd never realised how much that image would affect him until at that moment. He took a deep breath, before leaning down to the little girl.

"Aunt Fliss." The little girl shouted running across the room.

"Hey sweetie."

"It's me." She smiled wide. "Amy."

"Oh my... Amy, you're so grown up!" Amy giggled slightly as she looked up at Felicity.

"Uncle Oli... Oliv... Ollie, told me to give you this." She raised her small hand up, Felicity turned handing Becca to her father.

"What on earth?" She leant down, slowly pulling the shining object from her grasp. Her eyes widened as she took in the simple white gold band, with a single diamond. Then suddenly the music stopped and the room fell into silence.

"Have I told you lately that I love you?" Oliver spoke softly into the microphone. Amy smiled brightly beside her, as Oliver slowly made his way over to Felicity. The whole room was staring at them. "Have I told you there's no one else above you?" His eyes never waved as he carried on. "Fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness, ease my troubles that's what you do." He stopped dead in front of her, dropping down onto one knee.

"Oliver." Felicity whispered looking deeply into his eyes.

"Felicity you have known me for most of my life, watched me make terrible mistakes, watched me grow, helped me to become a better man. Without you I wouldn't be half the man I am today." Slowly she reached out placing her free hand in his as he spoke into the mic. "You changed me, just like this place, you cleared out all the chipped walls and tattered paper replacing it with lightness, with goodness. You have no idea how much you have affected my life for the better and there is not a single day I don't realise how much I need you." Felicity felt the tears running down her cheeks as she beamed at him. "How much I love you, I've always loved you. I could never imagine a future without you in it, and after everything we've both been through I want that future more than ever. So Felicity Megan Smoak will you do the incredible honour of letting me become your husband?" Felicity held out the ring smiling brightly.

"Yes." She said with a nod. Oliver's mouth fell open. "I said yes." She repeated leaning down speaking into the mic. The room erupted into applause, as Oliver abruptly stood up and kissed her. The mic dropped to the floor with a thud as the crowd cheered louder and Tommy wolf whistled. Slowly Oliver pulled back looking into her slightly darkened eyes. "I love you Oliver, when are you going to realise that I need you as much as you need me. I want our future, I want that." She tilted her head towards Laurel, holding baby Becca with Tommys arms wrapped around them.

"I want that too." He whispered back, slowly he plucked the ring from her hand and gently pushed it down her finger. It was a perfect fit as it sat at the base of her digit, it felt like home, wrapped in his embrace.

"It's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you." He whispered placing a kiss to her temple. She sighed leaning into his kiss, as he gently swayed her to the music.

"You planned all this?"

"Yes..." She smiled lovingly at him then, her arms wrapping around his neck. "I love you Oliver, you're my best friend... And I honestly want you to be my husband, the father of my children, but mostly I want you to be my partner in every aspect of my life."

"I want that too… I want you, I want us, and I want our future… good, bad as long as we do it together."

"Exactly… I never thought we'd get here." She said staring into his eyes; he gave her a sad smile. "I always thought it would be in another life."

"No, you have and always will be my girl Felicity. And taking this step with you… it means everything to me. This," he gestured between them, "is everything."

"Well then I guess we have the rest of our lives together." She teased a little.

"I wouldn't want it any other way." He said leaning forward capturing her lips as he ever so slowly span them around. It may have taken them years to get to this point, but now they knew they were well and truly ready for each other and nothing would change that.