Disclaimer: I own none of the TMNT char. or world. This is all in good, somewhat clean fun. Molly, Mia, Cara and Robin are mine But... whateve.
Author Notes : This is a second part to my 'Shadow' story. It may help, for those of you who have not read 'Shadow', to do so... in order to understand this story a little more clearly, just some advice. Thanks, and enjoy!!!
Shadow stood, putting her hands around the back of her hips and pushing forward, stretching and cracking her back. The boxes in the corner staring at her, she smiled. Robin came around the corner, stopped and leaned herself against the door frame.
"Done!" she heaved a breath as she dropped the box marked 'towels' and kicked it toward the pile.
Shadow giggled at her, and glanced back out the window at the street. The sun was casting as orange glow over everything in its path. The cars that lined the street sloped down, allowing her to see the rest of the way down the hill. The palm trees along the sidewalk swayed, proving the breeze was mild.
"You ready to get showered and celebrate my last night in L.A?" Robin asked.
Turning back to the bouncing blond Shay smile "You bet!"
With out anyone else knowing, Robin had made a few calls, talked to her manager and asked to be relocated closer to her family. She never thought she would be so excited to be moving back to New York. Her life in Los Angeles was wonderful; she networked, partied, worked and lived. Everything you're supposed to do when you're in your twenties and thirties, but she was ready for a change. Robin wanted more in life. So when she had got the go ahead from her marketing firm to make the jump to New York, she squealed, calling Donny who was beside himself. It wasn't rare that he couldn't think of anything to say for a situation. But all he could do was stammer something about how she has just 'made his life'. Then, calling her sister, April she got an extremely ecstatic response; unfortunately she could not take the time off to come out and help her sister organize her life. Shadow on the other hand, jumped at the chance to fly out to California; to help pack, shop and experience everything.
"Mia should be home soon!" Robin called as she trotted up the stairs, heading for the shower.
"No problem!" Shadow Jones yelled as she opened the fridge, pulling juice out of the bare fridge. She pushed her long, chocolate hair over her shoulder as she reached for a plastic cup off the counter.
Hearing the door open and slam shut, Shay glanced up to see Robins Room mate Mia drop a box of office supplies with a huge smile.
"I'm moving to New York!" she yelled as she kicked her shoes off and began jumping up and down all over the place. Taking her suit coat off and swirling it around above her head.
With in moments the two girls heard a scream as Robin ran down the stairs.
"You really are!? Really?" Robin yelled as she tackled her friend.
"I am, really!" Mia beamed.
"What made you decide this?" Shadow asked, arms crossed, leaning on the end of the island in the kitchen with a huge smile on her face.
"Robin wouldn't shut up about it for weeks, then as soon as she got her transfer… I just didn't want to be alone!" Mia breathed "I asked Shawn if I could be transferred as well!" She said, making mention of her and Robin's boss.
They had met during their training period at work, began talking and hanging out. Of course then they just had to move in together.
"He said that they did need help, and well, he would be sad to see me go, but he understood!" she squealed again as the two of them hugged and started jumping up and down again.
Robin smiled "Ok, now… I must continue getting ready, we have to celebrate!" she said turning and heading back upstairs.
"I have to pack… my life!" Mia's face fell to a shocked expression as she bolted to the stairs, quick on Robin's heels.
Mia collided into her bedroom door, throwing it open. She stopped a moment and stared out in front of her. Thank goodness she was a tidy person. She began pulling her suit cases out from under her bed and flipping them up onto her mattress. Opening drawers, she started placing their contents into the travel cases.
The Hispanic girl was trembling with excitement, nerves, fear, and exhilaration; for she had never been anywhere outside of sunny California in all her life. Robin had always tried to get her to leave for a weekend, to go to New York with her to visit her news reporting sister, but she always declined. Her room mate had been talking about transferring for weeks, but Mia never actually thought she would do it. The day she made it a reality though, Robin spent the next few days telling her for the nineteenth time that she needed to come with her. It was a spare of the moment decision; she had called her mother and talked to her, asking for advice. After an hour long conversation, Mrs. Ortega told her daughter that she needed to expand life while she was still young, take the chance; live a dream. That was the final factor; Mia didn't say anything to Robin when she left for work that morning; she strolled into her managers office, sat and talked to him for an hour or so. When it was all said and done, she was out the door, collecting her things, and running out to catch a cab back to her condo to tell her friend that she was coming too.
Feeling her nerves creep into her throat, Mia sat on her bed, crossing her legs and pulling at a strand of her jet black hair. Chewing on her bottom lip, she stared at the empty dresser.
knock knock
"Hey chica!" Mia looked up and smiled warmly at Shadow as she stood in the door way.
"You want some help?" Shay asked as she took a few steps into the room holding some boxes.
"That would be awesome!" she smiled, standing again, she zipped up the case. After a few moments of silence as they began placing more of her things into the boxes, Mia stopped.
"I'm scared." She sighed, looking over at the young woman.
Shadow turned from the closet and looked at her. "Don't be! It's the same kinda place, except noisier and colder… really."
Mia nodded her head and smirked "Robin always made it sound amazing. The changing of the seasons, the busy lifestyle, the shopping and how much fun she always has with you and her sister… and now of course that I have finally met you, and I love you… it makes me excited to go!" she laughed, tossing a balled up shirt at Shadow who giggled.
"Besides, she hasn't ever came right out and told me, but I think there's a hottie there she has a thing for." Mia giggled as her back was to Shay, placing her suit cases on the floor.
Shadow froze, wondering how Mia had picked up on it. When Robin had called Shay to see if she was at the airport, she had mentioned to the brown haired girl that she never really mentioned the guys to her room mate; that she was scared too. Shadow of course understood, and never brought up Raphael or Donatello in conversations during the last few days.
"But it's cool, because even if she does, we can still hit up the amazing night life that I keep hearing about!" Mia exclaimed as she turned back around looking at Shay, who just grinned, thankful that she didn't try to probe her for information.
A few hours later, boxes were packed and piled, showers were taken, make-up and clothing applied; the women talked and laughed as they stood in the kitchen waiting for their cab. Robin grabbed the last bottle of wine she had in the fridge, took the last of the plastic cups from the counter, seeing as the dishes had been packed the day before, and poured the liquid.
"This ladies…is to a new life." Robin smiled as she handed the two cups to her friends.
"OH is it ever!" Mia nodded taking the cup.
Picking their cups up to toast, "Allow me." Shadow smirked at the two ladies as they looked at her "Thankful for great careers, wonderful family, awesome old and new friends, happiness, love, laughter and life!" she finished as the other two beamed, each putting an arm around her shoulder in thanks as they all put their cups to their lips.
"Let the night begin!" Robin yelled as she placed her cup on the counter.
They had dubbed themselves the 'Black Dress Mafia' as their cab ride had ended at a lavish restaurant with clubs and bars within walking distance. Mia fiddled in her purse to pay the driver as Shay nudged Robins shoulder whispering "Donny would kill to see you in that dress." She smirked at the blond.
Robin laughed at her, seeing Mia walking to meet up with them "He already has…" she winked at Shadow, who just let her jaw drop, shaking her head.
Once inside, the trio gave their name and went to the bar, waiting only a few moments since Robin had called hours in advance to make reservations.
"I'll get drinky drinks!" Mia winked at the other two and strolled to the bar.
"Shes freak'en awesome!" Shadow giggled as she turned and looked at Robin.
"She is great." The bobbed-cut blond responded as she watched her room mate order a round.
Looking back at Shay, she gave a sober look " I'm just worried. I mean, I have never ever mentioned the guys to her. I mean… she'll meet them eventually. But, what do we say? How do we bring them up... how do we bring what they are up?" Robin looked lost as she stared at her friend.
Shadow nodded her head "Well she did make a comment when we were packing, that she thinks you may have a man in New York, but then she dropped it. I just think… " Shadow heaved a breathe "We need to just be straight with her. Let her a adjust first, but… we'll have to tell her."
Robin nodded as Mia came up next to them "Mojitos all around!" she held up the mint-leaf-garnished drinks for them to grab.
"Shay girl, by the way… love'n the natural hair here!" she smiled, putting her hand in Shadows curly mess. "The voluptuous, natural curls are so in!"
Shadow blushed as she took a sip through her straw "Thank you."
"No prob! They probably attract mucho chicos!" she nudged her.
Laughed, Shadow nudged Mia back.
Robin smirked "OH...just one."
Mia smiled even larger at Shadow "So you have a man, you didn't say anything all week!?"
Shadow smiled, looking at the floor "I do…" she said, leaving it at that.
"OH girl, tell tell!" Mia probed.
Shadow looked at Robin "Yea Robin, why don't you explain him. " She gave her a challenging look.
Clearing her throat, Robin gave Shay a small smirk "Well, he's a big guy, has a few brothers, a total hot head, but he is a total sap for her," Robin tiled her head in Shays direction, "… hes kinda the quiet, brooding type. Mysterious to all others but her, ya know?"
Shadow shrugged "That sounds about right."
"Well he sounds dramatic!" Mia put a hand on her hip.
"Well that's one way of explaining him!" Shadow laughed.
"I'll have to meet him. Perhaps his brothers or friends are hot and single!" They all giggled, two of them out of nerves more than anything.
"Ah damn it!" Donatello glanced up and looked at Mikey as he was continuing to swear at the television.
Rolling his eyes, he glanced back at his magazine "Mike, just turn it off already." He said as he nonchalantly turned a page.
"It's an addiction!" Michelangelo crooned from his seat at the edge of the couch.
"What ever…" Donny sighed, rolling his eyes.
Leonardo walked in, sitting down on the opposite end of the sofa from his younger, frantic brother.
"How ya doin?" Don asked, glancing up as Leo set a cup of tea on the end table.
"Eh, same. " he looked a Donny who nodded knowingly.
Cara had told him a few nights ago that she just couldn't do it anymore; everything was just too weird and hard. She always wanted to go to parties, movies, out to eat. In turn, those made him feel worse then if she had just told him, 'I found somebody else'. Then… she did. Cara left Leo's side on her balcony moments later. He stood there for a little, breathing, composing his thoughts before he went home. Silently he had brooded, keeping it to himself, not mentioning a word to anyone until Mikey had asked him in front of the others if he was ok. Leonardo knew it was only going to be a matter of time, Molly and Cara lived down the hall from one another and talked. Of course in the last few months Molly hadn't been hanging out around Cara as much. Leo and Mike hadn't thought much of it, seeing as the girls would spend time with each of the brothers alone more and more. But soon, Leo noticed Cara pulling away more. It was times like that, that made him happy that they had never gone the distance with they physical relationship. He, at one point would have been ready. But there was always something in the back of his mind, telling him not too. However in the last few days, Molly had came down, talked to Leo and finally told him that she had stopped talking to Cara, and didn't want to be her friend, that she wasn't the same person anymore, then teasing the large turtle telling him that he was 'too good ah catch' for her ex-friend. Molly was better than that of course. She was much more of a grounded individual than Cara, but non the less, Leo took it all with a grain of salt.
He liked Cara, he knew she wasn't perfect, but he liked her. Although in the last few days, he began realizing that it was just because she had been there, a body for him to cozy up too. She wasn't the prizes that his brothers had all seemed to have nabbed. He would begin to feel himself grow angry, but soon his teachings and meditations would calm him. It wasn't fare to be mad at what his brothers had. They had paid their dues in life, some of them a little more than others. Leo just found himself beginning to grow pessimistic. Besides how many human women were out there that would accept, understand, and care for a large, humanoid turtle. Not many that's for sure.
Sighing again, he stood, taking his tea with him, walking toward the kitchen. Mike and Don looked at one another.
"What up douche bags?" Raphael walked down the stairs into the living area.
"Hey Raph." Mike said as he un-paused his game.
"Talked to Casey, he wants ta'go with us ta'night." His Brooklyn accent poured from his mouth.
"Don't matter ta'me." Donny said setting his magazine down.
"Wheres Fearless?" He asked, cracking his knuckles.
Donatello nodded his head toward the kitchen as Raph yelled. "Yo! Leo! Lets go, we're meet'en Cas!"
"Raph,… you gotta yell?" Leonardo asked as he emerged from the doorway.
"Well didn't want ya to mis'en'tapert me!" he smirked wickedly.
"That's misinterpret…genius." Don rolled his eyes.
"Whateva." He turned and glared at his snide, younger brother.
Pausing his game, Mike stood and leaped over the back of the couch just as the phone rang.
"OH me… mememe…" he jogged to it as the others just watched him, not amused.
"Hello? … Doll face! Whats shaken!?" he leaned one arm up on the wall, as he back was turned to the others.
"Yea? Really? Well Faaaantastic!"
Don glanced at Raph and rolled his eyes, knowing that it had to be Robin or Shadow.
"Ok, well...sounds hot! Ok, well be careful, … ah… yep, on our way out, k… sure thing! Yea… he misses you too! K, bye." Mike turned and looked at his older brothers, all arms crossed.
"Raph, Shay says 'hi' and 'she misses you'… for...some reason." He giggled as he dodged a sucker punch to the arm from the red masked brother.
"Well what are they up too?" Don asked as the four brothers made their way top side.
"Going to dinner and dancing. OH… they said that Robins Roommate is coming with them too. She asked for a transfer or someshit."
Donny turned and looked at him. "Mia? Really?"
"Yea… I guess that's her." Mikey shrugged "OH… Shay said something about a little black dress's too" trying to keep his tone as normal as possible.
"What?" Mikey smirked as he heard his other two brothers ask at the same time.
Leo sighed as he kept moving, "Let's go you guys, we're meet'en Casey right?"
Shaking his head, Raph cracked his knuckles again, "Yea…" he said in a distracted, irritable tone.