I decided to make this a two-shot because Sokka needed to get his and boy did he get it. I knew I wasn't in the best mood when I wrote this but, holy hell. Definitely made me feel better, though.

Warnings: I guess it's still Dub Con, kind of. A very angry Water Tribe warrior and unconventional usage of weaponry.

edit: Apparently my earlier warning was not good enough. This is a dub con fic. It is supposed to be humorous but it is still DARK. Please do not read any further if you are squeamish about this type of thing or you do not want to see Zuko in a bit of discomfort. There is use of an inanimate object in a sexual situation, Zuko gets the short end of the stick quite literally. I do not appreciate rude, anonymous reviews that dig at MY character because they did not heed the warnings.

Sokka crept towards the big game trap that he had set up earlier that day, taking tentative steps so as not to frighten whatever had sprung it. He was delighted to see that, at least from this distance, there seemed to be something of a decent size inside. He wore a snow white polar leopard pelt draped over his head and back to help him blend in with his icy surroundings and held a long spear in his right hand. He hoped he would be able to sneak up on whatever was stuck inside the crevice in the ice crevice, that he had found and spent weeks reinforcing with metal that Toph had been kind enough to bring and then bend for him on her last visit, without alerting his catch to his presence. It would make it easier for him to slide the spear through the metal bars and deliver the kill shot quickly and without too much mess.

He squinted against the glare of the sun off the ice as he crept closer, attempting to get a better glimpse of what exactly he had caught. From this close it only seemed to be about his size and… red? A tiger seal? But no… He was too far inland for that and this was furry. Like a bear. But Bosco was the only bear he'd ever seen and this figure was even redder than that. When flames suddenly erupted from the figure and shot out in three separate directions, arcing through the bars and melting the snow around the cage, Sokka froze in his tracks and smiled. All thoughts of meat were lost as he realized just what it was that he had caught. This was so much better than food, so much better.

He watched for a few moments as his captive growled and attempted to melt the bars, before almost floating to the edge of the cage. He wanted to giggle with the giddy feeling enveloping his limbs even through the frigid air and jump for joy despite the heavy layers of leather and fur that he wore to keep out the cold. Justice, that's what this was. There was no other word to describe the sight of a very angry firebender trapped in a cage of ice and metal, no rescue in sight. Oh yes, this was justice.

"You should stop doing that. If you melt the ice the crevice will collapse and you'll be crushed."

The man startled at his voice and turned towards him, one side of his face melting into an expression of relief, the other was frozen into a permanent scowl by heavy scar tissue.

"Get me out of here." It wasn't a command so much as an assumption. The firebender automatically believed that upon being found by another human being he would be set free. He was wrong.


The firebender's good eye widened in shock and then immediately narrowed in anger.

"What do you mean… no? Free me this instant!"

Sokka pretended to study the seam of his gloves, addressing his captive with nonchalance.

"Nope. No can do, jerkbender."

He smiled and slid his crystal blue eyes, sharp with cunning, to the face of his catch. Golden irises, alight with all the fury of an inferno, framed by flawless pale skin on one side and rough, leathery, scarred skin on the other. Long hair the color of charred wood that, he could tell, was normally pristinely combed back into a fine top knot, hung loosely around the man's shoulders, whipping around his face in the arctic wind. His good cheek was rosy from the cold, only a shade or two lighter than the blood red parka that adorned his shoulders. Sokka could see his chest rise and fall in even, deliberate breaths beneath the heavy furs. It seemed to be taking everything he had to keep his calm and not explode in a devastating eruption of flame.

"I know what this is about."

"Do you, now? Then you understand why I can't let you go."


Sokka's smile turned malicious as he took another step closer to the bars and gripped them tightly with one gloved hand. The other tightened around the spear he still held as he edged it between the bars.

"That's Water Tribe Chief Sokka to you."

The firebender's eyes darkened but he continued to focus on keeping his breathing even. He knew that what Sokka had said was true and he had no desire to be crushed by falling ice, not before he killed the idiot in front of him at least.

"You aren't the chief yet."

"Close enough. I'm the only way you're getting out of there. You shouldn't argue with me."

"Ridiculous." He grumbled beneath his breath. "What do you want?"

Sokka's face lit up with delight and the firebender could swear that there was actually drool glistening at the corner of his too big for his own good mouth.

"I'm so glad you asked me that actually." His eyes darkened. "Strip."

"Are you insane? I'll freeze! Are you trying to a start a war?"

"Absolutely not. This isn't about any issues between our nations, and you know it. This is about me and you, Zuko. Now strip."

Zuko growled like a wild animal and crossed his arms over his chest, refusing to budge. Sokka was sure he would have released an angry stream of flame in his direction if he hadn't been worried about being crushed by a few tons of ice and snow.

"You won't freeze. Just do that flamey breathy thing you do."

Zuko actually choked on the air that he'd been inhaling. "Flamey breathy thi… It's called the Breath of Fire, you… you… argh!"

"Yea, that."

"I am not going to strip in the middle of the godsdamned frozen tundra just because you're mad at me!"

Sokka stuck the pointed end of his spear through the bars and poked Zuko's chest with it. Not hard enough to pierce the thick fur he was wearing but enough to push him backwards a step.

"Yes you are. Or I'll be forced to come up with something even worse to do to you to get my revenge. At least I'm not going to let my whole tribe watch!"

"It was a few guards! It was an accident!"

"Well then we're one step closer to being even. I didn't exactly shove you in there, did I? How did you manage to trap yourself in here anyway?"

Zuko opened his mouth to explain, shut it with a grimace, and opened it again.

"I…" He was interrupted before he was able to begin by a sharp stab to his shoulder. He glanced, incredulously, at the blade of the spear imbedded in his parka.

"Talk and strip at the same time."

"You're a son of a bitch, you know that?" Zuko grumbled as Sokka removed the spear and he began to slowly undo the many ties holding his parka together. He'd shed his gloves long before, in order to dispel his flames of frustration, so his fingers were stiff but still able to make nimble work of the leather straps.

"No more than you are." Sokka's grin returned and he rocked back on his heels, arms crossed over his chest, to enjoy the show.

Zuko closed his eyes and focused on his breathing as his fingers slowly trailed down the fur over his chest. His breath came heavier as he neared the last strap keeping his tender skin protected from the biting wind. He focused on the heat in his body, on his circulating blood, on keeping himself warm as he slipped the heavy fur parka from his shoulders. The chill of the snowy tundra hit him immediately, even through the layers of clothes still adorning his body.

"I hate you." He grumbled as his teeth began to chatter against his will. He released a small plume of flame from his mouth for good measure, and to show his captor that he was not about to be bested by a little snow.

"No more than I hate you."

Zuko untied the sash around his waist and let it fall on top of his parka. His tunic slid open easily after that and drifted in the wind before landing on the other side of the cage. He opened his eyes, just barely, and caught sight of the warrior in front of him. He had yet to bare any more skin than his face and hands but the tribesman was already biting his lip in anticipation, a rosy flush gracing his cheekbones that Zuko could tell was not from the cold alone.

His body heated without his control as he pulled off the final layer of thick wool covering his torso. He hesitated and eyed the tribesman, resting his hands on the waist of his pants. His skin prickled as the frigid air brushed across it, ruffling his hair and causing him to shiver involuntarily. He hardened at the mix of the sensation and the look of dark lust in Sokka's hooded eyes and silently berated himself.

"Keep going, asshole." Sokka noticed that the tip of his spear had been resting in the snow for the last few minutes and he smirked to himself as an idea popped into his head.

He raised the spear and brushed it lightly across Zuko's chest, delighting in the way that the frozen tip drove Zuko's already hardened nipples to a state of arousal so extreme that they had turned a shade of red that Sokka knew from experience wasn't normal for the firebender. Zuko's breath shuddered in his chest at the invasive gesture and he lost control of his breath for an instant. The heated air escaped his lips in a rush of orange flame, illuminating his face and reflecting off of the ice. The sight hit Sokka hard in the gut and he was making quick work of the lock on the cage before his brain had the chance to think through his actions.

Zuko noticed and hooked his thumbs under the waist of his pants, teasing. Too many plans for escape flitted through his mind as he watched the tribesman fumble with his barrier to freedom but they were all quickly shot down by the very small portion of his brain that actually made rational decisions and the very large part that knew that staying would probably be far more pleasurable.

"Don't you dare stop!" Sokka growled as he finally resorted to pulling his club from beneath the pelt and bashing the cage door open.

Zuko smiled and slid the pants over his hips, hissing as his erection was freed. It was almost too cold and all of his firebending skill almost wasn't enough but the look on Sokka's face was and Zuko sank to his knees on his parka and wrapped a hand around himself as he watched Sokka come toward him.

"Don't do that. You're not done." Sokka barked, his voice hoarse with arousal.

Zuko looked up at him, eyes clouded, face desperate.

"Take everything off. All the way."

Someone whimpered and Zuko was horrified to realize that it was coming from him. He didn't move right away, unwilling to remove the warmth of his hand from the very important appendage it was currently wrapped around. A boot to his chest knocked him flat on his back and he was forced to let go to brace himself. Sokka loomed over him with a determined expression, leering smile exposing pearl white teeth that suddenly looked a lot sharper to the firebender than normal.

He realized, too late, that the sharp edge of the spear head was pressing sharply into the soft skin of his neck just below his jaw and Sokka's eyes told him that it wouldn't be moved any time soon. He clenched his teeth and brought his knees to his chest so that he could unlace his boots and promptly let out an undignified squeak as the wind picked up and practically penetrated him. Sokka merely laughed and increased the pressure from the spear tip, finding the squirming mess of a Fire Lord beneath him to be the most delicious thing he'd ever seen.

Zuko struggled to get his borrowed, thick, tiger seal hide boots off of his feet, knowing he wouldn't be able to get warm until he nearly froze to death anyway. There was no pity in the cold blue eyes staring down at him; determination, a little bit of anger, and a dash of glee all covered with a healthy coating of lust, but no pity.

Once free of all of his clothing, Zuko lay back and bit his lower lip as he tried to focus on circulating warmth through his body and not losing any appendages to the cold. He didn't notice himself going flaccid until he felt an angry kick at his hip.

His eyes shot open to find a furious Sokka with a dangerously tight grip on the spear. "Fuck, Sokka!"

"You're going soft!"

"Wel,l what the fuck do you expect? I'm not as proficient at getting myself off in the middle of a frozen wasteland as you obviously are!" Zuko couldn't quite hide his smug smirk as he saw his dig hit a nerve with his captor.

Zuko noticed that Sokka looked downright murderous as he tossed the spear away and fell to his knees, straddling the firebender's bare waist and bringing his face dangerously close to Zuko's own. The older man felt a bubble of true panic bounce around his chest as he examined the pretty blue eyes, narrowed and hateful, above him. He had no idea the tribesman had been this mad.

"Sokka, I…"

"Shut up."

"But I..."

"I said shut up!" Sokka effectively silenced the firebender by crashing their lips together in an angry and forceful kiss. He pulled his own gloves off so that he could fist his hands in Zuko's hair and bit, viciously, at his tender flesh. Zuko did his best to be a willing participant, to give Sokka what he needed. His half frozen fingers fumbled with the ties to Sokka's parka as the younger man ground the layers of clothing covering his hips against Zuko's bare ones. The friction against his rapidly softening erection sent thrills of electricity through his body and Zuko felt himself responding. Sokka could feel it too even through the thick barrier and smiled against Zuko's mouth.

"That's better."

Zuko only grunted in response as he finished the final tie and spread the parka open, slipping his hands beneath the fur and struggling to find the hem of Sokka's tunic, desperate to feel the heat of his skin. He bucked his hips into Sokka's and moaned into the tribesman's mouth with the feeling. He couldn't tell the state of Sokka's arousal through the clothing but he didn't much care at this point because the body above him was warm and fit against his like a key in a lock.

Sokka released his grip on Zuko's hair so that he could slip his arms out of his parka, still keeping it over his back to keep in the warmth around them, and, using one arm to brace himself against the ground, he began rooting around in the pockets of his heavy coat. Zuko lay panting beneath him, writhing with need, his renewed arousal large and apparent against Sokka's hip.

The firebender tried to wait patiently for Sokka to find whatever he was looking for but not moving with the boy so close to him was a harsher torture than being forced to lay naked in the snow. Suddenly Sokka flashed a brilliant grin as he located his prize and he pulled a small jar from his parka. His eyes glinted with mischief as he looked down at Zuko.

Zuko felt the panic try to rise again. He realized a little too late that this wasn't his Sokka above him. He'd seen that look in the darker man's eyes before, the heavy clouds of lust being sliced neatly through by the clean edge of the tribesman's brilliant mind. Zuko felt a strong urge to fight even as his dick twitched with want.

The tribesman slowly slipped out of his tunic and his heavy wool undershirt and methodically folded them. He gripped Zuko's hip with one cold hand, causing Zuko to hiss and shiver, and lifted him just enough to slide the clothes beneath him, creating a pillow of sorts that kept the firebender's lower extremities raised off the ground.

Zuko watched with trepidation as the tribesman then returned his attention to the small bottle still in his hand. When he saw a tan hand reach for the forgotten spear he felt his heart seize but he didn't move. He still trusted the tribesman, fool that he was.

Sokka dipped two fingers into the bottle and Zuko watched, eyes wide, as those two fingers proceeded to coat the blunt edge of the spear in amber oil.

"This oil is high flammable. I brought it in case I needed to make a fire, so you might want to be careful with your bending after this."

Zuko opened his mouth to protest but the tribesman was already between his legs, pushing forward and forcing Zuko to spread himself wider and then he could he could feel the heavy pressure of the thick wood trying to enter him and he groaned and clutched at the fur of his parka. He had expected some amount of preparation but he realized with a sick feeling that this was the preparation, for Sokka was much, much larger than this weapon.

Sokka pressed the spear in slowly but surely, ignoring how Zuko clenched around it. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to Zuko's hip and whispered against the taut skin, warming it with his breath and teasing Zuko's engorged shaft with his hair.

"Relax, Zuko."

Zuko groaned and raised his hips further off the ground as he felt the thick barrel of wood push further inside of him, almost too far. He sobbed at the intrusion as Sokka twirled the shaft inside of him and pulled it out before quickly pushing it back in, all the while placing whisper light kisses to the base of Zuko's erection.

He licked along the length before nipping the tip and digging his tongue into the slit, as he forcefully fucked the firebender with the rough wooden spear and he relished it when Zuko arched his back and cried out, the barest hint of flames escaping the pale mouth despite Sokka's warning.

"Sokka…" Zuko moaned loudly, grasping at his parka for all his worth as he spread his own legs wider and allowed Sokka more room to fuck him with the inanimate object in his hands. There were tears trailing from the corners of Zuko's eyes to his hairline and droplets of blood forming where Zuko was biting his lip in an attempt to control himself.

Sokka sat up and fumbled with his pants even as he continued to push the spear in and out of the writhing creature beneath him. Once he'd freed himself, he stilled the spear's movements and positioned himself over it, without removing it and without bothering to add any more lubrication.

Zuko's eyes shot open as he felt the tribesman beginning to push into him and a broken sob escaped him at the pressure. It was too much and the wood was too hard, unyielding against his skin. He couldn't stop the flames that escaped his fingers and singed the fur of his parka or the ones that slipped past his lips and made the ice around them sparkle with light.

Still Sokka kept pushing and Zuko kept giving until he was too full, too full, but still Sokka didn't stop. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Zuko's arched torso, latching his teeth onto a tender nipple and snapping his hips slowly until he could feel the firebender trembling against him, soft pants heating the air above his head. Zuko wrapped his legs around the tribesman's hips and tried to focus on the pleasant friction of Sokka's skin against his dick but the burning pressure of being filled beyond capacity overwhelmed him. He moved his hands from the poor, abused article of clothing beneath him to the clear skin of Sokka's shoulders and dug his nails in until he could feel blood against his fingertips.

Sokka pulled out, slowly, just enough, then snapped back, hard and without warning and hit a spot inside of the firebender that overpowered everything else and Zuko howled. Sokka reached behind his legs and twirled the spear as he pushed in fast and up and Zuko howled again and clutched at him and came hard and violent.

Sokka felt the flames that burned all around them as the firebender shuddered with his release, and he smiled.

Slowly, he pulled the spear out without pulling out himself and he thrilled at the vibrations that surrounded him as Zuko trembled and gasped for breath. He leaned forward again and braced himself over the weakening body with one hand as he began to move again, slow and determined. He wrapped his free hand around Zuko's rapidly softening cock and used the wet mess already there as lubrication as he began to tease the appendage to attention again.

"Sokka…" There was barely any breath left in Zuko's words as he clutched at the tribesman's shoulders and allowed himself to be brought back from his climax. Sokka snapped his hips in response, quick and rough and exactly the way he knew Zuko liked it. He was rewarded with a strangled mewl of pleasure as Zuko hardened in his hand and threw his head back into the snow.

There was no worry about being cold any longer, as they moved together above Zuko's parka and beneath the polar leopard pelt, their bodies glistening with sweat and the fruit of Zuko's release. They were invisible to the world, camouflaged in an endless world of white.

Sokka ducked his head and kissed Zuko's jawline and then the soft skin of his neck just above his pulse. He ran his tongue over the throbbing skin and marveled at how it changed with the movement of his hips. He snapped once, then twice, hard and up, always hitting that one spot inside of Zuko that could make him scream and made him clutch to Sokka like a drowning man to an ice drift.

Their mouths found each other one last time as Zuko began to tremble beneath Sokka's body a second time, his erection bulging and exploding in Sokka's hand. He held tightly to the tribesman's shoulders and sobbed into his mouth as he came again, clenching around the warrior with a ferocity that Sokka hadn't expected and sent him tumbling over the edge after the firebender, releasing into him with abandon and collapsing on top of him, warm and relaxed in the heat pocket they'd created.

He buried his face in the crook of Zuko's shoulder and breathed heavily against his skin. Zuko wrapped his arms possessively around Sokka's back and kissed his hair.

"Still mad at me?" He whispered, weakly.

"No. You've been forgiven." Sokka mumbled against his skin, shifting just slightly so that he could curl against Zuko's side. "You didn't tell me how you got stuck in here though."

"You never told me how you got captured by my guards."

"Touché , jerkbender, touché."

I'm going to put this up as complete for now... but I may turn this into a file for my more sadistic/ kinky smut shots. I can't believe how much I liked abusing Zuko this way. :/ I'll only do that if you guys want to read them, of course.


continue edit: I know I shouldn't let this get to me so much but I want to make it doubly clear that Zuko is NOT being raped in this fic. This is CONSENSUAL rough play. Yes he is apprehensive but he CHOOSES to participate. I do not get off on raping and torturing Zuko. Please do not leave reviews telling me that I'm sick and cruel because you're an idiot who can't read warnings. I don't care if this made you uncomfortable. You shouldn't have read it in the first place. I, so far, have only recieved one negative review and lots of support but I was in a bad mood when I wrote this and now I'm in a worse mood. Blah. Okay I'm done ranting. If you enjoyed this, then awesome because I enjoyed writing it.