Reviews for Interrogation
Guilty.Apologies chapter 2 . 12/22/2014
one word: sizzling!
Twillightfairy chapter 2 . 11/24/2014
I read both chapters posted, and it seems to me that somehow in someway Zuko and Sokka are in a relationship. They seem to know that there are rules and what those rules are and they make sure that the rules are followed. I will read more of these stories if they are posted.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/29/2014
Ahhhhh yes perfect AND with the ending I was hoping for. SOOOOO good and glorious THANK
Ruby of Raven chapter 2 . 7/26/2013
Loved this. We're suck pervs. by loving it. XD
MeriGo-round chapter 2 . 7/1/2013
Ok, honestly... call me sick and cruel, but personally I enjoy rape fiction very much. Fictional rape of fictional characters in fictional stories. No one gets hurt, get over it people. If you don't like these kind of stories, choose carefully what you read or stop reading once you notice it's not your thing.

As for your story: Seeing I like rape fiction, I was actually a bit disappointed to realise this was consensual play, but that really doesn't matter, since it was still a very well written fiction and it definately managed to keep my attention either way! The tension you developed between the two was seriously steamy and what I mostly enjoyed was how you managed to keep both scenarios rather plausible and portray each one in their positions as dominant or devote character without ever making it appear silly. Hot story, nice writing - I wish you'd write more of this (in comparison the Avatar fan community doesn't seem to feature a lot of kink, so I'm kinda counting on you :D). And don't let people get to you because of personal preferences (like me enjoying less consensual stories ;) ). You can't write to match everyone's taste and it certainly doesn't lower the quality of your work!
Chase Buoy chapter 2 . 8/25/2012
perfect! I absolutely loved these two stories! LoveloveLOVE ZUKO ABUSE! lol! Sorry Zuko ;) Your writing is amazing! In the second story I was cold as hell, even though it's over nintey something in my house...
Angel chapter 2 . 8/23/2012
*Fans self* Well... I've never read something like THAT before. And obviously it's consensual, cause Zuko could burn Sokka's face off. Aaand since he didn't, HOT FIC IS HOT.

*Cough* Uh, nice one. You're very good at this. :D
Guest chapter 2 . 8/22/2012
so good! LOVED it!
Guest chapter 2 . 7/31/2012
Omg! I love this and I wish that there were more stories like this one! I love it when they get rough and I can't get enough of Zuko and Sokka! Can you please write more of these! I will be waiting because this is the best stuff out there!
She.Drowned.In.Venom chapter 2 . 6/25/2012
Man, hot, a tiny bit messed but only so far as kinky is concerned. _ However, Zuko's gonna be bloody and scabbed for a while 'cause there was DEFINITELY some SERIOUS tearing going on there. No one ever remembers the aftermath.
Guest chapter 2 . 4/14/2012
This story was so hot! I was so turned on through all of it. Please keep writing stuff like this.
Zoorzh chapter 2 . 12/30/2011
Kinkiest smut I've read in a while. Very nice.
zomgitsbrittee chapter 2 . 12/10/2011
This was great! I'd love to read more! I do enjoy sub!Zuko as well... :D
Purplechicken21 chapter 2 . 10/25/2011
I got to admit, I love both chapters to this story. I would love to see more if you got any ideas to continues this D
PeaceHeather chapter 2 . 7/11/2011
Yum. I can't believe you've gotten negative reviews for this - I mean for heaven's sake what kind of rapist sticks around for cuddly afterglow? :) I'd love to see more smutty goodness. The boys like it rough and I like to read it.

Thoughts... hmm. Maybe to shut up the more apprehensive readers you could have an installment with the boys plotting their next encounter? They could discuss it together or just come up with ideas separately, I dunno. As for Teh Smutz, I'm kind of into the idea of keeping the gag on, or putting it in while the "victim" is trying to protest. I think it might also be hot to have something where one of them is still bound when they come, their movements restricted and arrested by the bindings even though they can't help themselves - like, they *would* be writhing if they could?

Great, now I'm all worked up and I can't type properly. :) This is the first story review I've written for ffNet. Yeah, you're that good.

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