Author's Note: Hello everyone! This is a story that I have been randomly working on. I hope you like it. Please review. Of course, I don't own any of these South Park characters. This, of course, is the shortest chapter, since it's not officially a chapter, but an introduction. Actual chapters will be longer.


There are people in this world that would, upon first glance, have looked at them and called them enemies. The constant fighting, physical abuse, and deception would certainly clue them in. However, those who lived in South Park, Colorado understood their relationship was a complex one. Some would even call their relationship one of friendship, however unusual it may be. Their close friends watched the pair grow from bitter enemies to something a bit… different. Of course, if you talked to either of the boys in question, both would deny any semblance of friendship at all; in fact, they would describe their feelings toward the other as "hate."