A/N: It's FINISHED! WOohoO! more notes below :-)

"Where is he?"

"Harry, calm down," Hermione said calmly, placing some bacon and eggs on Harry's plate. It was the next morning and Harry hadn't seen Draco all yesterday.

Harry paid her no attention but was instead watching the door to the Great Hall closely.

"No, I don't like not knowing what's going on," Harry replied. Hermione just shook her head and rolled her eyes.

Harry sighed and tore his eyes away from the door, placing his attention on his plate. He knew it wouldn't do any good to worry about what Draco may or may not be planning.

At that moment, Harry snapped his head up as the door to the Great Hall opened and Draco strutted in. Harry watched as Draco took his seat at the Slytherin table next to Blaise. He didn't so much as glance at Harry or even in his general direction.

Harry didn't know what that meant exactly. He kept watching Draco, hoping for some sign of recognition but none came. Harry frowned and looked down at his plate. Ron, who had also been watching Draco, leaned over.

"What is he doing?" He asked.

"I don't know," Harry muttered.

Draco sat next to Blaise, willing himself not to look over at Harry. He had known from the second he walked in the door that the raven-haired Gryffindor's eyes had been on him. It was all he could do not to succumb to the urge to sneak a glance at him.

Instead, he forced himself to talk to Blaise, to distract himself.

"Well?" Draco asked dubiously and Blaise turned to him. "Did you get Finnigan yet?"

"As a matter of fact, yes," Blaise replied with a smirk.

"And was it worth it?" Draco asked him. Blaise paused for a second, seeing Draco's eyes wander to the side for a minute.

"Pain for pleasure after all," Blaise said cheerfully.

"I suppose," Draco murmured, more to himself than Blaise. Blaise didn't say anything in response, just laughed quietly to himself.

When breakfast was finished, the 7th year Slytherins went off to potions. The Gryffindors followed. Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked quietly down the the dugeons. Harry was too preoccupied to say much. Draco's act of ignoring him was starting to bother him.

Snape ushered them all inside while giving his trademark sneer. Harry, Ron, and Hermione took a seat off to the side. Draco sauntered past them, choosing to sit with Pansy as Blaise had taken up with Seamus.

Harry gave him an odd look before turning around in his seat to try to pay attention to Snape's lecture. About halfway through the lesson, Hermione had gone to get more ingredients and Ron was bent over his textbook, trying to make out the next step, when Draco got up from his seat and moved to ask Snape something.

He asked him whatever it was and was on his way back when Harry stood up from his seat. Draco wasn't looking and almost walked right into him. He caught himself just in time and only hit Harry's shoulder.

"Watch where you're going, Potter," he growled as he pushed past him. Harry scowled at him as he moved away. Harry then sat back down and Ron looked at him imploringly.

"What was that?" he whispered.

"I don't know," Harry whispered back. "I think--"

"Potter," he was interrupted by Snape. "Perhaps you find my class gives ample time to discuss the your insignificant life. I disagree. 50 points for that."

Harry glared at Snape as he moved away, cloak billowing out behind him. Hermione arrived back at the table at that moment.

"What happened?" she asked quietly.

"I don't want to talk about it," Harry muttered, turning his attention back to the potion at hand. Hermione looked at Ron who shrugged and together they went back to their assignment.

The class finally ended. By the time it was over, Harry was not in a very good mood. He'd lost another 20 points for doing absolutely nothing. He stalked moodily from the classroom with Ron and Hermione trailing after.

"Fucking Snape!" Harry cursed on his way up the stairs. "I still don't understand why he hates me so much!"

He continued ranting in this fashion all the way up to the common room. It wasn't until reaching the portrait hole that he realized Ron and Hermione were no longer present. He guessed they probably didn't want to hear all this again and had left.

Harry gave the password to the fat lady and entered into the common room. He plunked himself down in an armchair and stared moodily at the crackling fire. The day had been awful so far. He knew he shouldn't have told Draco so soon. He'd ruined everything.

Harry sat back in the chair, wishing he had something to make him feel better. Then he remembered that he had a chocolate frog in his pocket. He reached into the pocket of his robes and pulled out a wrapped frog and a small folded piece of parchment.

He set the frog on the table and examined the parchment. It wasn't his, that was for sure. He carefully unfolded it, wondering what it was and how it got in his pocket.

Tonight, RoR, 10 pm, don't be late.


Harry contemplated the note, knowing it was from Draco. His heart leapt at the thought that he wanted to meet him. He wondered what Draco could have in store.

He was still thinking about possible situations that he might find himself in that night when Ron and Hermione came in. They saw Harry and came cautiously over to him. He smiled happily at them as they sat down and they exchanged a curious glance.

"Uh, Harry?" Ron asked carefully.

"Yeah, Ron?" Harry responded cheerfully.

"Why are you so happy?"

"What's wrong with that?" Harry asked.

"Nothing, you just weren't very happy a while ago. What's with the sudden change?"

To his surprise, Harry's grin widened as he passed Ron and Hermione Draco's note. Hermione scanned through it quickly and looked up at Harry.

"And you're going to go?" She asked.

"Of course I'm going to go. Why wouldn't I?" Harry asked, taking back the note. Hermione shrugged and didn't say anything else. Harry sighed and leaned back in his chair, hoping the day would pass by more quickly now.


"Hey Blaise," Seamus said, rolling over in the bed.

"Hmm?" Blaise responded softly, dragging a hand through Seamus' blond locks. He pulled Seamus in slowly and kissed him softly.

"Do you think Malfoy will ever admit his feelings?"

Blaise looked taken aback.

"His feelings? How do you know?"

"I know lots of things," Seamus shrugged and Blaise continued to look stunned.

"Okay," Blaise said slowly. "Well, it's doubtful that he'll ever do anything."

"Why?" Seamus asked.

Blaise paused, then shifted on the bed so that he was on top of Seamus. He allowed his body to rest on Seamus, rubbing his growing erection into Seamus. Seamus groaned appreciatively and moved, causing more pleasurable friction.

Blaise looked down at Seamus and licked his lips, loving the way Seamus' eyes followed his tongue's every move. He moved down slowly and kissed Seamus quickly. Seamus slid his hands around Blaise's neck to prevent him from moving too much.

"Draco is stubborn," Blaise said, looking down at Seamus and finally answering his question. "He never admits he's wrong and would die before admitting that he cared about someone."

"But," Seamus said, puzzled, "Doesn't he love Harry? Wouldn't it be better to give in and be happy rather than hold out and be miserable?"

"Try telling that to him," Blaise said sincerely. Seamus smiled and kissed Blaise once more.

"We could use ourselves as an example," Seamus said with a mischievous smile. Blaise chuckled slightly and shifted once more, reminding him that they were both growing harder by the second.

"I really don't think that would help anything," Blaise said.

"Hmm," said Seamus thoughtfully, "Then I guess we'll just have to take advantage."

Blaise grinned possesively at him and took his mouth in a rough kiss.


At quarter to ten that evening, Harry nervously made his way to the hallway containing the Room of Requirement. He'd spent the afternoon trying to remain calm. He wasn't usually this nervous, but he had no idea what Draco had in store for him this time.

Harry approached the wall that held the hidden door to the room and carefully opened the door that appeared there for him. He pushed it open slowly and went inside.

He looked around wonderingly. The room was lit with the soft glow of manylow lamps. There was only one piece of furniture, a silvery-blue couch sitting in the middle of the room facing a blazing fire. The flames jumped and leapt as the breeze from the open door swept through.

A small table sat to the left of the couch. On it was a small lamp. There were several pillows scattered around the room, making it appear comfortable. Unfortunately for Harry, he was too nervous to be in any way comfortable.

Harry moved farther into the room and the door swung shut, clicking rather loudly behind him. He glanced around, looking for Draco but didn't see him anywhere. He was finding this all just a little creepy.

He turned around to leave but found that the door was no longer there.

"Oh, shit," he cursed.

"Language, Potter." A voice reprimanded him from the shadows. Harry whipped around, staring in the direction the voice had come from. Draco suddenly appeared sitting on the couch. Harry was taken aback and Draco chuckled softly.

"You're not the only one with an invisibility cloak, Potter," Draco drawled, letting a silvery material fall to the floor where it folded as if in a puddle.

"Why am I here, Malfoy?" Harry asked him. Draco smirked slightly and stood up from the couch.

"You came," he replied simply.

"You know what I mean," Harry said more forcefully. Draco walked closer to Harry, circling around him and drawing ever closer.

"I think you know why you're here," he whispered silkily. Harry stood absolutely still as Draco moved up behind him. He could almost feel the heat radiating off his body.

"Malfoy, please just tell me what you're doing," Harry said, growing tired.

"What? You get to play your games for months and I don't, the one chance I have?" Draco asked in mock hurt. Harry sighed, knowing he had a point.

"Okay," Harry agreed reluctantly.

"Good," Draco said. "Now, Potter, tell me why."

Harry didn't respond for a minute. He was contemplating what to tell him. He knew a lot already, Harry was sure. Draco waited impatiently, and when Harry showed no signs of answering, he slid a hand onto Harry's hip and leaned in closer to his neck.

"Now, Potter," he said in a low voice. His hot breath washed over the back of Harry's neck.

"You already know, don't you?" Harry asked, knowing he was playing with fire.

"I have an idea, but I want to hear you say it," Draco whispered against Harry's ear.

"Say what?" Harry prodded further. He heard Draco sigh in impatience.

"Three little words. Or four, depending on if you're drunk or not," Draco told him. Harry couldn't help smiling slightly.

"And if I do, then what?"

"Then your fate will be decided."

Draco then moved away from Harry and went to sit on the couch. He sat down and looked up at Harry expectantly. Harry remained where he was, trying to decide if it was a trap or not.

He stood for so long lost in his own reflections that Draco sighed and shook his head, knowing he was no longer paying attention.

"Harry," he said sharply. Harry jerked out of his thoughts. It took him a second to realize Draco had used his first name. He took a deep breath and went to sit next to Draco on the couch.

"Draco, I've done a lot of things in the past few months," Harry said and Draco scoffed in agreement. "And I hope you know what it was all for."

"Well, Pansy says me," Draco said.

"Pansy actually got something right for once," Harry agreed and Draco laughed.

"So you schemed your way into my life, used my friends against me, humiliated me, screwed with my mind, and manipulated everyone?" Draco asked, naming the numerous things Harry had done.

Harry grinned sheepishly. "Yeah," he admitted. "But it was all for a good cause."

"And that would be?"

"I..." Harry paused. He took a second to collect himself and went ahead with it. "I love you."

Draco just looked at him for a minute. He waited an agonizing amount of time before giving any kind of response. Harry was sitting on the edge of his seat.

"You know, Potter," Draco said finally. "You got a fucked up idea of how to get a guy."

Harry didn't know how to respond to the statement. He wasn't quite sure what he meant.

"Er...what?" Harry asked.

"And you have pissed me off in more ways than I could ever have imagined possible."

"Okay..." Harry didn't see where this was going. Was it good or was it bad?

"I have to admit though, you would definitely have done well as a Slytherin."

"What are you saying?" Harry asked finally, growing impatient.

"I'm saying, Potter, that I've never had anyone go through so much trouble to get me...and it was kind of nice."

"Is that good?" Harry asked, unsure.

Draco scooted forward and slipped a hand around Harry's neck, looking deep into his emerald green eyes.

"Yes, Harry. That is a very good thing."

Harry was pulled into a surprised kiss by Draco. He quickly wrapped his arms around Draco and pulled him closer. Draco ran his tongue over Harry's lower lip, asking for entrance. Harry immediately allowed Draco to slip his warm, moist tongue into his willing mouth.

The kiss became fevered and rushed. Draco's tongue slid smoothly into Harry's eager mouth. Draco sucked greedily on Harry's lower lip and Harry moaned softly. Soon both boys were pulling away, gasping for breath. Harry smiled at Draco and kissed his neck softly. He could feel Draco breathing heavily. He loved the feeling of Draco against him.

"So?" Harry asked hopefully, pulling away to look at him.

"So what?" Draco asked indifferently.

"Does this mean that you..."

"I what?" Draco asked.

"Love me!" Harry said, exasperated.

"Oh, that. Well, I suppose so," Draco drawled.

"Draco!" Harry exclaimed, smacking his arm a little harder than was necessary.

"Ow! Okay, okay, I give. I love you, Harry."

Harry laughed and pulled him into another long, languid kiss. Harry broke the kiss slowly and grinned ferally at Draco.

"Looks like the lion got the prize."

"That lion is damned lucky."

A/N: It's done! Finite! Complete! Finished! Fini! I don't know any other ways to say it... Anyway, I sure had fun writing this one and I hope you all enjoyed reading it! Congrats to me for actually finishing posting one. Whew! That took a while...expecially with ff kicking me off in the middle... So, as a parting gift will you leave one last review for me? GRiN hehe. Thanx for all your support and I will continue to work on updating Mind Games for you all.