Author has written 10 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Ranma, and Final Fantasy VII. Hello, all! I usually write as Little Mouse, but that name is taken already :C I have a lot of stories, but I'm having to edit them for content, so they and their chapters may take a while! I only write slash and yaoi, and my more explicit stories, of course, will not be here. I will put up a link soon where you can read those. The fandoms I write for are Gundam Wing (focus on Wufei), Buffy: The Vampire Slayer (focus on Spike), and Lord of the Rings (focus on Erestor and Figwit) with several other fandoms that I've written one or two stories for. I would like to note that I write only SLASH stories. Occasionally a Gen story may pop in but don't count on it. Don't like slash, don't read them. I ignore flames. Ta! |
ConeycatJr (21) Laume (62) | severusphoenix (7) StillWaters1 (104) |