![]() Author has written 44 stories for Song of the Lioness, CSI, NCIS, Without a Trace, Harry Potter, Bones, Life With Derek, and Doctor Who. So, it's been a year, yeah? Think it's about time I update this old thing, especially as I work on a new story (which, having learned from previous mistakes, will not be posted until beta'd and mostly completed). So, yes, a new profile, a new year, a new fic. And maybe I'll finally get around to reading all the stories constantly being updated that I don't actually look at because I'm a bit afraid to check the massive mess that is likely my aol email account. Facts About the Author: Not much that one needs to know: I am a 20 year old Uni student studying biology (which equals no life), and have been writing stories on this site for a very long time. Most of the work here is, quite frankly horrible. Keep in mind that I was, oh, 13 when I began. And as a general rule, stories by a socially inept 13 year old=really, really bad. I've written for a variety of fandoms, and read even more. My current (fanfiction) obsessions include (but are not limited to) Doctor Who, The X-Files, Bones, Twilight (which is a bit silly, really, seeing as I have a love-hate relationship with the series as a whole), The Office, and probably other things that escape me at the moment. I have been reading fanfiction long enough to make me a connoisseur of stories (or a snob-whatever works), and have been known to turn up my nose at stories with bad enough grammar or characterization that's a bit too unbelievable. I have a hearty dislike for bad writing and authors, a love all things UK, and what may be thought of as unhealthy obsessions with David Tennant and Cary Grant. And I'm currently studying in England for the term, which has only encouraged these things. Which, in hindsight, is probably not a good thing. Feel free to message me-I've recently changed my email to my main account, so in theory, I should actually look at messages now. About my Stories: I have written just a bit of everything. In fact, I've written so much that I've forgotten all that I've written. Why, just today I was reviewing my stories and found one I'd long since forgotten about (and that's probably not worth working on anymore). I tend to write more drama/angst than anything else. I find it much, much easier to write than I do fluff and humor, and I thoroughly envy those excellent writers of romance and humor. I also apparently like writing babyfic. A lot. I like reading it, too, when it's well written (and find it annoying that it is so hard to find good babyfic, pregnanyfic, or kidfic). This love is especially strange when you take into consideration the fact that I really, really don't like children. At all. Still, I'll write just about anything (as is plainly evidenced by my extensive story list). In terms of reading, I tend to stray towards stories with a happy ending. Again, odd, seeing as (a) I've certainly been known for the occasional unhappy ending and (b) I adore Victorian literature, Thomas Hardy in particular, which has unhappy endings like you wouldn't believe. Check out my favorites: I am constantly editing the list, so if you happen to notice that your story was removed, well... what can I say? My standards have gotten much, much higher since I started this whole business. Now, enjoy the madness. Anything post-2007 is probably safe to read. There are a few from 2006 that aren't bad, either, if you can ignore the grammatical errors. As of 2.21.08, the following stories have been edited for grammar and general crappyness: "Mistakes," "Unavoidable," and some other things, I think. I am slowly attempting to make my way through it all, starting, naturally, with the stories that can be saved. I have yet to brave "Twisted Adventure" or whatever the hell it was I called that thing, or "Gathering Courage." I did, however, add a lovely preface to the former story that some may find amusing. Stories Edited (6.8.08): |