A/N: Ahh…the end draws near. In fact, I do believe that the next chapter should finish this thing up. One year. One whole year. Just to finish this thing. Arg! To those of you who have stuck with me since the beginning, wow! Thanks! Honestly, I am not pleased with many portions of this story. I feel that my writing has greatly matured since the start of this, and I hope that my writing portrays that growing maturity.
After I finish this and the other CSI stories that I am working on, I am sorry to say that you should not expect another lengthy CSI story from me for some time. I have a big project planned for this year, and that should take up most of my time. I will continue to write one shots, hopefully improving my writing with each one, but nothing very long.
Anyways, I hope that you enjoy the ending of this. Just one chapter to go and then finally I am done! Yeah! Well, remember to review. All thoughts loved.
Disclaimer: Don't own…blah blah blah.
There comes a time in ones life where they must give in and allow fate to have its way. Fate, Kay figured, had decided that her time on Earth was ending. And even a mere girl knew that once fate had made up its malicious mind, there was nothing that could be done. Shivering on the cold floor, blood seeping out of her wounds, Kay could only prey. And prey she did. At first she preyed for someone to rescue her, but as the hours slowly ticked by, her wishes changed. Finally, she was left begging god to let her pass out, and escape the immense pain that plagued her, both physically and mentally.
He had not raped her, though. Kay figured that she should at least be thankful for that little fact. And if he were to rape her, she figured that she would probably be knocked out by then, so it wouldn't really matter by then. A noise sounded near her, and she tried to turn her head to look at it. Her vision blurred and her stomach lurched as she tried to move. The pounding in her head got louder as dizziness consumed her. Blackness took the place of the distorted images before her eyes as she finally collapsed onto the cold floor, closing her eyes for what she hoped was the last time.
It was, Sara thought, a strange choice of emotion to be feeling at a time such as this. But yet she sat motionless on the hotel bed, all of her previous emotions erased by the strange sensation of numbness. She wasn't sure how long it had been since Nick had come in, announcing that they had a suspect. That was part of this feeling-being unaware of time. Her breath had slowed considerably, her eyes frozen, just staring into space. Her daughter's long forgotten blouse remained clasped in her hands, for she no longer noticed it.
"Sara." She merely nodded her head, acknowledging his presence.
"Sara, did you hear a word that I said?" again he was met with only a nod. "Do you want to go down to the lab maybe?" she nodded. Nick looked at her, worried about her. She had not said a word since he gave her the news. He offered her a hand and she silently took it. Almost robotically, she followed him, her face devoid of all emotions. She was in shock. Perhaps the news had finally sunk in. Worry both for the woman following him and the daughter he barely knew tugged at his heartstrings.
"Okay, so what do we have on Jonathan Rodgers?" The team sat around the large table in the layout room.
"Okay, he was arrested in 2000 for sexual assault. He got fifteen years. He was released early in 2010 for good behavior. Since then, he has been living in the Vegas area." Catherine supplied.
"Sara was also the lead criminalist on the case. She testified at his trial, providing a crucial piece of evidence that completely destroyed his lawyers defense strategy. He threatened her right after he was sentenced." Warrick said. Grissom frowned.
"That's not enough to even get a warrant."
"Maybe this will help. He shared a cell and supposedly got friendly with Jasson Azzul, who was convicted of kidnapping in '99 when he was 22. He was released two years ago, and he apparently kept in touch with our guy. According to Jonathan's financial records, he transferred a large sum to a bank account under Jasson's name." Caitlin said softly. The group looked at her. "I'm not just some idiot. I do have some education." Greg and Warrick both exchanged guilty glances.
"And according to Jonathans phone records, on the date of Kay's disappearance, he called an unlisted number several times. Each call lasted over ten minutes." Greg told them. Catherine nodded.
"What about the man who saw Kay get into the van? Didn't he supply us with a description?" Asked Grissom. Warrick nodded.
"Yes. And it fits Jasson to a T."
"Ok, Greg, I want you to show our witness a picture of Jasson. Warrick, you and Caitlin see if you can find out where Jonathan might have asked him to take Kay. Catherine, you go talk to Jasson." There was a flurry of movement at each person raced off to do there given tasks.
"Mr. Joshens, we just have to ask you a few more questions." Greg sat across from William Joshens, the man who had seen Kay getting into the van.
"Did you find the girl yet?" he asked. Greg shook his head.
"No, but we might have a lead. Do you recognize this man?" He asked, holding out a picture of Jasson. William studied it for a moment before eagerly nodding his head.
"Yes! That's the man that I saw with the girl."
"Are you sure."
"Yes! I am positive that is him." Greg grinned.
"Thank you sir. You have been a huge help."
Catherine knocked on the door of Jasson Azzul's home impatiently. It was a small run down home that sat on the edge of the city, and how it managed to keep standing seemed a mystery to Catherine. She sighed, running a hand through her silvery hair.
"Las Vegas Police! Open up!" Shouted the officer accompanying her, Officer Mishers. Finally, they heard footsteps coming from inside the shack, and the door opened.
"What the hell do you want?" The man that stood before Catherine looked exactly as she would picture someone that lived in such a place. His head held only clumps of hair, greased down in an attempt to cover his baldness. His face looked as though he had not shaved in several days, nor did it look as though he had bathed. He wore a pair of boxers and a muscle shirt, with traces of food on it. His potbelly jutted out of the top, much to Catherine's disgust.
"We need to ask you a few questions about Kaylie Sidle." The man raised an eyebrow.
"The girl that you kidnapped." He snarled at her.
"Listen lady, I didn't kidnap anybody, ok?"
"Then I'm sure you wont mind us taking a look around."
"Like hell I don't mind. You must be outta your fucking mind lady. Get the hell off my property." He moved to close the door, but the young officer with Catherine was quicker. He blocked the door with a muscular arm.
"We know that you kidnapped her Jasson. We have evidence that places you at the scene of the crime, plus we have a witness who saw you force the girl into your van. Now, what I want to know is did Jonathan Rodgers put you up to it?"
"I aint tellin' you nothing." As though to prove his point, he spit at her feet.
"In that case, Mr. Azzul, you are going to jail for a long time. We have enough evidence to arrest you right now, and have you charged with kidnapping and possible murder. But, if you cooperate with us, we can cut a deal with you. Its your choice." He was quiet as he contemplated her offer.
"Alright, if I go down there, if I help, will I get a good deal?"
"It all depends on what you can give us. If you know what I think you know, then yes. You will."
"What about a lawyer? Can I have my lawyer?"
"Alright, I'll come."
An hour later, Grissom and Catherine sat across from Jasson and his lawyer. After consulting with the lawyer, Jasson seemed more than happy to talk.
"Alright, so did Jonathan Rodgers ask you to kidnap the girl?" Grissom questioned. He nodded.
"He said that it was to get some revenge on the bitch that put him in jail. He offered me a lot of money, even gave me half up front. I really needed the money, so I figured what the hell?"
"Where did he ask you to take her?" Catherine asked the critical question. Behind the two-way mirror, Warrick, Greg, and Caitlin stood nervously waiting to hear the answer.
"Um…some place about forty five minutes away, a little house somewhere outside of the city in a little suburb. I think it was his mothers house or something." That was it. The information that they had needed.
"Thank you Mr. Azzul. Your information has been very helpful." Both Catherine and Grissom leapt to their feet. Jasson looked at them in confusion.
"What? That's it? What about the deal?" Grissom turned to him.
"When we find the girl, then we can talk."
Once outside, Warrick ran up to them.
"Okay, his mother used to live in a house outside of the city." He said. Grissom picked up his cell phone, dialing the number. After a few minutes, he closed it.
"Take Caitlin and Greg. The police will meet you at the house." Without hesitation, the three were off. Catherine turned to Grissom.
"Now what?" he sighed.
"We wait."
Jonathan Rodgers smiled at the lifeless form of the girl. The small light illuminated a sticky substance pooling around her. Her blood, spilled because of his hands. He smirked as he looked at his hands, those hands that had caused the girl to suffer so. He hadn't raped her, though. Now, mind you the reason for that had nothing to do with having a heart or sympathy for the child. He felt nothing but glee at the thought of her pleading, crying, trembling at his mercy. But yet, he had not done so.
Why? Well, it was simple really. Psychology you could say. In his opinion, letting her fret and worry that her fate was rape was more…enjoyable than actually doing the deed itself. To see her eyes lose that sparkle of hope that someone would find her, and to see her give up, accepting her fate.
Now there she lay, near death. He watched her silently, a grin upon his face as he inhaled the coppery scent of spilled blood. Suddenly, from above the basement, he could hear the faint screech of sirens. Shit! This wasn't supposed to happen! How the hell did they find him? He forced himself to calm down and think rationally. There was a chance that they were not here for him; their destination could be another house.
Of course, the pounding on the door that followed quickly quenched that theory. Jonathan took a series of deep breaths, trying to calm himself down so that he would seem normal. He threw on a shirt that lay haphazardly along the stairs, one that contained no blood. He pushed off his jeans, leaving only his boxers on and threw the bloody clothing in the washing machine. He combed a hand threw his hair, mentally composing himself before opening the door.
When he felt that he was ready, he trudged up the stairs, closing the door behind him. The knocking on the door had turned into rough pounding. 'Keep it up and they'll break down my door.' He thought as he opened the door.
"Mr. Jonathan Rodgers?" A policeman asked as Jonathan walked outside.
"We have a warrant to search the premises, in regards to a missing persons case. So if you would, please step outside." The man continued as three people walked up. The crime scene people, he guessed from their kits that they held. He did not have time, however, to question anyone about anything, for he was pushed aside as officers swarmed the home.
"Careful!" He shouted, trying to sound like a regular homeowner. He was screwed. He was really, really screwed. He had only one hope. Without a second thought, he twisted around, reaching for the officer's gun.
"No you don't!" arms pulled him back, wrestling to the ground and cuffing his wrists tightly. Struggling, he was thrust into a waiting car. An officer sat down in the front seat, locking the doors. Jonathan smirked.
'They will never win.' He thought gleefully. 'By the time that they find the little bitch, she'll be dead.'
Inside the home, the CSI's took no notice of what was happening outside. They were focused on one thing-finding Kay alive.
"Kay?" Called out Greg. Silence. Room by room, they searched. Finally, they came upon a locked door. Warrick struggled for a moment, before an officer came over and took charge. The officer easily kicked the wooden door down, and they advanced into the darkness.
A bare light was the only thing guiding them as they carefully walked down the stairs. Flashlights on, they swept over the room.
"I see something!" Screamed Caitlin, her light pointed towards a musty corner. Greg rushed over to her.
"Its Kay! She's alive!"
A/N: I must apologize for such a predictable ending. But, I have my reasons. Albeit very selfish reasons, but reasons nevertheless. You see, by killing Kay (which I seriously thought about), would require a good 5 or 10 more chapters. I would feel that I would have to accurately capture both Nick and Sara's struggles to accept it all, and frankly, I don't want to. I want to end this story as soon as I can, and killing Kay would not allow me to do so. So, there is your answer for why I have such a predictable ending. Sorry!