AN: Ok, I wrote this fic for several reasons.

Firstly, It came to me in a dream, and I just couldn't stand to leave the little plot bunny alone.

Secondly, as you all are always complaining that I write short chapters, I wanted to prove that I, Olivia Christine, AM CAPABLE of writing long chapters.

Finally, I just wanted to right something other then comedy for once. :)


As Always,


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The NCIS operations bullpen was deathly quiet as Gibbs stepped off the elevator. Coffee in hand, he walked briskly across the room; weaving his way through cubicles and knocking into a few unsuspecting people.

He did his best to ignore the sympathetic looks he could see everyone giving him, but it was hard. His heart felt like it was being torn into a million pieces.

It was never easy to lose one of your own.

Taking a seat at his desk, he glanced over at Tony, who was staring blankly into space.

Dark circles were forming under his eyes and his face was rosy and swollen: he'd been crying.

Out of everyone, Tony was taking it the worst.

"Hey, DiNozzo," Gibbs called out.

Snapping back from his daydream, Tony looked up to meet Gibbs eye.

"Yeah, Boss?"

"Were gonna find her. Ok? I promise. She's gonna be fine."

"I sure hope so, Boss." He replied, his voice somewhat shaken.

Sighing, Gibbs sat back in his desk chair and gave a sigh as he pulled out a large manila folder.

Opening it, he pulled out the first paper and read over it for the billionth time.

NAME: Caitlyn Todd

DOB: 5-17-1975


WEIGHT: 127 lbs.


MISSING: 10-08-2004

Sighing, he placed the paper back into its folder, and reached for his gun. Clipping it to his belt as he stood, he glanced quickly back over at Tony.



"Stay here and go through all this paperwork, I'm headed for Kate's apartment. I figure that's a good place to start."

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Nearly 45 minutes later, Gibbs stepped through the front door of Kate's abandoned apartment. He hated being in here. It made him feel as though he was invading her private life, and he knew he would find out things about her from this apartment that she most likely didn't want him to know.

But none the less, he had a job to do. A job, that if he did wrong, could result in losing Kate forever.

The first thing he noticed was that surprisingly, it was not spotless like he had always imagined it to be.

In reality, it was actually at the other end of the spectrum entirely.

Pulling on latex gloves, he began his search. Not knowing exactly what he was looking for, he decided on doing the kitchen first.

Stepping into the small room, he looked around to see nothing of real importance. The small kitchen table was stacked with empty coffee cups, which he bagged in hope for DNA, and pulling open the fridge he found it to be nearly stuffed full with half empty takeout containers.

The cabinets were completely bare except for a bag of ground coffee beans and a few protein bars, which he assumed Kate probably used as an occasional breakfast substitute.

Moving onto the bedroom, he walked first to the closet, and pulling it open, was surprised at what he found.

To the right, Kate's clothes hung neatly from their hangers. Her work suits neatly pressed and ready.

But to the left, hung what could only be described as men's clothes. Dress shirts, trousers, and even a few suits hung from their hangers.

Struck by an idea, Gibbs quickly turned from the closet and hurried into the master bathroom.

His theory was right, for sure enough, in a cup next to the sink, there sat two toothbrushes.

Kate was living with someone.

And they had just found their first suspect.

After photographing both toothbrushes and then bagging them; Gibbs moved back into the bedroom. Moving over to the bed, he immediately regretted it. The sheets reeked of sex. But no matter how strong the smell, sex meant DNA, and LOTS of it.

Carefully placing the sheets into evidence bags, he smiled to himself. They were gonna nail this guy.

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"Hey Gibbs," Abby murmered as he entered the lab, only looking up from microscope for a spilt second to acknowledge his presence.

Like Tony, she had been crying again, and she didn't want him to see her swollen eyes.

"Hey, Abbs. Look, I've got some bed sheets and a few other things from Kate's apartment, I need them processed ASAP. Got it?"

"Yeah, sure."

He gave her a ghost of a smile, "Do the sheets first if you can. I bet you anything this guy is the key to finding Kate."

"You got it," she smiled back. "Were gonna find her, I just know it."

"I sure as hell, hope so," he muttered, turning back towards the elevator. "Call me as soon as you have results."

As the doors closed behind him he gave out a deep sigh, and leaned against the elevator wall. Running a hand along his face he fought back the tears that threatened to fall. He couldn't break down. He was the one holding them all together.

For everyone's sake, he had to make damn sure Kate didn't end up with her very own toe tag and personal body bag.

As the elevator beeped, signaling his arrival back to the bullpen, he straitened up and did his best to gain his composure.

As the doors slid open, he stepped out, and once again found himself walking the familiar path to his desk. Flopping back into his chair, he cast a quick glance at Tony, who seemed to be gaining back his composure a little, and then continued flipping through the Kate's file.

For the moment, all they could do was wait.

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Barely a half and hour had passed, when Gibbs was interrupted from his reading by the shrill ringing of his cell phone.

Looking at the caller ID, he was more then surprised to see Abby's number. There was no way on earth she had processed the DNA gotten a match that fast.

"Gibbs." He barked into the phone.

"Gibbs, I need you up hear NOW!" Abby answered franticly.

"Abby? What's going on? What's happened."

"I can't tell you over the phone."

"God Damn It, Abby! Just tell me for Christ's sake!"

"We got a match on your DNA from the bed sheets, its consistent with the DNA from the toot brush, the comb, and everything."

"Ok, that's not so unusual. What are you so upset about?"

"The DNA..........its a perfect match to.............."


"Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo!"

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MUHAHAHAHA! You like? Huh?

Were you all SHOCKED!?!

Let me know please!!!