A/N: this is a sad story involving a Character Death. This came to me and I just had to write it. So, please enjoy and review!

Disclaimer: I don't own it, sadly.

"Hey!" Nick said as Sara entered the locker room.

"Hi." She smiled at him. Nick quickly looked around the room and leaned closer to her.

"My house after shift?" Sara grinned and gave him a quick peck on the lips, all they could allow themselves to do at work, for their growing relationship was a secret.

"Of course." He flashed her a wide smile as he walked out of the locker room.

"See you later Sara."

"Bye." She closed her locker door, a grin etched on her face.

"So, what do we have here?" asked Nick as he walked up to the small rickety house.

"Looks like a drug deal gone bad." Replied the responding officer. The officer's beeper went off. He walked off and opened up his phone. He walked back to Nick. "Hey, can you handle this? I have something I need to do."

"Sure." Nick didn't think twice about being alone at the crime scene. As he walked into the house, a sense of uneasiness came to him. Against his better judgment, he ignored it.

A man watched from the shadows. He couldn't let some science nerd get the best of him. He smiled as he saw the policeman leave the home. As soon as the car was out of site, the man snuck back up to the crime area to finish the job.

Nick surveyed the primary scene as he walked in. he spotted something in the corner and walked over to check it out. He never heard the man come in, until it was too late.

The shrill ring of his cell phone suddenly interrupted the Peace of the crime scene Grissom was at. Catherine looked up and smirked at Grissom's expression of annoyance. He rolled his eyes and answered it.

"Grissom. Yes, yes. Oh. We'll be there as soon as we can." Catherine watched as her bosses face fell, his eyes clouded with tears. With shaking hands, he closed the phone.

"What's the matter Gris? What happened?" Catherine had never seen so much emotion on Grissom's face, and it was scaring her.

"Nick was at a crime scene. The officer on duty left him there. The suspect came back."

"Oh god. Was he ok?" a tear fell from his eyes as he answered.

"He lived long enough to dial 911." Catherine's face twisted in horror as she collapsed to the ground, sobs shaking her body.

"Oh please no. Please please not that." sobbed the woman. Brass, who was at the scene with the two, had observed what had happened. Concerned, he walked over.

"Hey, what happened?"

"Brass, Nick was shot." Brass stared at Grissom in disbelief.

"Was he..."?

"He didn't make it. He was dead when the paramedics arrived." Brass's eyes moistened.

"I guess you two need to get back and tell the rest."

"Yah." Grissom led Catherine to the car. He wiped his eyes as he turned on the ignition.

"Hey Warrick, you seen Nick?" Sara asked. It had been a while and she still hadn't heard from him. Warrick shook his head. But before he could say anything, Catherine and Grissom walked into the break room. Immediately, the two CSI' noticed that Catherine and Grissom had both been crying, Catherine still had tears on her face.

"What happened?" asked Warrick. Grissom took a deep breath.

"Nick was at a crime scene when the officer had to leave. The suspect came back and shot him. He died on the scene." There was just quietness for a moment, broken by a low moan from Sara. The usually strong young woman crumbled before their eyes as she sunk to the floor.

"Oh please no! I didn't even get a chance to tell him. We were supposed to have a date to night!" sobbed Sara. She broke into hard sobs, her body shaking in agony. Catherine put a comforting arm around the younger woman's shoulders as she tried her best to comfort Sara, although she herself felt like breaking down and crying as well. But she knew she had to stay strong, for Sara's sake.

A week later, Sara stood in the crowded church, her eyes wet with tears and her face deathly pale against her black dress. She stood alone in the back, Grissom, Catherine, Warrick, Greg, Brass, and a bunch of other people from the lab were somewhere, but Sara hadn't wanted to deal with anyone. She wanted to be alone, she needed to be alone. She still couldn't believe he was gone. He was the only man she had truly loved and she had never even gotten to tell him how she felt. A fresh batch of tears welled up in her eyes as she watched an older woman talk about Nick. His mother Sara guessed. She wasn't paying much attention to anything, how could she? A wave of nausea rolled over her as she lurched to her feet and swiftly and quietly slipped out of the chapel.

"What would you think of me here now Nick?" wondered Sara as she spilled the little she had had for breakfast out in the bathroom stall. Lately she had felt so sick. At first Sara had thought it to be stomach flu, but when she hadn't gotten her period as normal, she had started to worry. She knew what it could be.

"Hello? Sara?" Catherine's voice echoed through the bathroom as Sara quickly flushed the toiled and wiped off her mouth.

"Hey Cath." Catherine looked at Sara with concern.

"Sara, are you ok?" Sara started to tell the older woman she was, but suddenly it was as if she was inclined to tell the truth.

"No, I'm not. I cant tell you why now, but can you come over after this is over?" tears threatened her once more as Catherine nodded her head.

"Common Sara, lets get back in."

"Catherine, we need to make a quick stop." Catherine had insisted on driving Sara home. She had come with Grissom anyways and wasn't quite sure if it was a good idea to let Sara drive in her condition.

"Ok, where?"

"A drug store." Catherine turned the car into the local CVS and the women stepped out. Catherine followed Sara through the aisles until she finally stopped.

"Oh my god Sara, are you pregnant?" Sara looked at her with troubled eyes.

"I don't know. I think so."

"Is that why you needed me?" Sara nodded.

"Lets get a few, so we can make sure it's accurate." Sara gave her friend a small smile as Catherine helped her pick out a test.

"What does it say?"

"Oh, god, I'm having a baby. Catherine, how am I going to do this? I can't raise a child!" The blonde held Sara as she broke into hysterics.

"Sara, you can manage it. Now, who's the Father."?

"That's the problem. Nick is." Realization hit Catherine.

"You and Nick?"

"Yah, we had been secretly seeing each other for a few weeks. We were going to tell you soon. Oh Catherine, what am I going to do?"

"Shhh, we'll think of something." But although she said these words, Catherine still wasn't even sure herself if what she spoke was true.

A/N: like it? Love it? Hate it (I hope not!)? Review! Next chapter will have flashbacks, telling the team. A visit to the graveyard, and a letter to Nick's parents. Review!
