Author has written 11 stories for Supernatural. Sorta kinda writer-wannabe, depends on where my inspiration takes me. Sometimes I absolutely love writing and can't get enough, but there are definitely moments when everything just...halts, and I can't get a single word down. I don't know, that's just me. You'll find mostly brother/brother stories here; I like focusing on the H/C that's prevalent in their relationship, emphasis on the C. No wincest here though, ever. Usually no deathfics, although I have to admit...there may be a few. If so, you'll be warned in advance. No crossovers here either, but a few AU's/off-canon plot lines. Mostly I'm just a lurker and reader, but hey, sometimes I have something I need to get down. SPN is the only fanfic you'll find here. Reviews are golden and so very, very appreciated--one sentence is all I ask in return for the hundreds I'll give in my stories. Hope you enjoy! |