![]() Author has written 33 stories for Supernatural, and Harry Potter. Name: Deanie McFuckinQueen (that's what my friends call me, lol) Nickname: Deanie McQueenie, Tootsie Roll McQueen Age: wouldn't you like to know? Okay, lol jk, I'm 47. About Me: My mother always said that dreams explain a lot about a person, so I think I should tell you about one of my childhood dreams. Perhaps you will know me better, having read it. Or maybe not. I'm not sure what it says about me, lol! Here we go. I always "woke up" (because I was dreaming, actually) in a dark-ish clearing in the woods. These might have been the woods where I played as a child, but I'm not really sure because my Dream Self never cared about that. So anyway, I'd wake up in the wood and I'd always feel incredibly itchy, lol. My friend once said that it was impossible to feel pain or itchy feelings in dreams, but I swear that it happened in mine. I was very itchy in this dream. I sat up in the grass and itched and then the bracelet I was wearing started to burn really hot until I started to move. When I moved, it felt less hot. I took this as a sign that I needed to move and I knew that if I kept walking I'd find something to soothe the itch and if I stayed still the bracelet would burn. I couldn't take it off! So then I walked through these woods and the bark was all different kinds of colors (not brown, though, because my Dream Self was very creative) and I remember that many animals started to follow me, like they wanted to help me cure my itching. I kept scratching at my arms the entire time, but they never marked up. I passed up people, too, and they all said I looked strange, which hurt my feelings, but I couldn't stop because of the bracelet. I walked for a long, long time and eventually came to this cabin. I knew it was empty, so I went inside and there were so many bottles of different lotions and drinks (some were alcohol) and salves and other things. It was overwhelming and I was scared, because I didn't want to pick the wrong one. When I finally picked one, I threw all caution to the wind which was a horrible idea because I picked the lotion and I downed it all in one go and then my hands became perpetually slick and I couldn't twist any of the doorknobs. That's when the squirrel showed up. He was rabid as anything and he kept trying to talk to me. And he said these really cruel things about how I would never see my mother again because she didn't want someone like me, someone who itched and burned and couldn't open things. I was so afraid because he was making that sound, that awful...squirrel sound, you know the one, lol. But in my fear, I shrunk him down to the size of a pea and put him in my left shirt pocket. I carried him around for days and he became my heart and everything I said or did or felt came from this tiny rabid squirrel because my Dream Self is very deep in the way it loves such illnesses that cause loyal yellow labs to be shot in their backyards by their owners. So yeah, I'm still trying to figure out what all this means, but I'm guessing it's intrinsic to my character, lol. Likes: celery sticks and carrot sticks (together, lol. That's the way I was raised), noises that owls make, stories that say they are limp!Sam and aren't lying liars who lie, photoshoots of a Jensen Ackles who is young and naive enough to go freeballin', puppies dancing on rainbows, Dean's thighs as he pats Sam awake (that was the best deleted scene ever, omg), nicely-shaped eyebrows, cliched phrases like "the bee's knees" and "catch you on the flip side" (the latter followed by the classic snap-and-point gesture and, perhaps, a wink), award-winning charisma, milkshakes Hates: ping-pong balls, almonds, yellow dust-jackets (don't ask, lol), when you put leather on but it's too tight and only chafes, stories that say they are limp!Sam but really aren't, too-tight corsets, vitamins, webbed feet, Kleenexes, flannel sheets, when people mess up Sam and Dean's astrological signs (someone wrote Dean as a Gemini once, I nearly died), non-powdered gloves Put this in your profile if you love Deanie McQueen! |