Reviews for Hunter and Hunted
RockoMargo chapter 1 . 3/28
Such an enthralling story! It captures the close connection between The Boys, has edge-of-your-seat suspense, action sequences, terrific dialogue and the threat of a rampaging monster and a posse of bad cops. Every thought, expression and act is pure Winchester. Terrific read!
theDsacrifice chapter 1 . 9/15/2019
Great story!
Iuvsbruce chapter 1 . 9/15/2017
You are the BEST at last lines!
KokoKatherine chapter 1 . 2/1/2017
Emotions! So awesome. Love all your work so much. Been a big fan for years. Trying to read through all your work. Your universe is so amazing!
reader50 chapter 1 . 12/10/2015
Loved it. Not too chick-flicky but just right. I loved that Dean was able to capture all those police officers without too much problem. I also liked the comment about looking at the mole near the officer's eye, it sounded scary. I thought this story well written with a good story line, it good action scenes and I especially loved that Dean took the time to deliver the "animal" to the front of the police station. Kudos to you. Thank you for sharing.
LeeMarieJack chapter 1 . 7/7/2015
I love hunts. This was a good one. Dean goat to show off and Sam was saved. Perfect.
Sallyannerenee chapter 1 . 3/25/2015
I love this one.
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 2/3/2015
Absolutely !


I'm so glad at least one of stupid cop was witnessed the Berserker almost go to action !
And then Dean brought the Dead Breaker body to the Police Station was just Great Idea !

I really wish this is Canon ! :D

This is so Awesome !

Poor Sam got shoot though...
NoilyPrat chapter 1 . 12/13/2014
I really liked this piece. What started off as a hunt, degenerated into so much more. Like the way your title works - the berserker first being the hunter, became the hunted, and back to the hunter right before killed; Sam and Dean being hunters, then hunted, then Dean becoming the hunter (Sam too, although he was out of it) and then being the hunted, right before the end when Dean became the victorious hunter; the cops being the hunters, and then the hunted without knowing it. Wow, so many many many levels ... glad the clean up part was from out-of-it Sam. Nice to know the getting better part, without having to go through it. Great job K!
NeckerchiefsAreCool chapter 1 . 8/12/2014
I adore this story! I've read a good number of your works, and you somehow always manage to leave me happy and satisfied with every one! I love how you portrayed the boys to be a cohesive team, while still confident, competent hunters on their own. And, of course, I'm always a sucked for some hurt Sam and protective Dean - I feel like the series lost some of that in the later seasons, so setting it so early was a good choice. Awesome little one-shot, thanks for sharing!
WritesByTheMoonlight chapter 1 . 8/8/2014
I'm so glad that I found this :) I was looking for a brotherly love piece...I feel like I don't get to see much of it these days in the later seasons (I'm on season 8 at the moment) and I was determined to find something to take care of my 'I need a Dean and Sam hurt/comfort moment now!' issue, lol. Your fic was *perfect* and I love how you set it in the earlier seasons. I loved everything from Sam getting injured and trying his best to take care of himself while Dean was taking care of the cops, to Dean being all bad a$$ when injured Sammy was being threatened. Sam is right, Dean unleashed is a pretty scary and amazing sight to see, lol! So thank you so much for the wonderful read...*happy sigh* I can go to bed feeling content now...sometimes after watching some dark supernatural episodes one needs a light fluffy fic to keep on going ;)
Jaredpadaleckey chapter 1 . 7/21/2014
Frakking Toasters chapter 1 . 10/21/2013
So much love for this story. xo
sapphireswimming chapter 1 . 4/17/2013
He cuffed and gagged his two newest catches, reclaimed his shoelaces, and kept going.

Injured Sam left behind, alone—check.

He was spending way too much time up close and personal with Dean's boots.

Loved the way you split up the povs. Made it a really interesting read the way you kept on cutting out from the cliffhangers like that.
shookenuppepsi chapter 1 . 4/6/2013
I love how you make it apparent how much their life sucks (they are injured, unappreciated, and poor) yet how being together, hunting together, makes their life better than anyone else's.
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