Pirate Kazumi
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Joined 04-05-14, id: 5639924, Profile Updated: 02-18-20
Author has written 7 stories for Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch, Screenplays, Honey x Honey Drop/蜜×蜜ドロップス, Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ, and Naruto.

From England

Name: Kii


Baily Dathechi - Nu'est - represents me

Kazumi - Kuroko No Basket - represents me

Romye Bande - Nu'est - represents wildcrazything

Toni Benvel - Nu'est - represents donkeyface

Lunette Reckel - Nu'est - represents Sadistic Demons

Amethyst Kinders, Sonia Shaller and Dornia Cree - Nu'est - represents my friend


Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Taming the Emperor by 30SecondsToAnime reviews
"He doesn't like not being in control and your little shove just pushed him out of it." Akashi Seijuro considered his word and will absolute... What happens when his belief gets challenged by an unruly girl? Read and find out (I apologize for the sucky summary) [Reader x Akashi] Fluff, love, a little angst and a dash of lemon in the future ;D. Rated M just to be safe.
Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 17 - Words: 56,105 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 42 - Follows: 48 - Updated: 8/7 - Published: 8/22/2014 - Akashi Seijuurou
Shared Night by DaTenshi Yuki reviews
Hinamori Amu is just a normal girl. She just wants to finish graduate school, get a job and raise her daughter. She just wants a peaceful life, is that too much to ask? Apparently so.
Shugo Chara! - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 12 - Words: 29,172 - Reviews: 381 - Favs: 283 - Follows: 344 - Updated: 8/7 - Published: 3/31/2013 - Amu H., Ikuto T.
A Place Called The Forbidden City by The Hand of Destiny reviews
Sakura's taken to be the Imperial Great Son of China, Li Xiao Lang's concubine. Can she survive the intrigue, jealousy and dangers of life in the Forbidden City as she tries to please the prince while falling for another, all with an impending war? SxS
Card Captor Sakura - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 34 - Words: 178,942 - Reviews: 1149 - Favs: 826 - Follows: 748 - Updated: 4/11 - Published: 8/24/2009 - Sakura K., Syaoran L. - Complete
The Chaos Theory by BWL reviews
"If you die, I die," he mentioned. "Tell me when you're ready." Time travel story. SasuHina.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 24 - Words: 62,764 - Reviews: 2013 - Favs: 1,435 - Follows: 1,294 - Updated: 2/2 - Published: 1/1/2010 - [Sasuke U., Hinata H.]
Indebted by mountaingirl47 reviews
Amu is betrayed by her only living relative and auctioned off. Ikuto, a wealthy businessman, buys her. She's wary of him, at first. He claims to have saved her but he won't let her go. Amu has to learn how to navigate a world she never thought she'd be a part of. Ikuto proves again and again that he is the only one she can trust.
Shugo Chara! - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,987 - Reviews: 312 - Favs: 197 - Follows: 216 - Updated: 1/20 - Published: 10/6/2013 - Amu H., Ikuto T.
Dirty, Little Secrets by mountaingirl47 reviews
Everyone has secrets. Some are big, some are small, and some don't matter at all. Amu has found it difficult to share her secrets with anyone outside of her family for a long time. Ikuto has secrets of his own. Ones that have held him back for a long time. Amu is the first person he meets that he never wants to keep secrets from. He can only hope that she feels the same about him.
Shugo Chara! - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 10,570 - Reviews: 272 - Favs: 223 - Follows: 262 - Updated: 1/9 - Published: 1/23/2012 - Amu H., Ikuto T.
White Haired Reaper by Lacrow reviews
Beware the man whose hair is white, His evil eyes will give you fright. He wants your soul, he wants your life, So watch out for the Reaper's scythe.
Soul Eater - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Romance - Chapters: 35 - Words: 140,577 - Reviews: 733 - Favs: 940 - Follows: 487 - Updated: 9/22/2019 - Published: 6/24/2011 - Soul Eater, Maka A. - Complete
The Eighth Sea by mountaingirl47 reviews
Stuck in an engagement forced upon her, Amu faces her fate. On the night of her wedding, pirates attack. Seeing it as a way out, Amu makes a break for the ship and hides until they leave the harbor. Hopefully a life with the crew is better than the marriage she escaped from. Amuto!
Shugo Chara! - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 22 - Words: 62,029 - Reviews: 567 - Favs: 374 - Follows: 471 - Updated: 9/1/2019 - Published: 1/6/2013 - Amu H., Ikuto T.
My DAY & NIGHT Guardian by PrincessAmiki reviews
Amu Hinomori is shocked to find out Ikuto Tsukiyomi's split personality crisis-the one who adopted her when young, supposedly her father. At DAY he is normal BUT at NIGHT he becomes wildly passionate and dangerous. Amu finds herself in love with NIGHT...
Shugo Chara! - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 57 - Words: 143,118 - Reviews: 1221 - Favs: 436 - Follows: 416 - Updated: 5/11/2017 - Published: 10/30/2010 - Ikuto T., Amu H.
Poison Glasses x Chuunihan by kuroneko051 reviews
Collection of one-shots about our prankster and his glasses princess, Akabane Karma x Okuda Manami. M/F, KarmaxOkuda.
Assassination Classroom/暗殺教室 - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 9 - Words: 17,071 - Reviews: 84 - Favs: 124 - Follows: 144 - Updated: 2/13/2017 - Published: 4/12/2015 - [Karma A., Okuda M.] 3-E Students
To Reach You by TheFlowerWeSawThatDay reviews
Okuda Manami now enters her high school life after the unforgettable events of last year. But how does an assassin go back to being a normal student in a normal school? After being shunned by her entire classroom, she decides it's better that way. No one needs an introverted chemical freak;but that's just when an overfamiliar Redhead decides to pry into her life. (DISCONTINUED)
Assassination Classroom/暗殺教室 - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 27 - Words: 295,897 - Reviews: 506 - Favs: 327 - Follows: 343 - Updated: 12/22/2016 - Published: 4/29/2015 - [Karma A., Okuda M.]
Daddy's Little Girl by KinomotoAngel818 reviews
Determined to escape an incestuous relationship, Sakura Kinomoto runs away from the only home she's known. In the city of Sha Tin, she finds refuge among new friends, and the beginnings of a new romance with the heir to the Li Clan, Li Syaoran. But Sakura soon discovers that running away from daddy, isn't as easy as it seems. Can daddy's little girl truly be free?
Card Captor Sakura - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 22 - Words: 54,517 - Reviews: 111 - Favs: 100 - Follows: 194 - Updated: 12/7/2016 - Published: 2/1/2013 - Sakura K., Syaoran L.
Along Came Sora by Synergetic Prose reviews
AU: Leon's life was tidy and orderly. He had a set day for laundry, trimmed his bonsai tree every other Tuesday afternoon, and above all, liked cleanliness. Luckily, his wife Layla was similar. However, around their anniversary a chasm called Yuri ruins Leon's marriage, leaving him to question his life. Then along came Sora with her spontaneous, messy ways...
Kaleido Star - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 37,196 - Reviews: 70 - Favs: 55 - Follows: 44 - Updated: 10/11/2016 - Published: 7/20/2015 - Leon O., Sora N. - Complete
HARUMONIA Kanji Te by Mei Sanniang reviews
I felt amazing, and so full of joy. Heat infused my body as he held me in place, caressing me, making me feel an entirely alien sensation. I opened my eyes to look into those beautiful aquamarine pools, longing to see my own reflection within them. But what I saw weren't Naruto-kun's warm eyes.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 6 - Words: 13,251 - Reviews: 144 - Favs: 96 - Follows: 133 - Updated: 7/28/2016 - Published: 9/25/2007 - [Hinata H., Sasuke U.]
Goodbye, Sadness by Mei Sanniang reviews
Rewritten. Previously titled "Namida ni Sayonara". With the Hyuuga heiress made pregnant by Uchiha Itachi, will the younger Uchiha take responsibility and save her from deeper humiliation? Contains rape/sexual abuse. Please do not read if these elements disturb/offend you.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 3 - Words: 5,473 - Reviews: 62 - Favs: 89 - Follows: 139 - Updated: 7/21/2016 - Published: 12/31/2009 - Sasuke U., Hinata H.
Paranormal by riverofmemories reviews
Living with a mostly friendly poltergeist and dealing with his "generous" acts of "kindness" is one thing. Figuring out just how he ended up there is a completely other matter that has Lucy's head spinning. And it certainly doesn't help that he's getting to be not nearly as friendly as time goes on. {WARNING: some of the content might not be for sensitive readers!}
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 31 - Words: 99,628 - Reviews: 823 - Favs: 710 - Follows: 544 - Updated: 6/15/2016 - Published: 10/31/2015 - [Natsu D., Lucy H.] Gajeel R., Levy M. - Complete
Loving Every Amu by mountaingirl47 reviews
Amu, Ran, Miki, Su and Dia are five sisters that no one can understand. That is until Ikuto transfers to their school and decides that they aren't sisters at all. Soon he's trapped in their secrets. Dumpty has to find a way to put Humpty together again.
Shugo Chara! - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 46,954 - Reviews: 224 - Favs: 201 - Follows: 176 - Updated: 3/2/2016 - Published: 3/13/2011 - Amu H., Ikuto T. - Complete
The Way Things Were by LuciferDragon reviews
I cannot and will never be a hero. It is in my blood to seek and cause chaos. Asking me to change that, to throw away who I've finally accepted myself to be, that would never work. And so many tried. But you, you never asked that of me. You never asked me why I play pranks. You never asked if my magic would be better used for good. You never once told me I was wrong.
Avengers - Rated: M - English - Romance/Fantasy - Chapters: 29 - Words: 71,372 - Reviews: 65 - Favs: 181 - Follows: 100 - Updated: 1/30/2016 - Published: 1/28/2013 - [Loki, OC] - Complete
Amplify by Marsh of Sleep reviews
Between the two of them is a link. He wants to start a fight with her, though he can't tell if it's to attempt to dissolve their resonating side-effect or because he may or may not have PMS.
Soul Eater - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 29 - Words: 142,791 - Reviews: 1129 - Favs: 2,162 - Follows: 917 - Updated: 1/26/2016 - Published: 3/6/2010 - Soul Eater, Maka A. - Complete
Chrome Colours (Series: Monochrome Love) by Reaper's Demon reviews
Lunette Reckel, after recieveing an scholarship invitation to a college in Korea. She leaves behind her friends and England to live in Korea. Whilst in Korea, she makes new friends name; Bihwa, Hanuel and Yohan. Though everything changes one day, when she is randomly spotted reading Manhwa in the park by the rapper and leader of Nu'est - JR. After this, everything changes for them.
Screenplays - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 3 - Words: 7,947 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 12/19/2015 - Published: 3/31/2015
Caving In by hakyonafan reviews
An overnight journey spent alone can lead to many surprises. In contemplation of how many things need to happen before Hak actually makes a move on his princess. Hak x Yona. Pure LEMON. Minor Update: After having a friend review the fic, she suggested I break up the piece in chapters.
Akatsuki no Yona/暁のヨナ - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 4 - Words: 13,912 - Reviews: 126 - Favs: 710 - Follows: 219 - Updated: 9/20/2015 - Published: 9/16/2015 - Yona, Hak - Complete
Fateful by TheGoldenPlume reviews
#19. He had everything in the tips of his fingers; or so he thought until he get to meet her. Now, more than ever, Usui Takumi wanted nothing more but to possess that amber-eyed woman who, literally speaking, came crashing into his word like a falling star. But can a love so untimely and not destined turn into something... fateful?
Maid Sama! - Rated: M - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 32 - Words: 275,525 - Reviews: 729 - Favs: 383 - Follows: 256 - Updated: 9/9/2015 - Published: 3/9/2014 - Misaki A., T. Usui - Complete
Saving Sky by WorldsApartx reviews
Set two years after Finding Sky. Sky is about to leave high school and head to college with Zed, but when the escaped relatives of the Kellys come looking for the Benedicts will Sky be saved? And what will happen when they move away to college? Sky/Zed pairing and some Phoenix/Yves.
Finding Sky - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 68 - Words: 200,327 - Reviews: 129 - Favs: 44 - Follows: 52 - Updated: 8/18/2015 - Published: 3/20/2014 - Sky, Zed, Yves, Xav - Complete
Finding the Strength by Ms. Belikov reviews
Rose saw no reason to keep going. But in the blink of an eye, when you can lose everything, you suddenly begin to realize what truly matters. Life is a test. You'd be surprised what you're capable of and how much fight you have in you."You were given this life Roza, because you are strong enough to live it," Dimitri whispered. "I won't let you give up on yourself, on me...On us."
Vampire Academy - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,957 - Reviews: 34 - Favs: 42 - Follows: 71 - Updated: 8/10/2015 - Published: 8/1/2015
Erudite High School by GerdyGertha reviews
Today is my first day of junior year. It seems like yesterday I was a freshman at West Ridge back in sunny California. Now with dad's new job I've been forced to come here to Chicago. I don't like it here. Wish me luck today. Ugh, Erudite High School, what kind of name is that? **Fluffy and Fast-Paced FourTris** Rated M for scenes, language, and mature themes.
Divergent Trilogy - Rated: M - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 73 - Words: 269,402 - Reviews: 767 - Favs: 384 - Follows: 307 - Updated: 8/5/2015 - Published: 4/5/2015 - [Tris/Beatrice P., Four/Tobias] - Complete
Moving Forward by LunaticRomantica reviews
Change is always difficult but maybe as long as Okuda and Karma are together everything will be okay.
Assassination Classroom/暗殺教室 - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 10,903 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 83 - Follows: 43 - Updated: 6/15/2015 - Published: 5/30/2015 - Karma A., Okuda M. - Complete
Human by Night by mountaingirl47 reviews
A selfish King is put under a daunting curse. One girl, who lives alone in the woods, finds such a beast and cares for him. The King must learn to be kind or he will lose his kingdom and human life to lesser men. He must become a man worthy of the girl.
Shugo Chara! - Rated: M - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 28 - Words: 68,135 - Reviews: 580 - Favs: 381 - Follows: 316 - Updated: 6/9/2015 - Published: 7/19/2011 - Amu H., Ikuto T. - Complete
Unwanted Choice by lovelyangelxox reviews
When Sasuke and Hinata were younger, they were promised to each other in order to form a bond between two of Konoha's most powerful clans. Now 21, both have been forced into a marriage neither of them wanted. Will they be able to form a bond a husband and wife should have? Or will they be stuck in a loveless marriage forever? Cover art done by an-yy-sue on deviantart
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 12 - Words: 52,117 - Reviews: 181 - Favs: 220 - Follows: 203 - Updated: 5/4/2015 - Published: 1/6/2014 - Sasuke U., Hinata H. - Complete
Kiseki no Sedai and their Messed up Families by donkeyface reviews
After one of their friends moved to Japan when they were little, they all found themselves slowly moving there as well, creating mahem and weirdness wherever they go. How will they all react after meeting again after all these years? Three OCs: Riaka (owned by SadisticDemons), Mizuki (my OC) and Yakeru (owned by WildCrazyThing). STORY WAS PREVIOUSLY OWNED BY SADISTICDEMONS!
Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ - Rated: T - English - Humor/Family - Chapters: 4 - Words: 4,394 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 5/4/2015 - Published: 7/7/2014 - Himuro T., Generation of Miracle, OC
Anticipating Leah by AutumnRiver13 reviews
When soldier Leah Andersson is kidnapped and tortured for information about a group of supernatural people she didn't know existed, she becomes a ever-faster ticking time bomb. Then, Victor Benedict comes to her rescue and it's onesided hate at first sight. But will Victor be able to convince her of the truth soon enough to defuse her and eliminate the threat to all of their lives?
Finding Sky - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 11 - Words: 14,126 - Reviews: 49 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 4/12/2015 - Published: 7/11/2014
Jaded by yabooklover reviews
After a strain of negative life experiences, 18 yr old Tris has been suffering with anxiety, and the only person she talks to is her eccentric best friend Lynn. Things will start to shake up when Tris' mother decides she needs more social interaction, introducing her to the mysterious, and older man 'Four'. However, life always seems to get worse before it gets better. Modern day.
Divergent Trilogy - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 32 - Words: 129,903 - Reviews: 464 - Favs: 298 - Follows: 272 - Updated: 4/3/2015 - Published: 9/1/2014 - Tris/Beatrice P., Four/Tobias, Lynn - Complete
Innocent Love by AnnabethReads reviews
Tobias and Tris have a family. Yes, this family isn't perfect but they believe in moments. The kind of moments that they try to keep going forever only to have it end like all the moments in their lives: With a perfect calm essence that may seem unfixed but some how feels whole. (**THIS FANFIC IS COMPLETE CHECK OUT THE SEQUEL: FIRMS OF ENDEARMENT**)
Divergent Trilogy - Rated: M - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 87 - Words: 172,102 - Reviews: 1230 - Favs: 465 - Follows: 489 - Updated: 3/21/2015 - Published: 4/2/2014 - Tris/Beatrice P., Four/Tobias - Complete
놀이 공원에 여행 Trip to the Amusement Park by Reaper's Demon reviews
JR takes Lunette to an amusement park, the rest of the group are curious to what was interesting about this "Lunette" that piqued the groups rapper's interests, and wasn't expecting the girl to be so... Different. OR The sudden ending to an eventful day. Side Chapter of "Chrome Colours"
Screenplays - Rated: K - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,838 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 1 - Published: 3/8/2015 - Complete
Her Strength by yeetedaway reviews
Lucy doesn't want to be protected anymore. In her desperation to be seen as capable in her friends' eyes, Lucy sets out on the path to becoming powerful. Only one problem: Natsu just always seems to get in her way. So what happens when the two of them are kidnapped and Natsu is rendered useless? Lucy's greatest chance arises. Soon, everyone will know her strength.
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 71 - Words: 169,989 - Reviews: 1063 - Favs: 1,376 - Follows: 696 - Updated: 3/2/2015 - Published: 12/13/2014 - [Lucy H., Natsu D.] - Complete
Bittersweet in Between by aeotae reviews
Yona, Hak, and Soo-won have a bittersweet night between the end and the beginning. Yona/Hak/Soo-won. Yona/Hak.
Akatsuki no Yona/暁のヨナ - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,676 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 85 - Follows: 25 - Published: 2/9/2015 - Yona, Hak, Soo-won - Complete
Ribena by JustThatKindOfSpecial reviews
He was five years younger than her. She was his ex-babysitter. He's seventeen and it is time to get what he deserves from her and she won't be running away this time. Six part story increasing in smut and length. (No sex between a twelve year old and a seventeen year old because that is just nasty).
Crossover - Rise of the Guardians & Frozen - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 7 - Words: 27,821 - Reviews: 35 - Favs: 89 - Follows: 56 - Updated: 2/3/2015 - Published: 11/18/2014 - [Jack Frost, Elsa] - Complete
That Rainy Friday by HQlemons reviews
He leaned down to kiss her again, murmuring, "I don't think I can go home in this weather." She quivered as he said it, then cried out softly when his lips and tongue made contact with her neck. "Then—don't."
Horimiya/ホリミヤ - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,820 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 81 - Follows: 28 - Published: 12/25/2014
The Chase by LaynaPanda reviews
When a handsome College student meets a beautiful blonde in a club, he couldn't help want her to be his. Will the blonde willingly fall into the man's arms like any other woman or will she play hard-to-get? -COMPLETE
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 41 - Words: 169,511 - Reviews: 2505 - Favs: 2,446 - Follows: 1,722 - Updated: 12/13/2014 - Published: 12/27/2012 - [Lucy H., Natsu D.] - Complete
Ravaged by Miss Mungoe reviews
Their world stretches out before them now, a sprawling land of wilderness and the ruins of Men. When dragons invaded Fiore, the remaining population retreated into hiding, far from the naked gaze of the open sky. But they've been hiding long enough; now is their chance to fight back. And they're not alone this time. –Gajeel/Levy, some Natsu/Lucy, post-Grand Magic Games AU.
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 13 - Words: 79,065 - Reviews: 323 - Favs: 559 - Follows: 386 - Updated: 12/5/2014 - Published: 2/3/2013 - [Gajeel R., Levy M.] - Complete
Dark Waters by Miss Mungoe reviews
There are creatures that lurk in the deep, a foreign folk not like her own, and the consensus has always been that merfolk and sharkfolk don't mix. But his strangeness is what compels her, and so to the dark depths she goes, heart wide as the ocean itself and her curiosity an anchor pulling her down, down, down–
Fairy Tail - Rated: T - English - Romance/Fantasy - Chapters: 9 - Words: 29,369 - Reviews: 745 - Favs: 1,842 - Follows: 2,149 - Updated: 11/20/2014 - Published: 8/24/2014 - [Gajeel R., Levy M.]
An Actor's Dream by Roza-Dimka-Reader reviews
Dimitri Belikov, an aspiring actor is struggling to keep his life together. With his family living a significant distance away, a job that seems to be non-existent and a relationship that is close to sinking, life seems more than hard. But what happens when a certain troubled young woman stumbles into his life? And will he in return, turn her life around and make it worth living?
Vampire Academy - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 33 - Words: 73,298 - Reviews: 448 - Favs: 257 - Follows: 275 - Updated: 11/12/2014 - Published: 12/6/2012 - Rose H., Dimitri B. - Complete
Touching Fates by Doll-Fin-Chick reviews
COMPLETE***After the war there was little choice but to move on. One, heartbroken. The other, directionless. Neither of them were sure of their path until they found their fates entwined together. SasukexHinata with a side of NarutoxSakura. Drabblefic.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 100 - Words: 13,789 - Reviews: 416 - Favs: 238 - Follows: 146 - Updated: 11/11/2014 - Published: 6/17/2014 - [Sasuke U., Hinata H.] [Naruto U., Sakura H.] - Complete
A Band of Thieves by AutumnRiver13 reviews
She stole his tablet, he stole her heart - they saved each other's lives. Following the lovable and smart Phoenix & studious and irresistible Yves through high school, marriage, adulthood and beyond - and what they steal along the way.
Finding Sky - Rated: T - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,191 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 11 - Published: 11/7/2014 - Yves
The Uprising by Ms. Belikov reviews
Rose descends from an impeccable Warrior Bloodline. Her vindictive nature sends her on a journey to find & destroy the Hunter who murdered her parents. Along the way, she discovers dark secrets of her kingdom that threaten to destroy her loved ones. Then she meets Dimitri, a sworn enemy of her people, who changes everything she ever thought she knew about the world she wanders in.
Vampire Academy - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 6,374 - Reviews: 47 - Favs: 41 - Follows: 67 - Updated: 10/24/2014 - Published: 11/24/2013 - Rose H., Dimitri B., Christian O., Lissa D.
Kill or be Killed ON HIATUS by Ms. Belikov reviews
ALL VAMPIRE! In the City of Sins, there's a deadly turf war going on. As leader of The Guardians, Rose is used to being the one who calls the shots. But when a Master Vampire throws her into a world of passion and heat, she is anything but prepared. A/U.
Vampire Academy - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 20,760 - Reviews: 161 - Favs: 137 - Follows: 166 - Updated: 10/24/2014 - Published: 10/8/2011 - Rose H., Dimitri B.
New Life in Portland by m1129 reviews
Tris is 20yrs. old & deals with family hardship in her hometown, so she moves to Portland to live with her friend Christina. She hopes to start a new chapter of her life there. Thankfully she falls in love with it there & meets lots of new friends, including one in particular that she is especially fond of (Four!). This story follows the everyday adventures of her life. Rated M/MA
Divergent Trilogy - Rated: M - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 64 - Words: 286,773 - Reviews: 1617 - Favs: 944 - Follows: 731 - Updated: 9/28/2014 - Published: 1/18/2014 - Tris/Beatrice P., Four/Tobias, Christina - Complete
Adamantine by Miss Mungoe reviews
The dark clings to his veins like smoke, cracking like glass under her touch, scorching like the Sun. He has already broken her once. – Gajeel/Levy, Grand Magic Games AU.
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 17 - Words: 100,136 - Reviews: 496 - Favs: 1,000 - Follows: 649 - Updated: 9/12/2014 - Published: 4/5/2012 - [Gajeel R., Levy M.] - Complete
Who's Lucy? by Madartiste reviews
Natsu learns that a life of fame isn't all it's cracked up to be when a slip of the tongue ignites a tabloid frenzy - and reunites him with the girl who stole his heart. (Nalu, modern day AU, normal pairings)
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 7 - Words: 33,797 - Reviews: 130 - Favs: 678 - Follows: 269 - Updated: 7/30/2014 - Published: 7/13/2014 - [Lucy H., Natsu D.] - Complete
Fairy Tail by MyaBooo reviews
Pulled for review"It was a mistake Loving her. She could ruin me with the touch of her finger." Clarissa Fairchild is no ordinary Cinderella. What happens when a mystery boy appears?What will happen when a prince comes into her life? She battles the feelings of being in a love triangle through this old timy story.
Mortal Instruments - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 19 - Words: 25,831 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 28 - Updated: 7/16/2014 - Published: 1/21/2014 - Clary F., Jonathan W., Sebastian V.
A Dragon's Claim by Vashsan13 reviews
Dragons are fearsome creatures and slayers can be just as frighting given the right circumstances, like love. It's is a tricky thing at the best of times so what happens when you mix: a dragon slayer, love, and just the right circumstances? (Rated M for: lemons and language)
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 18 - Words: 40,393 - Reviews: 354 - Favs: 1,212 - Follows: 718 - Updated: 6/28/2014 - Published: 5/13/2014 - [Lucy H., Natsu D.] [Gajeel R., Levy M.] - Complete
Arrows and Apples by Scotch reviews
"Why? Because I believe in second chances. Ok, so, fiftieth chances – whatever. I also know how it feels to have nothing and no one left to run to. When you've fallen that far the only way out is to claw your way back up, and just knowing someone cares makes all the difference. I wouldn't expect you to understand." - Full summary inside!
Avengers - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 21 - Words: 113,425 - Reviews: 62 - Favs: 211 - Follows: 133 - Updated: 6/28/2014 - Published: 3/2/2014 - [Loki, OC] [Hulk/Bruce B., Iron Man/Tony S.] - Complete
Love will Thaw by neurositic reviews
Elsa and Anna move to Corona to live with their Uncle Thomas, Aunt Primrose and cousin Rapunzel after the death of their parents. Elsa and Anna make new friends throughout the summer and prepare themselves for the years ahead of them, but what will happen when Elsa meets Jack Frost? Will their friendship bloom into a beautiful relationship or will Jack find someone else? AU, Jelsa
Crossover - Rise of the Guardians & Frozen - Rated: M - English - Family/Romance - Chapters: 42 - Words: 87,279 - Reviews: 192 - Favs: 135 - Follows: 102 - Updated: 6/23/2014 - Published: 2/12/2014 - Jack Frost, Pitch, Anna, Elsa - Complete
Neko Tail by SpadesToStars reviews
After a couples movie night the boys wake up with Neko ears and tails? The girls are instructed to look after their partners as their cat like qualities begin to surface- Including shredding furniture, refusing baths, and uncontrollable horniness? (Takes place after "Housing") NaLu, GaLe, Laxana, MiraFreed, Gruvia, Jerza, & Elfgreen.
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 7 - Words: 23,452 - Reviews: 126 - Favs: 466 - Follows: 297 - Updated: 6/23/2014 - Published: 3/30/2014 - [Natsu D., Lucy H.] [Levy M., Gajeel R.] - Complete
Twisted Love by Baka-chi reviews
"Everything is going to work out." I whispered to myself. "This is a new beginning." It's Amu's first day at Choshi High when she meets her English teacher, Ikuto. He's every girls dream but is especially off limits to Amu. As relationships form and intimacy heightens, Amu's left to make a decision - a decision that could ultimately change her life, for better or for worse.
Shugo Chara! - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 32 - Words: 41,010 - Reviews: 484 - Favs: 239 - Follows: 214 - Updated: 6/19/2014 - Published: 8/19/2009 - Amu H., Ikuto T.
A Life Learned At Aincrad by Hector Flores reviews
Kirito begins to play a game, but he ends up learning about life and finding that love finds a way to make a nightmare seem not so bad.
Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 39 - Words: 70,497 - Reviews: 72 - Favs: 312 - Follows: 204 - Updated: 6/6/2014 - Published: 2/16/2014 - [Kirito/Kazuto K., Asuna/Asuna Y.] - Complete
Saving Violet by airemc reviews
After a tragedy leaves 19 year old Violet on a downward spiral, a move to the scenic Coloradan mountains could be just what she needs. But after a run in with the wrong crowd it looks like a certain Benedict brother has a hard task when it comes to saving Violet, especially when the biggest enemy he faces, is Violet herself.
Finding Sky - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 10,692 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 8 - Updated: 5/27/2014 - Published: 4/11/2014 - Will, OC
Cold Comfort by Lonely Winter Spirit reviews
After years of friendship, Jack Frost mysteriously abandons Elsa. Six years later he returns, shocked to find a beautiful young woman. Feelings towards each other have changed into cold love. Jack is immortal, Elsa is not. What will he do to be with her? Meanwhile, Pitch Black returns, eager for dark revenge. Rated M for very detailed smut/sexual content and violence. JELSA
Crossover - Rise of the Guardians & Frozen - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 12 - Words: 27,751 - Reviews: 124 - Favs: 299 - Follows: 232 - Updated: 5/4/2014 - Published: 3/19/2014 - [Jack Frost, Elsa] [Anna, Kristoff B.] - Complete
The Happiest Days of Our Lives by randomteenager reviews
For 24 hours, Natsu and Gray must endure the sweetest temptation. [NaLu] [Gruvia]
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 6 - Words: 24,594 - Reviews: 403 - Favs: 1,511 - Follows: 653 - Updated: 4/25/2014 - Published: 10/1/2013 - [Gray F., Juvia L.] [Lucy H., Natsu D.] - Complete
Housing by SpadesToStars reviews
Natsu destroys the Girls dormitories in the Fairy Tail Apartments where the whole guild lives, all the girls have to share a room with a guy that Mira picks for them! When Gajeel and Levy are in close quarters, what will happen! Gihee (Also NaLu, Gruvia, and Jerza references) ***ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY CHAPTER UPDATED***
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 14 - Words: 35,039 - Reviews: 256 - Favs: 725 - Follows: 391 - Updated: 4/24/2014 - Published: 4/24/2013 - [Levy M., Gajeel R.] [Natsu D., Lucy H.] - Complete
Memories of a Heart by escapetofaerie reviews
No, I don't know her. I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've seen her. But despite that, why does my heart race when I look at her?" Full summary inside. SxS ExT TxK
Card Captor Sakura - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 38 - Words: 430,317 - Reviews: 584 - Favs: 452 - Follows: 313 - Updated: 4/11/2014 - Published: 6/3/2009 - Sakura K., Syaoran L. - Complete
Maybe More by leoslady4ever reviews
Natsu and Lucy are as close as two people can be without crossing the lines of friendship. But those lines are tested when they venture into unfamiliar territory on a job that Lucy would classify as a mission from hell. Suddenly, new feelings arise, and there's a chance they aren't just friends anymore. Now, maybe they're more...
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 10,462 - Reviews: 75 - Favs: 1,032 - Follows: 280 - Published: 3/27/2014 - [Natsu D., Lucy H.] - Complete
Fun by Gothic Ghost reviews
When Jack discovers Elsa's powers and how they anguish her, he decides to show her how much fun they can be. One-shot, JackxElsa, Erotica. Cover art by Crimsomblume, used with permission.
Crossover - Rise of the Guardians & Frozen - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,707 - Reviews: 38 - Favs: 248 - Follows: 61 - Published: 3/23/2014 - Jack Frost, Elsa - Complete
Perfect by Lariren-Shadow reviews
He thinks this is perfect. There is nothing more that can be right and she just feels so good. Mako/Korra
Legend of Korra - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 10,173 - Reviews: 116 - Favs: 402 - Follows: 193 - Updated: 3/21/2014 - Published: 3/25/2012 - Korra, Mako - Complete
Hook, Line and Sinker by Roza-Dimka-Reader reviews
Rose works at her parents F.B.I branch. She meets a brown-eyed Russian god and their one night together has its consequences. Rated M for lemons. (In the process of editing earlier chapters due to errors and seemingly, an inability to write good English two years ago :P)
Vampire Academy - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 53 - Words: 95,780 - Reviews: 810 - Favs: 733 - Follows: 419 - Updated: 3/3/2014 - Published: 7/20/2012 - Rose H., Dimitri B. - Complete
It's a Man's Man's World by Ms.Sweden reviews
In a world ruled by men Rosemarie Hathaway is given away to the Prince of Russia to please him and the higher power. She's becoming his personal courtesan - in own words a slave. No man hand has ever tamed Rose, maybe these hands will? AH/AU full sum ins.
Vampire Academy - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 27 - Words: 129,312 - Reviews: 1936 - Favs: 1,356 - Follows: 763 - Updated: 3/2/2014 - Published: 3/5/2012 - Rose H., Dimitri B. - Complete
A Life Together by CaughtInTheUndertow25 reviews
Everyone has a side they want to hide. When that is revealed, and the person you love accepts it, there can only be one outcome. The promise of a life together.
Horimiya/ホリミヤ - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,190 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 61 - Follows: 66 - Published: 2/20/2014
Let Me Go by 12341234Haley reviews
Elsa finds comfort in a man named Jack that also has an icey cold touch after years of being away from the world. Queen Elsa x Jack Frost fic. Rated M for chapter 5.
Crossover - Rise of the Guardians & Frozen - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 8 - Words: 6,453 - Reviews: 38 - Favs: 123 - Follows: 69 - Updated: 2/16/2014 - Published: 2/2/2014 - Jack Frost, Anna, Elsa - Complete
Moon Over the Tower by Crystal Dawn reviews
A rash of killings. A lonely castle. And a Count that needs a simple village girl for his own purposes. What ties these all together, and what will Orihime do when she discovers the Count's dark secret? AU!
Bleach - Rated: M - English - Horror/Romance - Chapters: 23 - Words: 92,363 - Reviews: 564 - Favs: 439 - Follows: 308 - Updated: 1/20/2014 - Published: 12/16/2010 - [Ichigo K., Orihime I.] [Uryuu I., Nemu K.] - Complete
Your Fading Starlight by The Crafty Cracker reviews
Inoue Orihime is an impoverished girl who was submerged in debt. She lived with her friends in the deepest slums of Inuzuri, Edo's poorest district. How will she pay her debt? A solution seemed to form, as a man offered help in exchange of herself...
Bleach - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 36 - Words: 183,431 - Reviews: 1318 - Favs: 670 - Follows: 426 - Updated: 12/21/2013 - Published: 8/20/2009 - Ichigo K., Orihime I. - Complete
Can Magick Turn into Love? by Athy Arrow reviews
In a world where people are destined to find their soulmates by their auras. Yuzuru was raised hiding from her magick partner. Kai needed Yuzuru to win the Magix Games. They can only be cordial with each other but can their magick chemistry turn into love? AU. Kai x Yuzuru pairing. T for now might bump it up if i feel it necessary
Honey x Honey Drop/蜜×蜜ドロップス - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 4 - Words: 1,526 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 10 - Updated: 12/21/2013 - Published: 5/14/2013
A Makorra High Shchool story by MakorraLoverAlltheway reviews
Korra is new to JellyStone High and isn't a big fan of the populars... that is until she met Mako. Her ex-boyfriend Tahno comes after her and causes trouble. What will happen? Read to find out! Some violence in the ending chapters so be warned.
Legend of Korra - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 27 - Words: 53,517 - Reviews: 229 - Favs: 69 - Follows: 62 - Updated: 12/8/2013 - Published: 10/15/2013 - [Korra, Mako]
First Time by taylortot reviews
There is a first time for everything. Akirai.
Beyond the Boundary/境界の彼方 - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,275 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 198 - Follows: 41 - Published: 11/23/2013 - M. Kuriyama, Akihito K. - Complete
The Madness of an Enchanting Obsession by AnnaDax reviews
Three years after the Fourth Shinobi War the world is at peace. Determined to win Naruto's heart, Hinata lives with the goal of finding Uchiha Saske and bringing him back to Konoha. What she will find though, is quite unexpected...
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 40 - Words: 106,848 - Reviews: 1397 - Favs: 1,526 - Follows: 808 - Updated: 11/19/2013 - Published: 1/16/2013 - [Sasuke U., Hinata H.] - Complete
A Dragonslayer's Promise by OtakuChef reviews
Natsu drops a hint to Lucy before flying off to fight Future Rogue. With her feelings for Natsu realized during the fight, Lucy anticipates what he has promised to tell her. (Warning: Mature content in later chapters.)
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 16,065 - Reviews: 45 - Favs: 488 - Follows: 230 - Updated: 11/1/2013 - Published: 7/2/2013 - [Lucy H., Natsu D.] - Complete
Redemption by InsanityAllowance reviews
Sometimes you need to have everything taken away before you can build something new. Stranded on Earth, stripped of his power and his memory, Loki tries to rediscover who he is and who he wants to be. Loki/OC -Please note that the rating has changed to M as of chapter 7-
Avengers - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 14,742 - Reviews: 54 - Favs: 127 - Follows: 85 - Updated: 10/30/2013 - Published: 5/22/2012 - [Loki, OC] - Complete
Unpredictable by ArtsyNinja3 reviews
[HIATUS] Kaito Domoto is the school's number one playboy. Girls throw themselves at him so constantly that he is never fazed. One day, a new student transfers to his class. She doesn't seem affected by his charms. What will he do to get her attention? LxK
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 20 - Words: 24,574 - Reviews: 230 - Favs: 113 - Follows: 105 - Updated: 10/25/2013 - Published: 5/2/2012 - Lucia N., Kaito D.
Playing for Keeps by Kia-B reviews
"And you said he's just a friend..." There was a rather happy sigh. "Some friend, eh?"
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 24 - Words: 103,817 - Reviews: 352 - Favs: 344 - Follows: 197 - Updated: 10/13/2013 - Published: 7/15/2013 - [Sasuke U., Hinata H.] - Complete
The Forever Kind by rivereq reviews
A sequel to The Rebel Kind. AH/OOC.
Vampire Academy - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 11 - Words: 66,464 - Reviews: 184 - Favs: 156 - Follows: 104 - Updated: 10/4/2013 - Published: 7/24/2013 - Rose H., Dimitri B. - Complete
Lucy Heartfilia The Strongest Dragon Slayer by Tottenham Hotspur reviews
Lucy realizes she was weak. but it all changed when a mysterious figure offers her exercise to be Dragon Slayer. what's her friends reaction when she returned?
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 20 - Words: 63,180 - Reviews: 352 - Favs: 902 - Follows: 569 - Updated: 10/2/2013 - Published: 8/1/2013 - [Lucy H., Natsu D.] - Complete
Writer's Block by randomteenager reviews
Natsu proves to be quite the unexpected source of help when Lucy has writer's block. [NaLu] [now a two-shot!]
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 13,896 - Reviews: 132 - Favs: 1,084 - Follows: 276 - Updated: 9/17/2013 - Published: 8/11/2013 - [Natsu D., Lucy H.] - Complete
SoulxMaka Love is Complicated by yuuki24688 reviews
This is about the love story of SoMa, TsuStar, Kid and Liz. Love is complicated what is going to happen to them? Facing life threatening situations, how are they going to take it? Rated T for language and my craziness.
Soul Eater - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 32 - Words: 51,401 - Reviews: 244 - Favs: 95 - Follows: 77 - Updated: 9/1/2013 - Published: 8/14/2012 - Soul Eater, Maka A. - Complete
Hard Liquor by Miss Mungoe reviews
AU set in the Magnolia-version of New York during the 1920s Prohibition. Hired as the personal bodyguard of a deprived heiress with more sass than size, Gajeel Redfox soon finds himself in over his head. And in a world of hostile takeovers, bootleggers and speakeasies, two prejudiced individuals learn that getting along is about as easy as drinking in public. – GaLe, some NaLu.
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 33 - Words: 212,308 - Reviews: 1120 - Favs: 1,552 - Follows: 769 - Updated: 8/27/2013 - Published: 7/26/2012 - [Gajeel R., Levy M.] [Natsu D., Lucy H.] - Complete
Unexpected Results by LucyDragneel-FullbusterYu reviews
While Natsu and Happy wait for their favourite blonde to return, they stumble upon a folder marked, "The Hot List," written, ranked and rated by the one and only, Lucy Heartfilia. After discovering what her opinion was on the immature Fire Dragon Slayer, Natsu is determined to set a few things straight. Smut.
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,943 - Reviews: 68 - Favs: 900 - Follows: 245 - Published: 8/11/2013 - [Lucy H., Natsu D.] - Complete
Soul Eater's Lemon Tree by Tonight-is-frightnight reviews
I present a never ending collection of drabbles, oneshots, and plot bunnies—all revolving around our favorite soul eater couple: Soul and Maka. Every story ranges from super lemony to mild lemon/lime. Always complete.
Soul Eater - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 14 - Words: 15,721 - Reviews: 360 - Favs: 615 - Follows: 508 - Updated: 6/30/2013 - Published: 4/19/2012 - Maka A., Soul Eater - Complete
Haou Airen by XxBloodyYukixX reviews
In a twist of fate, Amu saves the life of the most infamous mobster in Japan, Tsukiyomi Ikuto. Now he wants her to be his woman, even if it means breaking her with sexual force. Can she escape his clutches? Or will she change her mind and give in to lust?
Shugo Chara! - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 17 - Words: 37,196 - Reviews: 452 - Favs: 346 - Follows: 339 - Updated: 6/25/2013 - Published: 2/28/2010 - Amu H., Ikuto T.
Last Night by Speedy08 reviews
My emotions came crashing down on top of me, every emotion I'd been holding back spilled out of me as my nails scrapped against the ground. I cried but no tears fell. I had none left to shed. I was empty, nothing, a disgrace. No one would want me after this, no one. I wasn't worthy of the title I had once owned. Truth be told I never had been. WARNING: Rape & Human Trafficking.
Legend of Korra - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Chapters: 41 - Words: 62,961 - Reviews: 439 - Favs: 209 - Follows: 129 - Updated: 4/17/2013 - Published: 12/21/2012 - Korra, Mako - Complete
That Night by Kicho-Keynote reviews
Takumi Usui,the boy that broke Misaki Ayuzawa's heart by leaving her to go to england claiming that he did it for her saftey,has returned with his love for Misaki even stronger but things seemed to have changed while he was gone.Misaki is taken by Hinata.
Maid Sama! - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 26 - Words: 67,886 - Reviews: 96 - Favs: 121 - Follows: 95 - Updated: 4/4/2013 - Published: 7/4/2011 - Misaki A., T. Usui, Hinata S. - Complete
To Trust by yuuki24688 reviews
Maka's life is taking a down turn for the worst, her father abuses her and her school mates bully her. Can Soul help her through her terrible plight? Or will she finally give in to those sneaky temptations?
Soul Eater - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 37 - Words: 75,932 - Reviews: 427 - Favs: 192 - Follows: 129 - Updated: 3/29/2013 - Published: 8/29/2012 - Maka A., Soul Eater - Complete
You, Me and this crazy world by iris0011 reviews
COMPLETE! After a serious disagreement with a yakuzza group's leader, Ichigo and Orihime decide to go into hiding for a short time. Cut away from the outside world, just the two of them, will they find a way to finally make out their feelings for each other?
Bleach - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 24 - Words: 86,483 - Reviews: 299 - Favs: 211 - Follows: 125 - Updated: 1/9/2013 - Published: 11/5/2011 - Ichigo K., Orihime I. - Complete
Mafia Rivals by AwesomeBlackStar16 reviews
Soul and Kid are the youngest heirs to their families mafia empires. Maka comes to town and both boys want her, she get with Soul but then more people start showing up in their lives. Now they have to deal with pregnancy, break-ups, and Maka falling in love with another guy. Kid starts to plan his revenge. Review!
Soul Eater - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 35 - Words: 40,935 - Reviews: 282 - Favs: 101 - Follows: 100 - Updated: 11/24/2012 - Published: 5/26/2012 - Maka A., Soul Eater - Complete
I bet by LaynaPanda reviews
Gray bets Lucy 30,000 jewels that if she goes up to Natsu and asks to have his way with her, he'll do it. But Lucy thinking dense little Natsu wouldn't know what she meant, he won't so she agrees. What happens when dense little Natsu isn't so dense anymore? Is Lucy up for some passionate nights with Natsu or is she going to run for the hills? Lemon inside.
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 7,144 - Reviews: 153 - Favs: 1,153 - Follows: 385 - Updated: 11/22/2012 - Published: 11/21/2012 - [Lucy H., Natsu D.] Gray F. - Complete
Courting Darkness by Child of the Ashes reviews
Inoue Orihime is hiding from a killer in the slums of Tokyo City after witnessing a terrible crime. Kurosaki Ichigo, once a master thief of the Tokyo underworld, has been called by an old friend to bring her back. AU.
Bleach - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 16 - Words: 60,203 - Reviews: 627 - Favs: 446 - Follows: 252 - Updated: 11/4/2012 - Published: 1/16/2011 - Ichigo K., Orihime I., S. Aizen - Complete
The Last Sonata by Xinliang reviews
Syaoran, an arrogant pianist lands a job as a piano director at a prestigious music school. He always thought he was the best at his art until he met Sakura, a mysterious girl with a talent for piano. As they grow close, more secrets unravel between them and emotions run high. Mature content inside. SxS
Card Captor Sakura - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 10 - Words: 27,730 - Reviews: 115 - Favs: 173 - Follows: 82 - Updated: 9/2/2012 - Published: 8/21/2011 - Sakura K., Syaoran L. - Complete
It's Elemental by Purple.Slippers.18 reviews
She was the earth and he held onto her strength. She was the fire and he played with her flames. She was the air and he follwed her course. She was the water and he drowned in her waves.
Legend of Korra - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 41,831 - Reviews: 207 - Favs: 637 - Follows: 258 - Updated: 7/28/2012 - Published: 4/20/2012 - Korra, Mako - Complete
If You Find Me by Star Slightly To The Right reviews
Even a withered flower still holds its beauty.
Bleach - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 23 - Words: 130,920 - Reviews: 343 - Favs: 290 - Follows: 137 - Updated: 7/26/2012 - Published: 4/5/2012 - Ichigo K., Orihime I. - Complete
Breathe Again by alexanndria reviews
'You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.' Mobster!AU. Mako x Korra Lemon
Legend of Korra - Rated: M - English - Crime/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,292 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 57 - Follows: 22 - Published: 7/24/2012 - Korra, Mako - Complete
The Pain of Remembrance by halfdemonfan reviews
It was amazing how one memory could change a person's perspective. Canon to volume 404/ IchiHime/
Bleach - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 28 - Words: 154,461 - Reviews: 780 - Favs: 829 - Follows: 393 - Updated: 7/18/2012 - Published: 1/14/2011 - Ichigo K., Orihime I. - Complete
x f i c t i o n x by SunshineGirl09 reviews
One book in one year, written about your partner. Game on. Oh wait, they're writing about you too. SoMa, TsuStar, KidLiz
Soul Eater - Rated: M - English - Romance/Suspense - Chapters: 37 - Words: 100,986 - Reviews: 351 - Favs: 236 - Follows: 167 - Updated: 7/16/2012 - Published: 8/22/2011 - Soul Eater, Maka A. - Complete
My Boyfriend's Brother Complex by DestinyHeart9123 reviews
Amu, lost and finally found with the help of her boyfriend Tadase. She is moving in with his family and all is well until she meets Ikuto. Blackmail is his power, and he will get what he wants one way or another. Including Amu. -COMPLETE
Shugo Chara! - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 66,388 - Reviews: 274 - Favs: 183 - Follows: 119 - Updated: 7/15/2012 - Published: 3/26/2011 - Amu H., Ikuto T. - Complete
A Little Push by TSValing reviews
Mirajane comes across the perfect mission for a matchmaking scheme, and immediately sends Gajeel, Natsu, Levy, and Lucy to handle it. Couples resort, enchanted cherry blossoms, and rune traps certainly make for an interesting mission. Expect adult content starting at chapter 13. Gruvia chapter 20. Laxus x Mira chapter 21. Hints at Jerza and Elfgreen.
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 22 - Words: 77,205 - Reviews: 530 - Favs: 1,360 - Follows: 570 - Updated: 6/18/2012 - Published: 3/16/2012 - Gajeel R., Levy M. - Complete
Sparks by Aimsaru reviews
He was devouring her, filling her up and weighing her down until she was sinking into the mattress and drowning in sheets, skin, and sensation. PWP Smut
Legend of Korra - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,934 - Reviews: 40 - Favs: 210 - Follows: 16 - Published: 6/11/2012 - Korra, Mako - Complete
The Party by I Am A Freaking Epic Ninja reviews
Leon x Sora. The event's at an after-show party leave Leon to finally act upon his feelings for Sora... ONE-SHOT! LEMON!
Kaleido Star - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,564 - Reviews: 68 - Favs: 106 - Follows: 41 - Published: 5/26/2012 - Leon O., Sora N. - Complete
Blackbird by chromeknickers reviews
Deep down he wants her to push him away because it's easier that way. She won't, though. It's not in her nature. Through the good times and the bad they've come to trust one another, depend on one another. How can he possibly turn away?
Legend of Korra - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,526 - Reviews: 73 - Favs: 395 - Follows: 70 - Published: 4/22/2012 - [Mako, Korra] - Complete
Broken Chains by Doll-Fin-Chick reviews
COMPLETE***Sequel to Chains- SasuHina- Trouble abounds as we follow our heroine in to darker times where she learns what it is really like to love. Can she ever really forget the Raven though? And does Itachi think of Hinata and Sasuke togeher?
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 26 - Words: 42,563 - Reviews: 473 - Favs: 172 - Follows: 121 - Updated: 4/15/2012 - Published: 1/18/2008 - [Hinata H., Sasuke U.]
Howl's Moving Castle: The Aftermath by Doctor It reviews
Based on the book, this story takes place in the time after Howl's and Sophie's curses have been broken. A tender romance blooms, but nothing is ever simple for Sophie! When a part of Howl's past resurfaces, what will she do? Be wary of twisted plots. Noncon TW later on, will be noted in chapter.
Howl's Moving Castle - Rated: M - English - Romance/Fantasy - Chapters: 28 - Words: 79,973 - Reviews: 1193 - Favs: 919 - Follows: 941 - Updated: 4/15/2012 - Published: 2/15/2009 - Howl, Sophie H.
Mischievous Would Be an Understatement by FiendedVendetta reviews
Hikaru and Kaoru drag Haruhi to a secluded room after school. What goes on, goes on. Warning: Use of drugs, threesome. Lemon, oneshot. HikaruXHaruhiXKaoru
Ouran High School Host Club - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,863 - Reviews: 46 - Favs: 233 - Follows: 62 - Published: 3/8/2012 - Haruhi F., Kaoru H., Hikaru H. - Complete
Maybe it's Love? by shikamaru lover4ever reviews
Who would ever see her someone other than a friend? He would. Who would love a self centered jerk? She would. its in high school so its an AU.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 77,384 - Reviews: 70 - Favs: 71 - Follows: 47 - Updated: 2/29/2012 - Published: 4/20/2011 - Hinata H., Sasuke U. - Complete
As One by Arvendell reviews
Time is running out. But they are determined to make every moment memorable. Thus, there will be no more Usui Takumi and Ayuzawa Misaki. The two will merge as one. In every possible way. Sequel to Takumi and Misaki's Alphabet.
Maid Sama! - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 11 - Words: 35,001 - Reviews: 456 - Favs: 482 - Follows: 243 - Updated: 2/13/2012 - Published: 8/17/2011 - T. Usui, Misaki A. - Complete
The love of my life by Always-Pottermore reviews
This is the Sequel to War: guardian Vs Novice. What happens when they start to live their lives, will everything go as planed. Will the Strigoi come back? Mainly about Rose and Dimitri...Includes babies, new love and old friends :D. Finished
Vampire Academy - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 29 - Words: 81,052 - Reviews: 722 - Favs: 479 - Follows: 287 - Updated: 1/30/2012 - Published: 2/19/2010 - Rose H., Dimitri B. - Complete
Song of My Heart by xGreenEyes reviews
Ikuto and His friends: Kukai and Nagihiko, are in a band called the 'The Ironic Devil's'. His manager told him to add a girl singer, to give off a more femine vibe. Amu Hinamori, an Idol-In progress, Is their first choice. What's the outcome of this?
Shugo Chara! - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 18 - Words: 33,768 - Reviews: 340 - Favs: 138 - Follows: 137 - Updated: 12/28/2011 - Published: 9/11/2010 - Amu H., Ikuto T.
Tainting the Roses Red by Child of the Ashes reviews
Ichigo knew he could be thick headed. He almost always learned things the hard way, but about this, he couldn't be making mistakes. His hollow was playing a dangerous game, one that somehow involved Inoue.
Bleach - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 25 - Words: 107,347 - Reviews: 719 - Favs: 603 - Follows: 286 - Updated: 12/21/2011 - Published: 11/15/2010 - Ichigo K., Orihime I. - Complete
Four and Six by magic0logy reviews
Tris and Four go through her fear landscape, and she realizes that a certain fear is missing, much to Four's delight.
Divergent Trilogy - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,671 - Reviews: 96 - Favs: 414 - Follows: 109 - Published: 12/5/2011 - Tris/Beatrice P., Four/Tobias - Complete
You're Welcome by axsce reviews
Life just isn't fair. Who said it was, anyway?
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 26 - Words: 49,451 - Reviews: 223 - Favs: 172 - Follows: 75 - Updated: 11/22/2011 - Published: 4/28/2011 - Sasuke U., Hinata H. - Complete
Pen Pals by xxToxicMemoryxx reviews
Tsukiyomi Ikuto has been mailing letters to a pen pal he was assigned to in kindergarten. Even though he was only supposed to talk to his pal for a month, he grown attached until high school. What will happen when his pen pal transfers to his class? AMUTO
Shugo Chara! - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 22 - Words: 43,195 - Reviews: 783 - Favs: 559 - Follows: 323 - Updated: 10/9/2011 - Published: 3/3/2010 - Ikuto T., Amu H. - Complete
Naughty Chronicles by Kazumiki chan1 reviews
Drabbles that depict Ikuto and Amu's true want and need for each other
Shugo Chara! - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 32 - Words: 82,220 - Reviews: 402 - Favs: 390 - Follows: 209 - Updated: 8/9/2011 - Published: 12/20/2009 - Amu H., Ikuto T.
Take a Chance by Amu Chi reviews
Amu Hinamori: A rich bride to be, visiting Tokyo for a friend's birthday, gets caught in the rain, meets a man named Ikuto. She thinks it was a one time meeting. It turns out fate keeps bringing them together.
Shugo Chara! - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 16 - Words: 26,656 - Reviews: 476 - Favs: 124 - Follows: 122 - Updated: 7/8/2011 - Published: 8/6/2010 - Amu H., Ikuto T.
Doll by DreamerOfWorldss reviews
She was a doll; an emotionless, mindless doll. She would do whatever her Master command- kill, spy, seduce. But what could happen when a supposed target is trying to help her regain her lost humanity and cut her strings?
Card Captor Sakura - Rated: M - English - Romance/Tragedy - Chapters: 9 - Words: 19,833 - Reviews: 53 - Favs: 56 - Follows: 26 - Updated: 7/1/2011 - Published: 8/15/2010 - Sakura K., Syaoran L. - Complete
Void of a Lullaby by imafrickinprincess reviews
When a certain demon is sent to collect Amu's soul, there is a certain rule he must follow before he can take her to hell. Seduce her.
Shugo Chara! - Rated: M - English - Fantasy/Angst - Chapters: 9 - Words: 9,391 - Reviews: 111 - Favs: 56 - Follows: 63 - Updated: 6/21/2011 - Published: 11/7/2009 - Ikuto T., Amu H.
Takumi and Misaki's Alphabet by Arvendell reviews
Changes are bound to happen with the perverted outer-space alien and demon president being involved with each other. There will be moments that personalities would clash, but always, they ended up being even closer. Sequel to Giving In.
Maid Sama! - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 26 - Words: 61,478 - Reviews: 619 - Favs: 821 - Follows: 338 - Updated: 6/18/2011 - Published: 9/1/2010 - T. Usui, Misaki A. - Complete
I wouldn't need you by When Snow Melts Away reviews
After seeing how well Usui takes care of her daughter, Ayuzawa's mom decides to send her live with him while renovations are undertaken at their house! Rated M 'cause there's an 'M' in leMon lol
Maid Sama! - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 10,706 - Reviews: 115 - Favs: 462 - Follows: 171 - Updated: 6/8/2011 - Published: 1/29/2011 - Misaki A., T. Usui - Complete
Spring by xMelitheKonekox reviews
Spring; the time when cats start to mate. Tsukiyomi Ikuto is cursed with the actions of a cat and it is spring all the time for him. But his hormones will only pop out if he meets a certain girl that matches his interests. And that girl is...Hinamori Amu.
Shugo Chara! - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 20 - Words: 66,825 - Reviews: 1021 - Favs: 421 - Follows: 366 - Updated: 3/6/2011 - Published: 5/31/2009 - Amu H., Ikuto T.
Kidnapped by GlitterVoodoo reviews
Amu Hinamori is a beautiful 17 year old girl who loves cute things and sugary deserts. She's also the daughter of the Emperor of The Hikari Nation and so the heiress to the throne. She lives in luxury. But what happens when she is kidnapped by bandits?
Shugo Chara! - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,545 - Reviews: 27 - Favs: 34 - Follows: 26 - Updated: 2/20/2011 - Published: 6/25/2010 - Amu H., Ikuto T.
School Uniform by internet no work reviews
St. Vladimir's gets a uniform. Something new happens every day at the academy. Rose and Dimitri are finally together.
Vampire Academy - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 30 - Words: 78,264 - Reviews: 580 - Favs: 695 - Follows: 382 - Updated: 1/10/2011 - Published: 7/5/2010 - Rose H., Dimitri B. - Complete
Lasting Accidents by The Crafty Cracker reviews
Orihime has a son. She decided, for seven years, that she HAD to hide the father's identity from everyone. Now the father's back. How hard would it be to hide the fruit of their little accident back then?
Bleach - Rated: M - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 30 - Words: 67,370 - Reviews: 829 - Favs: 848 - Follows: 368 - Updated: 11/24/2010 - Published: 5/14/2008 - Ichigo K., Orihime I. - Complete
Giving In by Arvendell reviews
No matter how hard she fight it, in the end she had given in to him, just like what he had done to her.
Maid Sama! - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 8 - Words: 23,790 - Reviews: 248 - Favs: 700 - Follows: 238 - Updated: 8/10/2010 - Published: 6/15/2010 - T. Usui, Misaki A. - Complete
Alternate Universe by Kessafan reviews
She's a badass guardian, he's a runaway with a bad attitude, both with reputations that precede them. What happens when they come together? Canon pairs and VA world... with a twist! A few Rated M parts so if you don't like that sort of thing...
Vampire Academy - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Romance - Chapters: 51 - Words: 171,792 - Reviews: 1653 - Favs: 799 - Follows: 326 - Updated: 6/5/2010 - Published: 1/2/2010 - Rose H., Dimitri B. - Complete
The Art of Seduction by Bloopidy Bloop reviews
Ikuto Tsukiyomi has always been the most popular kid and the biggest playboy in school. Now there's a new girl vying for that spot of popularity and his charms don't seem to work on this one! Has he finally met his match? Not if he can help it! Amuto
Shugo Chara! - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 12 - Words: 50,457 - Reviews: 435 - Favs: 251 - Follows: 210 - Updated: 5/7/2010 - Published: 11/12/2008 - Amu H., Ikuto T.
Courting by chidoriamane reviews
The Shugo Cast are in their teen years. Amu and Ikuto meet in an unexpected way after not seeing each other for 5 years. Ikuto is, as far as Amu's memory is concerned, always a pervert. Now that he sees a very sexy Amu, how will his hormones react? AMUTO
Shugo Chara! - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 9 - Words: 40,091 - Reviews: 423 - Favs: 346 - Follows: 199 - Updated: 2/27/2010 - Published: 1/16/2009 - Amu H., Ikuto T.
War: Guardian Vs Novice by Always-Pottermore reviews
This is the continuation of the talk by agirlnamedraven. The novice guardians have just graduated and have just declared war on the gaurdians. Lots of pranks to be pulled and with Rose god knows what will happen. Dimitri never died in shadow kissed. Lemon
Vampire Academy - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 22 - Words: 43,678 - Reviews: 320 - Favs: 553 - Follows: 182 - Updated: 2/19/2010 - Published: 1/21/2010 - Rose H., Dimitri B. - Complete
きゅうどう Kyuudou by Mei Sanniang reviews
Uchiha Sasuke's introspection and ruminations on Hyuuga Hinata after he discovers that they'd done the deed with each other, and his "journey" to unravel the truth.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,033 - Reviews: 34 - Favs: 47 - Follows: 72 - Published: 12/31/2009 - Sasuke U., Hinata H.
無声生命: Wolves Curse by Lilly Yuuki reviews
Finally in college, engaged, and happy the Midnight Wolves life is peaceful. Spring break is just around the corner and something more devastating than Hu Keiichi approaches. Sakura may lose all she finds dear to save the one she loves.
Card Captor Sakura - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 11 - Words: 36,759 - Reviews: 101 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 48 - Updated: 12/6/2009 - Published: 9/21/2008 - Sakura K., Syaoran L.
Royal Heights by Little Wolf LOVER reviews
Syao is a scholarship student who is tossed into the twisted world of the wealthy...when he becomes caught in the twisted plot of rivals...the irresistible kinomoto sakura...n' innocent brea...will their hate be the end of him n' others...can he save her?
Card Captor Sakura - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 35 - Words: 246,149 - Reviews: 586 - Favs: 235 - Follows: 136 - Updated: 9/10/2009 - Published: 5/25/2008 - Syaoran L., Sakura K.
Winter Waltz by cerrdy reviews
Its time for Shimbusen's Annual Winter Dance! While Soul and Maka bet over getting dates for the dance, a unexpected new threat stands in their way. SoulXMaka and some BlackStarXTsubaki and KiddxPattiXLiz Rating may change... COMPLETE!REVIEW!
Soul Eater - Rated: M - English - Romance/Suspense - Chapters: 10 - Words: 119,463 - Reviews: 617 - Favs: 1,187 - Follows: 344 - Updated: 9/2/2009 - Published: 12/19/2008 - Soul Eater, Maka A. - Complete
I Love You Ikuto Sensei by KinxRiku reviews
Amu Is now 17 and in Aoi University has grown over her crush on the overly feminine and school-girl like Tasade and meets up with her pervy, sexy love Ikuto! she soon finds out he is in the university and happens to be one of the professors! LEMONS!
Shugo Chara! - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 5 - Words: 7,722 - Reviews: 42 - Favs: 60 - Follows: 41 - Updated: 6/30/2009 - Published: 6/20/2009 - Ikuto T., Amu H.
跡取り の 用心棒 Atotori no Youjinbou by Mei Sanniang reviews
Is Sasuke's punishment more than his heart can bear?
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,765 - Reviews: 39 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 53 - Published: 12/7/2008 - [Sasuke U., Hinata H.]
愛してよねぇ Aishite Yo Nee by Mei Sanniang reviews
Soon to enroll in college, Hinata discovers that she is to live with her childhood friends. And the most of her worries? Her old crush. Rated M for language and sexual situations. Mostly focuses on SasuHina and NaruHina. Bits on NaruSaku and SasuSaku.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,983 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 25 - Follows: 49 - Published: 7/6/2008 - Sasuke U., Hinata H.
Shirtless by MS reviews
AU, SxS. Come on Sakura, you’re stronger than this. No she wasn't. She wanted to get her fill of looking at his naked physique and she was going to do it like the normal teenager she was. Of course, it was only a matter of time until he caught her. noplot
Card Captor Sakura - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 30,997 - Reviews: 227 - Favs: 279 - Follows: 104 - Updated: 6/25/2008 - Published: 4/10/2008 - Sakura K., Syaoran L. - Complete
Inochi by Mei Sanniang reviews
On the verge of death, Hinata bears the Uchiha his first child. M for sexuality.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,070 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 36 - Follows: 41 - Published: 5/24/2008 - Sasuke U., Hinata H.
Saucy Tales by Mei Sanniang reviews
Hinata centric. A collection of somewhat smutty ficlets involving Hinata's innocence and the hormones of Konoha's male teenagers, and definitely more. Chapter 3, featuring Kakashi!
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,620 - Reviews: 63 - Favs: 90 - Follows: 88 - Updated: 5/14/2008 - Published: 3/23/2008 - Hinata H.
The Carousel of Love by Auyreon Tighren reviews
Loving Howl and living with him is a different thing altogether and an insecure Sophie finally gets fed up and moves away to start a new life and perhaps meet a new love. But Howl has other ideas... -Completed-
Howl's Moving Castle - Rated: M - English - Romance/Fantasy - Chapters: 30 - Words: 31,161 - Reviews: 517 - Favs: 287 - Follows: 219 - Updated: 3/21/2008 - Published: 2/20/2006 - Complete
Broken by Mei Sanniang reviews
ItaHina (side of SasuHina). Contains rape. Read at your own discretion.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,157 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 75 - Follows: 25 - Published: 9/20/2007 - Sasuke U., Hinata H., Itachi U. - Complete
Way to the Top by FoxxFeather reviews
[SxS] It was a lesson learnt in Syaoran's life not to judge a book by its cover. He enters the world of fashion and drama, a place where a man shouldn't be. He knew that when he sees his boss, a complete turn of events. Just read the reviews. [R]
Card Captor Sakura - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 13 - Words: 67,103 - Reviews: 329 - Favs: 194 - Follows: 106 - Updated: 7/29/2007 - Published: 10/15/2006 - Syaoran L., Sakura K. - Complete
Long 9 Months by MS reviews
Syaoran can't believe the fact that he has to endure 9 long months of celibacy because of a technicality. How will he deal with Sakura and her own thoughts of seduction. Keeping his sanity will prove to be his biggest challenge. SxS, AU...
Card Captor Sakura - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 63,244 - Reviews: 238 - Favs: 170 - Follows: 76 - Updated: 3/6/2007 - Published: 12/19/2006 - Sakura K., Syaoran L. - Complete
Irreplaceable to the Heart by FoxxFeather reviews
She was the thief. He was the actor. She wants something from him that doesn't belong to her. Their fates collide and their story begins. SySa version of wild act. Lemon in chapter 5. R&R please and no flamers!
Card Captor Sakura - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 9 - Words: 37,979 - Reviews: 102 - Favs: 42 - Follows: 66 - Updated: 1/13/2007 - Published: 6/24/2005 - Sakura K., Syaoran L.
Geisha Girl by NarikoD reviews
Li Syaoran was never interested in dating or marriage. But when he meets a Geisha who wants him at a distance, he can't help himself but go after her, and inevitably falls for her
Card Captor Sakura - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 13 - Words: 76,075 - Reviews: 495 - Favs: 337 - Follows: 109 - Updated: 7/6/2006 - Published: 6/22/2005 - Complete
Jagged Amber by StarJade reviews
He was a blind martial artist , cold and unfeeling....she was a girl searching for her true self....this is a tale describing how these two fell in love...at second sight. COMPLETE
Card Captor Sakura - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 25 - Words: 80,431 - Reviews: 4891 - Favs: 2,397 - Follows: 471 - Updated: 12/27/2005 - Published: 5/17/2003 - Sakura K., Syaoran L. - Complete
Our Story by Wolf-Lover-4-Ever reviews
It's always been thought of as Syaoran and Sakura forever...Until Ying Fong comes into their lives during their Sophomore year. Sakura in love, and Babies... It's just Our Story COMPLETED
Card Captor Sakura - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 29 - Words: 82,292 - Reviews: 271 - Favs: 130 - Follows: 31 - Updated: 10/31/2005 - Published: 10/31/2004 - Syaoran L., Sakura K. - Complete
I Didn't Know by isis chandra wu reviews
something is wrong with sakura...and syaoran is determined to find it out. but, things get a little twisted...
Card Captor Sakura - Rated: M - English - Romance/Mystery - Chapters: 4 - Words: 4,945 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 4 - Updated: 5/8/2005 - Published: 11/5/2003 - Sakura K., Syaoran L. - Complete
A Second Chance by Little Wolf LOVER reviews
SS r from 2 differ worlds. saku born 2 wealth, heiress to a mult-million Corp. while Syao a orphan who makes it by street racing. meeting by chance can their love survive the invisible wall dat seperates their differ worlds. or will it tear dem apart?
Card Captor Sakura - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 5 - Words: 29,565 - Reviews: 339 - Favs: 134 - Follows: 29 - Updated: 1/23/2004 - Published: 1/3/2004 - Syaoran L., Sakura K.
GROWING UP by Little Wolf LOVER reviews
sakura and are ccs crew are seniors gettting ready for grad.& prom.This is an all out S+S fic with some T+E, T+C& N+Y. alot of partying and bonding really a GREATstory. and something that changes sakura's life forever. G or B? u hav to read to find out.
Card Captor Sakura - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 16 - Words: 91,480 - Reviews: 283 - Favs: 148 - Follows: 20 - Updated: 7/29/2002 - Published: 1/11/2002
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Honey Blood reviews
Yuzu is orphaned at the age of 6. She and her brother are taken in my a man who vows to care for them like his own family. A decade passes and the 'family business' needs to be kept a secret. But a certain Kai Renge wont leave her alone! He makes her his Honey and then she gets news from gramps who her next client is. She is going to have one hell of a time on this mission! Violent
Honey x Honey Drop/蜜×蜜ドロップス - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 7,940 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 15 - Updated: 12/22/2017 - Published: 10/1/2014
Sudden Change reviews
Baily Dathechi (OC) has been chosen by Nu'est to be their Princess. It requires for her to brush up on her singing and dancing for her to be recognized as their Princess. But Baily's past prevents her from opening her heart to the boys. Will this sudden change in lifestyle change herself for the better or worse? Swearing (Moved to asianfanfics under SceneGirlUchiha)
Screenplays - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 4 - Words: 8,269 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 1/3/2016 - Published: 6/17/2014
Revenge Against Gaito reviews
Luchia's home is destroyed on her 13th birthday by Gaito. He took away everything she loved and fled to the human world to one day take back her home. She wishes to become strong and get revenge on Gaito has done. At 16 years old she moves back to the bay she arrived at the human world and meets Kaito, Hannon and Rina. She is going to need their support to get her wish. Rating nowM
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch - Rated: M - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 9 - Words: 17,787 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 10 - Updated: 10/3/2015 - Published: 4/30/2014 - Lucia N., Kaito D.
Dreams reviews
Sasuke returns from a five week long mission two weeks early to surprise his wife, only to find her sleeping. What will he do? LEMON. Don't own Naruto or characters. Plot is mine. Rated M. One - shot. [Sasuke x Hinata] Please review! xx
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,285 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 107 - Follows: 19 - Published: 6/24/2015 - Sasuke U., Hinata H. - Complete
Tipped upside down!
Yakeru's (OC from wildcrazything) life is boring. Yes being in her family of five sister is fun but there's something missing. During one of her shoots for her magazine Loli-Chick she is paired up with someone who might add that extra spark. (Dedicated to wildcrazything and i don't own KNB! Please review )
Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,854 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 1 - Published: 1/17/2015 - Kise R., OC - Complete
Lollypops reviews
Mizuki (OC owned by Donkeyface) has been with Atsushi for three years now and he has begun to think its time for a step up in their relationship. and yes. there is a lemon. . (my first to be exact) ALL IS DEDICATED TO DONKEYFACE NOR DO I OWN KNB! REVIEW and Merry Christmas!
Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,169 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 5 - Published: 12/24/2014 - Murasakibara A. - Complete
New Life reviews
Baily Dathechi (OC) has returned from Japan after her GCSE's only to find that she will be with Ren from Nu'est for the next two years. She is overjoyed but she has many secrets and is worried about how he will react if he found out. Love will bloom and will be put through many winters - can they survive this long battle? lots of swearing and self harming ref's
Screenplays - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 5 - Words: 9,266 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 4 - Updated: 9/29/2014 - Published: 5/16/2014