The Last Sonata

Disclaimer: I don't own Cardcaptor Sakura and CLAMP. I own the plot.

Summary: Arrogant Syaoran, a pianist, lands himself a high-profile job teaching piano. He always thought he was the best at his art, until the mysterious Sakura Kinomoto came along and proved him wrong. As he spends more time with her, more secrets unravel between them that could make or break them.


There was nothing more relaxing to Syaoran than his fingers moving along the keys of a piano. Every sound, every touch, and every moment – he loved it all. Piano was his life, piano was his stress-ball and piano was his very essence of existence. Ever since he was a young boy, piano was the first hobby he remembered loving. His father, he remembered fondly, would play the piano every morning – filling the room with melodic tunes. That, he remembered, was pure happiness.

There was so much more to it than just being a musical instrument for Syaoran. To him, it was a way to convey feelings into sound when words cannot be said. It was his escape from reality; his passion.

He couldn't think of doing anything else.


"Ah, Mr. Syaoran Li what an impressive portfolio you have here." A dark haired man flipped through Syaoran's portfolio. It was a thick portfolio, with music samples, musical scores he had written himself and many awards he had come to accumulate from over the years.

He did not just love music, he was good at playing it, too.

"Thank you, Mr. Hiiragizawa." Syaoran smiled arrogantly.

He knew the drill, he knew it all he was constantly praised for his work in music. It was only natural, he thought, that Eriol Hiiragizawa, the director of the Tomoeda Conservatory. When he saw the job posting for a new piano instructor and director for the conservatory, he knew he had to jump at the next opportunity to land this job. After all, the Tomoeda Conservatory was among the prestigious music schools in the world.

If they didn't hire me, they'd be crazy. Syaoran thought to himself, he crossed his arms while his foot lightly tapped on the hardwood floor of Mr. Hiiragizawa's office to show his impatience. Just give me the job, already! Syaoran thought.

"Why do you want to be the piano director at Tomoeda Conservatory?" Eriol asked.

"I think that it would be a valuable experience for me as a person, and as a pianist." Syaoran clasped his hands together, "Even though I have only been playing professionally as a solo pianist, I believe now it is time for me to move onto new things; like teaching. I would love nothing more than to teach young students what it truly means to be a pianist."

Eriol nodded, "Is that all?"

"I think I'm a great pianist." Syaoran asserted.

"Can you play me a song, right here, right now?" Eriol said as he looked towards the white piano that was sitting stationary at the other side of his office.

"With certainty, Mr. Hiiragizawa." Syaoran bowed his head. He confidently stood up and walked towards the piano. He checked to see if the piano was tuned, and it was. He cracked his fingers as a way to warm them up. He slid himself onto the piano bench and he turned his head to ask Eriol, "What shall I play?"

"How about Beethoven's Piano Sonata Number 28?" Eriol paused, "In A Major, Opus 101." He smirked.

"Certainly." Syaoran closed his eyes. He knew every piano key by touch – from experience, he knew that focusing on touch and sound more than sight was more effective for him. His method did not work for everyone, but for him, it was the best method.

He played the piano with such grace and passion, Eriol was impressed. Of course, he was going to hire Syaoran. He wouldn't let him know that – he wanted Syaoran to work for it, to show that he truly had the skills and drive to be the next piano director. Eriol had been the previous piano director of the conservatory, but now he has made the decision to resign and instead focus on more directorial administrative work within the conservatory.

He needed a good replacement – no, a great replacement.

"Alright." Eriol said as Syaoran finished his sonata, "Play Nocturne, Opus 9, Number 2... please."

"Oh, by Chopin?" Syaoran asked.

Eriol nodded.

Syaoran stretched his fingers once again before gliding his hands along the keys of the piano. Such beautiful music, Syaoran thought. He needed this job, he wanted this job. Right now he had to focus on the music, not on the constant dwelling and pondering on whether or not he'll get this job. The job was not to impress Eriol, he thought, but it was to let the music explain for itself.

"Beautiful." Eriol smiled as Syaoran finished up his piece.

With one last key, Syaoran stopped. He sighed deeply and when he opened his eyes, he found Eriol standing in front of him, clapping very lightly. Eriol extended his hand to Syaoran, which Syaoran shook graciously.

"Congratulations, Mr. Li." Eriol said, "You're hired."

"Really?" Syaoran asked.

"Don't act so surprised. I knew it when you walked in, with that smug face of yours that you thought you'd get this job." Eriol said, "Besides. I'd be an idiot not to know about you, Mr. Li. I only played dumb so I could bust your ego a bit."

"Ah." Syaoran was not a man for words.

"As for the room and boarding you inquired, you have the option of staying within the conservatory – there is a wing for you, of course, near the piano hall. However some directors and instructors prefer an off-site apartment, to separate work from home life... the life of a teacher can be so depressing sometimes, I must admit." Eriol chuckled.

"I think I'd prefer staying on campus." Syaoran said, "I'd like to practice my music, undisturbed, without any neighbours or room mates telling me to stop."

"A true virtuoso." Eriol clapped his hands together, "I guess whenever you're ready to move in, you can."


It was a month since then, since Eriol Hiiragizawa told Syaoran that he got the job. With a few suitcases, some money for extra furniture and other things, he immediately moved into the residence at the conservatory. The room he got was modest, but it was also perfect for Syaoran.

"So here's your room." A girl with long black hair and blue eyes said. She was pretty short – but she was pretty. A bit on the pale side, but pretty, Syaoran noted. She was Tomoyo Daidouji, the head director for the vocal department. Essentially, she was the teacher for the choir and other endeavors for singing. She was also really good friends with Eriol Hiiragizawa, hence why he put a lot of trust in her to show Syaoran around and to even give him the keys to the place.

"It's perfect." Syaoran clapped his hands, "It's got a bedroom, a small room for television and a piano..."

"Don't forget the washroom and kitchen." Tomoyo winked, "I don't blame you for choosing to live in residence, I live a floor above you, you know, if you ever need me... and don't forget!" She said in a high pitched voice, "Across the hall is the piano hall."

"Oh I know." Syaoran smirked, "Why else would I choose to live on campus?"

"Hm, I have to admit sometimes life on campus is tiring." Tomoyo said exhaustedly, "But if you're dedicated... work and home can be rewarding and even exciting... anyways, enjoy." Tomoyo waved Syaoran goodbye as she left to go elsewhere.

That was the last moment Syaoran ever got to relax. As school was vast approaching, Syaoran had been swamped with paper work and meeting after meeting. Sure, he was surrounded by fellow music-enthusiasts, sure, he was going to be a new director for the piano department at one of Asia's prestigious schools – but he was lonely, and not just lonely, he barely had time to play the piano to himself. It seemed like the sands of time quickly rolled and slipped on through his very fingers, especially when he found himself standing in a classroom full of young people – he remembered, he was their age once. He loved the piano playing and teaching these young people, but not the stress that came along with it.

"And that's today's lesson." Syaoran said as he closed his music sheet book shut, "Tonight I want you all to review the music sheets I've distributed today."

Groans and sighs were heard around the room. Syaoran glared at all his students, but he chose to say nothing. In his mind he thought: What spoiled lazy children! He already earned the reputation for being a strict teacher, many students didn't like him. The thing was Syaoran was passionate – way too passionate, and he wanted everyone else to share the same enthusiasm as him with music.

"It sounds like your students hate you." Eriol clapped amusedly as he entered Syaoran's music room. Students quickly left Syaoran's classes as fast as they could. Syaoran was too engrossed in his hubris to notice. Besides, like the students, he wanted school to be over so he could practice his piano.

"Ah, Eriol." Syaoran said with a smirk as he sat down on the piano bench, "Fancy seeing you here."

"Doing my daily checks, seeing how classes are running and such." Eriol said as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, "They're not used to such a strict teaching style, you know?"

"They need to get over it. If they want to learn, they will learn." Syaoran said as he cracked his fingers. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, and then his hands wandered to the ivory keys of the piano. Soon, a song. A beautiful song.

"Well, part of the reason I hired you was because of your... hm, how should I put it, dedication..? Yes, that's what it is. Dedication. Your passion." Eriol smirked, "I'm not cut out for teaching you know? Been doing it for a few years but being the boss of you is much better, don't you think?"

Syaoran and Eriol took quite a liking to each other; even for such a short time getting to know each other, Eriol was the only friend Syaoran had at the school. His students – they were just pawns for him, merely just a small obstacle he had to take to be able to stay at the conservatory. Tomoyo was alright, but he hardly saw her much because she was in the vocals department.

"Only for a few years?" Syaoran asked, "Who was the piano director before that?"

Eriol remained silent with only a solemn look on his face. He said nothing; and Syaoran knew when to take a hint. Syaoran simply nodded in response to Eriol – he got it, he got the fact he shouldn't have pressed the issue. Whatever it was, whoever it was, it was in the past now. Obviously, Syaoran thought as he chuckled to himself, he was better than the directors past because now he has their job. In Syaoran's mind, he was the best. The best at everything. No one could surpass him in his head—Eriol knew this, and that was why he decided to hire Syaoran. The students at the conservatory were getting far too soft, someone needed to slap some sense of discipline into those students.

"I guess I'll be headed off then." Eriol said as he stretched his arms, "Today wasn't so bad, huh? It's the end of the day already. I'm hungry anyways."

Uncharacteristically, Syaoran asked, "Hey, can I come with?"

Eriol's eyes widened in response, "Huh?" He never expected Syaoran to ask.

"I'm hungry too. Students, eh. They take energy off of you." Syaoran said as he stood up to follow Eriol out of the room.


After that was said and done, Syaoran quickly headed back to his beloved piano room. Time had flown from 4 o'clock in the evening to 7 o'clock in the evening – deadlines, Syaoran thought, as he scrambled to find his binder for his lesson plan. He sighed and mumbled some incoherent words under his breath. He went across the hall into his residential room to grab a glass of water.

"Man." Syaoran said as he drank and looked in the mirror at the same time, "What have I gotten myself into?"

As he put down the empty glass, right at that very moment he heard a faint noise. Syaoran's hearing had been compromised throughout the years, but he could still hear. He knew that sound from anywhere – the sound of the keys pressing down on the piano making music. Syaoran quickly ran back to his piano room; his classroom, where the piano music got louder and louder and more intense.

It was a sweet melody, a happy melody – then it stopped abruptly as Syaoran walked into the room.

"A student?" Syaoran asked as he scanned the huge space.

There, at the piano, was sitting a woman, a girl. He couldn't tell how old she was from where he was standing so he ran up to her.

"Little girl, shouldn't you be at home or at your dormitory?" Syaoran asked rudely.

"I'm not a little girl." The girl replied as her piercing green eyes ruefully looked into his brown eyes.

"You're not allowed here after school hours you know." Syaoran said, "It's against conservatory rules unless you ask me, the director, and as far as I'm concerned, I never granted you any permission."

The girl started to laugh, spitefully she said, "You'rethe director?"

Insulted, Syaoran replied, "Yes, yes I am."

"What a gem." The girl wiped the tears out of her eyes from laughter, "An arrogant one, aren't you?"

"Just who the hell are you, and what are you doing here? As far as I'm concerned, you're trespassing." Syaoran said through gritted teeth.

"The question is... who are you?" The girl smiled playfully at Syaoran, which caused him even more distress.

For Syaoran, distress turned into anger, "Don't you DARE talk to me like that!"

The girl rolled her eyes and yawned simply to spite him. Syaoran was never the type to hit a woman or to curse at a woman, seeing as he grew up in a house full of women, so he held his tongue. Clearly, he was mad. He glared at her as he tried to intimidate her to stop playing around.

Clearly, it didn't work.

"Well?" The girl blinked.

Syaoran sighed, "I'm Syaoran Li, the new director of this department. I'm sure you know that already."

"Actually, I didn't." The girl said with a shrug, "I'm out of the loop these days."

"Just who are you?" Syaoran threatened, "If you don't disclose your identity, I will call security."

"Ooh," The girl said mockingly, "How tough. All bark, no bite?"

"Why you—"

"Relax." The girl said softly, "My name is Sakura, Sakura Kinomoto."

"And...?" Syaoran said with his arms crossed, "Is that supposed to mean anything?"

"You did ask who I was." Sakura said.

"Are you a student?" He asked.

"What do I look like to you, sixteen?" Sakura laughed, "Come on!"

"You should take that as a compliment." Said Syaoran, "Many women don't like to age... so what are you then, a faculty?"

"Hm." Sakura said with a finger on her lip, "Hmmm."

"What?" Syaoran asked.

"Secret." Sakura said.

"You really want me to call security, don't you?" Syaoran had no patience for this type of charade.

"I'll tell you." Sakura said, "If..."

"Oh come on, I don't make deals with oddballs who break into my classroom." Syaoran said as he tapped his foot on the hardwood floors, "For all I know, you could be a janitor."

Sakura gasped, "Do I look like a janitor to you?"

"Maybe." Syaoran smirked. That wasn't true at all. Well, maybe some janitors were pretty – but Sakura certainly didn't look like she was working a dead-end job as a janitor. She was wearing a modest dress in light pink that draped around her at all the right places; skimming along her body nicely. She was cute, he had to admit, now he felt more comfortable knowing she wasn't a student – at least that's what he assumed.

Sakura pouted, "Can a janitor do this?" She started to play the piano again.

"Some janitors can be talented." Syaoran replied as he watched Sakura play.

As reckless as she looked as she played the piano, she produced wonderful sounding music, even for Syaoran – even if it hurt his pride to admit her piano playing was good. It was that same song he heard and again, she abruptly stopped at the one part.

"Aren't you going to finish your song?" Syaoran asked as he opened his eyes.

"The rest is only for the privileged ears to hear." Sakura said, "And sorry, you're not one of them, Mr. Li."

"Who are you, really?" Syaoran asked, intrigued. Now that she played the piano, she had piqued his interest.

"Like I said. Sakura Kinomoto." She said with a smile, "The rest... it's a secret." She stood up quickly and then she took one last look into Syaoran's eyes. There was something elusive, something attractive – something that at that moment, Syaoran felt his mental walls slowly crumbling down. Breaking the gaze, Sakura ran off out of the room, leaving Syaoran alone.

Authors Note:

Taking a break from my bigger serious projects to work on this small project. Will not be too long, it'll be a short story series. Less than 10 chapters, and even less than that. A lot of my stories have Syaoran being too nice ... here's arrogant Syaoran for you. Sakura is also less troubled and serious. Hm, you'll just have to wait and see. This story isn't what it seems to be, I promise you that!