Hi Everyone.... Well here's a new story that came to me this morning... I think it's only going to be a chapter or two, but let me know if it's something that you would like me to continue... Enjoy...

Chapter One...

I'd spent my whole life here; at St Vladimir's academy, first as a student, then after graduation, Lissa and I were asked to teach here for a few years. A few new students had arrived in our senior year from all over the world after hearing about Lissa and her 'spirit abilities'. There were now twelve spirit users on campus, not including Lissa and Adrian.

"Guardian Hathaway." Kirova nodded to me in greeting. We had quite a 'prickly' relationship with each other. I nodded back in return.

"Headmistress, Alberta said that you needed to see me."

"Yes, I have an assignment for you." She handed me a folder and I opened it to find a photo and a dossier of a male Dhampir and a male Royal Moroi. I looked up at her confused. "We've finally found them and I need you to lead a recovery team and bring them back." I'd heard about these guys, the Dhampir was known for his hot temper as was the Moroi, a well suited pair apparently.

"Why here, weren't they from up north?" I asked.

"Yes, but they thought that considering we are a little more remote than most academies, they would be better to come here. You know that the Dhampir is going to give you a run for your money, so fifteen guardians have been allocated to go with you, they will be arriving throughout the night, ready to leave in the morning. I'll need you to go over the plan with them all as they get here, so I'll send them to you in the conference room." She gave me a nod and went back to her paperwork, telling me that the conversation was now over. I turned around and walked out. Well, if I'm going to be working on a recovery plan then I needed to get to know my prey. I walked up to my room and sat at my desk, spreading out the papers in front of me.

"You don't look like too much trouble." I said to the photo of the Dhampir, personally I thought fifteen guardians was a little bit of overkill, but they'd eluded capture so far so I guess it's better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them. He had not long turned eighteen but you would never know it by his photo. It had been taken in secret only last week after the two runaways had finally been found. They'd been living in secret amongst the humans for nearly two years now, amazing odds really that neither of them had been killed yet. After a few hours of 'getting to know' them and formulating a plan, I received a call telling me that the first of the guardians had arrived. I walked down to the conference room ready to start the long drawn out process of implementing a capture.

Twenty-four hours later I stood outside a small apartment block, hidden in the shadows of a neighbourhood wasn't all that good, but it could have been a lot worse I suppose. I'd posted guardians on all the roads, alleyways and escape routes that we could find. I was about to go up to their apartment when I saw someone walk past the window. They're in....at least I wouldn't have to go searching the streets for them. I could hear giggling. "Hold tight, they have humans inside." I could hear the groans from the others, we all knew what that meant.

It was only about an hour later when two human girls walked out of the building, still giggling but walking a little....strangely. As they walked past me, I could see bite marks on their necks. I looked back up to the window and saw him. I couldn't believe he was only eighteen; he could easily pass for early twenties....like me. I mentally slapped myself as I thought about how gorgeous he was in real life. He stopped walking and looked out of the window, I could see him searching so I stood stock still, almost holding my breath. Then he looked directly to where I was standing.... Shit! I thought to myself.... I slowly backed off, retreating further into the shadows... "Get ready, I think he spotted me." I called through the radio. Sure enough, within two minutes they were walking out of the building holding duffle bags. They were going to run. "Teams four and five... move forward, I'm going back. They're heading somewhere with thought, maybe a car.... Teams two and three.... close in." I grabbed the three guardians that were with me and we ran back further up the road...

"There," I said to the others. "That will be where they're running to." I saw a beat up mustang up ahead... that would be my choice if I was still a teenager... Two went to the left of the street and hid where they could, Guardian Butler and I went to the right; next to the car. As they got closer I walked out from my hiding spot... Shit he's tall...and really, really hot! I thought to myself. They stopped suddenly and in an instant the Moroi was pulled behind the massive Dhampir standing in front of me.

"Don't start anything you can't finish Guardian." He growled at me. I almost let a snort of laughter escape, but I had a few years of experience at keeping the mask on.

"Do you think I'm the only one?" I asked him. His eyes flickered to my left and right as the others walked out behind me. He turned his head to the side, obviously hearing the other teams coming up from the rear, effectively closing the net. I could see he was about to fight, I would have had I been in the same position... "I wouldn't if I were you." I said to him, but.... when did that ever stop anyone. He tried to kick out, but being faster and shorter, I ducked down under his now outstretched leg and slammed his other leg out from underneath him. He fell backwards, colliding with the Moroi, but before he fell the other guardians took a hold of him. The man mountain though...he hit the deck with an audible thump. "Wanna go again, or do you want everyone to see you beat up by a girl?" The glare I got was almost amusing, but I wasn't going to push the issue. "One way or another, this Moroi is coming back with us; you obviously like him enough to have guarded him for so long, so I'm gathering that you'd rather stay together now. You can either come of your own free will.....or not." I kept my eyes on his the whole time as he sat on the pavement glaring at me.

"Fine." He said. I smiled and nodded to him but still not taking my eyes off him I reached up and touched my ear piece.

"Move in and secure." I said. He glanced around at the eleven Dhampirs who were now walking towards us...

"All for me?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Bit of an overkill if you ask me, but that's what I was given." I said with a shrug of my shoulder. He wasn't happy but he stood up and went to walk with the Moroi, something that I wasn't letting happen.... "Mr Belikov," I called to him. "You're with me." He turned to glare at me again, coming to the conclusion that they were going to be split up.

"Where are you taking us?" he said through clenched teeth. Even angry he was stunning...and that accent. I was going to have to watch this one.

"St Vladimir's." I said and almost smiled again as his face dropped in shock.

We arrived back at the academy a few hours later. The plane trip was a little tense... Belikov was not happy about being separated from his Moroi, he had a strong desire to protect him and I realised that they were more than just a Royal Moroi and his Dhampir. They were friends, best friends. I walked into Kirova's office with the others following, even the other ten Guardians. Belikov may have only been a teenager, but he was big and he was built.... no-one took him for granted.

"Glad to see you all back in one piece Guardian Hathaway." Said Kirova. I heard him draw a breath as he sat beside me, obviously he'd heard about me.

"It all went according to plan headmistress." I said matter-of-factly.

"Mr Belikov, I don't know and frankly don't care why you took a Royal Moroi away from the safety of your previous academy," she said... which was answered with a snort of disgust from Belikov, "But I'm telling you now... it won't happen again. Mr Ozera," she said turning her attention to the Moroi sitting on my other side. "I'm sorry for what happened to your family, but that was no need to put yourself in more danger by running away... You will stay here and finish your education and when you graduate you can go wherever you want with your assigned guardians."

"What about Dimitri?" he asked.

"What about him?" she asked confused.

"He's my...guardian. He needs to finish too." Kirova looked to my right at a barely contained Dhampir and then back to Lord Ozera.

"Who told you he was your guardian Lord Ozera? After the stunt he pulled, he won't be guarding anyone anytime soon." I was confused... why on earth would they throw someone as big and strong and with so much potential as Belikov away, especially when Guardian numbers were so low...

"Headmistress," I said. "Do you not think that it would be more beneficial to keep Mr Belikov here where his skills could be better put to use? Numbers are..."

"I don't want a trouble maker like him around Guardian Hathaway." She interrupted; I was starting to get angry with her now. I'd been her biggest pain in the ass for the last twenty years and I turned out pretty well.

"Trouble maker or not, he's a strong Dhampir with skill, albeit a little sloppy," this word earned me a death stare from beside me, "but with work he could be amazing and he already has shown dedication to protecting Moroi." She looked between the three of us and then a slow grin pulled across her face.

"Fine, he can stay. But on one condition: you will mentor him, you will be responsible for him." She had that look on her face that I hated...the one that was begging me to fight back, but I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction.

"Fine." I said. I stood up and looked down at her. "Is that all?"

"Not quite. I expect his training to start as soon as possible, as in the morning after which I expect a report from you and one other guardian. One slip up and he's gone, is that understood?"

"Yes Headmistress." I said.

She nodded with a smirk on her face that I so dearly wanted to wipe off. One day, bitch! I said to myself... I looked down at Belikov who was looking up at me with a weird look on his face. "Come on." I said to him. I walked towards the door and another guardian, Alberta, opened it with a smile on her face. "Don't say a word." I whispered to her as I walked past. Everyone followed me out and in the foyer of the admin building I turned around and faced my new challenge. "I will show you to your room. Alberta, can you take Lord Ozera to his room please?" She nodded and then left with most of the other guardians.

"Just point me in the right direction, I'll find my own way." I looked up to my new charge and could no longer hide my smirk.

"I don't think so Belikov, trust is earned around here, not given." I walked off towards the Dhampir building and he strode up beside me.

"Do you know why we left?" he asked me.

"No. I'm just here to get you ready to guard." He gave a soft snort and shook his head. As we entered the Dhampir building the others left, leaving me alone with Dimitri. We walked up to his room and I gave him the key. "Training starts at 5:30 in the morning, don't be late." I turned to walk away when he called back to me.

"Guardian Hathaway." I turned back to him and waited for him to continue. "What would you have done if I'd fought back?"

"I would have dropped you like yesterdays lunch. But no matter which way tonight had played out, you would still be standing where you are right now, but with a few more sore spots. Aren't you glad you didn't fight back?" I said with a smile. He smiled an amazing smile, one that suited his face perfectly and then he laughed.

"What makes you so sure that I would have been the one with sore spots?" I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

"I guess you'll find that out in the morning Mr Belikov. Remember, don't be late." His smile broadened and he gave me a slight bow, then he turned and unlocked his door.

"Good night Guardian Hathaway. Sweet dreams." He said slightly laughing to himself. Yup.... I was finally proven wrong about something.... It wasn't all that long ago that I said to myself that he didn't look like too much trouble... I had a sneaking suspicion that I was about to find out just how much trouble he was going to be.....

Roll on tomorrow!