*I do not own Naruto*

Chapter 1: One Sad Night

3 Months Ago

Walking through their front door, Sasuke and Hinata were both characteristically quiet. Neither of them talked much to begin with and their marriage to each other hadn't quite changed that, save for the occasional small talk they had when Hinata was cooking dinner or when Sasuke was training in the backyard.

Sasuke turned to look at Hinata as she sat down on the couch; the entire night her eyes appeared to be filled with tears that refused to fall. Yet she put on a brave smile during the whole event, giggling with friends during the reception, refusing to let anyone know what was up. Sasuke had noticed. He always noticed when something was wrong with Hinata. He just never knew how to approach her about it. However, due to the circumstances of what happened tonight, something inside of him made him attempt to seek what was wrong with his wife. "It was a nice wedding", Sasuke said monotonously. He tried to back his words with some tone of interest but as usual, he failed in that department.

Hinata looked up at him when he spoke, a bit surprised he said anything. "Y-yeah, it was a nice wedding wasn't it?" Hinata responded softly, looking down once more. Knowing that without more prodding, Hinata wouldn't say anything more, he mentally sighed and sat down on the couch next to her, leaving a reasonable amount of space between the two. She looked at him for a second when he sat down next to her but didn't say anything. "Did you enjoy yourself?" Half-nodding, Hinata replied "Yes, I did. It was a joyous event after all. It's nice to see Naruto so…"

Hinata trailed off and some of the tears she'd been holding back all night spilled onto her cheeks. Sasuke raised an eyebrow when he saw this but didn't say anything about it. Hinata quickly composed herself when she realized what she did and quickly wiped away her stray tears. "I'm sorry Sasuke," she started, looking at him with a small, polite smile. "I-I just get really emotional at weddings. I'm really happy for the two of them. They deserve happiness."

The way that Hinata said her last sentence got Sasuke's attention. She said it with a type of longing, as thought that was something she wanted for herself but hadn't obtained yet. A silence fell between them and it wasn't long before tears started spilling from her eyes again. She buried her face in her hands and started quietly sobbing, unable to hold her emotions back any longer. Although they had been married for six months at that point, Sasuke had never seen Hinata cry like that. Of course, everyone Konoha had seen Hinata cry at one time or another, especially when they were in the academy together but over the years, she had gotten in control of her emotions and only cried when something truly bothered her.

The way Hinata was crying shot a tinge of pain through Sasuke's body, yet he had no idea why. 'I should do something. I can't just leave her like this' he thought to himself. Scootching closer to his wife, Sasuke put his hand on Hinata's back, rubbing it soothingly. Hinata quickly looked up at Sasuke, surprised at his actions. Sasuke Uchiha was never known for his show of emotion so him touching her like this, even if it was just an act as simple as rubbing her back, shocked her. Sasuke sensed her eyes on him and he looked at her. Their eyes met and locked while Sasuke continued to rub Hinata's back.

Without warning, Hinata lunged towards him, pressing her soft lips upon his. The usually stoic Ninja became wide-eyed at the kunoichi's actions. The way her lips felt upon his made him want more. He quickly wrapped his arms around her curvy figure and brought her closer to his body. He pressed his lips back into hers, making their kiss deeper and harder. Hinata couldn't help but wrap her arms around Sasuke's strong neck, moving herself into his lap. The bold move from the quiet kunoichi surprised Sasuke, making him smirk against her lips. Not wanting to be upstaged, Sasuke suddenly stood up from the couch, lifting Hinata with him. Their kisses became more passionate as Sasuke stumbled his way into their bedroom.

Finding his way to their bed, Sasuke placed Hinata on the bed without breaking their kiss, moving right on top of her. He liked the way his body felt on top of hers, a position he seldom got a chance to partake in. His hands trailed up and down her figure while their lips worked magic together. Something inside of him stirred and he realized he wanted more of her. Moving his tongue from the inside of his mouth, he grazed Hinata's lips during their kisses, silently asking for entry into his mouth. Hinata's mouth did not budge, making Sasuke frown slightly. He then decided to get what he wanted another way; moving his hand down her back, Sasuke moved his index finger and thumb and pinched Hinata's skin, not hard enough to cause immense pain but hard enough to make her respond. And respond she did – Hinata gasped when she felt the pinch, opening her mouth slightly. This was all Sasuke needed to get in.

He slid his tongue into his mouth, making Hinata's eyes fly open. She wasn't used to this at all but she slowly complied with his action, moving her tongue to wrestle with his. The kisses between them became more heated as each minute passed on. Hinata could feel warmth forming in her while Sasuke could feel something grow within his dress pants. Wanting to continue, Sasuke slowly moved his mouth away from Hinata's, making her look at him in a bit of confusion. He slowly started planting kissing on her cheek and jawbone, making his way down to her neck.

There, he decided to explore to find a spot that she reacted to. After searching for a couple seconds, he heard a tiny gasp. Smirking, he knew he had found a spot to play with. Sasuke started sucking on it playfully, wanting to get another reaction from his wife. Hinata tried to hold back, not wanting to give into this unfamiliar feeling. However, Sasuke was persistent and soon, she found herself moaning softly at his sucks. Hearing her moan turned Sasuke on, and it made him want to give her more just so he could continue hearing those sweet noises from her once more. Sasuke started sucking harder on the spot on her neck and Hinata couldn't help but moan a little louder. "Oh….mhmm…" she breathed out softly as Sasuke worked his magic. "Oh Naruto…"

Sasuke couldn't believe his ears. Hearing that name come out of Hinata's mouth made him stop everything and snap up abrasively. Anger he didn't know existed started boil inside of him and he balled his hands into fists. He looked into Hinata's eyes with a harsh coldness that she had personally never seen from him before. Hinata, taken aback by the look, wondered what was wrong until she realized what she had said. She covered her mouth in shame and tears filled her eyes. Sasuke got up from the bed and stiffly stood up. He turned his back to her and started walking towards the door. "Sasuke wait...I'm –" Sasuke slammed the door to their bedroom so hard that it shook the whole house. He grabbed his jacket, went to the front door and slammed that one as well, heading off into the cool night. Hearing the front door slam, Hinata sat up from her position on the bed. Ashamed and guilty of what has just happened, she put her head to her knees and sobbed in pain.

(Thanks for stumbling upon my story! Please leave me any reviews if you can; I'd really appreciate it! It's my first time writing a fanfiction so I'm kinda nervous but I'm also excited to see where this will go!)