
-chidori amane-

Summary: An eighteen year old Amu met Ikuto after five years in her university in an unexpected way. It is as if nothing had changed, he still acted perversely only around her and her getting more flushed than before. Will their relationship bloom now that the 'little kid' Amu is not-so little anymore?

Author's Notes: This is just a dribble so I don't know if you guys will like it. Furthermore, I'm just following my err New Year's Resolution: write a literary piece at least three times a week. I know, that's like: IMPOSSIBLE. () I don't have beta so bear with my errors. And English is like my third language.

Ikuto: Are there any hot scenes between me and Amu-koi? –winks at Amu-

Amu: -blushes and looks away- PERVERT! Is that the only thing that comes into your mind?

Ikuto: Not really. I too think about what to do to you tonight, tomorrow's night, and the day after tomorrow night. –smirks-

Amu: PERmmhp

Chidori: Get a room! And damn it! Not my room!

Ikuto: -pulls a moment away from Amu- Can we use your parents'?

Chidori: …

Ikuto: ….

Amu: What's with this suffocating atmosphere? –shudders-

Chidori: IKUTO!!! –chases cat boy with a shining knife-

Yoru: Nya… don't kill Ikuto! –runs after-

Miki: -sweat drops- Chidori-chan doesn't own Shugo Chara. –mumbles- If she does, there will be a lot of kissing and ass kicking scenes.

Tokyo University

8:30 a.m.

"Ikuto-sama, here's the list of winners," a butler said while handing over a piece of gold paper to his master.

Character Info:

Ikuto Tsukiyumi

Sex: Male (Chidori: 3x a day –snickers- \ Ikuto: -smirks- \ Amu: -blushes-)

Age: 23

Occupation :vice CEO of Easter Company

Ikuto mumbled his gratitude and asked Sebastian, the butler, to leave him for a moment. He sighed when the old man left but he didn't bother checking the paper which he put aside. This is very boring. If only I could escape…

But the thought of an irate man, his real father, flashed into his mind. Tsk. Stupid Man. One week grounded from playing violin? He's a sadist.

-Knock Knock-

"Come in," he said in a very deep voice.

A fidgeting college student went inside and stuttered, "Anou, the program is about to s-start. Your p-presence is required."

He nodded and walked towards the ceremony hall.

Somewhere not far from Tokyo U

8:45 am

"You're late," Miki informed her as a matter of fact.

"Today is an important day, is it not desu?" Suu asked as she sat down on her shoulder.

"You should Chara Change Amu-chan! So that we won't be late that long," Ran suggested excitedly.

Character Info:

Amu Hinamori

Sex: Female

Age: 18

Occupation: 3rd year College Student (Chidori: the hardest job of all –curses the one who invented education- \ Amu: You're mean, Chi-chan! \ Ikuto: I agree with her)

She groaned in annoyance then began mumbling profanities. "Stupid Tadase, for not waking me up! Stupid Nagehiko, for not making Tadase wake me up! Stupid Rima, for breaking the other car! Stupid Yaya, for not leaving me any breakfast! Stupid Kairi, for not making my home works! Kya!"

"You should not blame others for your own mistakes, desu!" her soft-hearted Chara reprimanded.

"Yeah. It's your entire fault, Amu-chan!" Ran said.

"Shut up, guys! I'm still cranky. They could at least wake me up," she muttered then frowned.

The three Charas looked at each other. "Actually, we stopped them from waking you up-"


"-because you slept past midnight and you need longer hours of sleep."

Amu shut her mouth then finally gave up. "Geez, I don't know if I should feel grateful or not. I'm L-A-T-E!"

"That's why you should Chara-"

"An X egg!" Miki exclaimed after spotting a floating black egg with an X mark on its head.

"You're right, desu!"

"We should catch it before it creates havoc!" Ran exclaimed, earning her a two nods.

Damn. Why now?

Tokyo University

9:05 a.m.

"I think we should have woken up Amu-chan," Tadase said worriedly. And Ikuto is here!

His four companions nodded in agreement. "And Ikuto is here too. Amu would be delighted and act 'Cool and Spicy'. Then Ikuto would be pervert and keeps on-"

"We know, Yaya. You should not spoil the readers of this fanfic," Rima scolded. (Chidori: Thanks Rima-chan! \ Rima: Bala- Balance!)

"Speaking of pervert, I haven't heard anything from Ikuto for the last five years," Nagehiko mumbled.

Again, all of them nodded. "After the whole embryo thing, he just disappeared and now he just pops out of nowhere and also as Easter's new Vice CEO," Kairi said, pushing his eyeglass up, making it glint.

Amu should have been here.

"Where are the Charas?"

"Probably exploring around the garden again," Tadase answered.

Somewhere not far from Tokyo U

9:30 am

"Stupid X egg!" Amu complained while dashing through a crowded street.

"Stop cursing Amu-chan! Just ran faster! And don't mind your hair, it's beautiful anyway," Ran chirped, trying to comfort the tired woman.

True enough, Amu had a long pink hair that reached down her waist; but ever since she and her friends started college, she always tied it to pony tail or styled it when going to school or outside. Unfortunately, in her battle little while ago, the X egg fired her before she could even transform with pointy objects that cut her red checkered ribbon.

Like in elementary and high school, Amu customized her uniform. Currently, she's wearing a black round-pleated skirt that extended down to her mid-thigh, hanging white blouse with the top button undone that showed her creamy-skinned flat stomach, black blazer with the sleeves unevenly rolled up, black-white strife socks and dark ankle booths. Agh. I should have put on the formal uniform.

"Go! Go! Go! Amu-chan! A few blocks more!" her Charas cheered.

My legs are trembling. I hope I'm not too late.

Tokyo University

9:45 a.m.

How nostalgic. It feels like yesterday when I graduated. And I still had Yoru back then. But now… Ikuto lost his Chara when he's 20, but he could still see others' Chara. He was really saddened at this turn of events; on the other hand, he was glad that he could start doing things for his would-be self.

But now, as in really now, he's not really glad since he's stuck on the stage, giving medals, certificates, cash prizes, trophies, and congratulating the awardees. On top of that, he was being ogled blatantly by the female students who were obviously fangirls. Great. Just god damn great! He was secretly hoping that a certain someone with pink locks was one of those students. And I haven't seen her personally for straight five years! Shit!

"And the last to receive an award for her excellence and spectacular talent in Clothes Designing goes to Amu Hinamori!" the announcer said loudly to the microphone.

Amu Hinamori…

The audience applauded deafeningly.

"Hinamori-sama totally deserves it!"

"Amu-chan is so 'Cool and Spicy'!"

"Brain and Beauty RULE!!!"

"Ah Hinamori-san, please come up to the stage and get your award. Hinamori-san?" the announcer called.

I must be dreaming. Amu is here?!? His sapphire eyes were wide open and he felt really…weird. Excited. Nervous. Delighted. Happy. She's studying here.

"Oh I guess Hinamori-"

The door flew open and a shadowy figure walked in casually.

Amu's POV

I hate this part, making a grand entrance then everyone's attention paid on me. I put on my 'Cool and Spicy' mask: bored eyes, pink thin lips set on a line, chin held high, and my bag slung on my right shoulder. But something's amiss. Right, my hair. No wonder boys are drooling over me. How…stupid.

My eyes are unfocused, really. After running so fast, I only had a short break to catch my breath when Ran excitedly, and forcefully might I add, open the god damn door of doom! So now I'm walking on the aisle as 'cool' as possible; but deep inside, I'm a nervous wreck. I just heard my name being called a moment ago and was asked to go on the stage. And that's what I'm exactly doing. Then what? I really have no idea.

So now I'm here and I look at the handsome gaping man in front of me, holding a trophy and white envelope.

"Ikuto," I suddenly blurt out, then covered my mouth hastily. Why am I saying his name? to this person? who appears like Ikuto. Dark blue hair. Blue eyes.

"Amu," he says my name too. Wow, they even have the same…voice.

It can't be, can it?

The audience seems to read the mood surrounding the two of us as they shut up. That's a relief.

Then I ask him the smartest thing in the world. "What are you doing here?" I cross my arms under my breasts, which is like a big mistake, because they appear plumper and he looks down on them. And he smirks.


He never changes, pervert as always. So I opt to place my one arm on my hip and the other hangs on my side.

He chuckles before answering. "To give you these." Then he hands over the trophy and envelope he's holding to me. Dumbfounded, I mechanically accept them. And he pecks my cheek…


"I miss you, Amu," he breaths near my ear. I am as red as a tomato. And the squealing crowd isn't helping at all.

Wait. Crowd? Oh my God! He kissed me in front of everybody! I'm going to die.

Still in shock, I even barely hear my Charas, I am being led to the backstage by Ikuto. My soul is in outer space, I think.

"Amu," he calls. Amu? What's that?

"Amu," he repeats. Huh?

"Amu," he drawls using his very husky voice.


Bear your self for supernova. "WHAT THE HELL IKUTO!!! YOU PERVERT!!!" I hope I didn't make anyone deaf.

He chuckles. Oh the sound of manliness. I blush at the thought so I look away from him. Unexpectedly, he hugs me. The warmth radiating from his body, his scent, and the feeling of his body pressed against mine are intoxicating.

"I-Ikuto," I squeak. He's acting…weirdly? I don't know. We haven't seen each other for the last five years until now, so I really have no clue what's going on.

Reluctantly, I snake my arm around his wait and he tightens his hug. Ikuto?

"I miss you, Amu. Did you miss me?" he asks. I'm not sure but it sounded like he's hoping I did. Which I really did.

"…yes," I answer.

I can feel his smirk on my hair. "I'm glad," he says.

A moment of awkward silence falls upon us. And I'm still flustered at this whole ordeal. What the hell is going on?

And he gropes my ass.


Twitch. Twitch.



"Mou, that hurts Amu-chan. Kiss it," he whines.

"In your dreams, pervert," I retort.

Then he looks suddenly wicked. "Oh, don't worry Amu. I have far more intense dream than a mere kiss on the cheek."

I grit my teeth in frustration. "Whatever. I'm outta here." I'm about to make my way to the door when I remember something. I turn around and bump to his chest. And he locks me on a tight hug. Seriously, why is he being so clingy?

"You can let go of me now," I say in a dangerous tone.

"No." And to prove his point, he hugs me tighter. I sigh.

"Where's Yoru?"

He stiffens. I look at his eyes. They're so sexy and alluring. Wow. I avert my eyes quickly.

"I lost him three years ago," he answers in a clipped tone.

"Oh." That's all I can utter. But seriously, he should let go of me now. It's starting to get hot in here. I squirm in his grasp and finally manage to escape. "Geez. You're acting really weird."

He smirks at me. "Not really. I just like the transformation in your body. Your chest really developed and they're soft too. Nice ass, by the way."

"I know. I've been told one too many times," I say in annoyed tone, recalling the times when boys or men tried asking me out. I check him out for the first time and suddenly realize he's wearing a suit, which makes me laugh out loud. "You look like a businessman!"

He stares at me like I'm a crazy woman. "I am a businessman." I stop immediately. Really?

"Eh?!? Cool! Good for you. Where do-"


Ikuto unlocks the door and an older man comes in. "Ikuto-sama, the students are already calming down and the limo is prepared outside."

"Hn." He nods.


The older man exits and now, Ikuto and I are alone. Again. Help me!

"I'll pick you up after school," he blurts out; red tints adore his handsome face.


"I said I'll pick you up after school," he repeats. And in a quick movement, he kisses me on the lips and goes out the door, leaving me with butterflies on my stomach and flushed cheeks. Is he in love with me? Wow. That sounds like impossible. Even thinking about it makes it impossible.

And I snap out of my thought. Some people have to pay…

To be continued…

Chidori: I originally planned this to be one shot. –sighs-

Miki: What happened?

Chidori: I can't!

Suu: Why, desu?

Chidori: I just can't!

Ran: Then don't.

Chidori: You guys aren't helping at all!

Ran, Miki and Suu: -look at each other- We're not trying…

Chidori:…Where's Ikuto?

Amu: Didn't you send him to Barney?

Chidori: Oh right…

Ikuto: -catches breath-

Chidori: What are you doing here?

Ikuto: THAT god damn dino tried to rape me!!!








Shugo Chara Cast: -laugh out lol-

Ikuto: grr…

Chidori: Please don't forget to review!!! And I'm not updating till I get more or less 13 reviews!!!

Ikuto: -perks up- Yeah! Review! She might give me more intense hot scenes with Amu-koi!

Chidori: like he said…