A/N: It has been awhile since I wrote a SasuxHina fic. But I found a drabble word inspiration list somewhere (damned if I can tell you where though...) and decided to roll with it :) My plan is for one update a day, since I've got 34 chapters currently written, and the list ends at 100, we're set for a good long while yet.
I suppose this is technically AU, I'm avoiding a lot of the drama and ridiculousness that has been going down in the manga recently. Basically, Konoha is rebuilt, some people are dead, others still kicking, Sasuke is under watch and Naruto is set to become Hokage.
This is a DRABBLE fic, so each chapter rounds in at 100 words.
Main Pairing is SasukexHinata with a side of NarutoxSakura
Usually my A/N's won't be this long, promise, just had to get a few things out of the way.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.
Chapter One: Introduction
It was her birthday, and she was amazed to be there. After all the troubles they'd gone through recently, it was nice to be surrounded by friends.
"N-Naruto-kun." Hinata said, smiling as he entered the room. Everything around her dimmed in comparison to his brightness, and her heart ached with fondness.
She was very glad he came
"Hinata-chan! Hope you don't mind, I had to bring the teme." He gestured behind him.
A pair of dark eyes met hers, then looked away. She shifted uncomfortably but smiled anyway, "Of course, any friend of Naruto-kun's is a-always welcome."