Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, and Naruto. Me: White Evergreen Status: College Student Location: Illinois-ish Personality/Characteristics: Lazy, semi-hyperactive (kind of an oxymoron, isn't it?) sarcastic, cynical, bit of a daredevil, always a smartass, caring (when I like you), funny (or so I like to think ;) Likes: manga/anime, makimono, Japanese sweets, soccer, history, getting my nose where it doesn't belong Dislikes: cheesy, pointless chick flicks, guys with too much testosterone and not enough brains and/or common sense, the Whorror Sisters (don't ask) Hobbies: origami, sleep, chess, surfing the web, reading/writing fanfiction and all the quirky/flat-out-insane things my friends say, spending time with my siblings, procrastinating, My Friends (a.k.a. the people responsible for my partial insanity): The following are little exerts from a quote book I kept my senior year of high school when I decided that all the things my friends said were just too funny to forget: ~o~ Evergreen- "Thom, you scare me." Thom- "I scare my mother, what does that tell ya?" Paul (Pueblo)- "He scares his dad, and he's in the Marines." ~o~ Pueblo- "I don't think we have to turn them in. The guy said they're said they're just for learnining." Evergreen- "'Learnining?" Pueblo- "Yup." Evergreen- "Paul, I think you're slowly but surely creating your own dialect." Pueblo- "Well, if it wasn't before, it's mine now." ~o~ Cyrus- "That's the second biggest duck I've ever had in my pants!" ~o~ Thom- "What, you don't want me to have a super computer implanted in my brain?" Val- "There's a lot of things we don't want you to have, Thom, yet you seem to have most of them anyway." ~o~ Robert (Berto)- "Moo." ~o~ Pueblo- "I was thinking, 'you have my bow and my axe,' but for football players. 'And you have my shoulder pads, and my helmet-" Thom- "And my cup!" ~o~ Any random person- "Shh!" Berto- "It." ~o~ Thom- "Am I gonna have to dance for cash again?" ~o~ Thom- "Hey, you know what our class song should be? The theme from Super Mario!" (starts singing) Nikki- "Shut up, Thom! You're theme is George of the Jungle." ~o~ Chloe- "Why are you teaching us?" Mr. V- "What the hell kind of question is that?" Courtney- "Maybe she's just stating her surprise." Mr. V- "Courtney, shut up." ~o~ Heather- "Alright, who stuck the beaver in our locker?" ~o~ Thom- "It's not necrophilism if you plan to CPR the girl afterwards." Evergreen- "..." Cyrus- "Thom, that is by far the most disturbing thing I have ever heard you say." Pueblo- "You obviously haven't met Thom." ~o~ Mr. V- "Alright, ladies and germs..." ~o~ Thom- "I'm not sick, because I'm from planet Krypton." ~o~ Evergreen- "Lunatics, all of them." ~o~ My Favorites: Anime: Naruto Game: Kingdom Hearts tied with Legend of Zelda Others/Past Favs: (anime) Inu Yasha, Ranma 1/2, Full Metal Alchemist, Detective Conan/Case Closed, Fushigi Yuugi, Digimon, Tenchi Muyo, Blood, the Last Vampire, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Card Captor Sakura/Tsubasa, Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon, Ronin Warriors (games) Final Fantasy X and X-2, Soul Calibur, Sonic, almost anything Mario, Tetris (I find it meditative), Spyro I guess I should also mention here that my favorite kind of bishounen are of the blue-eyed blond variety. Examples- Naruto, Yondaime, Tidus, ROXAS! Cloud, Link My Fics: As you can see, not too much in here yet. While I have a lot of ideas for fanfics, and have started writing a few of them, either I haven't gotten around to finishing them or am simply too lazy to (you could call me a female Shikamaru of sorts). When I finally do get around to posting, most of my fics will probably be Naruto or Kingdom Hearts. The Loaddown: Gate Keepers Heaven - dead where it stands This was supposed to be this really cool AU Harry Potter fic but I've completely lost my inspiration for it. Don't ever expect me to update it. Ever. Really the only reason I'm even keeping it up is because it was the first thing I ever posted and dead or not, that means something to me. Musuko - in progress My baby, literally. Basically a load of drabbles exploring how Naruto's life could have been had he been raised under more normal circumstances (normal for him anyway). Most more suited to my current writing style than Gate Keepers which was supposed to be an epic, it's also better for updates because I can scribble something in-between taking notes in class then post it when I get back to my dorm. This fic is actually on unofficial hiatus at the moment. Problems in my real life have been sucking away my inspiration. I'll try to update soon, though. Still On The Drawing Board: Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine? Naruto declares all-out war on the stick lodged up Sasuke's ass. Life, Death, and Renewal Sora and Roxas both die in the final battle against the Organization. But before they do, Sora gives Roxas a piece of their heart and so they are reborn together as brothers. Unfortunately, Fate's not done with her Keyblade Masters just quite yet... The Cure For Anything "The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea." - Isak Dinsen I'm not sure what I want to use this for yet, but definately expect a fic based off that quote, it's one of my favorites. Someone To Protect Roxas' thoughts about Sora, their collective adventures, and why Roxas does what he does. The True Meaning of Brotherhood Sora has everything he's ever believed in put into question when Axel sacrifices his life to protect him. Axel, a Nobody, a shadow of a being without a heart, who shouldn't feel anything or anyone, freely and willingly gives up his existance for the person responsible of the loss of his best friend. The Other Me A companion fic to Someone To Protect. Sora's thoughts on Roxas throughout Kingdom Hearts II. Untitled KH2 Fic Maleficent places a powerful curse upon Sora, using darkness to rip his heart in two. As an unexpected consequence, however, Roxas is thrown from Sora, taking one half of their heart with him. Now it's up to Roxas to protect Sora while his heart recovers, but he must do so alone, for the only ones who can possibly see Sora without hurting him further are his enemies. So, yeah, plan of fics sometime in the future, but don't hold your breath waiting for them, you'll just suffocate yourself. Chao! White Evergreen 2/21/07 |