Author has written 18 stories for NCIS. Heey i'm Leonie and i'm 20 (1994) I'm obsessed with NCIS. but i also like Castle, Full house, Friends, Grey's anatomy ect. A Little About Myself: I live in a small village called Lunteren in The Netherlands and when I was little I used to write when I was 9, but than I stopped for 10 years and now I'm picking it up, I missed it so much and TIVA was driving me GRAAAAAZZYY in season 10, I just had to write about it. Now I write more stories, in several pairings or friendships. I have 2 older sisters, who refuse to leave the house even thought I think they're to old, to live here. I got both my parents and 2 dogs and cats :D No my life isnt perfect. if's that what you think ;) I have studied Animal Care, specialism Dogs and Cats history behavior, but I stopped with that, now I'm a little addicted to writing... well alot. So that's a basically my story xD woohoo !! OLS- Universe (Tony/Ziva Relationship)
Fab-Universe (Gibbs/Tony Father/Son)
Tags -- Nova And Zembla (Complete Discovery-Universe (Gibbs/ Tony Friendship)
Individual stories (Tony/Ziva Relationship)
alittleinsane963 (7) AlkalineTeegan (40) AlyssKelly (0) beatrix.acs (13) Bex-chan (12) HermioneMalfoy79 (0) | HidingLight (19) Im Old Greg (9) Kesterpan (20) LeonoraChris (20) maisey2k10 (21) Mrs.Marauders (6) | ncismom (9) needtoknow400 (104) PrincessTiva (47) ReneesWings (6) Sashile (24) |