One Big Dysfunctional NCIS Family

Hi everybody, this is the awaited prequel to Out To Get You, my last NCIS story, I have a lot on at the moment and lots of other stories to write but I loved writing about NCIS, I thought this one might be easier to write, so I could do my other stories but still write NCIS, this will probably have short chapters but regular updates I hope.

Anyway hope you like it

Chapter 1 – The Start of Something New

Ziva giggled as she rolled over in the bed so that she was straddling Tony, she gazed into his clear eyes 'he is actually quite handsome' she thought as she pressed her lips to his 'no focus, you are on a mission to catch a serial killer you need to stay focused'. Tony grinned at her and ran his fingers through her long hair, she smiled at him and leaned into the touch.

They were trying to catch the killer of 6 marines and their wives, all of them were young and just married, they were lured into a false sense of security, drugged and then killed, the man being forced to watch their wives suffer first. They were all shot in the temple at point blank range – execution style. Their killer really was twisted.

They were undercover trying to find the vital bit of evidence in a case, the gun that had killed their victims, their suspect was very good at covering his tracks but the gun used, was an antique, not something you would just throw away, so with great difficulty they had managed to get themselves into his house where he allowed newly married navy couples to stay for romantic weekends before they were deployed by pretending to be a newly wedded navy couple deeply in love.

Ziva sighed as they finished, they didn't know if the room was bugged or not, so to be on the safe side they had decided to have some fun to try and make their cover really convincing. "well my love" she taunted "how was that" Tony gazed at her, his eyes shining "the best ever sweet cheeks" she smiled and pressed her lips to his once more before lying down next to him cuddled up against his chest "I love you" Tony whispered loud enough for any microphones to hear 'he sounds like he means it' Ziva thought 'he is a good actor' "and I you, my little hairy butt" she said using her favourite nickname for him, once again she pressed her lips to his and rolled off him "a'ww" Tony wined "come on sweet cheeks more" she pinched him in the side making him stifle a yelp and then cover it with a moan of happiness as she kissed him again.

Ziva threw her head back and allowed him to kiss her neck for a little while until all other sounds of life in the house stopped and she punched him in the gut "oof Ziva" he grunted "you keep watch" she breathed "I am going to look for the gun" before he could protest she had leapt up grabbed a robe and slipped out into the hall.

Her bare feet made no sound on the thick carpet and she was very cautious going down the stairs carefully minding out for any creaky areas, she crept into the study where they had booked their room, she had seen a case of guns behind the desk and knew she would have to try there first, she reached into her pocket and pulled out some hairpins, it took her exactly 15 seconds to jimmy the lock and open the case, she then reached back into the pocket of her robe and pulled out some ballistics test kits, she then proceeded to swab the barrel of each gun, she was just swabbing the last one when she heard a sound from behind. Instantly she was alert listening, there was a creek and quick as a flash she stuffed the swabs into her pocket shut the case and stood up just as the light flicked on, "Mrs DiNardo" came the smooth silky voice of their host "what are you doing in here"

Ziva smiled at him sweetly "I am so sorry Mr Hudson, I didn't mean to intrude, my husband has lost his car keys and I was wondering if he left them in here when we signed in" she looked him straight in the eye calculating his every move, this was what she had been doing for most of her life now, and she still loved the thrilling feeling she got when there was possible danger, she waited until he gave her an apologetic smile "I am afraid I haven't seen them Mrs DiNozzo, but I will keep an eye out for them if you like" "yes thank you" Ziva said he turned and she followed him out into the hall and then up the stairs, Tony was standing in the doorway to their room so she quickly said "your keys were not in his study my love I hope we have not lost them, though not being able to return home would give us a good excuse to stay longer" Tony's eyes widened at the thought before he recovered himself "yes sweet cheeks, it would be nice to stay here longer, it certainly is lovely here isn't it" he wrapped one arm around her and Ziva leant against him "yes it has everything we want here" she felt Tony squeeze her shoulder in response, showing that he understood what she said.

Their host smiled at them "I am glad that you like it here, I hope you will return one day" Tony smiled "oh I am sure we will" he said, and with that their host bade them goodnight and they retired back into their room, the moment they heard their host's bedroom door close Tony turned to her, she glared at him "thought you were keeping watch" she accused, he ignored that "did you get them" he murmured "of course" Ziva muttered back "piece of pie till he walked in" "cake" Tony corrected "piece of cake" she blinked at him confused but let it go, Tony leapt back into the bed and looked at her hopefully, she raised her eyebrows at him before clambering into bed with him "job done" he whispered "want to have some fun" she looked at him again, he grinned a goofy grin at her making her smile, he was good in bed, she had to admit that, so with a groan they made their cover look even more realistic.


The next morning they went down to breakfast bickering as usual, and then they produced Tony's 'lost' keys that had turned up in the night and left with their ballistics tests in their pockets, they drove to the motel a few blocks away and knocked on the door to room 27, it opened and they both took a step back as their boss appeared "did you have a good night last night" he growled "because you didn't turn your microphones on so we had no idea what was happening in there, we were meant to be doing it as a team, not Tony and Ziva solo" he glared at them 'good thing he couldn't see what was going on' Ziva thought and handed him the tests, his glare slipped at the sight of them "good job" he admitted grudgingly and they sighed in relief, only to yelp as he gave them a head slap each "that is for breaking rule 15" he said "always work as a team, a whole team" they nodded and slipped into the room where McGee was sitting watching his colleagues get told off with an awkward expression on his face "pack up McGee we have what we came for" Gibbs said and instantly the youngest of his agents leapt up and began to shut everything down.

Tony and Ziva helped him whilst their boss went off to get more coffee, they all hoped he would be in a better mood when he had some coffee in him. "seriously guys why did you not turn on your microphones, he was livid all evening" "we forgot ok McNosey" Tony said "he was kind of all over us and all" McGee frowned at them "but what if he had tried to kill you" he asked "well crazy ninja chick here would have kicked his ass and I would have stayed out of her way" Tony said as he placed a laptop in a case, Ziva threw him a dirty look and Tony grinned at her, they didn't mention it again as Gibbs returned and they all left back to NCIS to give Abby the tests and see if any of the guns were a match.

They were lucky and they found their smoking gun and arrested their suspect and he was put away for life, neither Tony nor Ziva told any of their friends about their night, they kept it between themselves, as they had done for every other time.

Hope you like it, I know it was quite short but I hope I will be able to update very regularly.

The sequel will be along soon, I am planning it, and will start writing soon, busy at the moment though and I have lots of books to write, I know I shouldn't write so many at once but I get an idea, have to write it down and then I want to see what people think

Hope you liked it, I was going to write more but I decided that it would be a good place to stop there. Let me know what you think please, as I always am I am open to any and all suggestions

Please review, the more reviews I get the faster I will update, promise

