Hello guys! I'm sorry for the delay! :O have a busy life and three stories to update! :O so yeah! Sorry for the errors and typo's i'm really tired, but couldn't keep you guys waiting 4ever!

Thanks for all the reviews and the new followers! I hope you enjoy the new chapter!

Hospital, Hallway, 4:07 pm

Waiting patiently for Tony to return, Ziva sat in the hallways, on the ground leaning her back against the wall. She hated this, the kid was a orphan now and she saw the hurt in Tony's eyes. He never was really good with his emotions, not in these sort situations, anyway. She knew that he was good in pretending and that Tony had several masks, but also he let it sometimes slip slightly, showing glimpse of what was behind them.

She felt so sorry for Ivy she knew what it's like to lose the one's you loved, even though she still had her father... well what you can call a ''dad''. Who was now dead too.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a throat clearing. She looked up to see the doctor standing there, looking down to her.

''Are you family of Anthony D. DiNozzo?'' He asked.

Ziva stood up. ''Sort of. I'm his partner... at work''

''I see'' The doctor said. ''I'm Dr. Morris''

''How is he?'' Ziva asked the concern in her voice was clear.

''We brought him to recovery first. There he was awake and a little... effected by the medication'' He said hiding a smirk. ''Now he's in his room''

Ziva smiled, knowing that the doctor meant. ''And his shoulder?''

''It's nothing that won't heal in time, but I will take a little longer. It scratched a nerve in his shoulder and his ability to lift his arm is weakened and his strength is also down from normal 100% until 75%. It will grow again but the damaged nerve takes a lot of time to heal and a lot of therapy'' Dr. Morris explained.

''Can he go to work? I mean paper work only'' Ziva wanted to know.

''If he's right handed, paper work will work in about a weak, but field work will have to wait until his therapist says so. That can be in about a week or six''

''Oh Tony's going to love that!'' Ziva thought, sarcastically. ''Thank you doctor. Can I see him now?''

''Sure, I'll bring you to his room'' He said and led her to the room. ''Are you going to be okay with him drugged up?'' He asked.

''It's not the first time. I think I can handle it'' Ziva said to him with a smile. She looked through the door. Now Tony was asleep. 'Good'' She thought, because then when he wakes it will not be so ''More weird'' then he usually is.

The doctor smiled at her when she turned back. ''He will be awake in about an hour if not sooner'' His beeper beeped and looked at it. ''I have to go, emergency'' He said.

''Okay'' Ziva said and he walked away. She turned back, opened the door and closed it quietly. She walked over to the bed and pulled the chair from the corner of the room to the bed and sat down on it. Her hand instinctively went over Tony's. She watched Tony's chest rise and fall relaxed and then her eyes traveled to his bandaged shoulder.

A sad feeling overwhelmed her. And her eyes went to her and Tony's hands. ''You really scared me for a moment, Tony'' She thought to herself. She thought about Hannah, how she would have felt when Gibbs told her that Tony was shot. She demanded herself to think ''Positive thoughts'' Like Abby always said. She smiled at the first thing that came into her mind ''She has your beautiful eyes, Tony'' She thought.

''Thank you'' Tony whispered.

Ziva's shot up and looked at Tony. His eyes were still closed but his mouth had turned into a small smile. Involuntarily Tony's fingers intertwined with Ziva's. Ziva didn't notice or she didn't care, but she didn't move it away nor did she pay attention to it. ''How are you feeling?'' She asked changing the subject.

''Like I was hit by a bullet'' Tony said and opened his eyes. ''Oh wait I was'' He forced a grin.

''Glad that it is all a joke for you'' Ziva said sounding annoyed.

The grin faded. ''Trust me it isn't. All I could see before me was Hannah's crying, for a moment'' Tony admitted. ''And you'' He thought.

''Hannah and Lilly are on their way'' Ziva explained. She was surprised that Tony wasn't as much effected by the medication, like he usually was. Then again, he normally didn't sleep after getting the medication.

''Ivy?'' Tony asked worried.

''I think Gibbs told her'' Ziva said.

Tony closed his eyes and groaned. ''I killed her farther''

''No you didn't'' Ziva said. ''Their were 4 bullets in him, only 2 were from you, so even if you didn't shoot he would be dead''

''Yeah, but—'' Tony wanted to argue.

''No! You made a mistake, yes. But it wouldn't have changed the outcome'' Ziva said sternly. Her gaze softened. ''You did what was right, after a moment of hesitation, Tony. Ivy won't blame you and think the same''

''I am not sure about that'' Tony said.

Ziva squeezed his hand gently. ''Well I think that you did and I think Ivy will too'' She smiled.

''So you think that I have beautiful eyes?'' Tony said, changing the subject with a grin.

Ziva chuckled. She knew that he had heard, the thought she apparently said out load, and was just waiting for him to bring it up, because it was something he could tease her with. ''I would lie if I said that you didn't''

Tony's grin turned into a sincere small smile. ''I think the same about your eyes. They are beautiful too''

Ziva was a little taken aback by the honesty that was in Tony's voice while he said that. She didn't know what to say anymore, Somewhere in her mind she thought that maybe the medicine had to do with it. ''You should go back to sleep'' She finally said.

Tony looked at her. ''I'm not the only one who looks tired'' He pointed out.

''It has been a long day'' Ziva said to him. Tony released her hand and patted the space. Ziva smiled at him and leaned forward. She crossed her arms over the bed and laid her head on her arms. Her face was towards him, but her eyes already closed. ''I'm glad that you're okay'' She murmured.

Tony placed his hand on top of Ziva's head and stroked his fingers through her hear until he knew that she was asleep, then he let himself drift off.


Lilly's car, 4:15 pm

The ride to the hospital was mostly silent. Lilly watched Hannah through the rear mirror. Every time she found the girl sitting there looking out of her window with no emotion on her face. She didn't know what to think of it.

''How are you feeling, Hannah?'' She finally asked.

''Fine I guess'' Hannah simple said.

''Your dad is in the hospital and you're fine?'' Lilly asked surprised.

''I still have my father, Ivy lost her mom and her dad'' Hannah explained.

Lilly's face turned shocked. She didn't know that part of the case. She had an other thought in her head. ''I thought that Agent Gibbs, was Ivy's father. How do you know about her mom and dad anyway''

''Ivy told me about her mommy, when she came yesterday and slept in my room. Gibbs came into today with a sad face and wanted to talk with Ivy alone, so I just assumed''

Lilly nodded in understanding and looked back at the road. She took the turned and went up the parking garage of the hospital.

Without saying anything the two went into the building and to floor where Tony was, knowing it because she had gotten the information from McGee. As they stepped out of the elevator they walked over to the information desk where a nurse was doing paper work.

''Anthony Daniel DiNozzo'' Hannah said, before Lilly got the chance.

The nurse looked at the girl and then back to Lilly. ''You are family I assume?'' She smiled.

''This is his daughter'' Lilly said, patting Hannah on her head.

The nurse stood up and came from behind her desk. ''Okay, I'll bring you to him. He already has a visitor, but he'll be glad to see you'' She led them to the room and stopped. ''He's in there, if you need anything just push the button'' She said and walked back.

Lilly wanted to open the door but Hannah stopped her, by putting her hand on Lilly's on the doorknob. She looked down at Hannah confused. ''What?''

''Look'' Hannah said and pointed to the window.

Lilly looked up and couldn't hide the grin that crossed her face. She saw who she assumed was Ziva bend forward lying her arms and head on the bed next to Tony's side and Tony's arm was half draped around Ziva's shoulder and his hand was in her hair where he left it when he fell asleep herself. But even though it looked peaceful, Hannah could see it.

''Why does he look sad?'' Hannah asked looking up to Lilly.

''I'm not sure'' Lilly said honestly. ''Why don't you go in first, I'll grab some coffee''

Hannah nodded and Lilly walked away. Hannah quietly opened the door and turned to close it. Turning again she walked over to Ziva. She looked at how the two slept and shook her head while resisting the urge to chuckle. She nudged Ziva slightly, unprepared that the woman was on ninja alert all the time.

Ziva's head shot up and looked at Ivy. Ivy just stared at her with a smile. ''Hi''

''Hi'' Ziva said and came from under the embrace.

''How's my daddy doing?'' Hannah asked.

''He's a little sore, although he won't admit it'' Ziva said looking back at Tony. His arm was now laying over his stomach. ''Where's Lilly?''

''Getting coffee'' Hannah said also looking at Tony.

Ziva nodded and picked Hannah up and placed her on her lap. ''Your dad is going to be okay, just a little tired''

''I know'' Hannah said with a sad smile. ''He just looks sad''

Ziva didn't respond. She didn't know what it was, but she had the feeling that it was not just only about the fact Ivy had no family anymore. ''He will be happy when he sees you''

A knock on the door broke the comfortable silence that had fallen over them. Hannah looked around Ziva and waved for Lilly to come in, so Lilly did and kicked the door close softly as she was in. Ziva saw that she was holding three cups.

''Hannah, the first one is for you'' Lilly said softly

Hannah grabbed it and saw it was lemonade. She smiled up to Lilly. ''Thank you''

''And this one is for you'' Lilly said. She handed the cup to Ziva.

Ziva took it and was surprised to see and smell her favorite tea. ''Um.. thank you'' she said and took a sip. Lilly went over and took the other chair, pulling it with her and placing it next to Ziva. ''I am Ziva'' Ziva said softly.

''I know'' Lilly said. She saw Ziva look at her confused and explained. ''You were the only one that wasn't at NCIS when I picked Hannah up, and Agent Gibbs told me you would be with him. Ziva nodded in understanding. ''How's he? Didn't cause any problems?''

Ziva chuckled. Obviously Lilly did Tony well. ''No. for the first time on medication, he is mostly himself. I think it's because he sleeps a lot more''

''Any idea why?'' Lilly asked.

''He uh.. had some problems during the field work and I'm not talking about the bullet in his shoulder'' Ziva told her. She didn't look at her though, her eyes were fixed on Tony.

Lilly nodded in understanding that it was not for Hannah's ears. She watched Ziva watching Tony and couldn't help the small smile.

''How did you know what to get me?'' Ziva asked, finally looking up to the woman.

''Daddy, talks a lot about you'' Hannah answered before Lilly got the chance.

Ziva looked at Hannah first surprised and then back up to Lilly. ''What? Why?''

Lilly shook her head. ''You were not supposed to say that Gwendolyn!'' she said sternly.

''Sorry'' Hannah whispered.

''It's okay, Ziva has the right to know when people are gossiping about her'' All the three girls eyes shot at Tony who was lying in still the same position just now with his eyes open and looking at them. ''Ah see that, my three of my favorite girls are sitting together'' He grinned slightly.

Ziva snorted and shook her head with a smile. ''Told you he would be happy when he woke up'' She said to Hannah.

Hannah climbed off Ziva's lap, careful not to spill her drink and climbed onto Tony's bed. ''Hi daddy!'' She grinned back. She looked at his shoulder. ''Does it hurt?''

''Not so much, got medication for it'' Tony said.

''Do you get another hero mark?'' Hannah asked interested.

He looked at Lilly and then to Ziva, before returning his eyes to his daughter. ''probably'' He said.

''Good, because whatever happened, you did good. Ivy wanted me to say that to you'' Hannah said. She names the good scars hero marks, saying that you got them while doing something good, other one you just names scars, they presented something bad.

Tony looked at Ziva again, remembering their earlier conversation. His hand went up his Ziva's arm and held it there. ''Thank you'' He said.

''Told you so'' Ziva smirked, ignoring the shiver that went down her spine at Tony's touch.

''So Lilly'' Tony pulled his hand away from Ziva. ''Did you meet the rest of the team?''

''Yes, finally'' She exclaimed. ''I was going crazy about all the stories you told me without any face to put on it''

Ziva laughed. ''All good I hope''

''Mostly yes'' Lilly said. ''And now that I know you all and you know about Tony and Hannah, I can tell you so much more about Tony''

''Hey!'' Tony called out. ''Are you turning against me now?''

''Oh sweetie, don't put on that childish tone'' Lilly rolled her eyes. ''You know it won't work on me after all these years''

''You are going to talk about me, Lillian!'' Tony said, but couldn't hide the laughter.

''Tony, shut up, apparently you talk about me and the others'' Ziva rolled her eyes and chuckled. ''Why can't we talk about you?''

''Ooh I like her Tony'' Lilly said, giving him a knowing look. Tony narrowed his eyes to her, while Hannah was just enjoying this weird conversation. ''What? I do! You should have listened to me and introduced us a long time ago!''

Ziva nodded in agreement and grinned ''She's right''

''This is exactly why I didn't introduced you two!'' Tony snapped.

''Why?'' They said at once.

''Because you are like totally the same!'' Hannah spoke up.

''precisely! Thank you!'' Tony said.

''maybe.. but there are still differences'' Lilly winked at Tony.

Tony let his head fell back onto his pillow and stared at the ceiling. ''God help me!'' He thought.


Gibbs's house, 5:25 pm

Gibbs opened the door from his house. Ivy looked at him confused. ''What? He asked.

''Why wasn't the door locked?'' She asked him.

He smirked. ''Cause It's not necessary, no one will break into my house and the one's the walk in here are all welcome'' He said and walked to the kitchen.

Ivy followed him just 2 feet away and looked around. It was exactly what she had thought. Old, a little bare, but still warm and good to relax. She didn't need all the fancy stuff that they had in Tony's house, although she liked it there too. She stopped in front of a drawer, but Gibbs kept walking. She looked at the object that stood on top of it and glanced in the direction of where Gibbs walked too.

''Ivy?'' Gibbs called from the kitchen.

''Coming!'' Ivy called back and began to walk to the kitchen. ''Sorry, Mister Gibbs I was just looking around''

''Sorry if it's not what you were thinking'' Gibbs said and led her to the table. He gave her a glass with lemonade and sat down too.

''No, it is was I was thinking, a little bigger though'' Ivy pointed out.

''Yeah'' Gibbs replied and took a sip of his coffee.

''Why is this place so big?'' Ivy asked.

''Because I have a lot of people who come to visit me'' Gibbs replied.

''Did you buy this house before or after NCIS?'' Ivy asked

''Before'' Gibbs answered. He narrowed his eyes. ''Why all those question?''

''What happened to your family?'' Ivy asked.

Gibbs stared at her, without responding. Surprised that she knew. Then it hit him. She stopped because of the picture he had of Shannon and Kelly. ''They're gone, just like your family'' He finally said.

''That is why you hesitated for me to be here'' Ivy stated.

''I didn't—'' Gibbs wanted to say but he was cut off.

''You hesitated. You didn't want me here, did you?'' Ivy's voice trembled.

''I do! It's just hard seeing you sometimes'' Gibbs said honestly.

''Do I look like her?'' Ivy asked.

''On the inside, yes. You are exactly like her'' Gibbs told her. ''But you are different too''

''Do I remind you of her?'' Ivy asked again.

''You remind me how it is to have a child around, that's different. But it's good'' Gibbs said.

''Okay'' Ivy said. She looked down at her hands.

''I'm sorry'' Gibbs said softly, breaking his own rules.

''None of this is your fault Mister Gibbs'' Ivy said softly too.

''I wish I could do something, anything to make the pain go away'' He said.

''Did the pain of your family gone go away?'' Ivy asked, looking at him again.

''No'' Gibbs admitted. ''But being with the right people helps''

''Then it is good that I am here. Cause you are right and good people'' Ivy said and leaned over to hug him.

Gibbs had to use all this strength not to let tears fall. That would be the first time in many years and he didn't like the idea that it was caused by such a small thing. An honest thing. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her onto his lap.

Sorry not so much about the other members of the story, but i will promise you that will be in the next chapter! Also again sorry for the typo's! :(

Hope you liked it! if so, than please review!

See you next time!

-X- Leonie