OMG! i am busy with two other stories and now this idea came along. I don't know what's going on in my head lately!

Okay so this was just in my head, and as usual i had to get it out of there. I think it's going to be a story with several chapters, i don't know yet! just read it and tell me what you think okay?

Enjoy your reading :)

6 years ago, Tony DiNozzo would never thought to have this life. He was engaged to a beautiful woman, who he loved her so much. He had everything a man could ask for. But then.. the moment, the day he wanted to say yes and spent the rest of his life with her, she had left him at the altar. She wasn't ready for it. Our Tony DiNozzo was heartbroken and he cut it off with her.

He had never seen or spoken to her again. Until that drastic day, 6 months and 16 days later. He got a call from the hospital, while he was at work at the PD. What the nurse said on the other side of the line, no one, but Tony ever knew. Not even today.

Without telling anyone what was going on, he rushed over to the hospital and asked for the particular nurse. Luckily she was right behind the information desk.

What she told him, he couldn't describe the feeling he had. It was like the floor underneath his feet turned into quicksand and he was slowly sinking away in it.

The nurse pulled him with her, to a section of the hospital he never had been before, since he could remember. She gave him two letters and left him alone, before the window that would show the whole room.

He unfolded the first letter and started reading.

Dear Tony,

I'm sorry you had to find out this way. I am so sorry for leaving you. But you know I simply wasn't ready to be your wife, to be anyone's wife. I know that I broke your heart and I wish I could heal it.

There's something I didn't tell you either. 3 days before the wedding, I found out that I was pregnant. I didn't know how to tell you. I was happy that I was pregnant, but I knew I wasn't ready to raise a child either.

Now I have given birth to a beautiful little girl, but I didn't change my mind, I'm not ready. I know that you are. You always were ready and you always talked about it. Therefor I want you to raise, this beautiful child. She deserves a father like you. I hope that in the future you can give her a mother.

The woman you choose would be the luckiest woman in the world, she would have you and the child. I can't be that woman.

Take good care of her. I didn't name her. She's yours and I know you will pick the right name for her.

I love you, Tony.


At that point Tony had the urge to cry. Wendy had not only left him, but also their child, that he didn't knew about, until now. He looked through the window. So many tiny babies were lying in those little beds. He turned to the nurse, who was now standing at the door. She waited until he was ready to go inside.

''I want to see her'' Tony said to the nurse. He held back the crack in his voice, while hiding the tears in his eyes.

A smile appeared on her face and she opened the door. Tony hesitated before walking in. The nurse held her finger to her lips, to tell Tony he had to be silent. She walked to the third of 5 rows. Then she walked to the right. Each row was made of 10 hospital cribs.

She stopped at the seventh one. Tony followed her slowly. He watched her, as she picked up one tiny little baby and wrapped it loosely into a light pink blanket. The nurse turned to him.

''She's a beautiful baby, Mr. DiNozzo. I'm sorry you had to find out this way. It doesn't happen that often'' She told him. ''Do you want to hold her?'' She asked. Tony was silent. What do you say, when this happens? He nodded slyly. The nurse smiled. ''Just hold your arms, like I do'' The nurse instructed. Tony tried to copy her pose. ''Yes, that's right. Now here you go'' She put the baby, carefully in his arms. ''Make sure you support her head. Like that'' She helped him. ''That's it. Mr. DiNozzo, you're doing well'' She reassured him.

Tony just looked at the baby in his arms. To his luck, she didn't cry. She was awake, but her eyes were closed. Her tiny fingers were stretching and closing a little and she made almost inaudible noises.

A smile spread across Tony's face for a moment. Then he looked around to the other babies. He saw that most of the others were bigger than her. ''She's so tiny. Is she healthy?'' He asked, in a whisper, almost as if he was afraid to ask.

''Yes. She's a early born. 7 months and 16 days to be exact. but she's completely healthy'' The nurse told him.

''And her mother? Have you seen her?'' Tony asked, bouncing the child a little.

''I didn't. Another nurse did. She helped her through the birth last night. When she came back this morning, Wendy was gone. She left three letters on her bed. One for us. One for you and one for this little girl, when she's old enough to understand'' The nurse explained.

''Typical. Wendy'' Tony said. He looked at the baby again. ''Do you think, that I will be a good father?'' He asked.

''From the way it looks like it, for only a couple of minutes. I say you are a wonderful father. Again, I'm sorry for what happened''

''No. thank you for taking care of her. You are good at your job'' He told her.

''Thank you. That's very kind of you'' The nurse smiled. ''Have you thought about a name yet?'' She asked.

''No not really, I just found out half an hour ago'' Tony tried to joke. He looked back at the baby. He smiled as the girl yawned in his arms, crinkling her tiny nose in the progress, for a moment. His eyes traveled at the name tag of the nurse. A grin spread across his face. ''I think 'Hannah' is a nice name'' He said. ''It means 'favour' doesn't it? And it goes well with the other name I will use. Gwendolyn. It means "white, fair, blessed and dolenring'' He explained.

The nurse eyes lite up. ''You really don't have to—'' She wanted to protest.

''I love the name. And she looks like a little Hannah. Don't you? Yes you do'' He said, is voice turning childish the end.

The nurse smiled. ''I know for sure, that you are going to be a wonderful father. One that will spoil his little princess'' She laughed. She grabbed a marker and wrote her name on the plate of the crib. ''From now on here will be lying, 'Hannah Gwendolyn DiNozzo'. You are right Mr. DiNozzo it's a beautiful unusual name, for a beautiful unusual child'' She said, when she looked at him again.

''She really is'' Tony said looking at Hannah. ''When can she go home?''

''Not until a few days. We have to make sure that she stays healthy and is strong enough, because she's still a early born'' The nurse said.

''Gives me time to change, some things at home. I did not see this coming'' Tony said, half laughing at the idea, even though it hurt that he didn't know about Wendy being pregnant.

''I understand'' The nurse nodded.

''I have to go now. Shopping is in order I think'' Tony laughed. ''I have no idea what to get for her'' He admitted.

''I have 2 kids myself at home'' The nurse told him. ''If you want, I could make a list of stuff you will need and I will explain everything, how to use it. From making a bottle of milk to changing a diaper''

''That would be great. Thank you. I did good, giving her your name'' Tony said and gave her a DiNozzo smile.

''It's the least I can do. It's not easy being a single parent. I'm having trouble being a co parent'' She winked at him. ''Not going to lie, Mr. DiNozzo. It will be one hell of a challenge''

''With this kid? Ha! I think I'm going to enjoy it'' DiNozzo said.

''Wait until she starts crying'' The nurse thought. ''Of course, Mr. DiNozzo''

Tony carefully laid the now sleeping baby back into the crib. He held his big manly hand over the tiny head and stroker her forehead with his thumb.

Yes he was, heartbroken, yes he was so angry at Wendy, yes he was scared, terrified. He didn't know what to expect with a child in his life. But this beautiful little girl, was full of love, innocent and blessed. He was determinant to give her, the best life ever. But how was he going to explain this to his boss at PD? A kid means desk duty and he didn't want that.

Tony and the nurse walked out of the room and started a list together. Soon Tony discovered that a kid, would take a lot of money and a lot of time, but he didn't want to lose this kid. It was all he had, except for his father, who he never saw.

No Tony was going to do this. ''I can do this'' He told himself. ''She's mine and no one is taking her away from me, because they think I can't''

''Oh Mr. DiNozzo!'' The nurse called to him, when the elevator doors were about to close. Tony put his hand between the door to prevent from closing fully.

''Yeah?'' He asked.

''Merry Christmas!'' She called smiling.

''Tony looked at his watch, which also gave the date. *December 22 2001* meaning, Hannah was born on the 21th. It wasn't Christmas yet. But is somehow this was the best Christmas gift, he could get.

''Ho ho ho!'' He called in a low voice and a grin.

This was the start of the life, no one else knew existed.


November 26 2007, Tony's apartment, 5:15 am

Tony woke up, at the annoying sound of his alarm. One arm reached out to the alarm to make it stop screaming. He lifted up his head for a second, turned it to to look at the numbers on his alarm and plopped it back down, face into the pillow. He growled. ''To early!'' He was never getting used to that.

The silence in the room didn't last long. After two minutes, the sound of running little feet came closer to his door and eventually it flew open.

''Daddy, daddy! Wake up!'' Now five year old Hannah DiNozzo, called as she bounced op and down near her fathers head. ''Daddy it's snowing!''

Tony turned his head and opened his eyes and the first thing he saw, was Hannah tilting her head and grinning at him. That smile made all his mornings better. ''It is? show me, honey'' He said. He sat up in his bed and stretched one more time before climbing out of bed.

Hannah ran to the window and opened the curtains fully. ''Look!'' She pointed out of the window.

Next to the fact that it was still dark out and the streetlights were reflecting. Indeed it was snowing. A white layer had settled over the streets, trees and houses already.

''It's beautiful!'' He said and kissed the top of her head.

''Does this mean, we can have chocolate milk and watch a movie tonight?'' Hannah asked.

''Don't know yet. Daddy has to work until 7 pm. But maybe I can go home early'' Tony said. ''Lilly brings and picks you up from school and stays the night''

Lilly is Hanna's nanny. She took care of Hannah, when Tony is busy with a case.

''I don't get to see you, if you don't come home early'' Hannah pouted.

''I will give you a kiss and sing for you, when I come home'' Tony promised. ''Lilly takes good care of you, doesn't she?'' Tony lowered himself so he was facing her at the same level.

Hannah nodded. ''But I still prefer having you here''

''You know that I can't be here all the time. We are chasing a bad guy, who did something really bad and we have to catch him, before he does it again'' Tony explained, without any details.

''Are you going to kick his butt?'' Her face lite up.

''Something like that'' Tony chuckled.

Hannah thought for a moment. ''Then I guess it's okay'' She nodded.

''Now... hop. Get your towel and clothes. I meet you in the bathroom'' Tony said and hit her little tooshy gently.

She grinned him, showing her second tooth to the right missing and walked towards the bathroom.

''Good morning DiNozzo'' Tony yawned to himself as he straightened himself again. ''It's going to be a loooong day'' He said.


1 hour later, 6:15

Lilly entered Tony's apartment. She put away her coat, said hello to Kate the goldfish and walked to the kitchen. She found Tony and Hannah, both fresh and dressed, sitting next to each other on the kitchen table eating pancakes. She walked to the cabinets, grabbed an glass, then walked over to the fridge and poured some orange juice in for herself.

''Good morning!'' She said happily and sat down across from Tony.

''Good morning'' Tony and Hannah chanted with their mouths full. Tony swallowed his bite. ''Thank you for coming this early. The case is taking a lot of time''

''Not a problem Tony, you know that'' Lilly smiled. ''Me and Hannah always have fun'' She exclaimed.

Hannah swallowed her bite as Tony took a new one. ''Can you make hot coco with whipped cream and mars mellows? and can we watch a movie?'' She asked.

Lilly looked at Tony, who nodded in agreement. ''Just be careful'' He reminded her.

She smiled. ''Yes I can'' She promised.

''Then we are going to have big fun!'' Hannah smiled.

''hm.. Lilly? Have you eaten yet? I can make you some pancakes too'' He said.

''He really can. daddy makes the best ones in the whole world!'' Hannah promised her.

Hannah laughed. ''I'm sure he can. But I already had cereal this morning, I'm good''

Tony and Hannah both finished their pancakes at the same time. Tony grabbed the plates and put them in the sink, to care out it later.

''Hannah, come here'' He said sucking off his fingers. Hannah bounced to him and looked at him full of expectation. He lifted her up on the kitchen counter and grabbed a hair brush, with rubber bands around the hand grip. ''How do you want your hair?'' He asked her.

''The same as yesterday. I love it that way!'' She exclaimed.

Lilly looked at him confused. Tony laughed. ''Just the strand of hair that is supposed to be her fringe, braided behind her ear, so that it is out of her face'' He cleared out.

Lilly smiled. ''Does anyone ever tells you, how good you are with her?'' She asked

Tony say anything and didn't look up from making the braid while his tongue was out slightly. When he was finished, he put Hannah on the ground and he spun her around to look at the result. He was happy with it and kissed her forehead. ''Go get you bag, honey'' He told her.

''Okay daddy'' Hannah smiled and ran off.

He saw her ran to her room and turned to Lilly. ''The ones who know about her, say that all the time'' Tony said to her.

''So that would be...'' She trailed off to let him finish it.

''Me, my dad and you. And her of course'' Tony summed up.

''Okay'' Was all she said.

Hannah came running back, as Tony grabbed his coat and his bag. ''I have to go. Catching bad guys'' He said and made a superman pose.

Hannah giggled and hugged his legs. ''I love you, Daddy''

Tony felt a shiver going over his spine. The one he always felt when she said that. He closed his eyes and smiled. ''I love you too'' He said and tussled her hair, careful not to mess up his creation. ''See you tonight Lilly!'' He called to her, because he knew she was busy with the dishes.

''Bye Tony!'' He heard. Then he went outside and on his way to NCIS.


NCIS HQ, 7:03 am

Tony stepped out of the elevator. He rushed to his desk when he didn't see Gibbs in the bullpen. However McGee and Ziva, both gave him a knowing look. How ever when he reached his desk, Gibbs came into the bullpen and gave him a head slap.

''You're late DiNozzo.. Again!'' Gibbs barked.

Tony looked at his was. ''3 minutes. Dammit!'' He thought. ''Won't t happen again boss!''

So that it for now! what do you think so far? are you considering reading the next chapter, if i update it? I love reviews, everyone knows that! :D haha

So tell me what you think in one of them :)

-X- Leonie