A/N: I know, I suck. It's been months and months. This story has an ending, but it is just taking me so long to get to it. I love this story, Cassie is my baby, but it is such a process that I couldn't do it. I hope you enjoy the chapter. It hasn't been beta'd because I literally just finished it right now.
Peace, Love, and Slyther,
Gimi aka Jess
The following months after the holidays were busy. Eliana, Susan, and Blaise were in full wedding planning mode. Blaise and Susan wanted Hermione to be included as well, but as much as she loved her ex-husband and her friend; that was not going to happen. Hermione was not going to take the joy away from Eliana and Susan, so she said.
Secretly, Hermione knew that Eliana wanted to have the wedding that she never got with Hermione's wedding and was planning on a show-stopping affair. There was no way she was going to be a part of that. Susan and Blaise were already rushing through the planning, they wanted to wed that coming fall. Seeing as it was already almost March, Hermione did not know how her mother in law would pull it off. A society wedding in five month's time? Though, if anyone could do it, Eliana Zabini was the witch. With Narcissa Malfoy at her side, Hermione was sure Blaise and Susan could have said they wanted to marry next week and the affair would be tasteful, elegant, and include a twenty piece orchestra.
Blaise walked through his office door and laid on the sofa in front of Hermione's desk. Draco, who had been visiting Hermione during lunch, glanced over at his girlfriend as she snickered at her ex.
"Wha-" Draco began to ask before Hermione shook her head. He frowned slightly as she opened a drawer in her desk, pulled out a muggle sweet and walked over to Blaise. Pushing his head up, she sat down and he put his head back on her lap and sighed contentedly as she began to scratch his head.
He reached over and took the sweet from her hand and began to open it. Moaning in pleasure as the chocolate touched his tongue.
Hermione laughed at him before saying, "Okay Blaise, what is wrong that I had to break out the emergency stash? Which, by the way, I know you've been dipping into, it's your turn to replenish the stock."
Draco watched fascinated as Blaise waved his hand and continued to eat his candy. Hermione and Blaise's relationship, once again, confused him. The way she comforted him, it was astounding how close they still were. Jealousy roared through his veins, unwillingly, as he saw the easy comfort they provided for each other. He knew nothing would come of it, but Blaise had swooped in before, he couldn't get it out of his mind that he could do it again.
"Susan has been looking at China patterns with my mother for the reception, she has sent me four owls with samples of plates and cutlery and has asked me to pick. Cara, she sent me four of the same pattern! The same colour! Everything!" Blaise waved his wand and the offending china appeared on his desk for Hermione's perusal.
Moving Blaise's head, Hermione went to the desk and examined the plates. She began to mix the silver around, a frown on her face, turning her head side to side as she focused. Draco went to stand next to Hermione. Looking down he saw what Blaise meant. In front of him, there were four plates, all white and four sets up silverware.
"Hermi-" Draco began, Hermione held up a finger as she moved one plate over with a set of simple gold tableware.
"Blaise, what are the colours again?" Hermione said over her shoulder, turning to look at her ex, waiting for his answer.
Blaise groaned, popped the last of his candy in his mouth, chewed, and swallowed as he walked over to the desk. "Silver, orange, and blue? No, a violet, I think," Blaise answered. As he said it, Hermione transfigured three rolls of parchment into the appropriate colours and shifted the golden spoons up against it. Then against the plate, she did this back and forth for three or four minutes.
Draco could almost see the wheels in her head turning as she finally picked the combination she liked the best. Vanishing the rest, she held up a white plate and a matte silver set of cutlery with a small design on the handles.
"This one," She said confidently, "If the centrepieces are going to be extravagant, then switch to a plain high shine handle, but if they are understated and elegant, then this simple detail will work nicely. Knowing Susan, I'm sure she will have a small centrepiece as to make it easier to converse, so this will work nicely."
"Why that plate? They all look the same? How do you know this?" Draco asked, finally getting a question out.
Hermione snickered, "It's not the same, The others were an ivory and a shell colour, this one is more of a bone, a tad of grey is mixed into it, it will look nice with either place setting. It's another dimension. Also, my mother in law is Eliana Zabini, you think she would allow me to be married to Blaise for twelve years and not know the difference between shell and bone? She rivals your mother," Hermione said as she turned around and smacked Blaise in the chest, "And next time you do this, I will flay you alive Blaise Zabini." She said with mock anger.
Blaise gave a confused look that did not reach his eyes, "Don't you dare try and defend this hoax to get me to pick your place setting. I was married to you for over ten years, you think I don't know when you are trying to manipulate me?"
Giving up, Blaise chuckled, "Okay, I admit it, I wanted you to pick the final setting for me! But really, she sent me ten settings and when I finally got it down to this four, I couldn't see straight!"
Hermione shook her head, "Blaise, I appreciate you wanting my help, but I can't be involved with this."
Blaise groaned, "Why not Hermione? We are family!"
"I know we are, we always will be, but I am also your ex and contrary to our current situation, there are some things that I should not be involved with. Your wedding plans to Susan are very much a part of that list. Susan deserves her own space, she deserves her own time with you during the planning. You and your mother. The only people who should be involved outside of you three are the children. I don't wish to come between the two of you during this process."
"You're being ridiculous, Susan loves you and would love your input."
Hermione shook her head, "No matter our friendship, no woman wants to plan her wedding to the man she loves with the woman he loved. No Blaise, no more."
Blaise huffed, hands thrown in the air, "Fine! I just… I don't know how to do this without you okay? It's been twelve years of us against the world, I don't know how to plan these things without you, Hermione."
Hermione smiled, her eyes watery with unshed tears, "I know and my gut is saying to go in and take over. Because it concerns you and the children, but my logical brain knows I need to stand back and let it go."
Blaise sighed, "I understand, I do. I didn't realise how difficult this would be. We look at all the different parts of the wedding and I want to ask your opinion, I know it's weird, but you're my best friend."
Hermione understood where Blaise was coming from, but for the sake of her hus- ex-husband's pending marriage, she knew it was time to step back.
"I'm sorry Blaise, I can't help. This is your life, yours and Susan's. I can't be a part of this."
Draco, seeing the look of sadness in Hermione's brown eyes said, " Come in Love, let's go get some ice cream. Leave Blaise to his place setting."
Hermione nodded and took Draco's arm as they walked out of the office. As they walked into the lift, as the doors shut, tears began to fall, leaving a wet trail down her cheeks. Draco turned her towards him and began to rub her back as she clutched his. Whispering words of comfort, whatever jealousy he had felt, vanished as she leaned into his embrace. He kissed the top of her head as the lift slowed to a stop.
Waving her hand in front of her face, the wetness evaporated and the red tinge of her eyes disappeared as the doors opened. Giving Draco a loving smile, they walked out of the building and went on their quest for a delicious treat.
Several floors above, watching from the office, Blaise stood there feeling slightly lonely as his first love walked away with his childhood friend. Though they had been divorced for over a year and he was beyond happy with Susan, this was the first time he had felt like he had lost a bit of his family. Blaise did not know how to wrap his mind over that fact. Part of his life was truly over.
The month just flew by and before he knew it, it was the end of March. Draco walked into his mother's cottage, a frown on his face. Narcissa sat in her favourite chair, drinking her afternoon tea and reading as he walked up and kissed her on the cheek before sitting down across from her.
"Hello Darling," Narcissa said fondly, "What brings you here this evening?"
Draco gave his mother a tight smile, "Just stopped by to say hello. Have you heard from the children lately?"
"Yes, Cassie sent me a letter just yesterday. She is such a dear, she writes to me every week, even more than Scorpius."
Draco nodded as he looked into the fire, thinking. Narcissa watched her son, he had a look of unease on his face, "Draco dear, what is wrong? You look distressed?"
"Hmm?" Draco answered, his attention brought back to his mother," "Oh, nothing mother, just thinking of the children."
"And their mother?" Narcissa asked knowingly. She didn't bother to pluralize it, she knew how little interest Astoria had in her son and she knew how much love and attention Hermione had given him instead, "How is Hermione? I haven't seen her in a while."
Draco shrugged, "I haven't seen her in a few days, Theo and I had some business in Paris and when I went to her office, both she and Blaise were out. The assistant said Blaise was in New York for a couple days, but Hermione hadn't been in for a day or so. My owls are coming back unopened."
Narcissa's face paled, "What could have happened? Is she okay?"
"I talked to Harry, he said she is fine but is out of communication for a few days. Apparently, it's something she does semi-regularly?"
"Have you talked to Blaise? Should you be worried?"
"Blaise is unreachable, The house is warded, she isn't home. I don't know where she is."
"Draco, how long has it been since you talked to her? Did you quarrel?"
"Mother I've been out of the country, I haven't done anything. Besides, we hardly disagree, I highly doubt it's something to do with me."
Narcissa stared at her son, a feeling of unease in her stomach, her mother's intuition flaring, "Draco. Find her, something is wrong."
Startled by his mother's insistence, Draco nodded and left the cottage. He hadn't been too worried about Hermione, but he had to admit that she had a point. He couldn't think of a time in the last six months where she was unreachable. He had taken comfort that Harry would tell him if there was something wrong, but his mother's sixth sense made him uneasy.
Tracking down Hermione was not an easy task as it turned out. Her friends were not aware of where she went. Being away from home for all those years had made it so they didn't worry as much. Susan did let Draco know that while Blaise had been in New York, he and Hermione had a tradition around this time of year, she wasn't completely comfortable divulging their whereabouts, but did know they were together.
Draco stood off to the side of the family plot. Watching from afar as his friend and his girlfriend sat side by side, his arm around her waist as she opening sniffled. He had found them in Italy with the help of Eliana, the Zabini matriarch could see the worry in Draco's demeanour. She knew he would not be at ease until he knew that Hermione was safe.
As if the two could feel the set of eyes looking upon them, they both turned towards Draco. Blaise stood up and held a hand out for Hermione, as she stood, he bent down and kissed her on the cheek and walked away, nodding a farewell to Draco as he did. Draco walked over to Hermione as she stood there, looking down at a little stone statue. Taking a closer look, he could see it was not a normal statue, but of a muggle angel.
"Draco," Hermione said as she wiped her wet eyes, "Wha? How did you find us?"
Sophia Marie Zabini
D.O.B January 28, 2001, D.O.D. April 10, 2001
Our loving angel,
our world stood still with your last breath.
Forever in our hearts.
"Hermione," Draco let out with a shaky breath as he reached for her hand. When she took his, he brought her's to his lips, drawing her close.
She pulled away, turning towards the stone, "Please Draco, not here. Let's go to the villa first and talk, I… I just can't… just not here."
Draco nodded in agreement and he took a step back as she knelt down, pressing a kiss to her hand and laying it on the stone, she said a silent farewell and stood again. Holding her hand out to Draco, the two disapparated into nothingness.
Landing with a loud crack, Hermione winced slightly at a twinge in her ankle. Straightening up, she pulled Draco up the steps to the Zabini Villa and out of the chilled air.
Draco followed her into the parlour where tea was already waiting for them under a warming charm. He took a seat as Hermione busied herself by serving the tea and snacks.
Draco took this time to observe his girlfriend, he could see her clothing better as she had taken off her cloak. He frowned at how slightly ill-fitting her clothes seemed to lie on her frame. He quickly thought back to their last night together before he had left on business. It had only been a week tops and he could see she was not eating properly.
Hermione set a cup in front of him and he grabbed her wrist and gently led her to take a seat next to him, "Hermione, Love. What is the matter?"
Hermione shook her head, tears welling in her eyes and a sob escaped her lips. Bringing his arms around her, she continued to cry.
Draco sat with his girlfriend, holding her close until her sobs subsided. He knew she must have had a hard few days and understood why she was upset.
"Sophia was our second child," Hermione said after her breathing calmed, "She was a beautiful and curious baby. Cassie was just in love with her little sister." Hermione said as she accio'd a photo book from the shelf. She opened the well-loved pages showing a young toddler running around her mother's legs. Blaise was sitting next to Hermione, cooing at a brown-haired baby. Draco's heart dropped at the obvious look of love and contentment on Hermione's face.
"She was perfect, a little angel, but she had been sick for a few days, of course, she was too young for potions so she had to fight it the muggle way. One day she went to sleep and never woke up."
Draco's heart dropped, he had figured that something had happened, but he had never thought that. Usually, if a family lost a child, it was a miscarriage. Narcissa had miscarried twice before him and once after. Even Astoria had miscarried once after Scorpius was born. She had also been bedridden with Scorpius after a bleeding scare in her second trimester. But to hold your child for months before it is taken from you? There can't be a harder way to lose them.
"The med- wizards said it was just something that happened sometimes. SIDS, as it is known to muggles," Hermione took a moment and a breath, "My little brother had died the same way when I was a child. I didn't know it could happen to magical children, but I guess because I am a muggleborn, my children have a higher chance of developing muggle diseases and ailments. They can fight them better, but Sophie was really sick, to begin with, and it was so sudden and unexpected."
Draco held her hand, "I'm sorry you had to go through that Hermione."
Hermione nodded, looking into the grate, "Blaise and I, we didn't… we don't want to dwell on the fact that we lost her. The pain was too raw. The children know who she is, we just… even though it's been years, this time of year is just so hard for both of us. Blaise and I normally go away at the beginning of April to grieve privately, away from the children. Cassie barely remembers her and Marco wasn't even born yet, they don't really understand."
Draco nodded, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your process."
Hermione shook her head, "It's fine Draco, it's not like it's something that can continue. Blaise is getting married. I don't think Susan will be keen on him going away with his ex-wife for a weekend. She's lovely, but I can't ask that of her."
Hermione shook her head, "No Draco, it's fine. This is what we wanted, what I wanted. I want him to be happy, to be loved unconditionally. The way I couldn't. And Susan is a lovely woman and I know she won't mind us going off to mourn the loss of our daughter, but at the same time, what woman wants her new husband to go off with his ex-wife? We already work together, share children, bloody hell, we even share an elf," Draco snorted at this, earning him a frown.
"I mean," Hermione continued, "Susan is the most patient woman on the planet. I don't want to intrude on her good nature. I don't want her to resent me because of my relationship with Blaise."
"Hermione, you are being idiotic," Draco said simply. Hermione looked at him offended, trying to rip her hand out of his when he held on tightly and continued, "Susan understands what you and Blaise have. She knows as well as I, that you are a family first and always, just like she will have Blaise, she will have you as well. Susan is a Hufflepuff, she is the embodiment of her house, she does not feel you as a threat because she knows that you and Blaise are not romantic. You've both had plenty of opportunities and neither have even thought about it because of the people you are."
"What kind of people are we?"
Draco looked into her warm brown eyes, "You are both loyal to those you love, you love with your whole heart. You are the type to let each other go and help one another find new love because you love each other in ways that transcend normal relationships. Even though you will continue to love him, because you aren't in love, you want him to find it. He does as well. Susan knows that I know that."
Hermione begins to cry again, "I can't lose Blaise, Draco. I… I can't. He is my rock, he has been there when I needed him most. I can't lose him." she looked into his grey eyes, the eyes she loved so much, and remembered the pain of twelve years previous, "I love you, I do. But Blaise, he held me together when you pulled me apart. For that, he will always be in my heart."
"I know Hermione," Draco said his own heartbreaking a little, "I know what I did to you all those years ago. I know what Blaise did for you, how he became your strength. Believe me when I say I am forever grateful that my best friend was able to be there for you when I couldn't. I also know and expect that he will always hold a place in your heart, a place that I won't be able to reach. Not today, maybe not ever. I know what I did to you, what my family put you through. All I can do is show you that I love you."
Hermione nodded, "I know. I just, it's hard. To find that balance between friend and family. Rationally I know that Susan understands, but a part of me is always thinking, what if she doesn't? What if she does resent me? If she's just being polite, but would rather I just take my children and never come back?"
Draco chuckled, "Well first off, I don't think that is her way. I know you two were friends before she started dating Blaise, I don't think she will want to cut you out. But talk to her, she loves the children as much as she loves her own. You are being too critical and emotional to think clearly. Let us have tea and then maybe you'll feel more balanced."
Hermione nodded, part of her offended that Draco called her too emotional to think clearly, but an even bigger part knew he was right. She knew she had too much turmoil in her head for her to be thinking logically.
Draco brought her hand to his lips, "I'm sorry Hermione. I'm sorry for what I did all those years ago. I'm sorry for the pain you endured, losing a child. I'm sorry for everything."
Hermione nodded her head, "Don't be silly Draco, what happened to us was so long ago. It had affected me for a while, a long while, I forgave you. I understand why it had to happen and I am not sorry it did. It brought our families to where they are and I wouldn't change that for anything. I loved Blaise as much as I could for many years. I am glad he found Susan, but it's sometimes so hard to find that line and not cross it. Our lives are so intertwined, I don't want her to think that we are still part of each other's lives in a more intimate setting. Not sex, obviously, but emotionally."
Draco pulled her into a hug, "You worry too much Hermione, I'm in the same position as Susan and you are doing a fine job at separating. Of course, the line is blurred, you were married for many years and are still very much intertwined, but the adoration you now show each other is almost the same as the love you have for Harry or Weasley. Maybe not that platonic, because you have a more intimate bond, but it's one of deep respect and love. Susan knows."
Once again, Hermione nodded her head, finally giving into his words. The two of them finished their tea and continued to talk. Hermione opened up about her life with Blaise, how the two of them grieved for their daughter and how it had made them stronger as a couple. While Sophia was never far from her thoughts, she had only recently begun to visit her resting place more often because the pain was too overwhelming before.
An hour later, Hermione stood outside of the home, turning towards the family plot and saying a mental goodbye to her daughter, until next time, pulled out a muggle lighter from her pocket and said, "Portus."
The portkey then swept the couple away from Zabini estate, one feeling remarkably lighter and peaceful and the other feeling lucky to be given the chance to be the rock for his love.