Hello Loyal readers! :D

And we are back with another story in the FAB-Universe! If there are people that are new in this verse, I seriously tell you to read the previous 4 stories first, in the following order.

- Flesh and Blood

- Spirit and Soul

- Italian Job (Followed by a short tag called 'Nova and Zembla')

- Thankful and Forgiven

All these can be found on my profile ^^

At the beginning of the previous stories I would sum up so you could understand it without reading it. However I will not be doing that here. So reading it is on your own risk if you want to be confused, haha :)

So to you who are already known with this verse, I welcome you back. But I do have to warn you. This story is kind of dark... it contains a subject that I already addressed in mainly 'Italian Job'. I'm not entirely sure why, but keep feeling the urge to write about it. I do have several thoughts about why, but well... yeah...

Anyway, If you don't like the subject then I advise you not to read it.

also, many of you asked for this kind of story. So here it is ^^

Hope you enjoy your reading

Tony walked into the office after Principal Chèng had said ''enter''. He quietly and most importantly calmly closed the door behind him and glanced for a split second at the girl that was sitting slumped in one of the chairs next to where the principal gestured him to sit.

''Mr. DiNozzo'' The principal reached out his hand and Tony grabbed it, shaking it firmly.

''Sir'' Tony returned.

''It's been a long time, since I have seen or spoken to you. That's a good thing of course'' the principal added the last part. His eyes then went to Danni's. ''But it seems that it was necessary to call you. I hope I didn't call you from work''

Tony shook his head, ''No, Sir. Fortunately I was at home. But I would like to know what it is that called for you calling me''

''I would say you would'' The principal looked at Danni again. ''Ms. Co— DiNozzo, would you finally explain what happened or do you want me to tell the story I heard?''

Danni only shook her head.

''Alright. But you know that this is going to work in your disadvantage, don't you?''

''Yes, sir. I know, sir'' Danni said quietly, in a tone that Tony rarely heard. It sounded dead, and it made Tony's heart stop for a moment, as it matched the look in her eyes.

''During lunch break a group of students came to one of the teachers, stating that one of them had been attacked and threatened. The girl is momentary at home, pretty upset. We asked a few questions before she went home and she described us Danni— yes Danni has confirmed this already, so we are not going on loose or vague words of a student, Mr. DiNozzo'' He said as he saw Tony open his mouth. ''What the student wouldn't tell us, was why Danni had threatened her in the first place. She only stated, 'If she had asked I wouldn't have told in the first place'. She doesn't understand why Danni had attacked her like that''

Tony ran a hand over his face and turned to his daughter. ''Danni? Anything to say?''

''Not really'' Danni just muttered.

''You can see how I can't let this go by. I take it very strongly when my students are threatened'' The principal said.

''I understand that'' Tony nodded and sighed. ''How is the other girl?''

''Apart for some bruising on her arms, from where Danni had grabbed her and a minor concussion as Danni pushed her against the wall hard enough for it, she's upset but okay''

''Good. I'm sorry for this, Sir''

''Yes, well. I was surprised. Ms. DiNozzo has been an outstanding student this whole year. It's a shame that it has come to this, but I have no other choice to suspend her for two weeks and cross off her last warning. If anything and that means, anything, happens that is unacceptable, I'm afraid I have to expel her'' His eyes met Danni's. ''You understand that, don't you?''

''Yes, Sir'' Danni replied.

''Good'' The principal sighed. ''You may go wait outside, Danni''

''Yes, Sir'' Danni said again, stood up slowly, grabbed her back and walked out without looking at Tony.

''You wanted to say something more?'' Tony asked.

''Just that even if this seems similar to what has happened before, it isn't. Danni's behavior is different to everything that I've seen before, so I only ask you to keep that in mind while you do what you think it's best in this situation''

''I noticed'' Tony said and rubbed his forehead. ''She has been distracted lately at home, have other teachers noticed?'' He asked.

''Not so far, but...'' He held up his finger and turned to his computer. A moment later he turned the screen around to face Tony. ''Her grades have been lower than normal, not enough to call alarm, but it's noticeable''

''Shit'' Tony mumbled. ''I will handle it''

''Thank you for your time, Mr DiNozzo'' The principal stood up and Tony followed, shaking each other's hands. ''Although I would've invited you in more positive circumstances. If Danni's grades hadn't slipped due of the last exam week, she would've been on the honor list''

''She scre— uh, messed that up?''


''I will tell her'' Tony sighed again. ''Thank you for calling''

''Although I have my doubts, I wish you a good day''

''You too, Sir'' Tony gave a last nod before exiting the office.

''Danni!'' Robyn's voice was hushed as she and Logan looked around the room. The principal's assistant was on lunch break, so no one other was in the room.

''Hey, guys'' Danni sighed.

''Hey, Foxy'' Logan smiled sadly. ''What happened? There are rumors going around that you attacked another student. I can't believe they're saying—''

''It's true. They're not lying, I did'' Danni interrupted him.

''Why did you attack her?'' Robyn asked, carefully. ''You haven't had a outburst in a long time''

''I don't know. I was upset and she was just there. I lost it! I don't know why, either''

''You know we don't believe that, right?'' Logan asked. ''Ever since I got here you have been a closed book. We're your friends and truthfully I really like you, but there's this dark cloud around you that I want to understand, but you're not letting me in! It's very frustrating''

''We are here for you, Danni'' Robyn added. ''And you told me a little. A very small piece of what happened and I am sure that you will tell Logan here also, one time. But there's something going on in there'' she poked Danni's temple. ''That's besides all that''

Danni kept quiet, looking down.


When he came outside Tony expected Danni to sit next to the door, pouting and lost in thought. However, she wasn't doing that. Instead, she was standing in the doorway towards the hallway, with Robyn and until now a face he hadn't seen yet.

From the looks of it, it didn't look like a nice conversation. More a argument. Slowly he made his way over to them and stood behind Danni, who hadn't noticed him.

''Why aren't you telling us what's wrong, Foxy'' The boy said, confirming he was Logan, with his accent. Tony raised an eyebrow at the nickname.

''You wouldn't understand and I am in trouble already, I— what?'' Danni asked when she noticed that they were looking at her with a pained expression.

''Hello, Mr. DiNozzo'' Robyn smiled sadly at him.

''Hello, Robyn'' Tony smiled back. ''You must be Logan'' He reached passed Danni and held out his hand. ''I heard a lot about you. Danni talks about you a lot''

''Tony!'' Danni whined.

Logan ignored her too and smiled a kind smile at Tony while he shook the older mans hand. ''Nice to meet you too, Sir. I would've liked to meet you sooner, but somehow Danni wants to meet up at school or at my house more often''

''Yes, she tends to do that'' Tony agreed. ''Although, with this stunt I don't think you two will see her in the coming two weeks''

''Of course, Sir'' Robyn nodded. ''Though, should I give our homework and notes to Mia?''

''That will be appreciated, wouldn't it Danni?'' Tony gave her a light push to answer.

''Yes, thank you'' Danni rolled her eyes.

''Okay than. We have to go. Nice seeing you again, Robyn. Nice to meet you, Logan'' Tony gave another smile at the two teens.

''You too, Sir'' The two friends said at once.

''Come, Danni'' Tony took her upper arm gently in his hand and walked passed them, heard soft goodbyes being shared, but he didn't stop.

Eventually when they were through the building and out on the parking lot, Danni pulled hard on her arm. ''Let go off me!'' she hissed and jerked her arm loose.

Tony glared, but didn't comment as he continue to walk to his car. Before the got into the car, Tony held out his hand. ''Give me your phone''


''Because you're grounded for the coming two weeks, so that means no contact with your friends, unless it's school related, in which case, they can call the house phone. Phone. Now'' He commanded.

Danni reluctantly gave up her phone, before storming to the other side of the car. They got in the car, with Danni slamming the door harshly, earning another glare from her father.

Tony started the car and drove off. As he drove, he thought about how to handle this as he got home. Thought of all the possibilities with what kind of excuse Danni would come. If she would come with an excuse. He thought about what he had missed, how he hadn't noticed that Danni was obviously slipping with something.

But first he decided take the long way home and drive some back roads. That way Danni couldn't do anything other then just sit there, instead of trying to run. He seriously doubted that she would throw herself out. Though, he wouldn't not cross that off the list. He hoped for her to break and just start talking.

And he was right.

''I told you'' Danni spoke up, keeping her gaze to the car in front of them.

''You told me a lot, care to tell what you're talking about?'' Tony returned.

''I can't be helped. You made a mistake by adopting me'' Danni muttered.

Tony pushed the breaks hard, making the lonely car behind him honk loudly, before passing him. Tony pulled the car onto the side of the road and turned the motor off. ''I can't help you?'' He asked disbelievingly.

She shook her head. ''I'm broken. Don't you get that?'' Danni turned her head to look at him. ''I only hurt people. It proved just this afternoon''

''What happened, Danni?''

''I attacked the girl. I don't know why'' She shrugged.

''I don't believe that''

''Your problem''



''Danni, tell me what's bothering you! Talk to me!'' Tony pleaded. ''I am not going to leave you. Never, no matter what it is or what you say!''

''That right there is the fucking problem!'' Danni blurted. And then there was silence, as Tony watched as her eyes filled themselves with tears.


''No matter what I do. No matter how I screw up!'' She made large movement with her hands and arms to be more dramatic. ''You won't leave me, take Mia and leave me! None of you do! I hate it! I can't stand it! Why can't you just see?''

''See what?''

''That I am trouble. I am dangerous. A lost cause. Please, just leave me!'' Danni cried, tears falling. wanting him to understand, so badly.

Tony's heart broke at her words. He knew that her original had broken Danni, but he had been determined to glue the pieces back together, of course there would always be scars, but she would be one piece again. But this... this were words for someone who was far more gone, then he thought. Words of someone who—

''Show me your arms'' Tony said abruptly.


''Phillipa, show me your arms!''

''What ar—'' She was interrupted as she gasped in pain, when her Tony grabbed her left and pulled up her coat and shirt sleeve, further then he normally saw. ''Dammit, let me go!''

''Dio dannazione! Danielle Phillipa DiNozzo'' His voice actually cracked, as he looked down at her arm. It looked like a battlefield of scars and older cuts and recent cuts. He knew many of the cuts. From before he even met her or after he met her, but before he adopted her. But some were so recent that Tony knew what had happened in the bathroom this afternoon. The weren't just neat horizontal lines anymore like before, but they went everywhere. And to Tony's shock, far more deeper then she had ever cut. Even that night when he found her in his bathroom.

''Can you see now?'' Danni asked quietly, her tears falling from her face.

''The only thing I see is that you're hurting. More than I thought'' Tony shook his head, blaming himself.

''Let me leave, or you leave and you won't have to see it again. Please, just leave me?'' Danni was almost begging now.

''And I see that I am going to ask for leave again and be with you for the two weeks that you're home. I am going to figure out how to help you. If it takes long than that, which I know it will, so be it. I will do just that. Family before work. I'm going to help you, even if it's the last thing I do'' Tony vowed.

''I already told you, you ca—'' but he didn't let her.

''I'm going to prove to you, that you. Are. Not. too broken or too damaged'' Tony told her. He turned back to steering wheel and started his car again. ''And I don't care you don't believe a word I said, but you will. Someday'' He started driving again, looking over his shoulder if he could go, but fortunately the road looked abandoned now, so he steered onto the road and drove. it was quiet for the rest of the ride.

Now and then Tony could feel the hesitance, the sadness, Danni's eyes on him, but they never stayed long enough for him to turn and looked back. And Tony kept staring at the road. It was calm. Too calm for his liking. Then again, it was his decision to go this way. It would take longer to get home. He was hoping that she would say some more, instead of hiding away in her room.

Danni's mind was reeling. She hated this. She hated disappointing him. She hated being right about being what she was. She hated herself for many reasons. Right now it was for feeling angry and hurt because she had disappointed some. Someone she cared about. She had caring about someone. It was too damn complicated and nothing but trouble.

Taking a quiet breath, she dared another glance at Tony wanting him to look back. She wanted to see something in his eyes. Anything to make her want to believe that what she was thinking was wrong, that there was a chance of being good enough, that everything was going to be alright. Holding her stare, slowly, she saw Tony turn to meet her eyes.

But he never did.

Her attention was suddenly taken past his face.

Tony saw her eyes widen and she screamed his name. But he didn't register anything fast enough. Her voice was cut off by a sound of a car horn, the sound of tires on the concrete street. He tried to turn and look at what was happening, but he only felt a impact and the searing pain, like his whole body was on fire.

And then there was nothing...

First chapter end like this! Yes, hate me for it, I dare you! XD I love writing cliffy's, but trust me I hate to read them just as much as you do. haha

Anyway, tell me your thoughts in a review. They are greatly appreciated :) And i promise an update somewhere in following 7 days!

x Leonie