Author has written 36 stories for Harry Potter, SWAT Kats, X-Men: Evolution, West Wing, Teen Titans, Criminal Minds, Final Fantasy VIII, DC Superheroes, Justice League, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Gundam Wing/AC. BIG NOTICE: I've currently taken on a challenge as part of the "30_angsts" Live Journal community. The premise is that I had to pick a pairing and write 30 fics according to a pre-set list of themes. My pairing is Robin/Speedy from Teen Titans so expect to see a lot of Rob/Speedy in the next few weeks and not a huge lot of other stuff, not that you guys have seen much other than this pairing for a while and for that I apologize. Some of the fics for this challenge will be written as stand alones but others will be written in a chapter story titled "30 Angsts: The Live Journal Challenge" I know my Harry Potter fans are already extremely upset with me for not updating in such a long time, please just bear with me because I just can't write on any of my HP plots right now. BIG NOTICE NUMBER TWO: some of the short ficlets I had started and never finished are going to be removed. I've had people who liked everyone of my projects but right now I'm not doing them justice by letting them set and rot on the site while more and more people find them and request updates which I just can't give. I'm so sorry guys. Thanks guys, I love each of you and if the fic you like doesn't get deleted then I promise I will work on it again. Just thought you guys might like to know a little about the crazy author that is me. Well where to begin? The darker side of human emotion and ability fascinates me. It's amazing how far humans will go to cause pain to others. What fascinates me more however, is the human ability to overcome anything no matter how bad. I've loved comic books since I was a little kid and even though men can't fly under their own power there are still everyday heroes. "Because that’s what heroes do. They don’t just fly in the air and shoot laser out of their eyes. They’re not flaunting endlessly in parades or magazines. Heroes are there to help people. Heroes know how hard life can be, but they accept the obstacles of an everyday life. They try to change the bad into good and give hope when all seems lost. And a hero will always protect the people that he or she loves the most of all." The quote comes from Rose Eclipse's story entitled "Acceleration". This quote pretty much sums up every view I've ever had about what heroes are supposed to be. Now a little bit about my interests. I've already stated that I love comic books. My favorite comic books include Green Lantern, The Outsiders, and Justice League. My favorite book series is the Coldfire Trilogy by C.S.Friedman. I get my name from the title. I love it. My favorite show is "Criminal Minds"! Oh my god AMAZING SHOW! Watch it, I can't guarantee you will love it but there is a good chance you will. I love movies and music. My favorite bands are metal bands like KoRn and System of a Down. My favorite movies include Casablanca, Gosford Park, and Sleepy Hollow. Harry Potter is great. I love Harry Potter. Hooray for Harry Potter. Now onto the fanfiction! I hope you are still willing to read after that thrilling run-through of my life. Thanks in advance. Status of Projects: The Silver Bullet Arc: ON HIATUS. The series of Final Fantasy VIII fics I'm writing all have to do with Irvine Kinneas. They are written with my obviously dark tones in mind. Some of them are connected to each other and some are not. The order of the ones that are connected is currently as follows Falling Alone -- Silver Bullet Story 1 Notice: Of Friends or Country? Is the only story that is NOT part of the silver bullet arc. My two big Harry Potter pieces, on HIATUS till I get a my Potter muse back in line. I'm so sorry but my brain is caught in the comic book gutter right now. "Unwilling Apprentice" fans, you guys must either love or hate me since Teen Titans and DC comics have been my solo focus of late. I will find some time for you guys I promise. "Some Changes are Meant to Be" fans: This story is currently on HIATUS till I figure out if I want it to be Romy or Rietro. "Racing the Clock" Fans: On HIATUS for now as well, unless I get inspired. In brightest day, Oath of the Green Lantern Corp |