Author has written 65 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Misc. Anime/Manga, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yuugi, Final Fantasy VII, Trigun, Harry Potter, Equilibrium, Artemis Fowl, Pirates of the Caribbean, Bleach, Spirited Away, and Final Fantasy I-VI. As of 11.22.06, I have removed all songfics in compliance with 's guidelines. Since most of them weren't any good, well, hopefully no one will notice. If you desperately want to read them, please go to my website: http:// I am still alive, and still writing, I swear. Yes, I still plan to write a sequel to Anax Tristis. That's in the pipeline once I get done writing all of the Christmas stories I owe people. I apologize for being so terribly slow, but I recently returned to school to pursue my degree... well, and if you've ever gone after a hard science degree, you know how this sad, sad song goes. I'm doing my best. Current sources of SQUEE: Final Fantasy XII, Bleach I still love and write bits for: Gundam Wing, Equilibrium, and anything else that tickles my fancy I participate in the following RPGs. If you like story games, I encourage you to take a look and perhaps join in! Landel's Damned: http:///landels_damned/ Black Lions: http:///bl_scenes/ Final Heaven: http:///f_h_scenes/ Hero Network: http:/// |