![]() Author has written 2 stories for Naruto, High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D, and No Game, No Life/ノーゲーム・ノーライフ. Just a traveler who seek new things and give my opinion about it. I have been lurking in many places. At first, i was inhaling stories from this site, swallow without chewing everything as i found interest the difference with Canon counterpart. Months and years of reading made me grew a taste and realized the stupidity of some in my Favorites list. Thus i deleted and keep some. I migrate to LN site and my taste was refined further. Then as i grew bored years later i tried lurking to another sites before back to this site again. I finally understand, that no site has perfect record of good stories because they always have trash among them. The trash part was depends on each people's own tastes, of course. For little example: SB, has 70% stories about despair, suffering, bad decision and everything decided based on LOGIC. 20% would be stories with stupid decision that used just because the story need a new/original plot. And 10% is the actually good ones. SV, has 50% stories focused on being Original, 30% about despair, suffering and edgy stuff, 15% about LOGIC, and only 5% has wholesome quality to read. AO3, 75% of them are stories about fetishes, 20% of wish fulfillment and 5% of writing practice before export it to another site. Ffnet, 95% of Wish fulfillment, bringing forth Author deep desire to the surface. And 5% with stories that trully good. They are not perfect. Favorite cliche: Any arrival in Isekai, misunderstood Protag beat their enemies, funny petty revenge, comedy romcom situation, epic hardwork payed handsomely epic. Dislike cliche: Lost past memory surfaced/remembered, edgy past life, overdramatic tragic past life, Protag barely win even though OP, insta-harem out of nowhere, stupid decision just for the sake of plot. It is rare to see a Self-insert or Original Character who are not already 'broken' or a moron nowadays. In my journey, i have found (AKA, my bitching list) : 1. Good story, bad story, awesome story, and totally shit story too. And some of them has statement which i quote ' this is a FAN fiction, if you don like it, then don't read', yeah, something like that. It's itchy that i want to respond back with "We just give our comment (sometimes whine) about your story! Can't stand it?! Then make it better or stop post your shit! " 2. A story with eye-catching summary and has promising look in early chapters. Oh look it has ore than 10K words per chapter too! "This will be a long good time to spend hehehe". Then in the middle story, *CRACK* sound my heart get shattered after found it was a Gay story. 3. Crossover harem stories where the OCs/SIs have women with best figure (read : slim waist and have big BOOBS), while the rest Heroines given 'to who need it' like a piece, unwanted part of toy. 4. Crossover stories where the MC/OC/SI can swoon any heroine with just one glance. 5. Many Authors always equip (Dress up) their hero with finger-less gloves with colorful hair-color and think it badass. Also cursing, don't forget about it. They thought adding curses in dialog will make their MC more adult and cool. 6. Authors (mostly the unpopular ones) who ranting about how they angry and dissapointed about the current anime/manga/game/etc's of original Author, said the original Author are stupid and didn't creative or innovative enough, before post a what-if version. How irony. They should buy mirror before posting their stories. Were they think with doing that, they gave a proof how they can create a better story? Lol. Yeah right. With same plot and event... Hah, very original! 7. People that still can't tell the difference about a story, and a whine. They blatanty mock the original characters then comparing them with 'their own' character. 8. Authors write what they only want to happen. Using rude words and think it will make their speech more badass. Using the same plot like other fic on the same arc and the difference only the main hero ability, power, skill or familly. Basically OC in disguise. 9. A smart gay and fujoshi...or woman who loves BL. They put a summary where a male character gender was bended then paired for the main hero (Sometimes the opposite). There is nothing wrong, but it is distubring because they don't change the bended character's NAME. Those creature with only BL in their mind already manipulated many readers without knowing what they read. Instead focusing on the so called 'name', they only want to see how different when you put a word 'fem' at the original male character. It's a gay story with thick make up. Fellow normals, THOSE CREATURES BRAINWASHED YOU! 10. Author that made divine beings looked totally idiot! We know in canon where the main Heroes have shity life that shapes to how badass they become. Knowing that, those Authors saw the opportunity to make an AU verse of it. They tend to bend the original story to be darker, torture the MC either with extremely bad situation then at the peak of their misserable life, the Author throw a divine being(lol) aka Gods and tell the Heroes how pitiful they are and respect/sympathy their shitty life before decided to give them a new life. They, Gods(lol), promising MCs a peaceful new life, a place where most people are normal mortals without super power. Good for them, right? But, here is the funny thing. Why would the Author made the Gods(lol) to order the Heroes to take weapons, spell books, rare items, or an instruction of 'How to awake your previous live's special power in place where non-super power people live arround you, for idiot'. Don't they know that's not the 101 how to live in Peace. Why would they give something that have potential of mass destruction and disturb the peace? What a hypocrite. I know this is FANfiction but at least put some LOGIC in your story. Even if the story itself placed in a world where logic doesn't applied there! 11. Stories where mostly made of LOGIC and the bitter fact of life. Basically a fictional story met commonsense and bad luck. A story how the MC have more failures than success at everything. Geez, where are the hope and dreams? Why they love a story about misery and depression so much? 12. Stories that have their culture brutality changed from their own original countries. "Ohayou, Hermione-chan". "Ohayou, Harry-kun". "Hey, let's kill all the Slytherin because they hurt my pride in last lesson". "What a good idea, all hail Tang sect!" ""All hail Tang sect!"" This ladies and gentlemen, caused because the Author is either weaboo or too much reading Xianxia. 13. Stories with too much originality in it, too original that become weird and killed the story itself. The Author was trying too hard to introduce something new beyond the norm knowing the readers demanding something new. That or maybe because the Author tried to influence their weird taste to the readers. 14. Story from Japanese Light novel where the MC's personality overwritten with guy/girl based on American tv. Too much talking and explaining where most of the conflict was over with MC barely win. And even though supposed to be OP, the Author prefer hardship life so they nerfed the MC. That or the villain got owered up. 15. This should be the first thing that i mention but keep forgot about it. So many people using word 'Shocked' instead more simple one like 'Surprised' in their fic. 16. Is it me or Author nowadays don't know the difference between "Your" and "You're"? I mean, it is obvious that "Your" is a word used for a possesion of things for subject "You", like "Mine" or "Ours" from "I" and "We". Meanwhile "You're" made from two words, "You are". Hmm... Or, was it because auto-correct? 17. This is so obvious yet some still don't know. Self insert (SI) story is about the Author inserted to the story itself. Mostly because they want to be with their waifus/husbandos like any other degenerates in the world. Usually inserted into Anime, Manga, LN, crossover, or a story stolen from others. Still, the authors themselves wrote it so there is no f-ing reason to NOT know about the world/work they are in! "Oh I forgot about the plot, time to improvise" How many cell in your brain that working? YOU wrote the story yourself, spare some minutes to google it. Moron! "I don't want to make a butterfly effect". blah blah blah excuses blah blah blah NTR the waifus blah blah blah some edgy stuff for power ups. "Damn you BROB, i dont want to be isekai'd in the first place!" Then don't write the story if you don't want it, you stupid shit! 18. This also f-ing obvious. Original Character (OC) Is a character where the author add into the story to expand the fiction work's world. Usually, there are four job of OC when they created. Main character. Or usually called OC-SI or SI-OC, whatever you want. It's about the Author have appearance or for some case, a mental issue, so they create a character that they deep down want to be. Some just want to see their OC suffer just for sick pleasure. I mean, why write if you don't want to be them, right? Ally of MC. Soon to be Waifus/Husbandos, Bestfriends, Homies. No need detail for this because they will be forgotten. Boring because don't have visual appearance so... meh. Villain. I appear, I'm Evil, i have background to explain why im evil, then got beaten the crap out by MC. Mob. Came, gave info, gone. (To be continue) |